HomeMy WebLinkAbout0904ORDINANCE NO.
AN ORDINANCE defining and regulating "Barber Shops" and "Bar-
bera", "Beauty Culture Establishment" and'$eauty Oulturist ", requiring
every barber shop and beauty culture establishment to obtain a permit
therefor, fixing a fee for such ,permit, ,providing= .for the revocation of
permits, greacribing the; hours :Of openingand closingbf barber shops
and beauty culture establishments, and providing a penalty..
Section 1. The word "barber" shall include one who shaves or
trims the beard or cuts Cr shampoos or dresses the hair or massages the
fact. of any person for pay. A barber shop is any place where the work
or business of a barber is done for pay; maxImbut
Section II. The -word "beauty culturist" is any person who en-
gages for compensation or hire to practice massaging, cleansing, beau-
tifying or similar work on the scalp or upper part of the body, and man-
icuring the nails, A beauty culture establishment is any 'Wilding or
part thereof wherein any of the occupations in this section mentioned
are carried on as the same are defined under the laws of the State of
Section III. The City Health Officer is hereby E.uthoried
and empowered to inspect all barber shops and beauty culture establish-
ments within the City of Port Angeles, and.to enforce the rules and reg-
ulations hereinafter provided. All Barber shops and beauty culture es-
tablishments shall be open for inspection at7any time during business
hours, to the City Health Officer.
Section IV. No person or corporation shall operate any bar-
ber shop or beauty culture establishment until he or it shall have se-
cured a Bose therefor. All such licenses shall be issued by the City
Clerk and the annual license fee shall be one dollar ($1.00) per year
for each chair WOONMIONNIM in said shop or establishment, said annual
license fee to be payable in advance.
Section V. All mugs, brushes, combs, pinchers, tweezers,
needles, razors and attachments for massage devices, and all tools and
appliances, shall be sterilized before use by immersion in boiling wa-
AO ter or in alcohol of not less than sixty -five per cent strength, or in
twenty per cent formaldehyde solution, or in some disinfecting fluid
approved by the City Health Officer. All towels shall be laundered be-
fore re -use. All powdered alum or other powders shall be applied with
cleat towels", and the use of powder puffs and sponges in any form is
f •
prohibited. Every berber 'shop and beauty culture establishment, shall
be provided with running hot and cold water conveniently located, and
shall be corinec:tld with' the sewer.
Section VI. No barber shop or beauty culture establishment,
shall be used for a dormitory, and no person afflicted with any commun-
icable.disease shall work or be employed in any such shop or establish-
ment, or be served therein. The Health Officer of the City of Port An-
geles shall have the power to require a barber or beauty culturist to
submit himself to a practicing physician of the City of Port Angeles for
physical examination, whenever such barber or beauty culturist is sus-
pected by him of having any communicable disease, such examination to
be made at the expense of such barber or beauty culturist.
Section VII. No barber shop or beauty culture establishment
shall be open for businessr;earlier than eight -t 2 y o'clock A.M. not/
shall any such barber shop or beauty culture establishment close later
than six -ti 'Cy o'clock P.M. throughout the year, excepting on Satur-
days and days preceding legal holidays: January 1st, May 30th, July
4th, Labor Day, November llth, Armistice Day, Thanksgiving and Christ
mas Days, when they shall close not later than eI o'clock P.M. All
and establishments
shops /shall remain closed on Sundays and the holidays above named.
Section VIII. Any person, firm or corporation violating the
provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on
conviction shall be fined not less than twenty -five dollars ($25.00)
for the first offense, and no-bless than one hundred dollars ($100.00)
for each subsequent offense, and any person convicted may be imprison-
ed in the City Jail until such fine is paid. It shall also be lawful
for the City Commission to revoke any license for violation of this or-
dinance and to refuse to issue a license to any person convicted of
such violation.-
Section IX. This ordinance shall take effect and be in
force after its passage and approval and from and after thirty days af-
ter its lawful' publication.
Passed first reading by the City Commission, Apri194 1930.
Passed second reading by the City Commission, Apri1 d 1930.
Passed third reading And finally passed and adopted by the City Commis-
sion, April 1930.
Approved and signed by the Mayor this-V;/day of April, 1930.
Approved as to Form:
City Attorneys.
✓ `�" ORDINANCE NO. 904
AN ORDINANCE defining and regulating "Barber Shops" and "Barbers ", "Beauty Cul-
ture Establishment" and "Beauty Culturist," requiring every barber shop and
beauty culture establishment to obtain a permit therefor, fixing a fee for
such permit, providing for the revocation of permits, prescr'.bing the hours
of opening and closing of barber shops and beauty culture establishments, and
providing a penalty.
Section 1. The word "barber" shall include one who shaves or trims the beard
or cuts or shampoos or dresses the hair or massages the face of any person for
pay. A barber shop is any place where the work or business of a barber is done
oi r pay;
ection II. The word "beauty culturist" is any person who engages for compen-
sation or hire to practice massaging, cleansing, beautifying or similar work
on the scalp or upper part of the body, and manicuring the nails. A beauty
culture establishment is any building or part thereof wherein any of the occu-
pations in this section mentioned are carried on as the same are defined under
the laws of the State of Washington.
Section III. The City Health Officer is hereby authorized and empowered to
inspect all barber shops and beauty culture establishments within the City of
Port Angeles, and to enforce the rules and regulations hereinafter provided.
All Barber shops and beauty culture establishments shall be open for inspection
at any time during business hours to the City Health Officer.
Section IV. No person or corporation shall operate any barber shop or beauty
culture establishment until he or it shall have secured a license therefor.
All such licenses shall be issued by the City Clerk and the annual license fee
shall be one dollar ($1.00) per year for each chair in said shop or establish-
ment, said annual license fee to be payable in advance.
ection V. Al]. mugs, brushes, combs, pinchers, tweezers, needles, razors,
d attachments for massage devices, and all tools and appliances, shall be
terilized before use by immersion in boiling water or in alcohol of not less
than sixty -five per cent strength, or in twenty per cent formaldehyde solution,
or in some disinfecting fluid approved by the City Health Officer. All towels
shall be laundered before re -use. All powdered alum or other powders shall=
be applied with clean towels, and the use of powder puffs and sponges in any 11''
form is prohibited. Every barber shop and beauty culture establishment, shall
be provided with running hot and cold water conveniently located, and shall
be connect8d with the sewer.
Section VI. No barber shop or beauty culture establishment, shall be used for
a dormitory, and no person afflicted with any communicable disease shall work
or be employed in any such shop or establishment, or be served therein. The
Health Officer of the City of Port Angeles shall have the power to require
a barber or beauty culturist to submit himself to a practicing physician of
the City of Port Angeles for physical examination, whenever such barber or
beauty culturist is suspected by him of having any communicable disease, such
examination to be made at the expense of such barber or beauty multurist.
Section VII. No barber shop or beauty culture establishment shall be open
for business earlier than eight o'clock a.m. nor shall any such barber shop
410, beauty culture establishment close later than 'six o'clock p.m. throughout
e year excepting on Saturdays and days preceding legal holidays: January 1st,
May 30th, July 4th, Labor Day, November llth, Armistice Day, Thanksgiving and
Christmas Days when they shall close not later than nine o'clock p.m. All .
shops and establishments shall remain closed on Sundays and the •holtdays' above
Section VIII. Any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this
ordinance shall be guilt of a misdemeanor and on conviction shall be fined not
less than twenty -five ($25.00) dollars for the first offense, and not less than
one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each subsequent offense, and any person con-
victed may be imprisoned in the City Jail until such fine is paid. It shall
also be lawful for the City Commission to revoke any license for violation of
this ordinance and to refuse to issue a license to any
Ordinance No. 904 Conti"nued..
person convicted of such violation.
Section IX. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force after its
passage and approval from and after thirty days after its lawful pub-
Passed first reading by the City Commission, April 9th, 1930. Passed second .
reading by the City Commission, April 16, 1930. Passed third reading and
•nallY passed and adopted by the City Commission April 23, 1930.
Approved and signed by the Mayor this. 23rd day of April, 1930.
Attest: C. E. SHIELDS
City Clerk
Approved as to Form:
City Attorneys
Published April 24, 1930.
An Ordinance amending. Section 7 of Ordinance No. 904 of the City of Port
Angeles, which is an ordinance relating to "Barber Shops! and "Beauty Culture
ction 1. That Section 7 of Ordinance No. 904 be and the same is hereby
amended to read as follows:
"Section 7. No barber shop or beauty culture establishment shall be open for
business earlier than nine o'clock a.m. not shall any such barber shop or
beauty culture establishment close later than six o'clock p.m., throughout
the year, excepting on Saturdays and days preceding the following legal
holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day (commonly known as
the "Fourth of July "), Labor Day, Armistice Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas
Day, when they shall close not later than eight o'clock p.m. All shops and
establishments shall remain closed on Sundays and the holidays above named.
Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty days
from and after its final passage, approval and lawful publication.
Passed first reading L`,:the City Commission October 16, 1935.
Passed second reading by the City Commission October 16, 1935.
Passed third reading and finally passed and approved by the City Commission
tober 23, 1935.
Approved and signed by the Mayor October 23, 1935.
Attest: N. M. Hawkins
Approved as to form:
City Attorney
Published November 7, 1935.
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