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?ri/ 67 the ..04 i''f—RATmeeir 1?Yilit4ute-2 =Lit. - siritts- hokiittereracni. reedits, Ilan ..We. _132 ' rterr,,, si ••••. Angelett, and ...iji:accordance maps,: plasm Mierificatiesa prdt• • pared- hy..4tke? City, Engtneer,„, tind5 aPProvedliunl adopted by ‘the-City; Comniimien." !lie- and the Lintel,* hereby -amended to read no •Roli I aniending4,Sed 4 'he Ordinance -Scr,.: -314 ""-Ordlner ordoring::and- for.i.the following den Movelments •,-"aleng--• the witakideser bed' ,...pertions.•.,,,,of hargpleacto IMprove- • , • , "• •,-lthe0 t. ist:all of those portions of penis bearing Inter-9- ■Lineoltd.I.aurel. • (Mk &pill. Cherry est at, the ,rate. /4_7 perYirehtner; Streettlifrom• •the5sbutherly ;margin, annuni • payable/As . or before•-im-elyst__ Ptzefitir Street- .--7•10,the• dortherlY Yedre-froini_ Abe:skate of their- (smell - P.-the YnouleYard. .and cot be'-isnrietUintpaynient :or the. an :expense...1 aid& innsrovel meat. • "whiel,i_r_bends.Z•ranY r.:14e•••",Y4Fi deerad•,:by. .colleetion..ef Seecia,1., imsessmente: 10 •be levied" and • reseed. &Paine& the r.properti- distriei,•papahlemin7tatresituntai;:ln4, etallinentirundeotherunde•or'."Pek,,s, ;firtividesp,,,hen lirte.'•Theiss, bondsemiar-betdeliVeregi, to thesecnitiactor „Pr redernPtIon,,ort, oini . portions .-,of-,..91inth. ,..ment.h. itetintxr.:Tweleth: orldree.nth.,pom-- ?teenth and Fifteenth Strew:einem the hifealc..et Valley 'Creek Gulch- eamerly 1.04..their terminiibr to -LWwesterly. Margin' -"of :Lincoln . Street, ds -.the ideleszmaY, -be. :lilt -Yrent .• 'of! Yrkieli Ithereli,arernoresilsting:_conorotenide-, re ell, snob- - constrketioniihnd idtme tin, ee • •to" Conform- •'-M. the — -- -- inronosed :Improvement, herein' pre= lirarraitts: on the, ”special , furul:.:0P frided9ifor• ".nr,::.` the • construction ',of the ..1.4icei IMProYement -,Disiriet: .ceenctote,--sidinsalks . thereon, -Oro herein "createCon-eitimateeMIS•ther--- eet. LW :width : on,both,sideri. of the • City:FOngineec,.nr the "said ,ClOtiat; d, •portionkiatena Wig hits ,selection. • may -leeill."-teld ,,eond.i tingfenlyliherefre 94611ci_wr" and •;:rialceksuelrtreilieintition,:in.caski. • g•!•deeignated^16tir- an ', percale:Of or -eashi•Iyarrents-- T,....„,„•••••••.: ie. -r -• :•-•;,,,,V-ce• it4reihistate:::tni-titItt,LOIs'•'3.;?4,:"Z:4F, ,getiMi.:4:-;::,Thlit :Mita:ince:illicit! 417."elig.,1419. 20.",Plecki29.4r-tote"i'f, tote' •etfeet- and,- be, in,foree:lcmiii• .18.01.9:4•YO:7„"Blii6t."3,16:,-Lote71;" 2:-k: a ' 'ft . .- ' -. *--• a r6, 4.4,-•.,19-i- •19:, 21/,:" Meek:Sri. Lots -1,:..1.: itid "''•1:tfiZIrflef•f--ilTe TA?' d ' 14 .41119:::•.79-.Flerh...421)•:,er•6.•ling,: • x-Passed,first,readIng• brtliitira :,.• henreVenientzi"Districe"-Fb, Commissien,s,Feb.runCY -.:7499L. MPeciatirasseistiment,tipon,ine,nre - erc*theL;•dnd e0Fense-•thiare.r r... -litlt• 1'19 1...--Parised•:' 'third, reading: •ndd •-ilmilly ilasted d', adopted- - bi: cordhlgl:t o ,:larr -ind,hy the...mode ,ii_th,:.••..,99aL -„,tizproyed,i..arid •Isigned ryi•qrsithlw•-ther'•iiiiiid" • dietriet..ne:"•_ , the .."' . City': .Cotninistrion:••••Felirirary, ' ayment, byt•Bouils:-: all inc. ad- cordanee • with.-Improrement-resolti, by•-•---the •••••3Iiiyer ••• this" •.14t1i,,ilay".7'Of S92 132 ,orrthe"=.-City, op pont Tt•.7.•DA:VIS, -- ."••• ', ..spispw ,,.a.nd :,,lib,,,,,,,,accordatice.-,ar th -'• •• '--!, •,..,:letayorY•"...i, fi,l1Bloely,199.4:Lia-ts•,•14 Pt‘a'firriFT46thli'G'1°.":•-the-a.i7nicnt. Pensedziecond", readinen-: February: Feertanry.^:1134, •FgkoYed,and..ndopted. try;•the.-••CitY : trilesion.l". which-_Mtid/nrainance '91Fir"irne "einnniedchild•:ridgised• elast,dar_ef :Octhber.,1930.,y.,:.• _ . - — . .7CITT.lCOMMISSIOIY40,r.-eum, OF••••••PORT.: '4.N A 1 :AlI0ASOliLOWS.9•C":r,,,q•4 ,Enginee. Ctinnli:WW:frhedentioni"-.4 ,i-of. i,Puellehell,;•Fehrhn Ordenangs.iiiiNo.•?.-i:914:-,i"entitl_ ' diltaiike,ordering.;.,end• •,,p 'ThitItlidl,•'rellolving ,,,,,Idendribe ,. in i p - .drilents-k•Silg,.,Itliet-lifelin -*Mei utileYrglivithe.-.Cityl:oIRP8ri, e es, descrilled•F'S3: °C.-"84"/Pil"1:' ie-,&&- 01,!".thgnie"'portiotiseot Dilicol14i1ut*= tevc,If..‘,:"Ilic.ilinprovemEntli,SitvaiV._ el,KOnit-,Land,,Ch•errY,Streets ••fittin' the,...-SetitlietiliitarshiS•TOP•;:illighth, -- - htteifillt Ainirointat arOtrc.'fisimi:•;•• • i• erheYnll•e": (DeseriPtIon '-hoorov • ::77.7iy,•:•;•017,EN;:±d. •Streilt•sio':the': tirtherlyriMptg. boulerktrie..,in:14:014,:ihekia..mor, ilphs::::efl,ifititihrtgehrA•i".Fleventill' F,Yolftli.‘Tillrfeen't,W nifsteenth Said= ifteentli,'dtreilier&I e,•••_,Jiretilci ,),,,,,f4:,:graewagt • kv.*7,1t;r: . „,,-012.,,„,c12 , am-. &i...„,.41,),,,A4=9-9,. qcpt,td•-' ,....„9.1.7 "PropoitediPiPrinfeintint9herelie4r e- ty,Idedilter,,•byfftheS,-ennstructione..ol ennerete4` iildePkAkereenila:fire' "feePiin .midtirloidebetitiltildetieoPlr,ted• ;-4atilfirnortineirdirtsitid7retrgefer ?eS-' • terlysinargIn,,forziOint97dilV.dri•de-Oine ogly-itilinrefront , ,,.„.,-:.,,it. .,-....-...„,.., 7qi, VW- 20:..:13(oelc-l`894: <Lots -117; ' Fr. 9, • 2i..:111oC14949:f1J.ptii,..T,..4.taii ,1.4,',41.13;,lri..9,,....- ,rallSell4 7:7„:••liotage•-••;.• . fp.p „ in; nieljeri:Silhirict4.14eil 47C.-3-.1' Ao, alilliekY•420:•!_ereatine tnen11:1713 9t :lei .i.-7.. 9..f-1.0•15••• (,..........1.449...L.4 , ...44L... ( .A...gr,-,and,p,p,r Vcithr,for.,-;thix, nny..--, ' rtgiliityr,Sti 111;4 tie frant,,d!„!..r.ctr.' / 6 . . Ovog1-4',,VallgtrAlgiftgi 1/497 ,'/ ■•