HomeMy WebLinkAbout0913Ordinance No.
AE ORDINANCE amending section 17 of Ordinance No. 890, entitl-
ed, 'An Ordinance relatirg to the Municipal Light and Power Plant and
system of the City of Port Angeles regulating and prescribing the use
and sale and price of electric current; defining offenses and fixing pen-
alty and repealing Ordinance Rio. 761 and certain Ordinances relating there-
to arc all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict therewith ",
approved and signed by the Mayor November 30, 1929; fixing and prescrib-
ing the price of electric current in the City of Port Angeles; repealing
all ordinances andparts of ordinances in conflict therewith.
FOLLY: 7 3:
Section 1. That section 17 of Ordinance No. 890 of the City of
Port Angeles, entitled "An Ordinance relating to the Municipal Light and
Power Plant and system of the City of Port t._-~ :eles regulating and prescrib-
ing the use and sale and L,.rice of electric current; defining offenses and
fixing penalty and repealing Ordinance ';o. 761 and certain ordinances re-
lating thereto and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict
therewith ", approved and signed by the Mayor November 30, 1929, be and
the same is hereby amended so that the said section 17, shall fix and pre-
scribe the following prices for current distributed by the Cite* of Port
.aigeles, to ;lit:
Section 17. The monthly rate for electricity consumed shall be in
accordance with the following schedule:
Rate 2.o. 1. Light rate for domestic and commercial use:
First 100 K. W. at 5 per K. W. H.
Next 100 K. H. at 4?. per K. v. H.
Next 150 K. % H. at 3 per K. H.
All over 350 K. ''. H. at 214 per K. 'Y. H.
Minimum charge of 90f for 18 K. ' °:. H. or less.
Rate No. 2. Combination residential light, heat and cooking.
First 350 K. W. H. at 3 per K. 7. H.
All over 350 K. H. at 20' per K. H.
Minimum charge of x;2.70 for 90 K. H. or less.
Consumer is entitled to rate loo. 2 only when
there is a conrected load of 2500 watts or more,
exclusive of lamp socket appliances.
Rate No. 3. Commercial heating or cooking.
First 300 K. `Y'. H. at 3Si per K. H.
All over 300 K. H. at 2 per K. W. H.
Minimum charge of w1.80 for 60 K. H. or less.
The consumer is entitled to rate No. 3 only
when there is a connected load of 2500 watts or
more, exclusive of lamp socket appliances.
hate :'o. 4. Po'rer rate.
First 300 K. W. H. at :3 per K. . H.
All over 300 K. H. at 2 per K. 7. H.
Linimum charge of 90 per H. Y. up to 15 H. P.
All over 15 H. P. at 9R' per H. P.
Rate No. 5. ';later Heating.
This schedule applies only to flat rate water heating
service. The rate shall be ;;'5.00 Per month per K. W.
connected. .'here seasonable service is desired the
rate shall be 0.50 per K. 7. connected per month.
This service is limited to a connected load of 3 K.';.
per customer. This rate is limited to customers in-
side-of City limits. Application of the rate may be
limited to installations in which the tank and heater,
if external, are covered with approved heat insula-
Rate No. 6. Temporary service:
This type of service shall be charged for at the regu-
lar rates plus a labor charge for conrectirg and dis-
connecting. This amount to be estimated by the super-
intendent and paid for at the time of making applica-
Rate No. 7. The rate for the Uity of Port Angeles street lighting
shall be 3Y per K. . H, The Light Department to supply
all lamps and other materials and maintain the system.
hate No. 8. Sanding Floors:
Flat rate of 5a per room for soft wood.
Flat rate of 75iL per room for h }a.rd wood.
Flat rate to apply to floors havirg an rrea of 250
square feet or less. Rooms having; an area greater
than 250 squate feet shall be chr,rgee for at the fol-
lowing rate:
Soft wood 1/5 per sq. foot.
Hr,rd wood. /10¢ per sq. foot.
In addition a connect and disconrect ch•.rge amounting
to 0..00 shall be ch.wrged. : >11 charges to be paid at
time of making application.
Hate No. 9. The Superintendent may, at his option, when deemed. ad-
visable to the interests of the City, make such other
special rates to individual consumers as he may see
fit, always with the sanct`on of the City Co::_mission.
/or 44
Section 2. That except as herein amended, said Ordinance No.
890 shall be and remain in all respects in full force and effect.
Section 3. Phat all ordinances and parts of ordinances here-
tofore enacted, in conflict herewith, shall be and they are hereby repeal-
411 ed.
Section 4. This ordir..nce shall take effect and be in full
force from and after thirty days after its passage end =__roval ar,1 from
ard after the lawful publication.
Passed first reading by the City Commission, September Zf '1930.
Passed second reading by the City Coniission,
Passed third reading by the City Commission,
Approved and signed by the Layor,
.'. 1 A. r+i 1 •
6ity Clerk.
Approved as to fora:
City Attorneys.
Date of i=ub?ication , 1930.
7t! 41-,/azi ,oefr