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_ORDINANCE NO. 911 AN ORDINANCE, regulating the erection, location, repair, alteration and use of buildings and struotures, and the use of land iii certain-portions of the City of Port Angeles, and pro. aiding for the enforcement of said regulations and preeoribing penalties for the violation of the same. THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO ORDAIN AN FOLLOWS: Section 1. In that portion of the City of Port Angeles bounded on the east by a line running parallel to Lincoln Street, and.one hundred'feet diatanl•therefrom, in an easterly •rectione on the north by a line running 'parallel with Eighth M pet, and one hundred forty et distant therefrom in a southerly direction; on the welt by libreak of Valley Creek, and on the south by the Boulevard, it shall be lawful to erect, alter, repair and maintain the following described buildings and structures, and the following uses as; follows: 1. Single family dwellings with or without such other•aooeesory buildings as are ap. propriate to such buildings, including a private garage for not more than three motor vehicles, but such accessory buildings shall not include a business or industry nor the repairing or eervi.cing of motor vehicles. 2. Pergolas, 3. Greenhouses or hothouses for private use only. 4. Summer housese 5. Public sohools. 6. Private schools. 7. Parks and play grounds, including-usual park buildings. 8. Library buildings. 9. 'Gardens; the raising of vegetables, produce end flowers on vacant gtund will be per . witted provided:that no•farm. house, stable, - cattle or r'owle will be maintained in eonneetion therewith. 10. Churches, parish houses, • 11. The occupants of the buildings ellowed in the portion of the City of Port Angeles Ilk ove_deecribed, may engage in carrying on such professions as are ordinairly parried on the home, including the home office of - physicians, surgeons or dentists. Signs indicating such use and occupancy are prescribed in eub..paragraph 8. Soo. II. Signs advertising for sale or lease the property on which they are located, but for no other purpose, may be erected and maintained. • Section II. Local option uses. In the above desoribed portion of the City of Port Angeles there may be ereoted, altered, repaired--and maintained ivhen. authorized under the local option regulations, specified in Section V, the following uses and no others: 1. Garage for more than three motor vehicles as, en accessory to a dwelling when de. tached from the building or when located in the basement, oellar or first story of the dwell. ing, or by a Combination of the above, provided that the number of vehicles sheltered upon the lot or tract of.ground upon which the dialling is located will not exceed five in number. 2. Signs, Signs or inioriptions of the usual type, designating a school, parish house or church, will be permitted provided that such sign is attached flat against the building. No sign shall exceed six square feet in area unless such eigu has been authorized by the local Option regulations of Section 1. A sign designating a home oocupation or use as mentioned in Section 1, will be permitted provided auoh sign is attached flat against the building and does not exceed six inches by eighteen inohes in its dissensions. 3. Private stable. The number of cattle shall not exceed one for every twenty —five hundred Ottlewill be permitted only when authorized under the local option regulations Section V. care feet, contained in the area of the lot upon whio}i audit building-is located, and any 4. Domestic animals and fowls.' Not more than one appurtenant building will be allowed . for a floor area of not to exceed thirty feet which is used for hhusing domestic animals or fowls, in any lot in the above described portion of the City of Port Angeles, excepting.& building of greater area or a greater number of buildings will be permitted when authorized under the local option regulations Section V. 5. Boarding house when occupied by students And supervised by the authorities of a public educational institution. 6. Community club house. 7. Nursery or greenhouses. • 8. Public utility building. A building necessary for the proper operation of a publio utility may be permitted when authorised under local option regulation Seotion V. • Seotion III. Prohibited thee, All uses and oocupanciee not allowed in Seotion I and 11, are hereby prohibited. in the above described portion of the City of Port Angeles. 1. Sign boards. The erection and maintenance of sign boards and bill boards and all 2 . signs except those specifically covered in Seotions.I and'II ii prohibited. The repainting of advertising signs of a buainess■'or product not oonduoted dn.or for sale on the premises, on existing, non- oonforming buildings, is prohibited un1ees such aigne are approved under the looal option regulations, Seotion V. 2. 8haok buildings. The erection, alteration, repair or maintenanoe of a temporary or shack building for residential or other purposes is prohibited, except that the errection of temporary building for industry incidental to the development of a residential property ' will be permitted for. a period of. not,exceoding six months under the loom option regulations, Section V. 3. Gardening and fruit raising..Aothing'in this section shall be construed to prohibit e use of vacant property for gardening or fruit raising, or its temporary uae,'oonformable law, for fairs, lsirouses'or similar'purposes. Section IT. Existing buildings and mania-contorting uses. Whenever any property or any existing building at the time of the passage of this ordin. ante is being devoted to a use which is legal prior -to the.paaeage of this ordinance, such use may continue even thoughthe same be not in oonfornity to the regulations of this ordin- enoe. If, however, the use of buildings or premises shallIbe changed subsequent to the pas. sage of this. - ordinsnoe, suoh change shall be,tto a use conforming to the regulations herein set forth and after such change the buildings or premisea shall not again thereafter be de. voted to the original or to any non•nonforming use. When a building which is devoted to a • non.eonforming use is damaged' by fire or'by any cause so' that the total deterioration exceeds ninety per cent of the cost of replacing the building, using new laterals, then such building. shall not be rebuilt unless its construction and use conforms in all respects to the require- ments of this ordinance and„of other ordinances of the. City is applied to buildings and uses in the. - distriot in which it is located. No .premises or buildings devoted to a non - conforming use shall be enlarged, remodeled or altered unless suoh enlargement, remodeling or alteration has been approved in aeeordanos with:the local option regulation; set forth in Section Ve. hereof. Any building sought to be repaired or reatored after damage be fire shall be so re. paired and restored Within six months in order to be entitled to the provisions of this section, Section V. Local Option Regulations. Whenever any building, premises or-sign or the use of any suoh building, premises or sign ii subject to local option regulations the pereon.or persone,desiring to devote such building or premises to an allowed non. conforming use shall .first submit to the Citjr Commission an ap- plioation for that purpose in Which the following information *hall be set forth; 1. The. da I iption of the building or sign and the property on which the sane ie looated. • 2. The proposed use and oocupanoy. ° -3. the name' and'.addresiei of all owners of property"within.a radiuSof• two hundred feet of the property in question. 4. A list of all parcels of property within a radius of two hundrod feet of the property in question with a desoription assigned to the- eats on the aeseasmment and tax roll of Clailae County. Where a property or building is in a district adjacent to another district of less • restrictive character the two. hundred, foot radius line shall include no property in such ad. • • jaeent district. The City Connniseion shall upon the filing of the "said epplioation notify the owners of • the property within the two hundred foot radius of the oontempiated use of the premises or building by letter addressed to they at their last known addreaewith postage prepaid, and if within ten days from the mailing of such notice, the owner or owners of more than sixty per cent of such property, calculated according to area, protest against suoh proposed use the property or buildings in question, the application shall be denied and such use shall declared by the City Commission to be unlawful. If.protest is made by owners of less than sixty per oent in area of property within the two hundred foot radius, then the City Cotnission shall issue a permit and such use shall be declared lawful' provided, however, that no non• conforming property devoted to a similar use to that to which the property in question is sought to be devoted under the term• of this Section shall be heard to protest against such proposed use nor shall property so devoted to a non- oonforming use be taken into consideration in oaleulating the area above described.. 4 Seotion VI. Penalties; Any' person, firm or corporation violating any provisions of - this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine in any sum not,oxceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00) for -any single offense or by imprisonment in the city jail for any tern not exceeding thirty days, or by both suoh fine and imprisonment. Eaeh.and every day during which a violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be maintained or permitted to exist shall and does :constitute a- separate offense, and shall be punishable as such. Seotion VII. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval and from and after thirty days after its lawful publication. Passed first reading by the City Commission, April 2, 1930. Passed second reading by the City Commission, April 9, 1930. Passed third reading and finally passed and adopted by the City Commission September 10, 1930. Approved and signed by the Mayor this 10th. .day of September, • 1930. 4110 . W. B. EEEDRICK Mayor ATTISTs C. S. Shields, City Clerk Approved as to ferm :. Lewis & Churoh, City.Attorneys Published September 12, 1930. . ORDINANCE NO. 911 AN ORDINANCB, regulating the erection, location, repair, alteration and use of buildings and•structuree, and the use of land in certain portions of the City of Port Angeles, and pro. viding for the enforcement of said regulations and prescribing penalties for the violation of thew,. TES CITY COidMISSION' 0P THE CITY' OF PORT ANGELES DO ORDAIL AS FOLL0W8 s . Section 1. In that portion of the City of Port Angeles hounded on the east by a line running parallel to Lincoln Street, and one hundred feet distant therefrom, in 'an easterly reotion, on the north by a line running parallel with Eighth Street, and one hundred forty IMO distant therefrom• in a southerly direction, on the welt b' break of Valley Creek, and on the south by the boulevard, it shall.be lawful to ireot, colter, repair and maintain the following described buildings and. structures,. and the following uses as follows" 1. Single family dwellings with or without. such other acoessory buildings as are ape* propriate to such buildings, including a private, garage for not more than three motor vehicles, but such accessory buildings_ehall not inoludil a business or industry nor: the repairing or servicing of motor vehicles. 2. Pergolas. 3. Greenhouses or hothouses for privtte use only. 4., 8ummer.houses. 5. Publio school": 6. Private schools. 7. Parke and play grounds, inoluding usual park buildings. , 8. Library buildings. 9. - Gardens= the raising of vegetables, produee end flowers on vaoant' Bound will be per. =matted provided that no farm house, stable, cattle or Towle will be mnintained in connection therewith. 10. Churches, parish houses. 11. The ecoupente of the buildings allowed in the portion of the City of Port Angeles ore described, may engage in carrying on such pr`ofeasions as are ordinairly carried on the home, inoluding,th* home office of physicians, surgeons or dentists. 8igne indicating such use and occupancy are prescribed .in sub - paragraph B. Soo. II. Signs advertising for sale or lease the property onwhich they are located, butter no other purpose, may be ereoted and maintained. Section II. Looal option uses. In the above deeoribed portion 6f the City of Port Angeles there may be erected, altered, repaired and maintained when authorised under the looal option regulations, 'pacified in Section V, the following uees'and no others: 1. Oarage for more than three motor.vehiolei as en,accessory to it dwelling when de. tacked from the building or then located in the basement, cellar or first story of the dwell. ing, or by a combination of the above,.provided that the number of vehioles sheltered upon the lot. or tract of. ground upon which the dialling is located will not•exosed five in number. 2, Signs.' Signs or inscriptions of the usual type, designating a school, parish house or church, will be permitted provided that such sign is attaohed flat against the building. No sign shall exceed six square feet in area unless such sign bas been authorised by the looal option regulations of Section Y. A sign designating x home oocupation or use xs mentioned in Section 1, will be permitted provided such sign 1■ attaohed flat against the building and does not exceed six inches by eighteen inches in its dimensions. 3. Private stable. The number of cattle shall not exceed one for every twenty -five hundred. ware feet, contained in the area of the lot upon which such building is located, end any wattle will be permitted only when authorised under the local option regulations Section V. L. Domestic animals and fowls. Not more than one appurtonant•building.will be allowed for a floor area of not to exceed thirty feet which 1s used for housing domestic animale or fowls, in any lot in the above described portion of the City of Port Angeles, exeepting,a- building of greater area or a greater number of buildings will be permitted when authorised under the looal option regulations Section Y. Y 5. Boarding house when Occupied by students and aupervised by the authorities of a public educational institution. 6. Community club house. 7. Nursery or greenhouses. 8. Pubiio utility building. A building neoessnry for the proper operation of a public ',, mtility may be permitted when authorised under local option regulation Section V. liSection ZII. Prohibited Uses, All uses- and occupancies not allowed in Section I and II, re hereby prohibited in the above described portion of the City of Port Angeles. 1. Sign boards. The emotion and maintenanoe of sign boards and bill boards and all t! r • signs except those specifically covered in Sections I and Mir prohibited. the repainting of advertising signs of a business or product not conduoted on or for sale on the premises, on'exiating, non - conforming buildings, is prohibited unless such signs are approved under the local option regulations, Section V. . 2. Shook buildings. The ereotion,.alteration, repair or maintenance of a temporary or shook building for residential or other purposes is prohibited,_excspt that the er:iv:tion of temporary building for industry incidental to the development of a residontial property will be permitted for a period of not exaeodingialx months under the local option regulations, Section V. • m 3. Gardening and fruit'raising.', Nothing in this section shall be oonstrued to prohibit use of vacant property for gardening or fruit raising, or its temporary use conformable . lip law, for faire, circuses or rimilsr,purpoeee. Seotion IY. Wilting buildings and non•eontormning uses. - ldtenever any property or may existing building at.the time of the 'passage of this ordin. aaoe is being devoted to a use which is legal prior to the passage of this ordinance, such use may continue even though the same b. not in oontormaity to the regulations of this ordin. ounce, If, however, the use ef,buildinge or premises shall be changed subaequent.to the pas. sags of this ordinance, suoh change shall be to a use conforming to the rogulationi.herein , set forth and after such change the buildings or'prsmisoe shall. not again thereafter be de. voted to the original or to any nonconforming use. ;when a'.building which is devoted to a non- oontorming use is damaged by fire or by any cause so -that the total deterioration exoeeds ninety per oent of the cost of replacing:the building, using new materals, then suoh building . shall not be rebuilt unless its oonstruotion and use conforms in .all respects to the require. Monte of this ordinanoe and of other ordinances of the City as applied to buildinge and uses in the district in which it is looated. No premises or buildings devoted to a non•oonformaing use shall be:enlarg.d, remodeled or altered unless such enlargement, remodeling or alteration has been approved in accordance with the local option regulations sat forth in Seotion Vs -hereof. Any building sought to be repaired or restored after date , be fire shall be so re• paired'and restored within six months in ordsr'to be entitled to the provisions of this section. •Section 7., Local Option Regulations. Whenever any building,.premises ov-sign or the us, of any suoh building, premises or sign is subject•- to.local option regulations the person or persona desiring to devote such building or promises to an allowed non- oormformning use shall first subunit to the City Commission an ap- plication for that purpose in which the following information shall be set forth: 1. The deaffiption of the building or sign and the property on which the eans is looated. 2. The proposed use and ocoupanoy. 3. The namOe and addresses of ell.owners of• ,property within a radiui of two_ hundred feet of the property in question. • + - 4. A list of all parcels of property within a radius of two hundred feet or the property in question with a deaoription assigned to the sane en the aesesoaent and_tax roll of Clallan County. Where a property or building is in a district adjacent to et:Other district of loss restriotivecharaoter the two hundred foot radius line shall include. -no property in Ouch ad. jaosnt district. ' II* City Commission shall upon the tiling of the said applioation notify the owners of the property within the two hundred foot radius of the oontenpiatsd use of the premises or building by' letter addressed to'the>tm at their last known address with peitago prepaid, and if within ton days from the nailing of suoh notice, the owner or Owners of more than sixty per cent of suoh property, oalculated according to area, protest against such proposed use Alliths property or buildings in question, the application shall be denied and suoh use shall . deoiared by the City Commission to bo unlawful. If protest is made by owners of less than sixty per cent in -area of property within the two hundred foot radiui, then the City Commission shall issue a permit and such use shall be declared lawful; provided, however, that no non. oonforning property devoted to a similar use to that to which the property in question ie sought to be devoted under the terms of thin Section shall be heard to protest against suoh. proposed use nor shall property so devoted to'a non.00nforming use be taken into consideration in calculating the area above described. • Section II. Penalties: A person, firms or corporation violating any provision. of this ordinance shall upon oonvietion thereof bt.punished by a fine in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars - (1100.00) for cn r single offense `ar by .imsprieonmsont in the city jail for any term not erossding thirty days, or by both such !"ins and imprisonment. Eaoh and every day during which a violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be maintained or permitted to exist shall and doss oonititute a separate offense, and shall be punishable as. such. Seotion VII. This ordinance Shall take effect and.bs in full.foros fron and after its passage and approval and frog and after thirty, days after its lawful publioation. Passed first reading by the City Commission, April 2, 1930. Passed second reading by the City Commission, Apri1.9, 1930. Passed third reeding and finally passed and adopted- by the City ComMi *sion September 10, 1930. Approved and signed try the Mayor this 10th day of September, 1930. • ATTEST: C. S. Shields, City Clerk Approved as to fora: Lewis & Church, City Attorneys Published September 12, 1930. ,. 8. HHEDRICK • layor 1 r. + i • 5 •'f I • 'a wt I S •]4 -t i ORDINANCE No. 911 AN ORDINANCE, regulating the erection, location, repair, alteration and use of buildings and structures, and the use of land in certain portions of the City of Port Angeles, and providing for the enforcement of said regulations and prescribing penalties for the violation of the same. THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. In that portion of the City of Port Angeles bounded on the east by a line running parallel to Lincoln °treat, and one hundred feet distant therefrom, in an easterly direction, on the north by a line running parallel with Eighth Street, and one hundred forty feet distant therefrom in a southerly direction,on the West by the break of Valley Creek, and on the south by the Boulevard, it shall be lawful to erect, althr, repair and maintain the following described buildings and structures, and the following uses as followe: 1. Single family dwellings, with or without such other accessory buildings, as are appropriate to such buildings, including a private garage for not more than three motor vehicles, but such accessory buildings shall not include a business or industry nor the repairing or servicing of motor vehicles. 2. Pergolas. 3. Greenhouses or hothouses for private use only. 4. Summer — houses. 5. Public schools. 6. Private schools. 7. Parks and play grounds, including usual park buildings. 8. Library buildings. 9. Gardens; the raising of vegetables, produce and flowers on vacant ground will be permitted provided that no farm house, stable, cattle or fowls will be maintained in connection therewith. 41111 - 10. Churches, parish houses. 11. The occupants of the buildings allowed in the portion of the City of Port Angeles above described, may engage in carrying on such professions as are ordinarily carried on in the home, including the home office of physicians, surgeons or dentists. Signs indicating such use and occupancy are prescribed in sub— paragraph 2, Sec. LE. Signs advertising for sale or lease the property on which they are located, but for no other purpose, may be erected and maintained. Section II. Local option uses. In the above described portion of the City of Port Angeles there may be erected, altered, repaired and maintained when authorized under the -label option regulations specified in Sevtion V, the following uses and no others: 1. Garage for more than three motor vehicles as an accessory to a dwelling when detached from the building or when located in the basement, cellar or first story of the dwelling, or by a combination of the above, provided that the number of vehicles sheltered upon the lot or tract of ground upon which the dwelling is located will not exceed five in number. • 2. Signs. Signs or inscriptions of the usual type, designating a school, parish house or church, will be permitted provided that such sign is attached flat against the building. No sign shall exceed six square feet in area unless such sign has been authorized by the local option regulations of Section V. A sign designating a home occupation or use as mentioned in Section 1, will be permitted provided such sign is attached flat against the building and does not exceed six inches by eighteen inches in its dimensions. S. Private stable. The number of cattle shall not exceed one for every twenty —five hundredsquare feet, contained in the Brea of the lot upon Weich such building is located, and any cattle will be permitted only when authorized under the local option regulation$ Section V. 4. Domestic animals and fowls. Not more than one appurtenant building will be allowed for a floor area of not to exceed thirty feet which is used for housing domestic animals or fowls, in any lot in the above described portion of the City of Port Angeles, excepting a building of greater area or a greater number of buildings will be permitted when authorized under the local option regulations Section V. 5. Boarding house when occupied by students and supervised by the authorities of a public educational institution. -2 6. Community club house. 7. Nursery or greenhouses. 8. Public utility building. A building necessary for the proper operation of a public utility may be permitted when authorized under local option regulation, Section V. Section III. Prohibited Uses. All uses and occupancies not allowed in Sections I and II, are hereby prohibited in the above described portion of the City of Port Angeles. 1. Sign boards. The erection and maintenance of sign boards and bill boards and all signs except those specifically covered in Sections I and II is prohibited. The repainting of advertising signs of a business or product not conducted on or for sale on the premises, illon existing, non — conforming buildings, is prohibited unless such signs are approved under the local option regulations, Section V. 2. Shack buildings. The erection, -alteration, repair or maintenance of a temporary or shack building for residential or other purposes is prohibited, except that the erection of temporary building for industry incidental to the development of a residential property will be permitted for a period of not exceeding six months under the local option regulations, Section V. 5. Gardening and fruit raising. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the use of vacant property for gardening or fruit raising, or its temporary use, conformable to law, for fairs, circuses or similar purposes. Section IV. Existing buildings and non — conforming uses. Whenever any property or any existing building at the time of the passage of this ordinance is being devoted to a use which is legal prior to the passage of this ordinance, such use may continue even.though the same be not in conformity to the regulations of this ordinance. If, however, the use of buildings or premises shall be changed subsequent to the passage of this ordinance, such change shall be to a use conforming to the regulations herein set forth and after such change the buildings or premises shall not again there- after be devoted to the original or to any non — conforming use. When a building which is devoted to a non — conforming use is damaged by fire or by any cause so that the total deterioration exceeds ninety per cent of the cost of replacing the building, using new materials, then such building shall not be rebuilt unless its construction and use con- form in all respects to the requirements of this ordinance and of other ordinances of the City as applied to buildings and uses in the district in which it is located. No premises or building devoted to a non — conforming use shall be enlarged, remodeled or altered unless such enlargement, remodeling or alteration has been approved in accordance with the local option regulations set forth in Section V, hereof. Any building sought to be repaired or restored after damage by fire shall be so repaired and restored within six months in order to be entitled to the provisions of this section. Section V. Local Option Regulations. Whenever any building, premises or sign or the use of any such buildings, premises or sign is subject to local option regulations the person or persons desiring to devote such building or premises to an allowed non— conforming use shall first submit to the City Commission an application for that purpose in which the following infoxnatione shall be set.forths 1. The description of the building or sign and the property on which the same is located. 1 2. The proposed use and occupancy. S. The names and addresses of all owners of property within a radius of two hundred feet of the property in question. • 4. A list of all parcels of property within a radius of two hundred feet of the property in question with a description assigned to the same on the assessment and tax rolls of Clallam County. Where a property or building is in a district adjacent to another district of less restrictive character the two hundred foot radius line shall. include no property in such adjacent district. The City Commission shall upon the filing of the said application, notify the; owners of the property within the two hundred foot radius of the contemplated use of the premises or building by letter addressed to them at their last known address with postage prepaid, and if within ten days from the mailing of such notice, the owner or. owners of more than sixty per cent of such property, calculated according to sea, protest against such proposed use of the property or buildings in question, the application shall be denied and aui use shall be declared by the City Commission to be unlaw- ful. If protest is made by owners of leas than sixty per cent in area of property within the two hundred foot radius, then the City Commission shall issue a permit and such use shall be declared lawful; provided, however, that no non - conforming pro- perty devoted to a similar use to that to which the property in question is sought to be devoted under the terms of this Section shall be heard to protest against such proposed use nor shall property so devoted to a non - conforming use be taken into consideration in calculating thearea above described. Section VI. Penalties: Any person, firm or corporation violating any provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars 0100.00) for any single offense or by imprisonment in the city jail for any term not exceeding thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each and every day during which a violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be maintained or permitted to exist shall and does constitute a separate offense, and shall be punishable as such. Section VII. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval and from and after thirty days from its lawful publication. Passed first reading by the City Commission, April 2, 1930. Passed second reading by the City Commission, April 9, 1930. Passed third reading and finally passed and adopted by the City Commission September 10th, 1930. Approved and signed by the Mayor this 10th day of September, 1930. ATTEST: C. E. Shields City Clerk Approved as to forms Lewis & Church, City Attorneys Published September 12, 1930. • W. S. Hedrick, Mayor ORDINANCE h0. AN ORDINANCE, regulating the erection, location, repair, al- teration and use of buildings and structures, and the use of land in certain portions of the City of Port Angeles, and providing for the en- forcement of said regulations and prescribing penalties for the viola- tion of the same. THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section I. In that portion of tha City of Port Angeles bound- ed on the east by a line running parallel to Lincoln Street, and one Ut asi-erlsi d e echiv- hundred feet distant therefrom,^ on the north by a line running parallel Au a So u.fkt - y c-44 a w. with Eighth Street, and one hundred forty feet distant therefrotu,A on the west by the break of Valley Creek, and on the south by the Boulevard, it shall be lawful to erect, alter, repair and maintain the following • described buildings and structures, and the following uses as follows: 1. Single family dwellings, with or without such othei'ac cessory buildings as are appropriate to such buildings, including a private garage for not more than three motor vehicles, but such acces- sory buildings shall not include a business or industry nor the repair- ing or servicing of motor vehicles. 2. Pergolas. 3. Greenhouses or hothouses for private use only. 4. Summer- houses. 5. Public schools, 6. Priva e schools. 7. Parks and play grounds, including usual .park buildings. 8. Library buildings. 9. Gardens; the raising of vegetables, produce and flowers on vacant ground will be permitted provided that no farm house, stable, cattle or fowls will be maintained in eonnectiox ,therewith. 10. Churches, parish houses. _:.Li. The occupants of the buildings allowed in that portion of the City of Port Angeles aboyo described, may engage ,ir} carryingion such professions as are ordinarily carriedon in the home, including the home office of physicians, surgeons or dentists. Signs indicating such use and occupancy are prescribed in sub - paragraph ,Z gecK Signs advertising for sale or lease the property on which they are located, but for no other purpose, may be erected and maintained. Section II. Local option uses. In the above described por- tion of the City of Port Angeles there may be erected, altered, repair- ed and maintained when authorized under the local option regulations, specified in Section 1/ , the following uses and no others: 1. Garage for more than three motor vehicles as an acces- sory to a dwelling when detached from the building or when located in the basement, cellar or first story of the dwelling, or by a combina- tion of the above, provided that the number of vehicles sheltered upon the lot or tract of ground upon which the dwelling is located will not exceed five in number. Signs. Signs or inscriptions of the usual" type, desig- nating a school, parish house or church, will be permitted provided that such sign is attached flat against the building. No sign shall exceed six square feet in area unless such sign has been authorized by the local option regulations of Section . A sign designating a home occupation or use as mentioned, in Seefion 1, will "be permitted pro - vided such sign is attached flat against the building and does not exceed six inches by eighteen inches in. its dimensions.. , 3. ,Private stable. The number of cattle shall not exceed ifone for. every twenty -five hundred. feet, contained in the area of the lot upon which such building is located, and any cattle will be permitted only when authorized under the local option regulations Sec- tion V . 4. Domestic animals and fowls. Not more than one appurten- ant building will be allowed for a floor area of not to exceed thirty feet which is used for housing domestic animals or fowls, in any lot in the above described portion of the City of Port Angeles, excepting a • building of greater area or a greater number of buildings will be per- mitted when authorized under the local option regulations Section V. 5. Boarding house when occupied by students and supervised by the authorities of a public educational institution. 6. Community club house. 7. Nursery or greenhouses. 8. Public utility building. A building necessary for the pro- per operation of .a public utility may be permitted when authorized under local option regulation, Section V. Section M. Prohibited Uses. All uses and occupancies not al- lowed in Sections 1 and II, are hereby prohibited in the above described portion of the City of Port Angeles. 1,. Sign boards. The erection and maintenance of sign boards and bill boards and all signs except those specifically covered in Sec- 411 tions 1 and 1I is prohibited.. The repainting of advertising signs of a .business product not conducted oh or for sale on the Premises, on ex- isting, non - conforming buildings, is prohibited unless such signs are ap- proved under the local option regulations, Section V. 2. Shack buildings. The erection, alteration, repair or main- tenance of a temporary or shack building for residential or other pur- poses is prohibited, except that the erection of temporary building for industry incidental to the development of a residential property will be permitted for a period of not exceeding six months under the local op- tion regulations, Section V. 3. Gardening and trtiit'raising, Nothing in this section'shall be construed to prohibit the use of vacant property for gardening or fruit raising, or its temporary use, conformable 'to 1 &w, for fairs, cir- cuses or similar purposes. Section IV. Existing buildings and non - conforming uses. Whenever any property or any existing building at the time of the passage of this ordinance is being devoted to a use which is legal prior to the passage of this ordinance, such use may continue even though the same be not in conformity to the regulations of this ordinance. If, however, the use of buildings or premises shall be changed subsequent to the passage of this ordinance, such change shall be to a use conforming to the regulations herein set forth and after such change the buildings or premises shall not again thereafter be devoted to the original or to any non - conforming use When ,a building which is devoted to a non -con- forming use is damaged by fire or by any cause so that the total deter- ioration exceeds ninety per cent of the cost of replacing the building, using new materials, then such building shall not be rebuilt unless its construction and use conforms in all respects to the requirements of this ordinance and of other ordinances of the City as applied to buildings and uses in the district in which it is located. No premises or building de- voted to a non - conforming use shall be enlarged, remodeled or altered un- less such enlargement, remodeling or alteration has been approved .in ac- • cordance with the local option regulations set forth in Section V hereof. Any building sought to be repaired`or restored after damage by fire shall be so repaired and restored within six months in order to be entitled to the provisions of this section. Section V. Local Option Regulations. Whenever any building, premises or sign or the use of any such building, premises or sign is subject to local option regulations the person or persons desiring to devote such building or premises to an al- lowed non - conforming use shall first submit to the City Commission an ap- plication for that purpose in Which the following information shall be • set forth: . 1. The description of.the,bui.lding or sign and the property on., wh1Ch' the same is located. r 2. The proposed use and c upancy. '3. The namds and addresses of ail owners of property within a radius of two hundred feet of the property in question. 4. A list of all parcels of property within a radius of two hundred feet of the property in question with a description assigned to f • • the same on the assessment and tax rolls of Clallam County. Where a pro - perty or building is in a district adjacent to another district of less restrictive character the two hundred foot radius line shall include no property in such adjacent district. The City Commission shall upon the filing of the said applica- tion, notify the owners of the property tthin the two hundred foot radius of the contemplated use of the premises or building by letter addressed to them at their last known address with postage prepaid, and if within ten days from the mailing of such notice, the owner or owners of more than sixty per cent of such property, calculated according to area, protest against such proposed use of the property or buildings in question, the application shall be denied and such use shall be declared by the City Commission to be unlawful. If protest is made by owners of less than sixty per cent in area of property within the two hundred foot radius, then the City Comn;i.sston shall issue'a, permit and,such use shall be de- , c .aced- -lawful.; provided,' ifoweven, t'ifat no'non- conforming property devot- ed to a similar use to that to which the property in question is sought to be devoted under the terms of this Section shall be heard to protest against such proposed use nor shall property so devoted to a non- conform- ing use be taken into consideration in calculating the area above des- cribed. Section VI. Penalties: Any person, firm or corporation viol - ating any provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine'in any sum hot exceeding one hundred dollars (100.00) for any single offense or by imprisonment in the rnity jail for any term not exceeding thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. each and every day during which a violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be maintained or permitted to exist shall and does con - stitute a separate offense, and shall be punishable as such. Section VII'. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval and from and after thirty days after its lawful publication. • • Passed firet reading by the City Commission, April 2, 1930. Passed second reading by the City Commission, April 9, 1930. Passed th rd1read.ing and finally passed and adopted by the City Commis - sion, , 1930. ATTEST: Approved and signed by the Mayor this day of April, 1930. City Clerk. Approved as to form: cf,4 City Attorneys. Published Aprtt , 1930. 4. i. x ey .' aR41- 4 ORD /NANCE y10. 911 AS ORDINANCE, regulating the erection,: location, repair, alteration and use of buildings and structures, and. the use of land in oertsin- portions of the City of Port AnCelss, and providing for the enforcement of said regulations and.preseribidg penaltiss"for the violation of the sees~. • TEE CITY OMISSION OP TRS CITY 0, POST ANGELES DO ORDAIN AS FOLIOS* Section 1. In that portion of the City of Port Angels: bounded on the east by a line running parallel to Linooln Street, and one hundred' feet distant therefrom, in an easterly direotion, on the north by a line running parallel with Eighth Street, and one hundred forty toot. distant therefrom in a southerly direction, on the West by the break of Valley Crook, and on the south by the Boulevard, it .shall be lawful to *root, alter, repair and maintain the following deaoribed buildings and structures, and the ,following uses as follows' 1. Single family 4wsllings, with or without such other accessory buildings, as are appropriate to such buildings, inelisding a private garags for not more. than three motor vehicles, but sueh accessory buildings "'hall not include a business. or industry nor the pepairing or servioing of motor - vehicles. 2. Pergolas 3. Greenhouse, or hothouses for private use only. 1t4 8er .r- houses. 5. Public schools. 6. Private schools. - 7. Parks and play grounds, inoluding usual park buildings. B. Library buildings. 9. Gardens' the raising of vegatabies, produce shd flower. on vacant ground will be permitted provided that no farm house, stable, cattle or fowls will be maintained in eoaneotion therewith. • 10. Churcbs;, parish houses. 11. Th• occupants of the buildings allowed in the portion of the City of Port Agsles above described, mOy engage in carrying on such professions as are ordinarily carried on in the home, including the hone offioe of physicians, surgeons or dentists. Signs indicating such use and occupancy ars prescribed in such- piragraph 2, Soo. II. Signs advertising for sale or lease the property on which they are located, but for no other purpose, may bet erected and maintained. Seotion II. Local option uses. In the above described portion of the City of Port Angeles there mmy b. erected, altered, repaired and maintainsd when authorised under the local option regulations specified in Seotion V, the-following use and no others: 1. Garage for more than three motor *Vehicles as an aooeseorty to a .dwelling when detached from the building or when located in the basement, eellar'or first story of - the dwelling, or by a combination of the above, provided that the nusiber of veihicles sheltered upon the lot or tract of ground upon which the dwelling is boated will not e =ossd five in number. 2. Signs. Signs or insoriptions of tho usual type, designating a school, parish house or "'hutch, vill be permitted provided that such sign is attached flat against the building. Po Sign shall exceed six square fest in area unless such sign had been • authorised by the local option regulations of 8vetion V. A sign designating a homes 000upation or use as mentioned. in Section I, will be permitted provided such sign is attached flat against the building and doer not exo.ed six inches by eighteen inches in its dimensions. 3. Private stable. The number of oattls shall not exosed one for every twenty -five hundred square fact, oontained_in the area of the lot upon which such building is located, and any cattle will be.psreitted only .hen authorised under the local option regulations Section V. I. Domestic animals and fowls. Not nor, than one appurtenant building will bo allowed for a floor area of not to exceed thirty feet which is used for housing domsatio animals or fowls, in any lot in the above described portion of the City of Port Angeles, sxoepting a building of greater area or a gre*t.r number of buildings vill be .permitted rhea authorised ruder the local option regulations Section V. 5. Boarding, house when occupied fry student' and supervia.d by the authorities of • public eduootiona,l institution. •2• '"" 6. Community club hotter. 7. Nursery or greenhouses. 8. Public utility building. A building nseeleary for the proper Operation of a public utility 'may be permitted when authorized under local option.,regulation, Section V. Section III. ProhiMted Nses. All. uses and occupancies not allowed in Sections 7 and II, are hereby prohibited in the above desoribod portion of the City of Port Angeles. 1. Sign boards. the erection and maintenance of sign boards and bill boards and all signs except those specifically covered in Seotions I and II is prohibited. the repaint- ing of advirttsing signs of a business or product not oonduoted on or for sale on the pre. •uses, on existing, non- sonformiing buildings, is prohibited unless such signs are approved under the local option regulations,' SIation V. 2. Shook buildings. The erection, alteration, repair or maintenance of a temporary -or shack building for residential or other purposes it prohibited, exoapt that the erection of temporary building for industry incidental to the development of * residential property will be permitted for a period of not exceeding s'ix months under the local option regulations, Section V. 3. Cordoning and fruit railing. Nothing in;.this section shall be oonstruod to prohibit the use of vacant property for gardening or fruit raising, or its temporary use conformable to la*, for fairs, circuses or similar purposes. Section IV. Existing buildings and non- oonforming uses. 'Shiners? anyr property or eny existing building at the time of the passage of this . ordinance is being .devoted to a use which is legal prior to the passage of this ordinance, such use may continue even•thnugh the sama.be not in conformity to the regulations of this ordinance. If, however, the use of buildings or premises shall be changed subsequent to the passage of this ordinance,.sugh change shall be to a use conforming to the rogulations • herein set forth and after such change the buildings or premises shall not again there* 4111after be devoted to the original or to any non-conforming use. Vhen a building which is devoted to a non- oonforming use is damaged by fire or sn3r cause so that the total, deterioration 'naiads ninety per cent of the omit of replaoing the building, useing new materials, then such building shall not be rebuilt unless its construction and use con,. form in all respeoto_to the requirements of this ordinance and of other ordinances-of the premises or building devoted to a non-conforming use shall bat enlarged, remodeled or altered Wales's such enlargement, remodeling or alterations - has been approved in accordance with the local option regulations set torth in Section 9, hereof. Any building sought to be repairing or restored after damage by fire shall be to repaired and restored within Six months in order to be entitled to the provisions of,this section. Section V. Looal Option Regulations. !Renter any building, promises or sign or the use of any such buildings,. premises or sign is subject to local option regulations the person or persons desiring to devote such building or premises to an allowed non- oonforming use shall first submit•to the City Commission as application for thst Torpors in td i ah.the following informiation shall be set forth* 1. She description of the building or sire and the property -on which the' same is located. 2. The proposed use and 000upancy. • ,3. The names and addresses of all comers of property within a radius of two hundred feet of the property in question. 14. A list of all parcels of property within.a radius of two kundred..feet of the property in question with a description arsigned to the saes on the assessment and tax rolls of Cells= County. there a property or building is in a distriot adjaoent to another district of less restriotive character the two hundred foot radius line shell inolude no property ire such odjaoeut district. The City Commission shall upon the filing or the said application, notify the comers of the property within the too hundred foot radius of the oonteaplated weer the premises or building by letter addressed to them at their last known address with postage prepuii, and if within ten days from the wailing of suet notice, the owner or o •re of more than sixty per oent of such property, calculated aaoording to area, protest against such propelled use of the property or buildings in question, the application shall be denied and such use shall be declared by the City Commission to be unlaw- ful. If protest is mods by owners of less than sixty per cent in area of property within the two hundred foot radius, then the City. Commission shall issue a permit and such use shall be declared lawful, provided, however, that no non - conforming pro- perty devoted to a etniilar use to that to which tho property in question is sought to be devoted under the terms of this Seotion shell be heard to protest against such .proposed vas nor shall property so devoted to a non - conforming use be taken into consideration in calculating the area above described. Section VI. Penalties* Any person, firm or corporation violating any provisions of this ordinanoe shall upon conviction thereof bi punished by affine in any sus not exceed. "ling one hundred dollars 4100.00) for any single offense or by imprisonment in the city jail for any tars not exoeeding thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each and every dsy during which a violating of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be maintineed or permitted to exist shall and doss constitute a separate offense, and shall be punishable as such. Section v2I. this ordinanos shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage end approval and from and after thirty days from its lawful pnblieation. Passed first reading by the City Commission, April 2, 19$0. Pasted second reading by the City Commission. April 9, 1930. Passed third reading and finally passed and adopted by the City Commission September 10th, 1930. Approved and signed by the Mayor this 10th day of September 1930. . W. fl. 8edriek, 3 Ayor ATTEST* 0. R. Shields • City Clerk 410Approved as to forma Levi 6 Churob City Attorneys Ptbli.shed September 12, 1930. ORDINANCE 110. 911 Ai owri ARCS, regulating the erection, location, repair, alteration and tee of buildings and structures, and the us* of lend in certain portions of the City of Port Angeles, and providing for the enforcement cf said regulations and prsaoribing penalties for the violation of the same. THE CIT* C0 XSSI0W•0?. TEE CITY OF PORT ANGELES D0 'ORDAIN AB MUMS: Section 1. In that portion of the City of Port Angeles bounded on the east by a line running parallel t0 Linooln Street, and one hundred feet distant therefrom, in .. en.eesterly direction, on the north by a-line- running parallel with Eighth Street, and one hundred forty feet distant. therefrom in a ■outherly direction, on the Meat by the break of Valley Creek, and on the south by the Boulevard, it shall be laful to erect, alter', repair and maintain the Following desoribed buildings and structures, and the follonrin,g uses as follows* , 1. Single family dwellings, with or without such other accessory buildings, as are. appropriate to such buildings, including a private garage for not more than three motor vehicles, but such accessory buildings shall not include a' business or industry nor the repairing or servicing of Motor vehicles. • 2. Pergolas 3. Greenhouses or hothouses for private tee only. k. Su,.mr- house.. - 5. Public schools, 6. Private schools. 7. Parks and play grounds, including usual park buildings, 6. Library buildings. 9. Gardena: the raising of Vegetables, produoe and flowers on vacant ground will be permitted provided that no farm house, stable, eattle or fowls will be maintained in aonneotion therewith. 10. Churches, parish houses. 11. The occupants of the buildings allowed in the portion of the City of Port Angeles above described, may engage in carrying on auoh'professions -ss are ordinarily carried on in the home, inoluding_ the hose office or phyaioians, surgeons or dentists. Signs indicating, such nee and occupanoy are prescribed in such- paragraph 2, Sec. It. Signs advertising for sale or lease the property-en which they are looat.A, hut ,Por-no. other purpose, may be erected and maintained. Section II. looal option uses. _In the obeys desoribed portion or the City of Port Angeles there may be greeted, altered, repaired and maintained when authorised under the looal option regulations speoified in °geotion V, the' following uses and no others: 1. Garage for more than three notor vehicles as an aooessorty to a dwelling when detached from the building or mhen located in the baeemont, seller or first story of the dwelling, or by a oombination of:ths above, provided that the,nuaber of vehicles sheltered upon the lot or treat of ground upon iah the dwelling is located mill not exceed five in number. - 2. Sign *. 8igne or inscriptions -of the usual type, designating a school, pariah house or ehuroh, will be permitted provided that such sign is attached flat against the building. No sign shall exceed six square feet in area unless suoh sign has been authorised by the local option. regulations of Section V. A:.sign designating s home occupation or use as Mentioned in Section I, will be permitted provided such sign is attached net against the building and doss not exceed nix inches by eighteen-inches in its dimensions. 3. Private stable. .The number of cattle shall not exoeed. one for every twenty -five . hundred square felt, contained in the ere* of the lot upon-whieh such building is located, and spy cattle will be permitted only whin authorised under the local option regulations Section V. 4, Domestic animals and fowls. Not Mere than one appurtenant building will be " allowed for a floor area of not to exoeed thirty feet which is used for housing domestic animals or fowl*, in any lot in th"e above desor ibed portion of the City of Port Angeles, excepting a building of greater arsa'or a greater number of buildings will bs,permitted when authorised under the looal option regulations Section V. 5. Boarding house when - occupied by students and supervised by the authorities of o public educational, institution. .2. 6. Community club house. 7. gursery or greenhouses. 8. Public utility building. A building nooesssry for the proper operation of a public utility may be permitted when authorised under local option regulation, Section V. Section III. Prohibited :0es. _311 uset and ocoupancies not allowed in Sections I and II, are hereby prohibited In the above described portion of the'City of Port Angeles. 1. Sign boards. ?he erection and' Maintenance of sign boards and billboards and all signs except those ipeoifically covered in Seotions'1 and IT is prohibited. The repaint- ing of advertising. signs of s bnsiuess,or product not conduoted on or for sale on the pre. • seises, onexisting, non.00nforedinag buildings, is prohibited unless such signs &re, approved under the 1oos1 option regulations, Seoion V. 2. Shaek,buildings. The erection, alteration, repair or mainteasanoe of a temporary or shook building for residential or other purposes .prohibited, except that the erection of temporary building for industry inoidentn2 to the developasnt of s residential property will be permitted, for a period Of not exceeding six Months under the local option regulations, Section Y. 3. Pardoning and fruit raising. Nothing in this section shall" be construed to prohibit the use of ractot property for gardening or fruit raising, or' its temporary use, conformable to law, for fairs, oirouses or:sisiilar purposes. • dsotion XY. Existing buildings and non- conforming uses. taiaen•rer any property or any existing building at the.time of the passage of this ordinance is being devoted to a use:whioh is legal prior to the paesage of this ordinance, such use may continue oven though the sans be not in conformity to the regulations of this ordinance. If, however, the use of buildings or.preaises shall be changed subsequent to the passage of this ordinanoe, such'change shall be to • use conforming to the regulations •herein sot forth and sfter such change the buildings or premises shall .not again there. after be devoted to°the original er to any noa,conforming use. Wben,a building which is devoted to a non - conforming use is damaged by fire or any cause so that the total deterioration exceeds ninety per cent of the cost of replaoing the building, owing now materials, then suph building shall mot be rebuilt unless its construction and use con - form in ail respects to the requirsaaents of this ordinsnos and of other ordinances of the psrmises or building devoted to a non- ocntoreing use shall be enlarged, remodeled or altered unless such enlargement, remodeling or alterations has been approved in aeoordanos t:ita the local option regulations set -forth in Section 4, hereof, Any building sought to :bey repairing or restored after damage by tire shalt be so repaired and restored within six months in order to be entitled to the provisions of this section. Section V. Local Option Regulations. !hangover any building, premises or.sign or' the use of any such buildings, premises or sign is subject to local option regulations the person or persons desiring to devote Ouch building or premises to an allowed, non- oonforairig use shall first submit to the City Coaaisaioa an application for that purpose in which the following inforaietion shall be set forth: - 1. The deaoription of the building or sigd end the property on which the same is •'looatsd. - 2. The proposed use end.000upaney. 3. The names and addressee of all oisier. of property within a radivaof two huxidred feet of the property in,queatiori. 4. A list of all parcels of property within • radius of tw'o hundred feet of the property in question with a description assigned tether same on time assessment and tax rolls of Clallea County. Ehere a property or building is in a district adjaoent to another district of less restrictive oharaot•r the two hundred foot radius line shall inolude no property in such adjacent district. • The City Commission shall upon the filing of the said application, notify the owners of the property within the two hundred foot radius of the contemplated use of +the premises or building. by letter addressed -to them at their last known address with postage prepaid, and if within ten days frog the wailing of suoh notion, the owner or ownera of note than sixty per cent of snob property, calculated according to area, protest against suoh proposed use of the property or buildings in. question, the application -3 shall be denied and such use shall be declared by the City Couamisaion to be unlaw ful. It protest is made by owners of less than sixty per oent in area of property within the two hundred foot radius, then the City Commission shall iaeue a permit and such uses shall be declared lawful, provided, however, that no non- oonforming pro- perty devoted to a similar use to that to which the property in question is sought to be devoted under the terms of this Section Shall be heard to protest against such proposed use nor shall property so devoted to a non- oonforming use be taken into consideration in calculating the area above described. Section VI. Penalties Any person, firm or corporation violating any provisions of this ordinance shell upon conviction therm"! be punished by a fine in any sue not sawed. •ing one hundred dollars ($100.00) for any single offense or by imprisonment in the city jail for any term not exoeeding thirty days, or by both suoh' fine and imprisonment. Each and every day during **hick a violating of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be maintinaed or permitted to exist shall and does constitute a separate offense, and shall be punishable as such. Section VII. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full foree from and after its passage and approval and from and after thirty day■ from its lawful publication. Passed first reading by the City Commission, April 2, 19$0. Passed second reading by the City Coeseission, April 9, 1930, Passed third reading and finally passed and adopted by the City Commission September 10th, 1930. Approved and signed by the Mayor this 10th day of September 1930. W. D. Hedrick, Mayor ATTEST* 0. E. Shields City Clerk • Approved as to forms Levis b Church City Attorneys Published September 12, 1930. • 11141, ORDINANCE S©. 911 AN 0RAI1tA110Ei regulating the er.otion,- location, repair, alteration and use of buildings and struotures, and the use of land in certain portions of thi City of Part Angeles, aid prodding for the enforesmsnt of said regulation& and preodribiag p.naltise.for the violation of ths same. THE CITY. COMMISSION 0? •1HE envoi no ANGELES DO °R pm A& g0LL07Si Section 1. In the portion of the pity of Port Angeles bounded an the oast by • a line runnint parallel t s o Lincoln Street,- pnd -on •hundred feet distant therefrom, in an easterly direction, oh the north by a lino rsndniing parallel with Eighth $treat, •and ots. hundred forty feet.distant therefrom in a southerly direction, on the Volt by the break of lalloy Creak, and on the south by the Boulevard, it shall be lawful to *root, sitar, repair and. bratn!tain the following described building' and structure", and the - follawing toles as fellows; 1. dingle - foxily dwellings, with or without duo:► other aocessory buildings, as are appropriate to such buildings, inoluding s< private garage for not Moro that three motor vshiolea, but suoh accessory bniiding' shall not include -a business or industry nor the impairing or servicing of motor vehicles. 2. Pergolas Grsenhouser or hothoueos for privets use only. Summer- houses, 5. Public sohoolf. 6. Private schools. 7. Parks end play grounds, inoluding usuI1 pork buildings. a. Library buildings. 9. Gardens the 'airing of vsgatablsa, produce and flowers on vacant ground will be permitted provided that no fares houao, stable, cattle or fowls will bs maintained in • conneatioo th•relrith. 10. Churches, parish houses. 114 The oocupante of the buildings -.glowed in'the portion of the City of Port Angeles Abel*descrtbsd, may Image in carrying on ouch professions s are ordinarily carried on in the hoes., inoltnding the home office of physicians, surgeon" or dentists. Signs indicating auoh use epd occupancy are prescribed in such- paragraph 2, Soo. IX.�"� Signs ad►srtisiog for solo. or lease tho property on. whioh they are located, but for no • ethos' purpose, oar be oreoted Ind s&intained. Election .11. Local option uses. In the abo,rs described portion of ths .City of Port Angeles there may to wrested, altered, repaired and maintained when authorised tinder the local option regulations sproified, in &lotion V, the folio ang .uses and no othsrss 1. Garage for more than three actor vohioleroe an aaoessorty to a dwelling when detached from the building or when located in ths basement, cellar or first story of the. dwelling, or by a combination of the above, provided that the *xhber of vehicles sheltered upon the lot or tract of ground upon whieh the dwelling is located will not exceed five in nuwbrr. • 2. Signs. Signs or inscriptions of the usu*l`type,design&tina a aohool, parish house or church,. will be 'emitted provided that such sign is attached net against the •-building. No sign shall eseeod six square feet in area unless "nth sign boa been authorised by ths.looal option regulations - -of Seottcda Y. A sign designating a ho*. occupation or use as asntionsd in Section I, will,be permitted provided such Sign is attached flat against the building and does not ixoesd six inches by eighteen inohrs in its din.neions. - 3. Privats,stable. The number of cattle shall cot emceed one for every twenty -five hundred square feet, contained in the arsa'of the- lot upon ttbioh Ouch building is located, and any cattle will be psrmittsd only when authorised under the local option regulations Suction V. • b. Dossstio animal"! and fowls. Not *ore than One appurtenant building will be o. allowed for a floor aroot not to sxosed thirty feet whioh is used for housing dompetio animals or fors, in any lot in the above described portion of the City of Port Angeles, excepting a building of,greator area or a greater number of buildings-will be- permitted hen authorised under the local option regulationd ,Seotien V. 5. Boarding hours *hen boaupied Ly students Ind supervised by the authorities of a public eduoational institution. Community club house. 7. nursery or greenhouses. 8. Public utility building. 'A building naoiesary.for tbs - -p »per operation of a public utility may be permitted then authoritod under local option regulation, Seotion V. • Ceotion Iii. Prohibited saes. All urea and 000upanciss not allowed in Sections I and Ii, Are hereby prohibited in ths.abovs dssaribed portion of the City of Port Anplee. 1. Sion boards. The ereoticn cad aIaintsnanCS of sign boards *Ad bill boards and all signs exempt -those specifically covered in %lotion! I and II is prohibited, ?ho repaint. ing of advertisiatg signs of a bua.iness' or product not conducted on or for sale on the pre.. • rises, on esi.sting, non- conforming buildings, i. prohibited voles! such signs are approved under the loom option regulations, deotion V. 2. Shook buildings, The erection, alteration., repair .or maintenanao of a. temporary or shad - building for residential or other purposes is prohibited, *except that the sreetion of•teaporary building for industry incidental to the development of a residential property we' } l- ba. permitted for t- priod of-not sxaeeding sire months under : the local option regulations, S *eotion V. 3. Cordoning and-fruit raising. 'nothing in this section -'hall be .00nitrued to prohibit the use of vacant property for gardening or fruit raising,. or its temporary use. oonforarabie to 1&w, for., fairs, oirouaes or similar purposes. . Section- IY. Misting bnildingi and not-conforming noes. Bhensi•.r any property or any existing building at tho time of the passage of this ordinance is:baang deVotid to a use ehloh is legal prior to the.passags or this ordinance, quota use may continue even though the caws be not in oonfoimity -to the regulation* of this ordinance. If, howeter,'the use of buildings or pretdaes shall be Changed subsequent to the pas-sags of this ordinance, such. change shalt be iso s use conforming to the raulations herein tt forth and otter such change the buildings or pradss■ shall tot again there. after be devoted to the original or to anyrnon- ronforsiiag us*e. Ahen a butiding.whioh is devoted to a non- oonforming uss is damaged by firs or my cause •o that the total deterioration exceeds ninety per mentor the cost of replaaing.Oho building. looting neap materiels, then such buildiu& .hail not be rebuilt unless its contraction snd use con- faro in sell rsspeote to #.he requirements of this ordinance/ and or-other ordinanoea of the pernisos or building devoted ;.to a non. - conforming use shall boonierged, rea odeled .or- altered unless such eulargomont, remodeling or alteration' has been.spprofwea in acoor4anee with the local option regulations act forth in 8eotion Y, hereof; Any building sought to be repairing of restored offer damage by fire' shall be se repaired and restored within six months in order to be entitled to the prodleions or this seotion. 8sotton Y. Loom. Option Regulations. e enever any building, premises or sip or the -use of my such buildings, premises or sign is subject to local option rsplstions_the persoo . or persons- desiring to devote suth building or premiss* to an allowed non - conforming use "shall /trot submit to the City Coagulation an application for that purpose in, abigh the fo1101r ng informiation *hall b. set forth.: 1. The description of the building or sign, and the property on ohieh the Sam, is • la_oatad. P. ' 'ho proposed; use and 000u'panoy,. ∎ . 3. the names and addresses of all binaere of property -xithin a radial of two hundred foot of the property in question.. 4. A list of all paroels of property Within s: rsdins of two huadrod feet of the property in question with a desoription oesignod to the same on the asseemient and tax rolls of Cloilaa County. Rhone a property or building is in a district adjaoent to `anothsr.dilstriot of loss rsstriotive ohareotsr.the too hundred foot radius line shall inolude no property, in snoh sd,aosart district. . The City Commission shall upon tile'filing.of tht said applioaation, notify the ors of the property within thee too hundred -'foot radius of the eontemplated use of the preaises or building by utter addressed to them at their lam known address with postage prepaid, gild if olthin. ten days from the aailino of ■uoh notioe, the owner or owners of more that slaty per'oent of such property, caloulated according to area, protest against eueh propeaed use of the property or building' in question, the application - 3 - shall be denied end suh use *hall be declared by the City !Camrnirsioa to be unlae- fu1.. If protest is made by owners of less than *i_xty per trent in area of property within the two hundred root radius, then the City Commission shall issue a permit and such vie shall be dsolared lawful,. provided, howevver,. that no non•oontorming pro- perty devoted to a similar use to that to shine* the property in question is saint to be devoted wader the terse of this Section ski be heard to pretext against snob proposed use not shall property so devoted, to s non-conforming use be taken into . consideration in calculating the area above deaeribed. Section el. Penalties: Any .person, firm or ourporatioa violating any provisions of this ordtnanoe shall upon conviction thire$f be punished by * tine Sri any eus not exceed- • ing one hnadrsd dollars 0100.00) for iny 'single offense or by'iprieo:nsent in the city jail for any terse net exceeding thirty flays, or by both such fine and isiprieonment. Mueh and evstry day during which a violating of any of the provisions Of :Oil ordinance shall be aintinaed or•psrtaitted to exist shill and does constitute a separate :Wrens*, and shah be 'punisliable as such. Section VII. This ordinance obeli take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval and froar cad after thirty days frca its lawful publioatiaat. Passed first reading, by the City CoMaissian, -April 2, 1930. Pnu *ed .s,cnd reading by the City Conniseios , April 9, 1930. Amnia third readirsg add finally passed and adopted by the City Coaaistion September 10th, 193 . Approved and Signed by the Mayor this 10th dry of September 1930. R. a. Hedrick, liver ATTEST: S. E. Shields, City Clerk ••Approved as to fora: mrie i Church City Attorneys Published Septsisber 12, 1930. cations Bo. 911 AN o8DIU*CB, regulating thf•erection, location, repair, alteration and use of buildings and structures, and the use of land in certain portions of the City of Port Angeles, and providing for the enforcement of said regulations and proscribing penalties for the violation of the same. THE CITY COMttU88ION OF THS CITY OP POSY AMOLLES DO ORDAIN AD F'OLLOCS s flotation 1. In that portion of the City of fort Angeles bounded on the east by •a lineunnirg parallel to Lincoln Street, and one hundred fast distant therefrom, in •r an easterly direction, on the north by * fins running parallel with Eighth Street, and ads hundred forty foot distant therefrom. in a southerly direction, on tht Wert by the break of Talley Creek, and on the south by the foulevard, it shall be lawful to erect, alter, repair and maintain the following described buildings and structures, and the following vise as follow t 1. Single family dwellings, with or without auoh other accessory buildings, as are appropriate to such buildings, including a private garags for not amore than three motor vshiolee, but such accessary buildings shall not inolude a businosa or industry not the repairing or servicing of motor v►ehioles. 2. Pergolas 3. Greenhouses or hothouses for private use only. 14. Sussrsr :houses. 5. Public schools. 6. Private.sehoels. 7. Parks and play grounds, including usual ,park buildings. S. Library buildings. 9. Cordons: the raising of vsgatablss, produce and flowers on vacant ground will be permitted provided that no farts house, stsbls, cattle or fowls will be rmaintained in • oorneotion therewith,. 10. Chorebea, parish.hou.ra. .11. The occupants of the buildbia allo.rsd in the portion of the City of Port Angeles above desoribad,.>say engage in carrying on ;UM professions as are ordinarily carried on,in the hose, inoluding the hones ortioe of physicians, surgeons or dentists. Signs indicating such use and occupancy are prescribed in such- par.graph 2, Sec. II. Signs advertising for sale or lease the property an which theyaars located, but for no other pdrposs, may be erected and maintained.. Section 1I. ioosl option users. lathe stows dssoribed portion of the City of Port Angeles there may be erected, altered, repaired and motritaitsd eaten authorised under the local option regulations speoified in Section Y, thei tolloring us4s and no otherse 1. Garage for a on th*n three motor vehloles as an aooessorty to a dwelling when, detached from the building or when located in the basement, cellar or first story of tin dolling, or by a combination of the above, provided that number of vehicles sheltered upon the lot or tract of ground upon *#oh tbs dwelling is located will not **mood five in number. ' 2. Signs. Signs or inscriptions of thm usual type, dssigoating s sohbol, parish house or church, 1111 be permitted provided that such alp is ittached flat against the •building. 'So sign shall eaoeud. six square foot in area unless such sign Ass been authorised by *Jul local option regulations of beotion V. A sign designating a hosts occupation or use as Mentioned. in 8.otion I, mill be permitted provided swop sign is attaohsd fiat against the building and doss not exceed six inchoe by eighteen inches in its dimensions. 3. Private stable. the number of cattle shall not exceed one for ovary tw utytivo hundred square rest, oentaitod in the area of the. lot upon.whioh such building is looate1, and any cattle will be permittad only when authorised Under the local option regulations Section V. 4. Domestic animals and fowls. Not more than one appurtenant building will be allowed fors floor aroa of not to exceed thirty test which is used for housing douestio . animal* or fowls, in any lot in the above dssoribed. portion of the City of Port Angeles, sxeepting a building of greater area or t.greatsr number of buildings will be permitted *on suthorissd under the local option regulations Ssotion V. 5. _hoarding house when oocupisd by students and supsrvissd by the authorities of a public educational Institution. 6. •Coanity club howl*. 7. Nursery or greenhouses. 6. Pnblio utility building. A• building necessary tor the proper operation of a. public utility may to permitted then authorised under local option regulation, Seotion Y. Bastion III. Prohibited Ise.. 1111 uses mod 000upanciss not allowsd in Ignitions I and I1, are hereby.,prohibited in the above described portion of the City of Port Angeles. • 1. Eijn boards. The emotion and asinntensnoe of sign boards and bill boards and all sigaas exospt those spaeitioaliy covered in Seetione 1 and II is prohibited. The repait3t- ing of advertising signs of a business or product not condduoted on or for *ale ou the pre.. • arises, on oxisting,-nonmconformine existing,-non-conform buildings, is prohibited unless such sign* arc approved under the local option regulations, Coati= V. 2. Cheek buildings. The erection, alteration, repair or maintenance of a temporary or amok building for rssidsntisl or other purposes is prohibited, Mxoept that the eraotion of temporary building for industry incidental to the development of a residential property will to psraitted tor a period of not exceeding six months under the local option reguletions,Seotion V. 3. Cordoning and fruit raising. lotting in this.seotion shall be canstrusd to prohibit the use of vacant property for gardening or fruit raising, or its temporary use, oontorsoabls to law, for fairs, cirouesa or similar purposes. .Section IY. Existing buildings.and non- oonforming uses. Whenever any property or any existing building st the time of the postage of this ordinance is being dsvroted.to w'use a ich,i.s.legal prior to the passage of this ordinates, *with use say continue even though the some be not in oanforarity to the regulations at this . ordinsnee. It however, the use of buildings or premise. shall be changed subsequent to the passage of this ordinance, such champ shall be to o use conforming to the regulations Allk herein set forth and attar suoh change the building* or promises shall not again there. otter be devoted to the original or to aryyr non- couformittg ass. 'then a building which is devoted to a non- oonToraing nee is defogged by fire or any cause so that the total deterioration oxeseds ninety per cent of the oast of replacing the building, useing now aateriais, then such building shall not be rebuilt unless its construction std use ca n- torst in all reipeote to *Ult. requirements of this ordinance" and of other ordinances of the peraises or building devoted to a non- ooatorwing use shall be e,1arged, remodeled or altered unique such en1s rgs ant, remodeling or *iterations has been approved in :cool-dazes frith the local option regulations set forth in 800tion T, hereof, AAY building sought to be repairing or restored after desssge by fire shall be so repaired and restored - within six months in order to be entitled to the provisions of this section. Siotion Y. local Option Regulations. Whenever any building, promises or sign or tins use of any such buildings, premises _,or sign is subject to local option regulations the person or persons desiring to devote _such building or premises to an allowed• non- oanfnraaaing use shall first submit to the City Comission so application for that purpose in which the following informiatibn shill be set fortht 1. The deseription of the building or sign and the property on which the sane le • loaat*d. ' 2. The proposed use and 000upaneyt. 3. The camas and addresses of all caner' of property within a radius-of two hundred rest of the property in question. 1►. A li.t of all parcels of property within a radius of two hundred feet of the property in question with a description assigned to the same on the assessment and tax rolls of Clsllme Coumty. there a property or building, is in a district adjacent to another district of loss restrictive character the two hundred foot radius lino shall iooluds no property in such adjaoent district. The City Cos+alission shall upon tins filing of the said application, notify/ tbo owners of the property within the two hundred foot radius of the eontemplated use of the premises or building by letter addressed to then at their sit known address with postage prepaid, and if within ton days from the mailing of such notice, the owner or owners Of more than sixty per cent of such property, oalouleted saoordiug to aroa, protest against such propssed ass' of the property or buildings in question, the application ,I shell bs denied sn , auah use ihall be doelared by the City Commission to bs ro ar) tul. It protest is made by owners of less than sixth per Gent in arse of :ProPor'tY within #h# two hundred foot radius, then the City Commission .M11 iieua a permit and such nee shall be declared la itul, provided, however, that no nonoctonforming pro- Forty devoted to a similar use 'to that to which the property in question is sought to be de-fetid under the tins of this Seal= shall be. heard to protest against suoh► proposed ups nor shall property so devoted to a non -conforming onforming use frs taboo into oonaid.ratiof in aaloulating the area above daiorib.d. Ssotiaaz VI. Pwaaltisss Aay person.lira or om.poratioh violating sny,provieiona Of this ordinance- phs .l upon conviction th.Tsdf is punished by a tine in any amount oxoead.0 lag oas hoadro4. dollars 0100.00 for any single offense or by imprisonment in the pity jail for any tare mot oxoeeding thirty, days, Si by both such fine, Sad imprtsonsssnt. Rath and every day during:Which a violating -of -any of the prorisions of this hrdinanoe shall be saintinsed or psrnitted .to eaist shill and adds- Constitute a separate Wens*, sad • shall, bs yslshab1s as such. • : t seation',Vll. this srdinaaoe shall take efreot and b. pia bill fords frc . and after its passsg. end approval end fro* rand after tt irty! days frOm its la+stnl publication. Passed first, residing by the City, Commission, April 2, 19Qj0. Pasnkd 0000nd reading . by the City COmmission April 9, 1930. passed third reading and finally pass *d and adopted by the City'Co:mission September 1Oth, 1930. • tpprovsd and sti, t.d by the Ivor this. 10th' day. of September 1930. 1�. B. ludrick, Neycr ATTESl s 0. N. Shields City Clerk ` 4 provsfl as to fora, Levis A Church City Attorney* .Published Eoptsmbrr '12, 1930. - • , r ORDINAMC211O. 911 AN ORDIWANCS, regulating the erection, location, repair, alteration and use of buildings and structures, and the use of land in certain portions of the City of Port Angeles, and pro. riding for the enforcement of raid regulations and prescribing penalties for the violation of ∎the same. TSB CITY CO1WI83I011 0! Tfili CITY OF PORT MULES D0 ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: • Notion 1. In that .portion of the City of Port Angeles bounded•cn the east by s line running parallel to Lincoln Street, and one hundred feet distant therefrom, in an easterly erection, on the north by a line running parallel with Eighth Meet, and one hundred forty et distant the_retrom in a southerly. direction, on the woit byis break of Valley Creek, and on. the south by the Boulevard, it shall be lawful to erect, alter, repair and maintain the . following described buildings and structures, and the followinguees si follows! 1. Single family dwellings with or without.such other accessory buildings as are ap. propriats to such buildings, including a private garage for not more than three motor vehicles, but such accessory buildings shall not include a busivese or industry nor the repairing or servioing•of motor vehicles. 2. Pergolas. 3. Greenhouses or hothouse• for private use only., h. Summer- house•. 5. Public sehooli. 6. Private *oboe's. 7. Perks end play grounds, inoluding usual park buildings. B. Library buildings. • 9. Gardens; the raising of vegetables; produee and flowers on vaoant gund will be•per• mitted provided 'that nr farm house, °stable, cattle or-fowls will be,maintained in oonneotion therewith. 10. Churohss, parish houses: 11. The.occupants of the buildings allowed in the portion of the City of Port Angeles • Ilkare described, may engage in Berrying on suet processions as are ordinairly carried on the home, inoluding the hone office of physicians, surgeons or dentists. Signs indicating such use and occupancy are prescribed in sub - paragraph 2. See. II. Signs advertising for - sale or lease the property on which they are located, but for no other purpose, may be 'rooted and maintained. - Ssotion II. Local option uses. In the above described portion of the City of Port Angeles there may be erected, altered, rspaired.and maintained when authorised under the, local option regulations, specified in Section V, the;tollowing uses and no others: 1. Garage for more than three rotor vehicles cis an aoosesory to a dwelling when de- taahsd from the building or when located in the basement, oellar or first story of the dwell.. -ing, or by a combination of the above, provided that the number of vehicles sheltered upon the lot or tract of ground upon whioh•ths drselling is located will not exceed five in number. 2. Signs. Signs or inscriptions of the usual type, designating s school, parish house or church, will be permitted provided that such sign is attached Flat against the .building. So sign shall exceed six 'square feet in area unless suoh sign has been authorised by the looal option regulations of Section V.• A sign designating a home 000upation or use as mentioned in 9eotion 1, will -be permitted provided ouch sign is attaohed flat against the building and does not exceed six inches by eighteen inehee in its dimensions. • 5. Private stable. The cumber of cattle shall not exosed one' for every twenty -five hundre+ guars feet, contained in the area of the lot upon vhioh such building is located, and any the will be permitted only when authorised under the looal option regulations Section V.. 4. Domeatio animals and fowls. Rot more than one appurtenant building wit/be allowed for a floor area of not.to exceed thirty teat which is used for blousing domestic animals or fowls, in any lot in the above described portion of the City of Port Angeles, excepting a building of greater area or a greater number -of buildings sill be permitted ehen`euthorised under the local option regulations Section V. 5. Boardinghouse when *coupled by students and supervised by the authorities of a public educational institution., 6. Community club house. 7. Nursery or greenhouses. B. Public utility building. A. building necessary for the proper operation of a.publio mtility spay be permitted when authorised under loeal option regulation Scotian V. Section III. Prohibited Uses, Ail uees andaooupanoies not allowed in Section I and II, are hereby prohibited in the abovs_desoribed portion of the City of Port Angelus.. 1. Sign boards, The .reation and maintenance of sign boards and bill boards and all .2- signs except those specifically covered to iteotions I and II is prohibited. The repainting' .of advertising signs of a business or product not oonduoted on or for sale on the premises, On existing, non-conforming buildings, is prohibited unless such'aigns are approvod.under the 1o04 option regulations, 8eotion V. - .'2. Shack buildings. TN: ereotion, alteration, repair or maintenance of a temporary or •hack building for residential or other'purposee is prohibited, 'exoeptrthat the erreotion of temporary building for industry incidental to the development of a residential property will be permitted for a period or 'not exoeeding six months under the local option regulations, 8eation V. 3. Gardening and fruit raising._ Nothing in this Section shall be oonatrued,to prohibit use of vaoant property for gardening or fruit' raising, or its temporary use, oonforasable law, for fairs, oirousee or similar purposes. - 8eotion IT. Existing buildings and Aon- oonforning uses. Whenever arsy.property or any existing building at the time of the passage of this ordin• anoe is being devoted to a u■ewhioh.ip,legal prior to the passage of this ordinanoe, such use may continue evaf- theugh the sass he not in conformity to the regulations of this ordin. ono*, If, however, the use of buildings or premises shall be changed subsequent to the pas. ,sage of this ordinanoe, such change 'shall•be to -cause conforming to the regulations herein set forth and after sueh change the buildings or premises shall not again thereafter be de. voted to the original or to any non - conforming use. When a building whids is devoted to a non- oonforming use is. damaged by fire or by any cause co that the total deterioration exceeds ninety per cent of the cost of replaoing the building, using nem-materale, than Such building shall not be rebuilt unless its oonstruotion and use coaforne in all_-reip.ots to the require- ments of this,ordinanoe and of other ordinanoss of the City as applied to-buildings and uses in the district in .hioh it..is located. ,Ito premises or buildings devoted to a non- oonforaing use shall be enlarged, remodeled or altered unless such onlargenent, remodeling or alteration has been approved in accordance with the looal-option regulation, set forth in Seotion Vs hereof. Any building.seught to be repaired or restored after dente be fire shall be so re- " paired and restored Within six months in order to be entitled to the. provisions of this emotion. . Mention V. LocaiOption Regulations. llhenever any building, premises.or.,sign or the use of any snob building, premises or sign is subject to-looal.option regulations the person or persons desiring to devoto.such building or premises to an allowed non- conforn>ing _use shall first submit to the Citp Commission an ap- plication for that purpose !.n xhioh the following information shall be set-forth: 1. Th. deIiption of the building or sign and the property on whioh:the samw is located. 2. the proposed use and occupancy. 3. The names and addresses of all owners of property_wxthin,a radius-0f two hundred feat of the property in question. 11. A list of all parole of property within:& radius oi' two hundred feet of the property in question with a description assigned to the same on the asoesssnant and tax roll of Clallaa County. Ihere-a property or building is in a district adjacent to anothsr district of less restriotise oharaoter the two hundred foot radius line shall include no property in such ad. jaoent district. ?he City Cosmisiion shall upon -the filing of the said - application notify the owners of the property within the two hundred. foot radius of the oontenplated use, of the promisee or buildincby letter addressed to them at their lest known address with peatage prepaid, and ,if within ten days from the mailing of such notice; the owner or owners of more than sixty r cent-of such property, owloulated aoeording to area, protest against suoh proposed use the property. or buildings is question, tre application shall be dented and such use shall deolared by the City Commission to be unlawful. If protest is'made by owners of lees than sixty per cent in area of property within the two hundred foot radius, then the City Commission,. shall issue a permit and such use shall be declared lawtulj provided, however,-that no non• conforming property devoted to a similar.usa to that to which the property► in question is sought to be devoted under the tetras of this 8eotiob shall be heard to protest against suoh proposed use nor shall property'so devoted•to s non..00nforming use be taken into oonsideration in calculating the area above deseribed. 8eotion VI. Penalties: Any pereon, firma:. corporation violating any provisions or this ordinance shall upon•oonviction thersof be punished by a fine in any sums not•oxoeeding one hundred dollars. (*100.00) for any single offense or by impriaonmrent its the oity jail for any term not ssoeeding thirty days, or by both suoh fine-and inprieonnent._• Each and ovory day during whtoh a violation of. any of the provisions,of• this ordinance shall be maintained or permitted to exist shall and does constitute-a separate offense, and shall be punishable as such. 4 . Section VII. This ordinanos shall take etteot and be in full foroe from and after its passage and approval and from and after thirty days after its lawful publication. Passed first reading by the City Commission, April 2, 1930. Passed second reading by the City Commission, April 9. 1930. Passed third reading and'rinally passed and adopted by the City Commission September 10, 1930. Approved and signed by the Mayor this 10th day of September, 1930. • AiTES1' 7 C. S. Shields, City Clerk Approved as to foriag Lewis s Churoh, City Attorneys Published September 12, 1930. • W. B. FICA "�— Mayor bier o '""t 3 11' ;':' 1 15 �& trx t 4�a �' - 'H''t r "' h`""1", •a..1- 4* i . - • • e�Peimtt dr la • 'iv'berl �6Rn1 i i'e . »l� " edi rsi, ts1 aj pe[ebrL�s b �. t�• : 1 "'„ *i ] tfo" A„ s; udeglt7» t "� .� 11:8 $e ti9n �yW,,a>ia� h-?T OitDajw reo ail!g fhb , at n an . t, t taisttiilrl;' c•rectlol. locat}b t1 t lr iia ms e'c�,! t �aDitlr alters I . Mafitaf - ltiorrhtnahusgdf"butk ingq..an etrucl C °_�e�tia eV': rolubit't use o ;- tures_.and the' BAP isei eta. _ 0� t.tin�}S- ttonb:io ef�la0d•oln cer'� ,rul aiaiiie -A9 i to en 1 §8r 1 ltie Crlt}�G-�bf tP64 conformable la fi7 mot •a's:1 4 eft gnd'ptip[tt}81ng1f0�'"the . en eihetVor,'almif rOmb airs c r: • Yorce env of ea t1�. f gutatiohs and aCiftorbortea, g3 Breyer bin `ptTbt161t15 l' P.15a n- +IY.r�81�}n buildin sa , tlon.of2. VIWEAaakil3 s t d Idly ",mil�t''min uaeaig ' rli!1 GtFr'�: ,f `rg" 3 1fber a"an '„ + I shin OF� TilE r =>{ >rj - propert ai a CITYO& lt5'-1,* 12•3I)4.cj R ttst} bf...ti stionietlmaateiie 1) L,lv rFOfaT }?V ,,y st, t. ii Bsoo ill! ci °td wIirelt'l lb Ifs; S ctiq`rt�•{ thn,' t f - deva H to a use whf`cir t gF:; CitY� dC' oi}.f f fa7ef»1 a 1if'locy'zto the oa9sa0e of ['hf di- the eas0Xy ad-111 .c untied on tnreetguch use ma ntln ''1- r 1 o,o4natheirarailel iho 4e - ever{, [n Lt!rain Stthe nit the- game, 1:1 K�;andtone undyed rforml �IP`cditxS!.. feet distant therEltt 4ifoj( ieguj• op5 oG4; -loa'; • girls . d irectto h, of - � �an ea k. nrdlhance. -: tf 1•iowevtgq: fie ttse- of. Bite rennin ' tp rth. byY a. ibuitdi nits :or ctiztreittarb�,, sl ll;r,. be a* partilfel3']v[� r l,ighth changed sutisequent,;to, the paesaire ti to ee t, tlnd one Bundle rty feet uf.th is or¢ltianee suph?ohange: shall .di Cant theirefre we Ih ao-li Eberly betto a use.:conf'armhi Yo the:iaf±e . . cifr Va a `Crcete west -' 3 -'the, break jattodBxiherei n lie f0ith or I I -fie r' h the k» oa the: flaw -- %quo ban a the buildin s oi' pram L ! A/atevarrt. shaft 2c taw 1ise sit'thdt g 1 Iul io Crect:yl_aiEet re ate and &ggtti.'thereafter:yiia {maintain. .d'e a -t41 the .ariginFa. or toan' hu idinga kand felt °wins deseil bed • * toitn tng' Wse::NV-heh a build: Phu IUI In '� etrueturea„ and 4the age". h}ch r, la devoted eto a non= R ,. ufamias- tell e _canto In}ngi -Wyss; is damaged 1»' fir& F .$in le -nr wite°et site gaarswith do°bvD.anv.cauae eeils;t :her. total, F4.. o Af Aires aory iletoryljratl en: exceeds°lpl tin _; e soO . builtiinge ¢bide tplsolitiate• 'te eifld lug- t sing.; t • of. r t r gisg, •lien • Ka rage -?`for not5itteke h.1 lirIVate •puydlug using new4.matAt•ta,reba 1f11e7ctt Ory IiiiI4uDltiW}n8onatruct p t inntar'vBhicles hiiE�sa� acceslbiy •tmfea>r -:.its ,ponatruh[io� 8nd�ns =' -] gliding . ehit.Oiot- tFoditiaa.?t ..Dual tans, in:al1 seapect9 tq t➢e»1e , ;n¢ R Y: Onfa i,or servigi.ng rnotetthe -ti jea,t,�'r, kw r�Stanta -:oCt thiagta;41 er and ' F'' rgolaa k �-?. - � elrrordtnagceae6 tie• CI'tj3;' as:. `.•1"i3.. l reentiou8es o_ - rz' to Duildinga-and.thdeedtWITIV,` ,prtvnta use on1 y, >uth`ousea t"o "'liisit a In wlrichdit.' aritetid }ted:JNo.: 3 .Sum tnerohouae r. r t J cut}aea on- baiiding,,idevptddu• to n •t t I'. um lieu c iniae▪ . FokT«." .'b'a«'4A n° aot}LOhmtn I use -ehalre shun :ens. t' c £rlvst t- ebkbble . 1[ ` �s3 1 d modeled or atfgrei�" #artless` larks: =and-Dlalt.tgr °upds, }ri.. Ili rf�,tiaba beetr eaetpdelingw ors :el ml t nrr-. usuti3iRlaarrlc lbu Ild}u a", * t qn has been appraaad option; :.. 3 Llbr,iry- bt dlhga a g,. wI-'l. , d ?'ante .r,vc etc t'th i 0a11- opt- °tr". 9 r- trden8'.rthe,raf Atli- ail set forth in Secttonr-� s: t a byes.;. prlidnee=ii and Lin era a°- Y- butWced, sought- 'mage. ragant ground -nviit' be»Aerm ftted 6epathe: er.1resteretl after carcase ' provided ,that` not' fa7nt3 ...houae5 rssl oral :: NttltInagl{,spiontha. 3;31Order- s tabte.�tattle or towia wllteba )nail[ to,.Ae- .entitled t�rraa,�the lamed in'cnnneotirl!-therewlth,.E1 thiar„aeetion ,d�,}44 prov}atonti Of' :11 Chu oCUu'an tr otlroaaea 'T.- s C 4';'''',',7?':, Yx, ray a1 OPL on�Regu la p tlttr tltfitd -� Cftgs .tot!gvEgdc In. fite..port}on :ut't e e '1' a„._. 3 ?Tort iretea abbyo:,' de or.4sP bgver,anY butfdbf -nr-» 'ich such ed :»ra}dengf;gettFt4cari'„�tlti orf building ri e tiseaia4 -'si gn nis,.sub•. i.- pr°ftissions n ,tiriik ortiglasl}y tee t;ttq local :.option �f-gg llatritms:sthe ice rrled oi�ikia,the. A°me, tit °hiding per on or ;�erspns .iteat,CtnR tP'1 do th&AI°Maq-office oC I.: oi- tuna ,,sot vote'. suds . buiIdtngror�brern ises -it6; iieopa oc degtis tar, Stglia- WOieating, telttca11°uel=r" non °nfermI ng i.uso. 'such use • • an tl'-o cdiiancy dxe .pre shalt .ft rst subnl it t°- he Citu Com -: sc'rtbecL, I r! iaub i▪ laragratit 2, :•See mletIon, an- appiteaiion: for that. Pit• "H. 1..0 igns: act enarkin -at to iti;ya le, or poser in Which tle-9 tallow i n a inYot[- :lease the propertyy otr tvh}ch?_tttey, matterrieltety. teel'e `it}i tl} Are, teen ted^"ISUt for_ho outer -pur +4..T.'The desertption Atethe •Lm ldinT t �ined ntay ,be pied'r3'S d matn orr;> ign 'and,:tha;rropertY on t4hlcli I -• +,: F - I` the e,.yatne'1a located - 6ection ui rkoctg opttdn uses:` Ir ▪ .1: The Proposed �ise.'and occu cif iP Porto c e[e 'portion 1of ?'the -Damp : --- r.,-r ,.,, g $;fiber¢ fday_bei "•"aI xlrexnames and:addres es;or:aull •.e reefed�3ltered,•repaiite'8 and. rain - .owners Df. property :within aradius. • to Ined when .au¢hor}3dd: under -the of two _hundred fees not the .Prop local op Una, regulatlonseepecifiel la O t*itit qu stfon 'U;.. S eel mir 4 the tediowtog uses end h'4 '11, het of . ail no of lie rs garrets of and t girt} -Lw t71m aradtua of : -.two hu d;° 1- Cattge Soy more thatr three Jed fee of gibe Property;In question I'trot or vehicle cas:'an eccessoty to a trltira des ri Ptlon ee*gre d to the d wel Iing v.hen detach ad from rho same-; en. the assessment and Pas:' building "or, e shell ignated in ;tile Yolls *-of er,aldttt (Ittunty, AV / basemen: eel tat or.. flree Ltory; of property or building is- nt a dt9- tlt� dwelling« or b3 a�riombi tor y; • trlet�ad}acent to anothea.,dtetrlat 'of oC -';the .above provtded that - ,.fife les.4 rcntrI et Ve character the t}go number of; Valli cfes sheltered -,upon hunrir e e ».. -_. �the lot. - oirtract or,'graund' upon riuderno proper•iy fn such .tlaeht• wlt ich the dwelling •ts - loeatecL Will dtstrlgt ' t wet e t ed, we • 1n number ;r.,, Me, cHy Cetmnisal olt•;.sha I l moo 11= = -•bign8' Sighs +or -Inscripti0ns-. of the llhnA of :Lheisaid `application, the :usual •type desigrtatlhg" a no▪ tify' h- ou ler9 df the property. •acl:oo3 parish'- ltouee-oc ":church will Within :40e; two, hundred, -foot radius- (be perrditted; plovlded that- such °f' the• Contemplated use oI .the /f/4 "(t_ sign fa attached flat si ainat•- the pGamisea or ?tiitils>tng )iv %]ettdr ad /�+'^"' -,�v thulldipg `1o= 'rtgtel Shari exceed, site dressed tb them;a.t their.aa9t kn awn, jsquare feet; -11[ area: :1v n;esa o Such drehe;iwith-'postage Prepaid and sian has• h ee ,:f.authort3 ed.lhy.v1 -the f?wjthln ten: [.1ay9 from; t he,ana4;` tiara] ophottc .,regtira tifins g oN8eat Ion rn:;bf, such eibei ei , the. -ower •br; !d". A •sign aesignatingi4a- h0itfe,,:oC Ptt`n era t ° f, m0 ceathetcujate per -lcent, ubation Or uae3a&r;rngnttonedt ; ti .finish property— cSlculated satOrd-t Section ii wilt be -permitted pro ggE;to area,ynr'otest,. agar pat+1ach' hided such sign is iittachett flaC Dsopoeed vae.44` r the :_propert on .igal11 at the bultdittgyaied f}pes --tot ings in gaeytfor(�,[h'et ise nha EE exceed siY'"• Jnches Ivy' of yen tfott. ehall -be de!Wldandduehuse shall.. li!chew in i tar dlmen ionat, �, "t t t,t ba aeciardu b y--ttee city Coaim Isalon ' Private 1 atable- .The: - number, -of iy» o-"uero o »;;. Tf,.brotee t�.9s made: { cattle hall -,not ecceed -one for Y-owners oftIessP +than §ixty h t t�F every to my -five 1 unit d . square; aen]xrn area o btopet-ti1aNlthitri0t: `feet,. contained in the': area eclthO tar0,,31undred ftbt rid i elS. the:tc$Cha tot upon which such Liuttelbfg bk,:ld City;. Cotmnta.4 on shall issue a, par, fated and any cattle w} }17ha4per-1 mit`and,.auli Lee shaft •fie- Aaatared" m i tied only~.wperf auihorize$fulder 1atettl fprovided:i howeveC; rthaVeno, V1e;.ioFaf optfoptsegu[atlonxlsr pgnt non= corKermtng.,proper1Y_'devo ted'to • M'�t f v ,t:y mot. i a eitAtlat use'i'tpitit at • to .which th`e', • i it'17omesticr anlrhala.r}a5y d'�TVtti le property im question fan.aoughiT to; �ot. more than onev a be- deeoteit under the terms bf 11 fie_, appal rtenant Section °rilhailp lie,-.1 heard �oiprdtea t' building \vi 11 61Chttowned•�fot lbor agrIr t sticlitprbp°redrase norahall. area- bf {atot to e5teigd,- thfrt1 ,ttet property so aeyoted-to aynott con =. (iil hl. h rs used for houstng doglestic i - ati:mt-ich a ti taken Into consbo nnInThls 0„,-., Lo22fa-'", n -'xn to . n..; t1 °n ?in alcplate -, the area aliove- the• above • des eribodr,portioix of the deacrlbed�Y' r -r _,r-,h r CI ty. n0 Portkiltiggleh. exceptdn "twat! »»c r.�en atttes -`tat parsn bu}Iding of,.- ,greater -ii area or ra ciito, Iona., rnor trop �]pta[ing. npp neater number of bull ]fh w111 be Drovt »lConv 1t this ordinance shnti" i l erm €tted .then authorized under pone convrc toff -, tliereoILbeun tthe lay t1 option rpgulat}ona. S0ctlbn -the &,byia fine itr any iawntlD,; .at i-1 til Board taed}ng, oft ei h u.tv d,re;j:,v -, lay r. .' it ..�. +toi ` :510800) xbae'hi4sen} fie er,Of &fir O •ow, g -• a use vi er»v12 occu by jl� pttsonmpnE -ip tha_d ]1 for Pled 11 tudents and 9upervlaed by.. any'Itermvttotaoxededa{0 Ie ». • tie authorities of ?,a nu blc .educe oryby!both su 11s Ytife-a tie -, 1. l io nut atitutl on f ,,t» e. oninetit :, Each,tnO evict 4a, tn' I `P Com tnuntty elO ouae w S'I e \urseiY=r greeMouses inch s vfotatton dt nani t the b 000e utility. buil din )•, t 00r - he- itldi "n2alnC▪ d'�or:p im tEedYtaaEKisC 1g -!aces aey for tne,pt pet:Operbe shali�a"ndv does iconstitu to 1 it tt rmitte x -,F pub]lit, - tit Mitzi» y be ratketioffehae'gand, al e- Spy -, n, rtititreL -when authorize:a -under abloras•such p. t-;.• local on Boni regale Pion 2'S etion"(V -U � Sect on ii og„ei:'et a t:, a?.'1'li�s grAinOoilr f r it. t~•,t_S+roh b. n• all .ill takev'^,Leffect and be ija iaUt force: us.a +and ocoupancie not allowed f i,9 -.... er dts passagoue.i___. _- il .- Sect]oas i and IIY- �arei:`herehY ] .o] ibited In�the above- hdeacrlti �iqv !,`wand - from •and .�r't�'�: pr rfton of Cher Citr o br i -t14r 1 tEr'i star law Cut iubitcarionv - rr''as ed'>fr stn ending; hV rite City in.-ea nil jr ommi yea g .b 1.t t Paced aei,ond yea iLig ..l the nne Com .. innietdnt0armil 9::1990 P, a ased4h nd. tpridingg' y� and finallyFyrlptYaseo and± so0•ekbi ', etI• bthe" 934.yq b=nmiSaiP ,se'pt�pt> eriti5 tri.�i 9aa l:��:,�x .� (%;-`,-4/ 5/ /,8 ,� 'iGG v i /Pa, /titer- >�•� /9w, rcle V L AA 1 sign boards'. The t- n tI n ten ance•of s tt,n litttardattend hi I boa rda acid :all. eigits exrepl/ hone sneeiflcallf eo gord. to i1Se os r -ne d'.II la Groh[ [te TLCe •'fig airtia- ,of;adVeainfirtrutir eo far.