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All Q1 DINALCE authorizing and providing for the construction
of two buildings to house the police and fire departments of the City
of Port
,:ngeles, and declaring an emergency.
and specifications
whereas the nature
there have been prepared for the City plans, drawings
for a .complete building 'for the city activities, and
of the said plans is 'such that the 'portions set aside
for the police and. fire departments can be presently constructed as sep-
arate units,: therefore,
Section I. That the present facilities for the police and fire
departments are utterly inadequate and each of thew are in imminent dan-
ger of destruction by fire and constitute ,menaces to the health and safe-
ty of the people of the City.
Section II. That the fire department is now housed in an anti -
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quated fire trap property owned by the United States, and on the site
to be occupied by a new post,office.
Section III. That the police station is -
entirely inadequate in size and utterly incapable: of being :wade
sanitary, besides being in constant danger of destruction by fire.
Section IV. That by reason of the facts set forth in Sections
I, II and III, an emergency exists and it is now necessary and expedient
that the City proceed forthwith to construct new quarters to house the
ed for
and fire departments as a part of the comprehensive plans prepar-
the City, and as separate units tberef.
Section V. That the City has incurred an indebtedness of i1950.00
on account of the preparation of said plans, drawings and specifications
which have been prepared by its architect, and will incur further indebt-
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edness on such account as the building proceeds.
Section VI. That the City Clerk be authorized to call for bids
for the construction of said police and fire buildings, which said call
shall require bids on the two units, separately and jointly.
Section VII. That the Mayor and Clerk issue the warrant of
the City in payment of the architect's fees now due in the sum of 3950.00
0 ;and for such other fees as may be earned.
Section VIII. That the cost and expense of the construction
of the said buildings be defrayed by general obligation warrants to be
authorized and issued by the City.
Section IX. This ordinance is declared to be urgent and neces-
sary for the public peace and health and safety of the inhabitants and
people of the said City of Port ;aigeles, and shall take effect and be in
force immediately upon and from and after its passage, approval and law-
ful publication.
Passed first reading by the City Commission, June 4, 1930.
Passed second reading by the City Commission, June 11, 1930.
Passed third reading and finally passed and adopted by the City Commis-
sion, June 11, 1930 -.
Approved and signed yythe Layor this
Approved as to form:
Date of Publication
ay of June, 1930.
Cify Attorneys.