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oh.Lir i:CE NU.
LI UR I A iCE ordering and providing for the fol l or ing ~ec
ed i:r,rovel`ents along the fo1lo,..inE i eseribed 1>ort'.on: of streets ;rd ryl-
leys it the City of Port Angeles, to ."it: The iipDovement of all those
ort i.or'4 of Lincoln„ Lwire1 , Oak and Cherry Streets from the
of `.i 7ii Ltr et to the northerl rr =i of he ' u ?
y t _� j.lear,rc, . r, of
those .ortioni of Linth t Tenth , Elev;rth , `f-.elfth , Thirteenth, Fourteenth
r'ifteenth Streets from the brea% of the Valley Creek gulch easterly
to their termini or .to the westerly mar in of Lincoln "tr .eet s the case
m, J be, in frort of which there are, oo existir2. concrete sidewalks of such
r."r,: ;rt:nt-i.o- in diuension . s to conform to �k_rn r �s�.' i y.rov -e t
in _:r•o'ridec' for, b•= the corstr- ^tior of concrete nii'ers t,reor five
feet =. "0_i7th or boi sides Or t''ie °rir? L:r,rt ons of s'>7reet3, exo.ei+t-
in6 or'f therefrom tre rol.lo.ing dkSi„ngtod lots .,rd r ols of re-7 es-
+ -�.te� to i�; tGfS .��- r�- .�- �i'- f' %- /�i- /`� -2a 5/ 294 IofS` /7- /ff- /f-za
13 3-4 Lot / -2 -3- 4- ,t3 /. 377/ le /s_ /8 -I9_ 2a 8/..377
t /`2- -3--/3 a 381) /ot 7 g - /S -/6 /? /8 -i5 -2o ,4Z 4,20
cr•et141g local in,j.rotire°:errt ''i_gtri.o': :;o.. 132: ,r.)vidinj for the
ri,5r of t1-.e cost ....nd expense them f by sec. '1 ?s ess .ent ',.iron the pro-
iert' (I.Ftrint accorC:.in„; to 1:71 • 'C b: the or,e of
f.rts all in >,ccol'd.,; e .:ith Improvement Resc7.o.Yi.on No. 132 of
t_n�el.es, f-r_.. in accordar:ce .::a:3, i19.ns <T,'
C" the U1txr .r,-) T .iC r . iG ,.j rnvee .r.(' ,'opted by the _=+
Section 1. That there is hereby ordered the following describ-
ed it rovements along the following described portions of streets :!.rd al-
of all those portions
leys in the City of Port Angeles, to wit: The irny,rovement %of Lincoln,
L urel, Oak and Cherry Streets from the southerly margin of Eighth Street
to the northerly margin of the Boulevard and of those portions of T:inth,
'i°er:th, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth and 2ifteenth Streets
from the break of the Valley Creek gulch easterly to their ternini or to
the westerly rnrgin of Lincoln Street as the case may be, in front of
•:°:hich there ,,,rero existing concrete side-talks of such cons trea.etion and
dimension as to cor:form to the proposed improvemert heroir provided for,
b-- the construction of concrete sidewalks thereon five feet in width on
bot sides of typo said jortions of s::id streets, excepting only therefrom
ti'0 followinz desicrni.ted lots and parcels of real estate, to wit:
;Fs- 3- 4- r- /6- /7- /g -/- 2v g/ z‘/9, 40 /T, /7- /K - /7 -2o W 34‘
iot /- 2 - 3 - 9 - s - /8 -/9 -20 B lock-. 3 >7 , to J - l3 84 a bey
201 7- 6--,s - /6 -/7- /j, /p- 20 eh d- 120.
All. of e,ic improvement to be done in accordance ' ith m ps, plans .?rd spec -
ifications prep .red by the City yngineer and adopted and approved by the
City Commission, `,rid in accord._nce with i:urroveient resolution Pao. 132 of
'the City of Port Angeles.
410eection 2. :hat the cost .end exi.ense of saic, improvement ine ud-
in: ,!17 necess.ar7'v ind7 i `�.nident ^1 expen-es SYl � to borne by end assessed
a. airst
te $roI erty situated and included eithin the boundaries of the
district hereinafter created d described in accordance Frith law and the
or4ir,_rces of the City of tort :;rzeles, And the s_ id city shall rot be
? 1 Lbie in any m nner for r-y part of the cost and expense of s yid irA rove -
-e-t, except so far as the said City .t nee0 liable by virtue of the st ,t-
ut:,, of the State of ::ashington in such cases m ee and provided and .parti-
cularly o: H s t ,Mites i,I'oviciir3 nd d' :eve Irz that t'ae Cite, of : ort
nrel te > 1o''nl irij rovement ;u.irartee furl for the yeriose of 'Yal r -e -teem
to the e - te- t of 3'i[''' fund -.nd it the m inrer :,rovi•'ed by la -, +''^c y .Y*r�Prit
of Local Improvement Bonds issued to pay for local improvements ordered by
said City.
Section 3. That there is hereby cre ,itec a loc1 im :rovement dis-
trict to be called Local Improveeert Listrict P;o. 132, which said distl ;t
is de: Bribed as follows, to wit: All the property ehich may be berefitted
by the said i.proveuierts, which Property is hereby declared to be the pro-
perty e:butting on, proximate, vicinal, adjacent and contiguous to the above
described porttor.s of Lincoln, Laurel, Oak and Cherry Streets, and ::inth,
Tenth, 21eventh, r elfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Pifteeeth Jtreet}, km-
to be improved as herein provided, includin,s the property :Measured back
to the median. line of the abutting blocks.
Section 4. Bonds bearing interest at the rite of sever per
cent per annum, payable on or before ten years from the date of their is-
sue sall be issued in , yment of the cost and exp.;ra of said improvement,
')onds may be redeemed by the collection of s,eci -1 ases °:.r.t: to be
levied and assessed against the property rithin said district sayable in
ter annw:l ir:.st, 11ments under the mode of "payment by bonds ", as provided
by law. These bonds may be delivered to the contractors in redeml.tion of
warrants on the special fund of the local improvement district herein creat-
ed, on estimates of the City ngineer, or the said city its election may
sell s.c,id bonds and mike such redemption in case or cash warrants.
Section 5. This ordinance shall tai.e effect and be in force af-
ter its passage and approval and from and .r.fter five days after its lawful
Pissed first rearing by the City Commission, September 24, 1930_.
t• s•ed second reading by the City Commission, October 1, 1930.
Pas,ed third reading and finally passed and adopted by the City Commission
October 1, 1930.
AY;roved and si,,,ned by the :..ayor, this 1st day of October, ,1930.
CI'LY Clerk.
Ara,-roved as to form:
Description approved:
r,:ayor. .
v- , „ttorneys.
Published, October , 1930.