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ORDIl AA'.CE ;0. .
ORDIN %..CE authorizing the City of Port Angeles to cortract
indebtedness in the sum of ,,:32,000.00, for general municipal purposes on
the credit of the City of Port Angeles, ard to issue its negotiable war -
ra-ts therefor.
Section 1. That by reason of the inadequacy of the present
facilities for the Fire Department and the imminent danger of destruc-
tion of the structures now housing the said department, and the existing
menace to the health and safety of the people of the City of Port `,r:Ce1-
es, by reason of the deficiency in the facilities of the Fire Leeertment,
all as more particularly set forth in Ordinance No. 906 of the City of -
Fort Angeles, approved and signed the llth day of June, 1930, and by rea-
son of the authority in said ordinance set forth zroviding for the call-
ing for bids for the construction of suitable buildings to mouse the Fire
Lep rtrrent of the City of Port Angeles, it is necessary for the City of
sort Angeles to take immediate steps to procure funds for the purpose
of constructing the said building, and in this connection to incur in-
Section 2. That the estimated cost of said building for the
Fire Department is the sum of X32,000.00, and that in order to accomplish
the construction of the said building for the Fire Department, it is nec-
essary for the City of Port Angeles to borrow the sum of X °32,000.00, up-
on the faith and credit of the said City of Port Angeles.
Section 3. That the purposes hereinabove set forth are strict-
ly municipal purposes and the i'ayor and City Clerk of the City of i-ort
Angeles are hereby empo•vered, authorized and directed to execute nego-
tiable warrants for the amount necessary to accomplish the work herein
provided, '^rhich sum to be so borrowed and warrants to be so issued, shall
not exceed the sum of X32,000.00, the sum to be so borrowed and the in-
debtedness hereby authorized to be incurred, shall be evidenced by 64
negotiable warrants of the par value of 3500.00 each, to be numbered from
one upward consecutively and to bear interest at the rate of not more
than 4% per annum, payable semi - annually, all of slid warrants to be
dated the 1st day of October, 1930, and to mature serially beginning
one year from the date of issue and ending ten years after the date of
the issue. Said principal and interest to be met by ten annual levies.
Said principal and interest .to be _payable at the office of the City Trea-
surer of the City of Port Angeles, at Port Angeles, Washington, the said
warrants to be numbered from one upward consecutively and to be issued
in denominations of 500.00. That said warrants may be issued to the con-
tractor constructing the said building to house the Fire Department, or
may be sold and the proceeds thereof devoted to the purposes aforesaid.
Section 4. That by reason of the facts above set forth and
by reason of the facts set forth in Ordinance No. 906, of the City of
Port Angeles, this ordinance is declared to be urgent and necessary for
the immediate preservation of the public health, peace and safety of the
inhabitants and people of the City of Port Angeles, and shall take effect
and be in force immediately from, upon and after its passage, approval
and lawful publication.
Passed first reading by the City Commission,
Passed second reading by the City Commission,
Passed thi d reading
and fr
lly passed and adop ed by the City Commis-
Approved and signed by the Mayor this upi day of September,
f Mayor.
Approved as to form:
City Attorneys.
PUBLISHED, September