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AN ORDINANCE rcgulati.ng the insta UatLon, extension and repair of
uebing and plumbing connections, steam fittriga and connections, gcs
gins, gas conduits and gas service pipes, and gas burning fixtures
rd appliances in the City of Port Angeles, Washington, regulating as
:.e thereof; providing for the licensing of qualified persons, finis
,d corporations to perform the work thereon, providing for the issu:,1 ;
permits for the performance of such work; creating the office of
ispector and designating his duties; providing for, the inspection of
.11 such installations e.nd fees the rsfory providing penalties for
olatictn of or failure to observe this ordinance,, and repealing
inence No 580 and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances i
:nfl tct herewith; and declaring an emergency,
>'ection 1. The word ''Inspector" wher.!acr used in this; ordnance
, iE.11 be held to mean and include the City Er • ineer of thc= City of Por
.ageies, or his duly authorized assf. , iants , The word 'Person" uhcre,%
'.;ed ';n this ordinance shall be held co meat =, d Include natural p(
ons of either sexy iissociationsp co- 2artner chips and corpora+{ •ails;
;ietha c acting by th, raselvcs or by a jt vant.., :-gent or oupiayee
:aecti Pn 2, It shall be *male ut for duiµ• YiifaP?n. flea or c srpo. -
.;.ion to engage in constructicf), recolstru1c oa, si t..rratici or :spat
pLumbin; „ steam fit'4inq, or house drainage typteu or systeL.. cf
;!pes for 'the cenve7a nce of heating, coo:rinc:; r,; - I ltuminat1rg c?'a., or
. fort; the work of crnnncting privet~ propc.rtye or prorµisr.s with th.
=bra: satrors or crater mains lying and b!:in!:t in public tr tc
alleys in the City of Port Angaies, or cl,:te any e:tcavatians inc
• ti 7. t.:► opin or oxatfi.rut::: any public street or allay 3n the City
t'oii Angeles, for the purpose of :flak ng slur Forme{']. n wi_t.h ei tor
vzli.c sewer of the aii' er mains :,'itutitcd in :such public streets
all, - y ri h ut first having procured a l ice lF:o so to dco
5' -ct:i, can as Any per'son, firm or corporation dt.irtriq to engage
tit, t.usi.ness of plumbing of gas fitting e • in connecting p,• -irate
,det t,y or premises with the uater mine ay d beirg in the
. stra 'ats or alleys in the City of Pert fi,ngelu 3, shall make and
o '' 3.ish cha City Clerk an apoiicetf,en of t: 'icen:ee t.o car:.'y on
-1;a sines s, and 11! in the judgment o' ;hr City Commission the
F :! ( :innt is a propEnr p -? son to rece:.te , i2cG litCL'ra^', t e sane shall
a11 .: red, up= the payment of i e: ty -five ($2200) Dollars by
,Ce ,xi1i.cent and the filing of a good and .c if; i.c .�nt: surety bend
th' sum of Fifteen Hurtded Dollars ri ,,5OO,.00) to be approved by
.fy y Cenmise.ionr conditioned tha'. :, if such lic nso be gTr`atiirod
F r: lid pors, n, fi. :fr3 or corporation will faithfully comply iii:h
.jnanc.a of the C!.ty o:f' Port Angcles regulating the bust :n ss of
,r2E ,Ig and gas fittings and mill hold the City oi fort... Ange ler:
..:s1∎ .;s from all damage caused frcu the dic -ing up of zny public
r. everiuo eo r alloy of said City, or nhi.17h may rESuIt f fam the
:i`-Cv.t or urtsiaii1.fuar'a:' :i of ny such app1 .cart or iron ne
, ?.J CCe, unskillfulness or m:, TA c2 care of nny employee o': aro
i c- eny ,; ch ax: Q1 i.r:ar.t »sti i en agod in ' e doing of any such
,; tork as herein speisi;ci.oi., to City Clerk shalt aU4 a
::. ;s: to sich app1icant which shall l entit;l a the bolder thereof
cn, c;'f! in :h' °: busincss of pl.mbing for a .52:':iod cf one year from
date of issue,
Section 4, It shall be unlawful for any p?rson to begin per -
iany work on the construction, reconstructi,�n or alteration
. air of any plumbing or house drainage system, or p .ping, for tee
eveyance of heating; cooking, or i11uminatleg (Jae in any buildin'
the City of Port Prgeles, without complying with ell the prow .dons
this ordinance in relation thereto, and obtaining and saving a permit
,ri the Inspector so to do, which permit must at all. times ;a,:ri.ng the
orteance of such work and until the completion thereof be posted in
-le canspicuoue place in the bidding wherein such work is being donee
Provided, hewever, that no permit will )e required for the removal
stoppage in €poi I. or waste pipes, provided a cleenout; is inserted as
410 this ordinance provided, or for replacing broken fixtures, providing
h fixtures cceform to the regulations contained in this ordinance,
. for replaci! g tanks or faucets or re:patring leak in haste or
,E:r pipes.
Section 5. In order to obtain the permit provided for in tho
!ceding section, the owner of the premise.Y, or hie authorized agent
the r1umbing contractor employed to do the work, e:hall file i cr the
Ice of the Inspector an application in writing fce such permit
;rig therein the number and kind of fixtures to be used in such
the street and house number of the promises wnere the work is
eve done, the name of the o wner, and the name and ado Tess of the
ulins contractor and containing an agreem nt that such -%nrk is to
Cone in accordance with the ordinance: of the City of Port yageleas,
Section 6, Any person doing their own work on their own premises,
except gas fittings; where they actually reside in new construction,
geed not file a bond or have a license. but must pay the fee and take
out a permit from the plumbing inspector's office and have the work
inspected and approved, Said permit shall be furnished by the pJumbino
inspector on payment of the fee as provided in Section 7 herein; pro-
vided, that this sez :tion shall not apply to contractors. or persons
or firms building aoasok for sale,
Section 7, No plumbing permits shall be issued by the inspector
(letil the follee.ing connection fees and inspection fees have beer paid
to the City Treasurer under the terms and cunditions herein contained„
Sewer Cr inections
A. ri s for Permitsa
t , For each connection to public sewer $5.00
2. For each connection to septic tank installed $3,00
3, Provided, however. in the event of the installation of
a sewer system under a new local improvement district
that no connection fee will be required, if said Gonna;
Lion is mode within 30 days after the acceptance and
approval of the work and sytem under said local improve-
ment district by the City Council,
Inspection Fees o
1 Inspectior: fees for a building containing from one to
five plumbing fixtures shall bo $2,50,
2, For eech additional plumbing fixture or for one waste
or vent fitting or in the event gas outlets aro install-
od and additional fee of $O,.5O for each such plumbing
outlet or additional future.
3. for inspection of gas fittings only $1.O0.
do For inspection of serer connections only $1.00.
5 Gas Outlets shall be considered the same as water out-
lets or fixtures.
C. Property being so situated as to enable the owner to connect
into an existing sewer previously constructed under a local, improvement
district but ] ying outside of the boundary of such district and not
having previously contributed its proportionate share of construction
costs for the newer mains and laterals of said district may be connect-
ed to such mains or laterals upon the payment of a special connection
charge equal to the amount originally assessed to abutting property
41410 already within such district, which charge may be paid either in cash
or in four quarterly payments over a period of twelve months after the
date of such connection. Such connection charge shall be in addition
to other connection charges herein provided.
If the property owner elects to make payments on the quarterly
basis, he shall execute a contract in such fort as may be prescribed
by the city through its proper officers to pay such charge; provided,
that said contract have the provision that any unpaid balance may be
paid in full on the date of any quarterly payment. Such contract shall
be signed by the owner of the property served and shall be a covenant
running with the land and shall provide the.t the unpaid balance of the
connection charge shall be a'kltn upon the property to which such
connection is made, superior to all other liens and encumbrances except
those for general taxes and special assessments:, and that the sane mey
be foreclosed in the sake manner provided by law for the !'oreclosure of
local improvement district assessment liens.
Such contract shall be signed and acknowledged by the owner of
said property and shall be recorded at the office of the Auditor of
'w41/ Clallam County at the Ixpense of the property owner and upon payment
iii full a release of 4 eid lien shall be executed by the City of Port
Angeles by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk and such cost
s'eall be certified to the County Treasurer as an assessment against
said property. Said contract shall further provide that in the event
at- delinquencies in the payment of such connection charge the water
seperintendent may disconnect the City's water service from and refuse
further services to the premises in default; until such delinquent pay -
mF *nts are paid in full, which rights :.hall be concurrent with and in
addition to the City's right to foreclose said lien as is herein
4010 provided.
Section S. When the roughing -in work of any plumbing or house
drainage systeo has been completed, and before any such work has been
covered or in any ray concealed from view, the same must be subjected
to the following testa: By plugging all openings and filling with
seater to the highest point, or by pressure of air of not less than
13 pounds to the square inch (on a spring gauge to the satisfaction
a:" the inspector.) When work has been tested and proved perfectly
tight, the Inspector shall be notified that such work is ready for
0 inspection, and it shall be the duty of the contracting plumber to see
that all work is left open and convenient until inspected.: The inspec-
tor shall inspect al . work within three working days after having been
notified that such work is ready for inspection, by causing the plumb=
ilg contractor to apply, in the inspectors presence, one of the above
tests to include all soils waste and vent pipes, brass ferrules and
soldering nipples in connection with the work.
Section 9. When work is completed and all fixtures set, the
Inspector must be notified in writing that the work is ready for final
inspection, and the Inspector may require a final test of either smoke
or peppermint, and no plumbing work shall be used until this inspection
has been made and a certificate of approval has been issued to the
plumbing contractor, owner or agent.
Section I.J. Before the permit is issued the Plumbing Contractor,
owner or agents shall submit to the Inspector a plan showing where the
house drain is to be connected to the lateral street sewer, the direction
such drain takes through the lot, and where the same goes into the house,
together with the location of the house on the lot; All measurements to
be given in feet and inches and submitted to the plumbing inspector.
Section li. Whenever, upon inspection, any building or premises,
or any part thereof, for any 'insanitary cause is found unfit for human
habitation, the City Commission may require the vacation of said build-
ing, premises or part thereof, and a written order shall be conspic-
uously affixed and posted on the building or premises, and where
practicable shall be served upon the owner, agent, or occupant of such
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to fail, neglect, or refuse
to comply with the order of the Inspector or fail to vacate the prem-
ises upon being ordered so to do by the Inspector as provided herein.
(b) The maintenance of any plumbing or house drainage system in an
unsanitary condition shall be deemed a nuisance, and the same shall be
abated in the manner provided by law.
Section 12Q The Inspector shall have free access to all buildings
for the purpose of examining the same and all plumbing and house drain-
age systems therein, and ascertaining whether the provisions of this
ordinance are being complied withs, and for such purposes shall„ at all
:seasonable times,, have a right to enter and inspect such buildings;
and it shall be unlawful for any person to prevent er attempt to pre-
vent any such entrance or inspection, or to obstruct or interfere with
any such officer while engaged therein.
Section 13. Whenever the Inspector shall find any building or
premises that are being kept, maintained or occupied in an unsanitary
condition, or in which plumbing or gas fittings have been installed,
or is being installed, not in accordance with the provisions of this
ordinance, it shall be the duty of the Inspector, and he is hereby
authorized, empowered and directed, to notify the owner, agent, or
occupant thereof to cause said premises to be made to conform to the
provisions of this ordinance, which notification shall be in writing
end shall be served either on the owner, agent, or occupant of such
premises, or in case the premises are unoccupied, may be posted on
the premises, and it shall be unlawful for any person so notified to
fail, neglect, or refuse to comply with such notice.
Section 140 (a) Dwelling shall mean a family residence in dis-
tinction from a tenement or apartment house.
(b) Flat. A building of two or more stories designed and used as
a residence by two or more families with separate entrances for each„
(c) Tenement or Apartment House, Any building or part thereof
which is occupied or is intended to be occupied as a dwelling place for
two or more families living independently of each other and doing their
10 0 ov:n cooking on the premises and each having its own separate water closet
within its apartment and having a common right to the halls, stairways,etc„
(d) Lodqi ag_or Rooming House. A building or any part thereon` used
for lodging purposes having more than 5 or less than 21 sleeping rooms,
(e) Hotel. A building or any part thereof having more than twenty
sleeping rooms, designed and used for lodging transient guests,
(f) House drain shall be held to mean and includes the clay or
concrete pipe connection, to the sewer cess-pool, or septic tank, begin-
ning at a point 2 feet outside the foundation wall, and if there be no
foundation walls beginning 21 feet beyond the outer line of any part of
4140 the building above or below the ground line, and used for the purpose of
conveying sewage, rain water, ground water, or any waste liquid, from the
building to the sewer, or septic tank or otherwise disposed of, whether
such drain consists of one or more such lines.
(g) Waste Pipe shall include any pipe receiving the discharge of
any fixture, other than water closet, whether connecting to house drain
or soil pipe or extending independently outside of building.
(h) Main Waste Pipe shall include any line of waste pipe receiving
the discharge of fixtures, other than water closets, which according to
the term of this ordinance, is required to extend full size through the
(i) Soil Pipe shall mean any pipe receiving the discharge of water
closets and conveying the same to any house drain,
(j) Main Soil Pipe shall mean any soil pipe connecting to any main
house drain and extending upward 12 feet or more above the house drain,
to which it connects, for receiving the discharge of one or more water
closets and will further mean any branch from the main soil pipe which
by reason of its length or number of fixtures be required to extend
Poth.rough the roof
(k) Fixtures, The word 'fixtures" as used in this ordinance shall
be held to mean and include all fixtures connected with drains or waste
pipes that drain into and are connected with a sewer, or septic tank.
Section 15. Every factory, workshop, school, dwelling house, apart-
ment house, store building, or other place where any person is employed,
or where people congregate daily, must be provided with suitable water
closet accommodations.
(a) Factories, work shops, and stores shall have one water closet
4140 for each 24 persons or fract ;ion thereof for each sex. All store build -
ings in business section of the City ehall have at least ttao separate
toilets, one for each sex.
(b) HoteLSQ lodging and rooming houses must have one water closet
for every ten rooms or fraction there :f o Closets for the different sere s
must be entirely separate. All places of amusement must have one closet
(water) for each sex.
(c) Each dwelling house, apartment, tenement or flat must have at
least one water closet and one sink, and if more than ten persons live
in any one apartment, tenement or flat, there shall be an additional
water closet for each additional ten persons or fraction thereof.
i(d) Privy sinks, pans or plug closets, iron hoppers range or trough
closets, or any closet having a mechanical seal in connection with the
bowl., are prohibited. Dry closets, vault closets w. ll not be permitted
.idien city water and sewers are with 300 feet and all such dry or vault
closets are hereby declared a nuisance Wooden sinks, wooden wash trays
or bath tub will not be permitted,
(e) Restaurant Water Closets. Rooms in which water closets are
located in restaurants or places when; food or confectionery is prepared
or manufactured for public consumption or sale, shall not be open upon
any room where such work is carried on All such rooms mast be approved
by the public health officer,
(f } Had Wash Basin Provided. IL all places where food stuffs are
manufactured, packed, or offered for sale, there shall be provided an
approved hand wadIbasin and all requir.eaents for hand washing supplied
running hot and cold water and acc' sible during hours of employmenec,
Section 16. It shall be unlawful_ to cons'..ruct or extend any plumbing
work for the reception of sewerage or waste water in any building„ or to
connect the same with any public sewer, or septic teak within the City of
Port Angeles, unless the same shall in its plans and eenstruction conform
to the following requirements.
(a) The arrangement of soil and waste pipes trust be as direct as
possible and have a fall of not less than one - =eighth of one in t per foot
towards the sewer or septic tank, Where the same runs under a s.ieual:
they must be at least two feet below said walk. The main soil pipL shall
extend tuo feet beyond the main outside wall or any area walls, or aev par:;
of the building.
41 (b) All house drains outside of any building shall be of good
quality, of vitrified clay or concrete, properly laid, and the joints node
with equal parts of clean sharp sand and Portland Cement, As each join
is laid it shall be carefully cleaned on the inside, and all sewers must
be inspected before being covered ups
- 11
(c) Cess-pools will not be allowed within the city limits of the
City of Port Angeles, without the written consent of the Public Health
kIllbfficer. Whenever the City sewer cannot be reached, a septic tank must
be put in, and standard plans for same may be had at the office of the
City Engineer.
(d) Tapping holes in main sewers shall not be allowed without
special permit from the plumbing inspector, and in no case will main
sewers be allowed to be tapped on top. All connections to the street
lateral shall be made with not less than one length of 6" pipe, inserted
into the wye and cemented. 4" pipe may then be carried from this point
to the house, provided not more than one house shall be connected to the
;ewer with 4" pipe.
(c) Whenever necessary to open a street or alley to connect with
sewers the street or alley must be opened to travel, and paving and earth
deposited in a manner that will occasion the lease inconvenience to the
public, and provision made for the passage of vehicles, with bridgectays
on the sidewalks for foot passengers. In refilling the trench the earth
must be laid in layers of not more than six inches, and each sayer wetted
and tamped to prevent after settlement; the paving and sidewalks restored
to at least as good condition as previous to excavating, and all rubbish
and surplus earth immediately removed.
Section 17. Every water closet within the building shall be supplied
pith water from a separate tank, which shall be so arranged as to deliver
at least 5 gallons at each flushing, and shall have a flush pipe of not
less than one and one - quarter inches in diameter; provided, that when
closets of the piustuneter type are used they must be supplied by either
tank er direct pressure.
0 0 (a) Unclosing of water closets with wood casing shall not be permitted
(b) Water closets shall never be placed in an :unventilated room or
compartment; an exterior window that can be opened will be considered
(c) When urinals are; placed ie any public building, the floors must
be covered with either marble, vitro;.ite, or glazed tiling, or may be con -
structed of a body of non - absorbent uaaterials to th €r satisfaction of the
(d) When urinals are constructed to drain from trough in flavor, the
waste pipe shall be at least two inches with two inch trap. Urinals must
4140se supplied with water so as to thoroughly flush all parts, and no galva-
nized iron or sheet metal urinal troughs will be allowed.
(e) Urinal stalls shall no be Less than 24 inches in clear and
partitions shall be of non - absorbent material.
(f) Waste Water from ftxteres in houses when public surer is not
available may be conveyed to a septic tank. Such septic tank shall not
he located within twenty feet from any dwelling or factory.
Section 18. The waste pipe for each and every Rink r. basin, bath,
water closet, urinal, and eac; set of trays or other fieturee shall be
separately and effectually t=apped. The trap shall be an near as pract-
/cable to the fixture it se'ves. No fixture shall be see unless supplied
with sufficient water to peeper* flush it All bath tulle shall be trapped
with a drum trap of lead, east iron or brass, with screw cover full size
trap, set flush with finiOued floor. When such drum trar is placed or
constructed on the first floor of any building the same must be vented
when more than sixty inches from the vent stack, on the second floor 48
inches, and on the third floor, or floors in excess of the third floor,
36 inches.
(a) The main soil pipe within the house shall be continued above
the roof and left in such a manner so that the whole drain may be thorough-
ly and constantly ventilated. In all cases where a building is used as
a hotel, tenement, bearding house or restaurant, the owner or occupant
shall provide a properly constructed grease trap equipped with water
cooled jacket through which all slops of a greasy nature shall be drained,
and the Inspector shall have authority to compel any person or persons
or corporation to provide and use a grease trap when in his judgement same
is necessary, and the same shall be cleaned at least once every ten days.
Water closet connections to cast iron soil pipe shall be made only
with 4 -inch lead bend or straight lead stub wiped into heavy brass ferrule
and calked into iron fitting, provided, however, that either lead or cast
iron stub may be used in fireproof slab or basement floor, and further
provided that when iron stub is used it shall be cut to floor level before
calking into hub. Trimming such iron closet stubs after sane have been
calked in place will not be permitted. The main cast iron soil and rain
waste pipes from a point one foot above the highest fixture connecting
therein extending through the roof, may be standard cast iron pipe.
Section 19, A battery of less than four waehtrays may be served
through one trap. Where less than four rash basins in barber shops or
office buildings, or one sink and on a or two pa_-:; wash tray in flats or
apartments are located in ine place, one trap may .± used, provided that
not .less than one and one.haif inch tr:;p and vent pipe ;.re used and the
10 411length of the baanch viastr, does not: exceed five feet.
(a) The discharge —con any fixture shall pass through no rnY, than
one trap before: reachinj the main eon or waste pipe. Whenever possrl).,
a restaurant or soda fountain bar ,ink shall be vented, but in case taast
it is not practicable to so vent the acme, such a fixture shall be pro-
vided with ra trap re:'th at least four inc.' water seal and at 1eaat four
inches in aiametex.
(b) Basin' in borber shops shall be tra;.ped in a similar manner,
unless el ap;,roved type of brass non - siphoning %rap he used upon the
4140 main wa.i • pipe, which serves such fixtures.
Section 20. All soil or waste pipes shall be curried undiminished
i. size to a height of at least eight inches above the •.gain roof, except
‘, ewes of tenement houses or roofs used for drying purp ; ,es. In all
such cases, they shall extend seven feet above the roof and he suitably
braced. Pipes on extension. roofs, when w thin twelve feet o: any window,
shall be carried up undiminished in size ab'ave the nearest window,. There
sha17 be no caps, cowles, ventilators or return bends put on the ands of
the pipes above the roof.
Section 21. Each and every trap shall be ventilated with an atr
pipe. In cases where the size of the trap is two inches or less, the
vent pipe shall start not more than four inches; away from the Crater line
of the trap, except "p" traps, which may be sixteen inches; in case of
large size traps the vent pipe sha:1 start from the vent horn. and if
there is no horn then from the feed bend, or other proper fitting. Each
line of vent pipe shall be lead, ge vanized or cast iron. The branch "T'
10 of vent pipes shall be set above the fixtures so that the vents cannot
act as a waste pipe. No rubber couplings or ordinary soldering iron iolets
shall be used to connect vent or waste pipe, The highest water closets,
when located within twenty -four inches of the main soil pipe, need not be
separately ventilated.
(e) Old buildings connected to :ewer, which have had plumbing in-
stalled prior to the passage of this ordinance shall be inspected by
the plumbing inspector, to be sure all fixtures are properly vented and
all the provisions of thi3 ordinance a -e complied with, And if the plumb-
ing will not pass the requirements the •ein, the same shall be reconstructed
401, to the satisfaction of the inspector.
Section 22e Each and every trap must be vemilated by an air pipe
not less then the size of the trap usca, except txeps larger than two
inches, such traps must be ventilated :y a two tree; pipe, Not more than
two small fixtures can be ventilated floc: a one and one -half inch pipe,
or more than eight small fixtures on a two inch pipe, or more than four
water closets, A greater number than the previcusly described number of
fixtures ray be ventilated on one vent pipe by inereising the vent pipe
in proportion to accommodate the desired neober of fixtures The highest
fixture on any vertical soil or was' . pipe need not be vented, provided
said fixture is not over three fees from the min soil or waste :tack;,
that extends full size through '+:e roof. No hon eontal vent pipe will
be allowed below the top of th' fixture it serves. Where possible, the
vent pipe connection from th= fixture to the main ve rt mu;t be made at
least one foot above the fixture, All vent pipes muss be .irranled so
that they will drain any condensation.
LOOP vE fib'; I NG
Section 23. Groups, or rows, of water closets, porcelain stall
urinals, or shower baths, having waste pipe: of two inches and larger may
1 We vented by the loop system A row of either of the above named fixtures
or a mixed row consisting of all three kinds of fixtures may be so vented,
The horizontal soil or waste line of the loop shall connect to the verti-
cal main line or soul waste pipe by, T.Y. fitting and shall continue in
the most direct course along underneath the row of fixtures so that the
trap outlets will connect into the top of sure by Y, or long turn T.Y,
branch fitting,
(a) Connections of fixtures to side of horizontal soil or waste
lines will not be permitted in the loop system of venting; provided, how -
ever, a branch connection to serve one or more isolated fixtures may be
taken from side of horizontal soil of waste pipe line, but in such case
the traps of such fixtures must be separately vented, The end of the
horizontal soil or waste line of the loop farthest from the vain vertical
soil line shall extend upward full, size at hest one foot above the water
line of all fixtures connecting to said loop before connecting to main
vent or combining with other vents Of may extend separately through the roof
(h) And provided further, that when more than four fixtures are
connected to any horizontal soil or waste line in the loop system of venting
a relief vent of the same size as the horizontal line must be provided
connecting to the soil or waste line so as to divide the row of fixture,
into groups not exceeding four fixtures to each group. Said relief
vents shall extend up one foot above the water line of
fixtures before connecting with other vents, or shall extend full size
above the roof, and in all case: of loop venting one fixture shall be
connected at the end of the loops so as to thoroughly flush that part
1 0 lying beyond the last group of fixtures from the main vertitai soil pips
Section 24. All cast iron pipe shall be sound and free from dexec te,
thoroughly coated inside and out with coal tar asphaltum or pitch. Al:
cast iron soil pipe two inches in diameter or over, stall he standard
pip.. exeept ,where there Is a ver{ ice i run of more than 20 feet when
extra heavy pipe shall be used iT all but the first 20 feet, measuring
from the top fixture down.
Section 25, No more than t io wash basins, or two sinks, o,r two
ortiking fountains, shall be coy nected on one and one - fourth inch waste
tine No more than four wash 1' 'sins, two bath tubs, or two sinks shall
be (cnnected on one and oneetn if inch waste lines. No more than two
laundry tubs or two urinals or ,ier than stall, shall be connected on one
end ene half inch waste line, and not more than one stop sink shall be
connected on a two inch west line, and not more than eight small
ftx;.e es shall be connected an a two :.rich waste line. All wrought iron
pipe shell be galvanized wi, .h recessed drainage fittings on the ,waste,
Al: wrought iron pipe shal. be reamed, No waste pipe shall be smaller
teen the out;..et of the fir ture which it serves
;a) No waste pipe from a refrigerator or other receptacle where
food is kept shall be connected direct to a sewers soil, or waste pipe
nut must tarot empty into an open receptacle which is properly trapped
and vented. Refrigerator wastes shall be of a diameter of not less thee
one and one -'half inches, and so arranged as to be properly flushed,
(b) Safe Waste, Where safes are placed under fixtures, the safe
wastes, if any, shall run to some place in open sight inside of build-
ings, and ,hall not be less than one inch in diameter,
Section 25, Rain water leaders or down spouts shall never be used
as soil, waste or vent pipes. Where the leader is within the ouii.ding
it shall be of cast or wrought 1ror pipe as provided in the following
section„ When outside the building, if of sheet meta.' with slip lointe
and if connected with the sewer, it shall be trapped, the trap being
arranged to prevent freezing. In every case where a leader opens near
a eindo'i or light shaft* it shall be properly trapped at its base, The
poi n is between inside iron leaders and the roof shell be made tight by
een.s of caulking ferrules, and lead or copper pipes properly connectee
LO rain water inlets on roof.
Section 27, In every building connected to a sewecr, or septic tank
with an interior or exterior water closet, at least one s test of a diame to r
not less than four inches, extended through the roof, shall be installed,
Y 6. 16_3_221n& SANITARY T'S
Section 28., All house drains, soil and waste pipe shall be as direct
as poss qle ; Chan:;es in direction of horizontal pipes shall ;,e made with
"y" branch, or one - eight. bends, No saltary t'T" will be allowed on a
horizontal line of soil or waste pipe. Off. sets shall be made with forty-
f ive os tr'e ..ends or similar fittings., No quarter rends shall be used
unle_sc unavoidable.
Section 2!) All bends and off -sets in lead pipe must be made so as
to leave full sized openings, and cart must be taken to not materially
weaken any portion of the pipe in bending All runs of lead waste or vent
shall be properly supported,
Section 30. Celler, basement, and area drain traps are not re-
10 qufred to be vented, Every floor drain trap shall be supplied with fresh
water from the nearest flush tank or from a water closet flush pipe
through a galvanized iron pipe of not less than three - eights inches in
diameter or through a brass pipe of not Less than 7 -16 of an Inch in
diameter; or with a running trap in sewer line outside of bui ldi.n; as own-
er may desire. No such trap shall be located in a main running line of
waste or sail pipe, but shall be connected thereto by "Ye' branch.. All
such floor traps shall be kept covered by a brass or iron strainer�
Section 31. No steam exhaust, blow off or drip pipe shall connect
directly with the sewer, house drainoo# I, waste or vent pipes or with
4011 any rain water conductor, Steam shall be discharged into a blow- -off or
condensing tank with two inch vents, the waste or overflow of which shall
be connected with the house sewer outside of the cellar walls.
Section 32. All house drains and soil pipes within the building
shall be of cast iron supported by substantial piers or property secured
to the walls, or suspended to floor timbers by strong iron handers. When
sewers are necessarily laid below a concrete floor or buried in the ground
only cast iron pipe shall be used and man holes shall be built to give
access to all clean -outs, Clean --outs shall be placed at every change of
direct".on on horizontal linos of pipe.
(a) There shall be a clean -out at the foot of each vertical line
of soil or waste pipe. All clean- -outs shall be closed by brass scree
plugs, full size, and shall be keptaccessiblec,
Section 33e All piping hereafter installed for the conveyance of
heating, cooking, or illuminating gee, and in all el terations or exten-
h"lions of any existing systems of gag piping in the City of Port Angeles
shall be under the supervision of tee Plumbing Inspector, and snail be
tested and proved tight in his presence and to his entire satisfaction
All gas piping shall be installed in a workmanlike manner and in con-
formity with the rules referred to in Section 40-a and it shall be un-
lawful for any person to install any gas piping except: in conformity with
the said rules within any building in the City of Port Angeles
Section 34e All gas pipings snail be of the best; quality of either
wrought iron oz. steel pipe. All fittings used in connection therewith,
Inside of the house, shall be of the best quality malleable iron, ALI
ripings shalt be sound and frees from defects. No cements of any kind
shall be used on any gas pipes or fittings for the purpose of repairing
leaks or concealing defects. House ias piping shall not be painted or
covered before inspection is made and the inspector has given his
approval. thereof.
Section 33. All gas piping shall be run as direct as possible to
distributing points and shal] have drainage to openings. ell main lines
shall have a drainage to the meter i~nc9 all. branch lines shall drain to
the main line or to an exposed opening.
Section 36. All drop openings and all Nall bracket openings, for
illuminating gas, shall be made with bent pipe ends where practicable,
and where bent drop or bracket openings are not practicable long drop
wing ells may be used, Drop or backe±t openings grade by screwing nipple
into tee, or e119 grill not be permitted. All lines of pipe rust be
supported, so as to prevent sags OF traps an,i all openings are to be
well fastened Whea drops or openings are no:. in close proximity to
studding or joist, a substantial wooden cross f.iece enust be securely
fastened to joist; or studding and pipe secured to sate by pipe straps.
Section 37, The rise pipe or main outlet from the meter shall not
be less than 3/4 inch to the first tier of joists. In all c,,;es the
lower end of :iee pipe shall be :oft so as to be readily acces.•ible.
Union fittings shell never be eeed on concealed gas piping. Al! branch
connections :nail be taken free the site or top of the cunning
never from '.he bottom.,
Sec'don 313. One gee cock shall be placed on the street side ai all
meters. Said as cock', shall be provided with euiteele check or stor. on
the k.y, plainly irtv:Scating whether the cock is cosed or open.,
Section 39. All eupply connections eo cooking or heating apparatus
in hotel, rooming and cadging houses, a partments and perk shops shall be
made with wrought iron or steel pipe. rlexibie rubber t',)incg of any
kind wilt not be permitted for such connections.
Section 40. E,cept where meters ,re placed outside of a euiiding,
• all places of habi Iticn requiring foul (4) or more gas meters, shall be
provided with a roue in which such met tcs shall be set. Such ro,m shall
be used for no other purpose and in all cases unities provided wit,
louvered window opning to the outside air, shall be provided with N
ventilating duct to outer at Such duct shall be of a sectional area of
not less than seven (7) square inches and shall extend to a vertical
height equal to the horizontal run of such duct or may continue vertically
11 0 to a point above the roof of the building in which such room is located,
in rooms in which more than four meters are located, vent ducts must be
increased one inch in area for each additional meter. All such ducts must
conform in construction with the requirements of the building code or fire
ordinances of the City of Port Angeles. Electric meters or switch boards
shall never be placed in the same rook with gas peters, except by special
permission of the inspector. No gas pipe less than. 3/4 inch inside dia-
meter shall be used in the concealed piping system.
(a) All gas piping installed in any building in the City of Port
Angeles for the conveyance of either fuel or illuminating gas shall con-
form in sizes, no smaller in diameter than that recommended by the
National Board of Insurance Underwriters of America and the Gas Associa-
tion, No gas heating apparatus without suitable flue or duct connection
may be operated in any living or sleeping room in a hotel apartment
house, lodging house of a place of assembly.
Section 41. All automatic gas water heaters or gas furnaces shall
be equipped with an automatic pilot safety cutoff or be manually con-
trolled. No automatic gas -water heaters shall be installed without an
automatic pilot safety cut -off attachment. All gas water heating devices
except as hereinafter provided, shall, when installed in any enclosed room
0 or space, be connected by sheet metal pipe to a masonry flue or to a gal-
vanized metal duct extending to the outer air in as nearly a vertical
direction as possible and constructed in accordance with the requirements
of the Building lode. Where it is impossible to extend the metal duct in
vertical direction short offsets may be made, where practicable the
change of direction must be made at en angle of not to exceed forty-five
(45) degrees.
A combined heater and tank; when The tank has a water capacity cf
yeas than eight (8) gallons, aay be operated in a wale vertti l eted room
or space without flue connection when in the judgement of the plumbing
inspector, it :an be operated without ctrr.ace to life or health. There
shall be no damper placed in any vent pipe, chimney or duct where it
serves to carry the gases of combustion away from any ;ar heating device
Section 42 All gas furnaces in the first building district snail
he installed according to the requirements for Boiler Rooms, as specified
in the Building Code
Section 43. Upon the completion of any system of gas piping, and
before the floors are laid or the pipes and fittings are concealed, the
eas fitter or other persons doing the work shall file in the office of
the inspector- an application for inspection of such system of gas piping
and thereupon the inspector shall, within three working oays, cause the
.;arse to be inspected and tested with a pressure not less than six inches
upon the mercury or "U' water gauge. The gauge and air pump for testing
to be furnished by the gas fitter or other person doing the work. if
the tertine and inspection be satisfactory to the inspector, a certificate
of approval shall be issued by him. No meters shall be attached to any
ystt.ec:. of f ges pipes previous to tt,e issuing of such certificate. All con
•:�ealed systems of gas piping shall be subject to a final to ;t with a
ee:rcUxy gauge at the discretion of the inspector after the plastering has
been completed and the floors laid before any fixtures are connected
Section 44. All master plumbers shall be he,.d responsible for a'1
acts of their agents or employees,
Section 45 All stables ano garages having eaeh racks f .sr wiehire
vehicles and having said racks connected wi th City sewers ese. 1 nave
catch basins to prevent sand or heevv matter from enterirg i.;2 sewer,
The bottom of the catch basins seel, be eighteee inches Leloi' the tnve ,
of the outlet to the sewer,, the outlet to be trapped to t� e aeFth of six
iechee blow the invert to t.ie outlet cf tie sewer
4iTti2 S RlV10E
Section 46, Water service pipes muse be so located that the supply
for each separate house or premises shall be controlled by a separate
stop and w:.te cock, with extension handle, properiy protected from iro _ ,
eeo so plaed within the premises that al, service piper and fixtures
a;.4y be thoroughly drained during freezing weather.
;i.t i pipes in the building ru sz be so arranged as to drain toward 'et
s ,oG. and waste cock. All water pipes sha11 be either .Ia1vaei.zed iron
read or brase and protected from frost. Azr chambers must be pieced at
tee ternination of ail vertical lines cl water pipe exceeding 5 feet it
length, and at all sinks.
Section 47, ;here :,pecial fixtures are requered for which these : :re
no provisions in these rele5 and regulations, or when, cond tioes arts..,
'that demand <, change of these rules, tte inspector upon exarntnation, mey
recommend, in writing to the City Commission, such deviation from these
rlit•s and re ulati.ons as in his judgement the conditions demand: thereus on
he may, in his discretion issue a permit in duplicate for such work, one
to the plumber and one to be filed with the City Clerk, together with
his said recommendation.
Section 40. Any person, firm, company, or corporation, who shall
violate any of the terms and provisions of this Ordinance shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be
punished by a fine of not exceeding One Hundred Dollars (0100.00), or
by imprisonment in the City Jail of Port Angeles, not to exceed thirty
(30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Section 49. Ordinance No. 680 and all other ordinances or parts
of ordinances in conflict with the teams and provisions of this ord-
inance are hereby repealed.
Section 50. This ordinance is declared to be urgent and necessary
for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety
of the inhabitants and citizens of the said City of Port Angeles and
shall take effect and be in force immediately from and after its passage,
approval and lawful publication.
Passed first readd:ng by City Commission February 18, 19314
Passed second reading by City Commission, March 4, 19310
Passed third reading and finally passed and adopted by the City
Commission, March 4, 1931c .
AS revised by Ordinance No 1405
as provided in ORDINANCE NO, 1405 passed November 21; :957,
Section 7, No Plumbing Permits shall he issued by the inspector
until the following connection fees and inspection fees have been paid
to the City Treasurer under the terms and conditions herein cone nine z _
Sewer Connections:
A. Fees for Permits:
1, For each connection to public sewer $5,00,
2. For each connection to septic tank installed ti 3„00
3 Provided, however, in the event of the installation of
a sewer system under a new local improvement district
that no connection fee will be required, if said con -
nection is made within 30 days after the acceptance
and approval of the mark and system under said local
improvement district by the City Council
Inspection Fees:
1,. Inspection fees for a building containing from one
to five plumbing fixtures shall oe $2,50,
2, For each additional plumbing fixture or for one waste
or vent fitting or in the event as outlets are instal i -
ed an additional fee of ;0050 for each such plumbing
outlet or additional fixture
3, For inspection of gas fitting only $1 00,.
4, For inspection of sever connections only $1.00
54 Gas outlets shall oe considered the same as water
outlets or fixtures,