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ORDINANCE, NHS. AN 01 DIKANGELregulating the construction,.alteration or repair of buildings, fixing the fire limits and building districts, creating the office of building inspector, regulating dangerous buildings, regulating and providing for the equipment of certain buildings with fire escapes and other aids in the protection of life and property from fire, providing for building., permits and inspection, regulating the use of streets in connection with building construction, repair of damage to any street or other public property by building operations, imposing penalties and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith and declaring an emergency. THE CITY COM- ISSION Off' 'TRE CITY OP PORT ANGELES DO , DAIN AS FOLLOWS:. Section I. DUTY 01 BUILDING INSPECTOR. It shall be the duty of the building inspector to visit or cause to be visited each house, building or structure which may be in the course of construction or alteration within the city limits of the Cuty of Port Angeles, and to see that each of said building or structure is being erected constructed or altered according to the provisions of this ordinance. Section 2. DANGEROUS BUILLINGS. Vhenever any building or part thereof on account of any cause or defect is dangerous, or where it is unsafe for the purpose for which it is used, or in danger of being set on fire from any defect in its construction or condition, the said inspector shall notify the owner or his agent in writing, specify- ing wherein such danger consists, or Wherein such building is unsafe or defective and if such agent or owner neglects to pro- ceed at once to put such building in a safe condition or forth -. with to pull down, said owner or agent shall be subject to a fine of not less than 410.00 or more than $100.00 for each and every day such violation shall continue after three days from the ISO service of such notice. Section 3. PERT IT. "hen any person,firm or corporation desires to erect, alter or repair, raze, or remove any structure within the corporate limits of the City of Port Angeles, such person, firm or corporation be- fore beginning work on same shall make formal a,Jplication to the building inspector for a permit to do the work. ,iinor repairs may be made to buildings in the second build- ing district without securing a permit or giving notice to the building inspector, provided that the repairs are not in violation of any of the provisions of thesordinance and provided that no- thing is done to impair the strength of the building or effect its egress, light, ,air or ventilation. _ - Section 4. P8RIT' X13. • No permit provided for in the ordinance shall be issued except upon presentation of ft receipts from the City Treasurer showing the payment to him of the fee for issuing such permit and the fee for issuing such permit shall be as follows. $0.50 Where the estimated cost is more than 4100.00 and less than X500.00 41.00 Where the estimated cost is more than 1,500.00 and less than $1,000.00. 40.50 For each additional X500.00 or fraction thereof up to and including .10,000.00. 41.00 For each additional )2500.00 above $10,000.00. No permit shall be valid for a period of more than six months after the date of its issuance unless actual construction in good faith is, commenced before the expiration of the six month period and continued without intermission thereafter. • Section 5. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. All applications for permits for buildings, in the City of Port Angeles shall be accompanied by two sets of printed drawings and specifications fully and definitely describing the extent and nature of the work for which said permit is desired, provided that the building inspector may issue a permit without plans and specifications being filed., when a specifica- tion written oh the, permit will describe the work contemplated in sufficient detail to enable him to determine whether or not it complies with all of the provisions of thObuilding code. Provided further that no wall, building or part thereof or no enlargement or addition or alteration made to an existing wall, structure or building costing more than $100.00 in the first building district until duplicate plans, showing the details of the proposed work, accompanied by duplicate specifi- cations covering materials to be used, have been submitted to and approved by the building inspector and a permit issued for the proposed construction or alteration. One set of the approved plans and specifications shall be retained by the build- ing inspector and the other set shall be kept at the building during its construction. No change from the approved plans shall be made until revised •plans and specifications have been submitted to and approved by the building inspector. "uilding permits imply a license to occupy one third of the public street and sidewalk ithxnediately in front of the lots to be built upon and to be used in connection with the actual building operation_ and it shall be unlawful to occupy any part of the street or walk before building operations have commenced or after the unlawful to place upon immediate use and when shall be placed within sa=.e have been closed. It shall be the streets anything not required for the building is under roof all materials the lot lines and the street cleaned up and put in first class condition. Any damage of any nature to the pavement, walks, curbs, catch basins or any part thereof • caused by the building operations shall be replaced in first class condition, satisfactory to the City Engineer. Section 6. NUIZER OF DISTlfTS. There shall be two building districts in the City of Port Angeles, named and defined as follows. The First Building District and the Second Building District. Section 7. CLASSES OF BUILDI GS. There shall be three classes of buildings named as follows; Fireproof Buildings, Mill Buildings and Frame Buildings. Except as otherwise provided, all buildings hereafter constructed in any building district shall be of the class herein required for the respective district. Buildings in the first building district shall be either fireproof, or mill buildings not? ore than four stories.rn Apeibt, Buildings in the second building district may be frame, mall buildings. or fireproof buildings. Section 8. DEFINITIONS. ASSEMBLY HALL. Includes all buildings or parts of build- ings nor included under theatres, where 100 or more persons assemble for entertainment, instruction, worship or dining pur- poses. AREA WAY. An open sub - surface space adjacent to a build- ing for lighting or ventilating cellar or basement. BEARING WALL. A wall which supports any load other than . its own weight. CEMENT PLASTER. A plaster composed of one part portland cement not more than three parts sand and not more than ten per cent by volume of hydrated lime, with hair or other binder when necessary. COURT. Any part of a lot or the space above it which is unoccupied from the ground to the sky, or from an intermediate floor to the sky. The term court shall not include vent shafts. CURTAIN WALL. Any exterior non - bearing wall between columns or piers, which is not supported by beams or girders at each story. EXTERIOR WALL. Any outside wall or vertical enclosure of a building other than a party wall. FIRE DOOR. A door frame or sill which will successfully resist a fire for one . hour in accordance with the specifications of the National Board of Fire Underwriters.. FIRE WINDOW. A window frame or sill which will successfully resist a fire for one hour in accordance with the specifications of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. FIRE DOOR(Automatic). A dodr which is arranged to close When released by the action of heat. FIREPROOF LATERIALS. Are building materials which shall in addition to all ether requirements be fire resisting, in- combustible, non - fusible and water proof under conflagration. conditions. Under such conditions they shall not consume, disintergrate or distill, but shall retain their normal forms and positions together with adequate strength for the purpose-tor which such materials are used. Conflagration conditions shall be considered to be a con- tinuous heat lasting four hours, between the temperatures of 1500 } y` a i'ia and 1700 degrees F. followed b flood of. ter for :five minutes applied under average fir hose conditions. Fireproof materials are; hard burned brick, dense tile, terra cotta, mass concrete, reinforced concrete, locked or riveted steel finish, wood finish, covered with locked or riveted metal, wire glass in metal frames, steel and iron sections when fireproofed. HOTEL. Any building or portion thereof designed or used for supplying food or shelter to residents or guests and containing more than 15 sleeping rooms above the first story. INC0uBUSTIBLE : {.ATEHIALS. Shall mean materials, which, when used for building purposes shall not melt, distill or support combustion, but may loose their normal strength when subjected to a heat of 1000 degrees F. for one hour followed by a floc of water for one minute. Incombustible materials are; wrought, rolled or at metals when not fireproofedIstone, cement mortar, plaster or metal lath and metal studding. PARAPET MALL. That portion of any wall which extends above the roof line and bears no load. PARTY ;,ALL. A wall used or adapted for joint service be- tween buildings. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Shall include all buildings accessible to the public and in which people may congregate for civic, political, educational, religious, amusement or transportation purposes. THEATRE. Any building or part of a building resigned or used for theatrical or operatic purposes, with accommodation for an audience of more than 150 persons and having a permanent; stage, upon which movable scenery and theatrical appliances are employed, including also motion picture theatres either with or without a stage and having capacity as above stated. Section 9. BUILDING DISTRICTS. ' The first building district shall include all of the following described property: • 41hd 7Tiir g.Ap 1 half (Ni) of Blocks Thirty' -three (33), Thirty -two (32) afl o Mock Fifteen (15) and the South Eighty feet (S. 8.0') and "the East Fifty feet (E. 50') of Block i'`ourteen (14) of the Townsite of Port Angeles. The West One Hundred feet (W. 1001) of Block Seventeen (17) and all of Block Sixteen (16) Norman R. Smith Sub., and the South Eighty feet (S. 801) of Block One (1), Tide lands West of Laurel Street. The South Eighty feet (801) of Block One (1), Tide Lands East of Laurel Street and the South Eighty feet (S. 801) of Lots Eight (8) and Nine (9), Block Two (2), Tide Lands East of Laurel Street. The Second Building District shall include all of that property within "the Corporate 1iPits of the 'City 'of Port Angeles not included Within the limits of the above described First Build- ing District. N • proper not' i.1.i g strict. Section 10... EXISTING BUILLrINGS. Any existing frame building within the first building district which may hereafter, be damaged by fire, decay or other- wise to an amount greater than one half of its present value, exclusive of foundation shall not be repaired or rebuilt but shall, be removed. No frame building shall be moved from without to within the first building district nor from one place to another within said district. Section 11. Every building hereafter erected or enlarged within the first building district, shall conform to the follow- tel �- 1',its .f e above clud eXee, ing requirements. Section 12. WALLS. Exterior walls,and the walls of all exterior and party line courts shall be constructed wholly of fireproof material. The walls of all exterior courts exceeding an area of 500 square feet, or exceeding a width of 20 feet, s1a1i be of fireproof material. All exterior walls, including exterior court walls, shall be built from the foundation to a point three feet above the roof line and be properly coped, except walls which face on a street and are finished with a fireproof cornice. The walls of interior and exterior courts, except party line courts, and stair and elevator walls, shall be built of not Less than 1 -3/4 inch plank doubled, with broken joints, or of 2 x 4 inch studs spiked together as required for partitions. Such walls shallte covered' on the exterior with incombustible materials and have fireproof openings. Such walls shall be continuous from two feet above the main roof to the bottom of the court And shall not be cut off at the floor or ceiling levels.. - Bearing walls of brick snail not be less than the,thickness given in the following table. 8th 12 7th 12 12 6th 12 . 12 12 5th 16 12 12 12 4th .16 ,16 12 12 12 3rd 16 16 -. 16 12 `.. 12 12 2nd 16 16 16 16 12 12 " 12 1st 20 20 16 16 16 12 ; 12 12. Basement 20.,. 20, 20 20. 16»' 16 12 12 • Stories 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 The figures given in the foregoing table ars in inches. The thickness of plain concrete walls shall be 87; of the thickness required for brick walls, whether independent or used for party walls. Reinforced walls shall be 75N'of the thickness . required for brick walls. Interlocking tile walls shall be the same thickness as that required for brick walls. In reinforced concrete construction, where all of the loads are carried by,columns and pilasters to footings or other satisfactory foundations, the outside curtain walls may be of reinforced concrete not less than six inches thick. Section 13. COLUMNS. AND BEAMS. All interior loads shall be carried to the foundation bj' walls or piers of fireproof materials or by columns, girders or beams of wood, reinforced concrete, iron or steel. Wood columns shall not be less than ten inches in least dimention.Woo d beams shall not be less than ten inches in the least dimention. Wood joists shall not be less than two inches in least dimention. Wood stair carriages shall not be less than three inches least dimention. Wood risers and treads shall not be less than two inches. Steel girders and steel or iron columns which support masonry wails, other than those facing upon a street, shall be protected by at least two inches of fireproof material, all other steel or iron columns and girders shall be protected by at least one inch of metal lath and cement plaster or its equi- valent. All wood posts shall be superimposed, throughout all stories on metal caps with brackets, or shall have the ends connected by properly designed steel or iron caps, pintle and base plate. Wood bolsters may be used to support roof girders only. Posts shall never rest directly on floor timbers or on masonry foundations. Section 14. FLOOtS. All floors shall consist of an upper and under floor. Under flooring shall be of splined or tongued and grooved planks, not more than six inches wide, dressed to a thickness of not less than 1 -3/4 inches and spiked to the joists, or the under floor shall be constructed of not less than 2 x 4 inchmenbers, sized on one Bide and one edge, placed on edge and solidly spiked together. On the under floor shall be placed one layer of fifteen pound waterproof paper, lapped and turned up at all walls, parti- tions and columns on which may be placed the finish floor of tongued and grooved flooring not more than six inches wide, nor less than 7/8 inches thick and laid crosswise with the under floor. The finish and under floor shall not extend closer than 2 inch to the walls which are parallel. to the under floor. The 2 inch space shall be filled with oakum or other elastic waterproof material. Satisfactory fire stops shall be provided to prevent M _ r 'the ,passage of • fire through the floor at ..the. columns. Other kinds of floors may be permitted where required for special uses, provided they have the strength, fire resisting qualities required by this code. • All roof planking shall be splined or tongued and grooved not more than six inches wide spiked to the beams and dressed to a thickness of not less than 1 -3/4 inches, or'it shall not be ' less than 2 x 4 inch members, sized on one side and one edge and spiked solidly together. Section 15. PARTITIONS. Partitions shall be constructed in one of the following methods Of two thicknesses of tongued and grooved plank, not more than six inches wide, dressed to a thickness of not less than 1 -3/4 inches, placed vertically with broken joints and solidly nailed together Of one thickness of good material des- cribed above, then lathed and plastered solid on both sides of the partition Laminated of studding, not more than 2 x 4 inches, placed vertically with edges to face of partition, joints broken studs solidly spiked together and lathed and plastered solid • on both sides of the partition, or covered with some other in- combustible material. Section 16. JOISTS. Floor and roof joists shall have a bearing of at least four inches at each end and shall not be less than two inches thick and of sufficient size to carry the loads safely. ' Joists carrying partitions shall be doubled or otherwise sufficiently strengthened. Joists having a span of eight feet or more shall be bridged. Rows of bridging shall not be more than eight feet apart. Cross bridging. shall be 1 x 3 inches a4nless. the live load is over 75 pounds per square foot, when the bridging shall be 2 x 3 inches. Floors and roof joists sha11'have a solid fire stop of masonry over all beams, girders, bearing walls and partitions and when partitions rest directly over each other and cross wood floor joists at right angles the partition shall be ruri down between the joists and rest on the top plate of the partition below. Such fire stops shall be ,built solid between the floor • joists in a manner to effectually cut off draft openings through the partitions. Partitions in the top story shall carry through full size to the under side of the roof timbers to make an effectual fire stop. Section 17. BUTLER R00F1S. Walls and floors in places where heat is generated shall be fire proof. All door openings shall be protected by approved automatic fire doors. The ceilings of such places, if not fire proof, shall have metal lath and cement plaster applied directly to the wood surface leaving no air space.. Boilers shall not be allowed in the sidewalk area abutting upon the property. Section 18. ROOF COVERING. All roof covering shall be sheet metal, tar and gravel, asbestos tile or dense tile laid in waterproof material or other incombustible roofing. Section 19. OUTSIDE WOOLWORK. No wood work shall be used ' on., the outside of exterior walls except window and door frames, doors sash and .store fronts. No such exterior wood work shall project more than four inches beyond the building, line. Interior.trim and finish may be. of wood, provided they form no concealed air space. No woodwork shall be used above the main roof unless it is constructed as required for partitions and covered with 30 pounds cog asbestos paper and sheet metal or metal lath and cement plaster, except water towers and tanks when not enclosed. Section 20. BEAWS AND JOISTS IN PARTY WALLS. Every wood beam or joist in party or fire walls shall be separated from any other beam or joist in the wall by at least six inches of solid masonry. Such separation may be obtained by staggering the beams or. joists, corbeling, or by the use of approved steel hangers, properly anchored in the wall and arranged to make the :beams self releasing. No wall -shall be corbelled • more than two inches for this purpose. If the beam ends are opposite each other in the wall the separation shall not be less than eight inches. Section 21. SUPPORTS FOR JOISTS. Trimmer and header beams over four feet in length shall be hung in. approved metal stirrups or 'hangers. Every wooden beam except header and tail beams shall have bearings of at .least four inches. The ends ()fall wooden floor and roof beams which rest on walls shall be cut to a bevel of at least four.'inches in their depth. Neither end of a floor or roof beam shall be supported on a partition, except in frame buildings. Section rte. ANCHORS F0.1 aEA :S AND JOISTS. Wall plates and boxes of sufficient area to prevent dry rot,, and of an approved self releasing type shall be provided at the ends of floor beams and joists where they rest on walls. The ends of beams and joists where they rest on walls shall be treated with creosote or other approved preservative. All girders and beams shall be preferably single stick, timbers, but if double stick timbers are used they shall be properly bolted together and contact faces shall be treated to prevent.decay. Where girders meet at columns, they shall be fitted around Cokow s to and butted up close. The ends of beams shall be held in . f place by steel or iron straps, spiked, bolted or lag screwed on.their sides, unlees the post caps have sides.projecting up- wards which can be lag screwed to the beams. Joists shall rest on top of girders or beams. Where steel or iron hangers are absolutely necessary the ends of joists -shall be fitted in as well as possible and any interstices between beams and joists shall be filled vrith a preservative compound. Joists shall be anchored to walls with steel anchors at i • intervals of not more than six'feet and where joists cross.support- ing beams the joists shall be butted and fastened.with: steel straps, or lapped and effectually spiked, And strapped by steel straps of the same size and distance apart and in the same manner as the wall anchors. Where beams and girders run through, a building from wall to wall they shall be anchored to the walls and fastened to each other by steel straps. Each tier of joists running parallel to enclosing walls shall have approved strap anchors dovetailed into the joists diagonally and crossing not .less than, our joists. Section 23. WORKIItG STRESSES. In calculating the strength of beams and columns th.e per- missible stresses:establishedin the following table shall:' be used and the net cross section and not the nominal cross section shall be considered. 5SI © extreme fibre ' compr°comp' shear With stress And with cross grain direct tension with grain, grain ,grain Douglas fir 1600 . 1600 400 200 Spruce 1000 800 300 130 Western Hemlock 1400. 1400 350 180 Douglas fir '. 100 0 Spruce 130 Western Hemlock The above are the maximum allowable stresses in pounds per square inch. All buildings having wooden beams and columns shall be so designed, that the stresses will not exceed the allowable stresses of this code. Section 24. LAnII ATED FLOORS. All single span laminated floors shall be free from joints. horizontal. shear . • ber ing 150 Laminated floors which are built continuous over more than one 1NL support may be used when computed with a bending moment of $— subject to the following requirements. At least 50% of the timbers must pass over the supports to one or the other of the quarter points on the adjacent spans. No splices will be permitted in the middle one third of the span and not more than two splices at the same point at any one foot width of floor. Every stick of such floor shall be nailed at least every 18 inches and twice at each end with nails of such length that they will pass completer through two sticks and half way through the third. Section 25. TFUSSES. a r' Trusses made of timber not over two inches in the least dimention may be used, provided all members, joints and bracing thereof are in accordance with. the principles bf .statics. No truss joint shall place dependence on the combined action of two systems of stress transfer, where one system may be :Wade useless by timber shrinkage. All plans for truss construction; when submitted to the building inspector, shall be accompanied by strain sheets. Section 26. ALLOWABLE FLOOR A1:D HOOF LOADS. l'he minimum stresses to be resisted by any structure shall fio be calculated by addingAthe weight of the structure, called dead load, the following super - imposed live loans, uniformly distri- buted in pounds per square foot of horizontal area, except that the specified live loads, but not the roof or sidewalk loads, may be reduced by 20% in buildings of fireproof construction. Auditoriu:..s -tith fixed seats 70 Lobbies, passage ways, stairways and auditoriums or places of assembly without fixed seats 100 Dance halls 100 Theatre stage 150 School class rooms or rooms for similar use 60 corridors, labooiatories or similar public parts of public buildings 80 Dwellings first floor 40 Dwellings above first floor 30 Private rooms or suites in hotels, apartment and :tenaraent houses, clubs, hospitals and places of detention 50 Office buildings first floor 100 Office buildings above first floor 50 Grand stands F 100 All stairs 100 Work shops, factories and rnerchantile establish- 100 Roofs men s 30 Sidewalks 150 In any building where the maxirnurn floor load is more than 150 pounds per square foot, the sidewalk shall be designed to • carry safely such maximum load. Wind pressure 25 pounds per square foot of exposed surface. Joists, beams, girders, columns ar_d walls supporting the roof shall be designed to carry the full loads. In factories, stores, warehouses or similar commercial buildings the live load to be supported by walls, columns and foundation shall be assumed at not less than 85% of the full live load of the top floor, 80 of the next lower floor and 75% of each succeeding lower floor.. In all other buildings the live loads to be supported by walls, co:lurrin- and foundation, shall be assumed at not less than 8570 of the full live load of the top floor and 5,c. less for each succeeding lower floor until a ratio of 50% is reached which shall be used for all succeeding lower floors. Section 2a, SOIL PRESSURE. ALL07ABLE. l'he permissible loads on natural earth shall not be less than the following in tons per square foot. Quick sand and alluvial soil Soft clap 1 Ordinary clay and sand together in layers wet and spongy 2 Clay and fine sand, firm and dry 3 Sand compact and well cemented - 4 Gravel and coarse sand well packed " 5 Hard panand shale 6 Section as. TI%iBER PILES. The maximum"on,a timber pile shall not exceed 500 lbs. per square inch and .the Safe.load ,shall be_determined by the following formula.' • 2511 2l"TH L ' S plus .1 Steam hammer L x S plus 1. Drop hammer L is the safe load in lbs. W is weight of hammer in lbs. H is fall of hammer in feet. S is penetration of pile under last blow in inches, assumed to be sensible at approximately a uniform rate. Piles shall only be used to support footings where the footings are in the ground and when the piles will be cut off below the point of permanent saturation. Section 28. UNIT STRESS ON Ir.ASONRY. The following unit compression stresses, in lbs. per sq. inch shall not be exceeded in load bearing masonry laid in portland cement mortar. Clay and sand lime brick, medium grad; crushing strength at least 2000 lbs. per sq. inch'-.. Concrete brick, crushing strength at least 1500 lbs. per sq. inch. • Solid concrete bloc• ks 200. ollow concrete tile or r� nf block on gross area 100. Hollow clay tile, cells horLZ°on gross do area 80. Hollow clay tile cells"vertljao n gross area 120.4 Rubble stone masonry 140 O Cut stone masonry 400 fl— Section 30. UNIT STRESS IRON AtD STEEL. The following unit stresses in lbs. per sq. inch shall not be exceeded. • Tension, net section. rolled section 16000 Direct compression rolled steel 16000 Bending in extreme fibre rolled shapes, built p sections 16000 Section 31. UNIT STRESS REINF. STEEL AND CONCRETE The following working stresses in lbs. per sq. inch shall not be exceeded in reinforcing steel nor in concrete having an ultimate crushing strength of 2000 lbs. per sq. inch. Structural steel grade 16000 Intermediate grade 18000 Hard grade 18000 Cold drawn steel wire in tension 18000 Structural steel in tension 16000 Steel in diagonal tension 16000 Direct compression on gross area of plain concrete piers whose height does not exceed three times the least width 500 lbs. Extreme fibre stress, bending,' concrete in compression 800 lbs. Extreme fibre stress in concrete adjacent to supports in continuous beards 900 lbs. bond stress plai.n•.bars 80 lbs. Bond stress deformed bars 100 lbs. Shearing stress on eon- . imum • Crete alone 40 lbs. Max /shear. stress where web steel is adequately anchored 120 lbs. All reinforcing steel shall be protected by a minimum of two inches of concreteA in girders and columns, 12 inches in beams and one inch in floor slabs and walls. Section 32. CONCRETE i +ATERIALS. Steel for reinforcement and rolled steel shapes shall conform to the standard specifications of the American Society for Testing katerials. Portland cement shall conform to the Standard Specifica- tions of the American Society for Testing Materials. (serial designation C- 9 -21). Vine and coarse aggregates for concrete shall be clean, strong, hard and durable and shall consist of materials amply fitted for the purpose of making concrete of, the best quality. Section 33. LESION. All buildings and parts thereof hereafter erected and not specifically covered in this code shall be of good workman- ship, sound material, abundantly strong for the purpose intended and the character of the materials used therein shall be such as has been determined by tests, by the best modern authorities to be proper and sufficient to cover the Maximum loads which may be applied thereto and shall be constructed with special refer- enee to protection agaihst fire. +: <. Details of the design and construction of reinforced concrete buildings, not covered in this code shall be governed by the rules and principals of standard practice as published in the report of the Joint Committee on Standard Specifications for concrete and reinforced concrete, dated August 14, 1927. Section 34 -. BUILDINGS IN FIRST BUILDING DISTRICT. All buildings hereafter constructed or repaired in the first building district shall conform to the requirements as set forth in the foregoing paragraphs covering fire proof and mill buildings. Section 35. BUILDINGS OUTSIDE Ttii FIRE DISTRICT. All theatres, schools, either public or private, hospitals and assembly halls hereafter, built or repaired in the City* of Port Angeles, shall conform to the requirements of buildings in the first building district, Section 36. CHIMNEYS. the walls of all chimneys hereafter constructed shall be of hard burned brick, laid in cement mortar, with flush struck joints and not less than four inches thick. In the first building district the chimneys shall have terra cotta flue lining or, walls not less than eight inches thick, stone or other incddbustible materials may be used. Concrete chimneys cast in place shall be properly rein- forced. The walls. shall,, not be less than four inches thick, ` and shall be lined with fire clay flue lining or shall have walls not less than six inches thick, All chimneys not built from the ground shall be supported directly from floor timbers of ample strength, or from the ground by posts of not less than 3?, inches their least dimention. Chimneys resting on wood shall have not less than three courses of solid brick work at the bottom. All chimneys over twelve feet high shall be built from the ground up. All partitions in brick chimneys shall not be less than four inches thick. All floors, beams, ;joists and headers shall be kept at least 12 inches in clear of chimneys and the space between the wood and chimney filled solid with mortar Testing on a course of brick work set Out, one inch to hold. ,in place. All chimneys shall be built so that the th1flble for smoke pipe shall be at least twelve inches from any wood or wood lath and plaster partition and eighteen inches from any floor or ceiling. All chimneys shall be topped out at least three feet above a flat roof and not less than twelve inches above the ridge of any pitched roof. Provided however that when the chimney is built out at the eaves, then six feet of stem will be sufficient if the ridge is higher than twelve feet. All hearths for fire places shall be set upon solid ground or upon trimmer arches of brick, stone or tile, the header kept at least twelve inches from the chimney breast. IIIThe back and jambs of all fire places shall not be less than eight inches thick. When a smoke pipe passess through a wood lath and plaster - partition, it shall be guarded by galvanized iron ventilated thimbles at least twelve inches larger in diameter than the pipe. No smoke pipe shall pass through any floor or roof having wood frame work or covering. No kitchen stove or.range in any building shall be placed less than three feet from any woodwork or wood lath and plaster partition unless the wood work is protected by a Metal shield, in which case the distance shill not be less than eight inches. Metal shields shall be loosely attached, thus preserving an air space behind them. Hotel and restaurant ranges shall be provided with a metal hood placed at leapt nine inches below any mood lath and plaster or wood ceiling and have an individual pipe outlet connected to a brick flue. The pipe shall be protected by at least one inch of asbestos covering or its equivalent. Section 37. OPENINGS IN i`;ALLS. No opening in an interior wall shali.exceed 8 x 10 feet. If the opening be in a party wall or fire wall it shall have an automatic fire door on each side of the wall. If an opening is made in a fire wall to serve as an emergency exit it shall not exceed 48 square feet in Area and a self closing, swinging fire door shall be substituted for one of the automatic fire doors. The total openings in fire walls shall not exceed 25 linear length of wall. In the first building district all exterior openings above the first floor shall be equipped with incombustible frames and sash with wire glass, except when fronting on a street not less than fifty feet wide or .Then no. other building can be built within fifty feet of such opening. All openings in side or rear walls of the first story and basement except show windows shall be protected as prescribed in this section when within fifty feet of another building. Section 38. STAIR A D ELEVATOR SHAFTS. Every: building. erected or altered in 'the first building district, all walls and partitionsframing interior stairways, elevators,light or ventilating shafts shall be of incombustible construction, shall be not less than three inches thick if constructed of brick hollow of solid partition block of by 2 x 4 laminated partition covered with metal lath and cement plaster both sides. All such shafts shall be continuous from foundation to three feet above the roof. The walls of light and ventilator shafts shall extend not less than three feet above the roof level, except that when a shaft is covered by a skylight. The walls need not extend more than two feet above the roof. Masonry walls shall be coped. All door openings in stair and elevator shafts shall be protected by fire doors mounted on wrought iron or steel hard- ware and shall be securely attached to the walls or partition or to substantial fire proof frames attached thereto. If glass doors, be used in such doors 't iey shall_ be of wine glass not exceeding 720 square inches in area. Interior shaft windows shall not be allowed. Doors opening in stairway shafts shall swing in the direction of exit travel, shall be self closing and shall be Le ei at least three wide. Section 39. When a stairway, elevator or other shaft extends through the roof and is covered with a skylight, the skylight shall be constructed with incombustible frames and sash glazed with wire glass and protected by galvanized wire screen. The mesh of such screen shall not exceed one inch and the wire shall be of a size not less than twelve gauge. All screens shall have substantial metal supports and shall be placed at least six inches above the skylight. The enclosing walls of all elevator shafts shall extend at least three feet above the roof and at least 3/4 of the area shall be covered with a skylight, constructed as specified above, Instead of a skylight, a window may be placed in the side of the shaft above the roof which is farthest removed from the property line the window shall have fire proof frames and sash and shall be glazed with wire glass. All openings in roofs for the admission of light or air, other than provided for above shall have fire proof frames and sash glazed with wire glass. Section AO. EXITS Irk BUILDINGS. The term floor area as read in this section shall mean the entire floor space between exterior walls and fire walls. All buildings in the first building district hereafter • erected the floor area above the first floor shall be provided with at. least two means of 'egress remote from each other one of Which shall be an enclosed stairway as provided in Section Wor a doorway in a fire wall leading to another floor area separately provided withadequate stairways or other independent means of exit. Such doorway serving as an emergency exit.in a fire wall shall be protected by an automatic self closing fire door as specified in Section 36. No portion of any floor area shall be more than 100 feet from the place of egress. Section 41. STAIRWAYS. No required stairway shall be less than 44 inches wide and in all public buildings the total width of exit doorways leading there from shall be at'least equal to the total width of stairways which they serve. The total width of stairways interior and exterior pro- vided for the occupancy of each floor and those above shall not be less than 44 inches for the first fifty persons and 12 inches for each fifty persons to be accommodated thereby. The stair treads shall not be less than ten inches wide and the riser not more than seven inches high, windows in such required stairways shall be prohibited. Every school hospital or theatre more than one story high within-the corporate limits shall have at least two stair- ways constructed and arranged in accordance with stairway require- ments of this section and an additional stairway for each one hundred linear feet of floor, or portion thereof in excess of one hundred linear feet, located remote from each other and continuous from the grade line to the top most story. All exit doors in schools, hospitals, theatres and all public buildings shall open outward. Section 42. FIRE ESCAPES. Buildings of three stories or more to height hereafter erected in the City of Fort Angeles shall be provided with sufficient, well constructed easily accessible fire escapes or other suitable means, of exit as specified in this code:. fire escapes shall be kept :clear of q111 obstruction of any nature. They shall be placed at the ends of halls or passages with a door or window on each. floor to each fire escape in the building. Fire escapes shall be constructed entirely of iron. The ladder shall extend from a height of ten feet above the ground to a distance of two feet above and over the fire wall, and shall have a balcony not less than two feet six inches wide by a length equal to the full width of.window or door at each floor. The ladder and balcony shall be amply strong to carry any load which may be placed upon them. Fire escapes shall be secured by wrought iron or steel bolts anchored to the walls of the building. Such bolts shall extend through the walls .and be fastened in an approved manner. Section 45. THEATRE. AND ASSEMBLY HALLS. The slain entrance or entrances shall not be at a higher level than three steps at six inches.each, above the side walk at that point. The floor level at the highest row of seats on the main floor, shall not be more than three feet above the sidewalk level at the main entrance and the floor level at the lowest row of seats, on said floor shall not be more than six feet below the level of the sidewalk at the main entrance. In all theatres hereafter erected in this city of Port Angeles any balcony or gallery shall be of fireproof construction and shall be supported by fire proof walls, columns and girders. No balcony or gallery will be permitted in'a theatre which accommodates less than three hundred persons on the main floor. Every theatre or assembly hall built in connection with or as a part of a building used for other purposes, shall be separated from.such other parts of the building by fire proof walls. In all theatres where a moving or motion picture machine is used, the machine shall be protected by the National Board of Fire Underwriters Standard Fireproof booth. The capacity of a theatre oP assembly hall shall be established by the actual number of permanently fixed seats, plus an allowance of one person for every three square feet when standing room is provided.fhe capacity shall be established by allowing fifteen square feet of clear Floor space per person in halls used as dining or dance1alls only, or six .square feet per person in all other halls. No greater nui ber of persons than the number this estab- lishes shall be permitted in any theatre or assembly hall. All theatreshereafter erected shall have, in addition to the main or street entrance not less than one exit in the rear of the building. Such exit shall lead directly to a street or alley or vacant lot opening into a_street or alley, and when in the judgment of the Chief of the Fire Department the safety of the public requires additional exits, then the owner or persons . having charge of such theatre shall place additional exits as required. The word EXIT shall be placed in letters not less than six inches high and lighted as to be readily seen from: any part of auditorium. Z4 All theatres or assembly halls, in existance or here- after erectedshall have all halls, doors, stairways, seats and aisles so arranged as to facilitate egress in case of fire or accident as the Chief of the Fire or Police ,Departments may deem necessary for the protection of the public. All aisles and passages in such buildings shall be kept free from obstruction and it shall be the duty of the Chief of the Fire Department to enforce this ;protrision. There shall be at least one aisle for every row of ten seats. The minimum width of aisle shall be three feet. Every aisle shall lead directly to an exit. No seat shall be allowed nearer than six feet $e any aAtrance or exit. ayc9cles, baby cants or any other obstruction shall not be allowed in the lobbf of any part of the building during a performance. No person will be allowed, to stand in any part of the auditorium during a performance. No public building hereafter erected in the City of Port Angeles shall be opened to the public until the same has been approved by the Building Inspector and it shall be the duty of the mayor to prevent the opening of said building until the said inspector has issued a formal permit.for such opening. Whenever the Chief of the Fire Department or the Chief of the Police Department shall deers it necessary for public safety to limit the number of persons that shall be allowed to occupy the interior of any building the said officers or either of them, ;:say and shall; have $.uthority to give orders in then connection. If the owner or xaariager of any suer, building neglects or refuses to comply with any such order of require- ment of said officers or either of them in relation there to,the mayor is hereby authorized to take possession and close such building, or performm764 such other acts in the premises as shall prevent the i::?proper occupation of the same and the liability of accident or injury to the public. Section 44. AijeYtiINGS. All awnings in the first building district shall be con - structed of fire resisting material with sheet metal .covering or with metal frame and canvas covering every part of such awnings shall be at least seven feet above the highest point on the side walk. Section 4?. SIGNS. • • All sign boards placed on buildings of any nature shall be oonstxucted amply strong toeul7port tL.e dead load plus a thirty Qnd pound wind loadAfasteT1etl to the building in an approved. warner. All materials shalt be steel, :a_rd sheet. Metal or other inco 1- bustible material. Signs shall not extend out over the sidewalk at any point nearer than three feet from to curb, and shall be at least twelve feet above the highest point on the sidewalk. Section 4e. '-1; e City Engineer of the city of Port Angeles, Washington shall hold the office of and is hereby appointed to be the building inspector of said city and to do and perform all of the duties and functions of such building inspector as in this ordirance r°ectted and prescribed. Section 47. AdAny person violating or failing to comply "' any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor and upon conviction thereof, unless penalty be fixed herein, shall be punished by a fine in any sum not exceeding 4100.00 or by imprisonment in the city jail not exceeding thirty days or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each and every day during which any violation of or failure to comply with this ordinance continues, or is suffered to continue, shall constitute and be a separate offense hereunder, and punishable as such. uer= i -us perssage, tepprovas _ancr xawr' t puomeation.r Passed first reading by the City Commission Passed second re$c i:nZ Crr—bh-e 3 �-i-t=�.. �x� n_maizsion Passed third City Commission reading; and finally passed and adopted by Passed, approved and signed by the Mayor this day of ATTEST City Clerk Approved as to form.: the i • • All sign boards placed on buildings of any nature shall be constructed amply strong to5uP:)o4 t}.e dead load plus a thirty Pet pound wind IoadAfasteneil to the building in an approved nanne.r. All materials shall be steel .s.rid sheet Metal: or other incoh— bustible material. 'Signs shall not extend out over the sidewalk at any point nearer than three feet from tie curb, and Shall be at least twelve feet above the highest point on the sidewalk. Section 0. Tie City Engineer of the City of Port Angeles, Washington shall hold the office of and is hereby appointed to be the building inspector of said city and to do and perform all of the duties and functions of such building inspector- as in this ordinance recited and prescribed. Section 47. Any person violating or failing to comply "tfii any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor and upon conviction thereof, unless penalty be fixed sp-uT7 Doped. rpc sag po a aeb LFr4po otl,suaa sJcl L inTRITupTe 62 po C2121%2 AUTT 4pl2 OLgl-z; uce cou+TLrrea' or, Ts arr , GLeg +o coirp zrne' ffi cr This ordinance is declared to be urgent and necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety of the inhabitants and people-of said City or Port Angeles, and shall take effect and be in force immediately upon and from and after its passage, approval and lawful publication. Passed first reading, by the City Commission Passed second reading b7.--ttiLaommission . Passed third reading and finally passed and adopted by the City Commission Passedl approved roved "and signed by the Mayor this J day of AT. !ESP City Clerk Approved as to for?l : 1 ' • • 44.11.1, f i '. .i..,. • .1. . 511 r?oido98 tit b9'*_JSQOh 8.E so iF ii io 6li T 7,d'.33.0E 5 teone;i .-1o1j.aiPleae7.i o ai, rx .ri eri,t b. taoCad, •1, l ati `lo /.710 )1.138 3o, baA a'Iz ':':O`Xi JFL rxaqu tbErtlrl e3';i>: L ed J'"[1; J* 911e C V. tr