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• - ,..olutcoe2CCM.:1217.;:e110.7, '1; vt AN--:0-RLDUTAIRM-elidne Sm.' '4";---ot...•Ordlashott:IH'Pa0 - en • tied --Wt, eedlitaitett,Orde,ring •an ridtart.aone-thoh-YollowlnieLkde '..,1 ribectr in...rip-xi.", OU-NIntlf ',Streetrin ,CitT . oti-PdAttgelec ..to•t-oidt- I n ,• inpeoyemeaC:ot:;.blinth'.. , t. - • • ni tbe,easterkpneditritirt,at'Un-- palm Streeerto:therweatertetararla "Orr.-Chaon ;;■;Streett.byrthet eons 0. 0! :etinerOte *Unmake ha both aides: attlairb_portiorroVNInth•Stree give .Pter.,-la trldtb:*- 67--tthe ; 0°_,....11-- action ,•-ok. ' roaerr4n- u4;?1, tatter 7ort,:both sides; eV said - port lion- laf . Ninth-. Street and . by pitv-'!, .2ng-; the, 'said' - portion of "Ninth • e et -:-.-trith concrete paventeet$ twenty4our. fent la - width. in tic-, •06rdstueo ';;WittO-Plcuta - and; atoteiti--, tlotneltrePared rbte.t.be City - Ent tiown,randt"..approved.'andadoptedr- ter„..the City: Conitualialonl,ereathipi .• all_ _,,atpathrDiatrIctr:310.:433:.atid. ue.,torthe.apayntent.:-•of 4 tho e oatreatad, expentel..thereor by,sp-,, Oticasbentraent. upon the-said Prot.! airt*-twithlW the- sald...distrieu.-iaw-: rending- tanato,nintrby,,ybecha00-;!,OL *Yroeby,Mtatsibp, - wit ::, in o-: 'eohltandeo,vritli;;;ItotawyetneottAqteS0-` IntlorrttOoS,133 ;Or.the ..'Cif-Part aPaye1e21itraltAwaid:_4tO21dlnai1c13; 920,seattratopteltrbytthe',Cityr-Card- . L, nibtaicatOormpeeenilaiel'Itt'193Cih - - ,: ' g •: pyed Ustd,altuetb:by-?tho,31iiytor ir. dtatrahlier,p1Sier32.10.Yiand,,pUblialied Deeenibeer..21. '1930.:: -,.,`,' ;;,;■;.,-;,-,4'," •i- .16tE,c..17:a7, commthsioiviirr..ifeal cirr,orr- rowr,ANer,vvr.ps-,4)0Es. lumi....A.wyor.a.ovicsr,-,...",e..:-.• . ectlitnr1,',"TitiVSeetion.qf,:of ;;Aar-:: Aittance7;<NO:7920eonititiorh-!•Anordtts1; nanco-rorderles*-Ptad.,1;protridIngS-tde the --tfollowititz, described-. ' Improve : ;meats.; t'a.loniet,,,,the-followinc- tlet, tibilbaddrtIonreitittizintlu'Sirat*.ius- rcitt,thVCA.Ogeietr:7t4=4ritti eh .titsifieteibeat,TOr 5:buntictieeta orn....,the'eatitariar7:..marglii,of,lann; nole,Street‘..td 'Alto •weaterly;nuargim i . 6Chaailf;Streat,by, the,eonstrue, i tiun•?;•oi?uur.i•OtOY:ObleWitiltiprbithoth' idea.df...iftit1pdttnht;..NInt.b.Street; i O_O!'rfitetpitidtltiAb,K.AttUV013". tniettoir-oereete, ettrbrwrid.' SOO [ ter7op...tliittli.uildeaf.ortlatirti,poet;.! - lona'n.. t.;-..Xliitte■r>tteeWliadz.tiy.::paW: hin-Itaid'qutifiona.-oCzNitit:Streeti WItli!.'eafferatett4trliterffifen:{7.4our Yeeeliti,7314rlytinZabcordance,,,,witti lana4,fand;:rrapeeitloatIone;t!prepared by,,,City‘V.gngineeand t;Itl* annUed4and.vitapptedtrby 4:thin', ; city: iTruirtiet=o::assoliii 41-ifbincitifs-Eto Cani-Wirseioteroatil-'AmoiorOment e:tinileienWtrtlitt..eoltheAtadq-titi-, pieuta-Ahereofbniipeelatlessessraiht. 21porotehoOtaidFp1opertrwIthint4be, todd`;:dlatileq.a. Oqotdiut-40.).•,,W;•.'w.d 113' ! b the Tai -InOdeIor■,,setnentionnonda7Z "p4b;.,„!;;;;aneeiditnee:ertotth--,,atnprorett ritentei-olutitu*r1To;;033,,eofn.the,.9 Cityl,,Or-,geargf-Auweleighl■budtb •sturteCIO.,,41arelistL-Ainettsled4,,t0 ;•- rendfl aWtfollbsostif:WirrF-.7,,:-. ;7'.■ ...'"';...''-'' •,-., Mtdtion4i1ASaiiii:,bentIng.-inter.-1 obt;:atthe •-ratit-;.:Or',.:7,:tintuent;Phri irentim?.._paYablaidn,,oriheford'Atealiet yeatairtim?-,Cie-;.--datelbC7t, hatiolabb&. atitilldtei-insunkit21,pa3'tnnititott-lb‘4, beetand:`,..exponserot;.;,..s4tb4tuprOke?,.3 intuit-I:rte. bidatt,tionds,,,,mat=,1347,71, atiattotrIttv4642,-ertfotor757,:;*p -,, tiegoseedt!',,agltniat,atbtP, rOntw.tY;;Xitt; efar.",aartesonterttn . to.; brooltd,-,an1 : • ,Sind distrietgairAh1101 Lenz:annual; tk Ina koentattnindef,'.. the.-`.4ntodeil of UNy`,..14; e",tVetr°"xlati "..Tatnadee5 aigc,.e ,etr.V.i,:the;;.(a?thatraotOrr-,, lu,....ro,-; doinptitnie;of3..wainatifentiWctheLatiet. elfibttande;;`otglnaMonallmnrciireinent! XilathietWheroint,Yereated;i,,Ote,::„restb!s nia-tOffeet.Itlikeltr',Eneineort,..oeitnet wa,Ittigitt;;A:AhteulOuticetikitta*:aalP auld,...bengub,anCtpalcooltedetrip tion,..in.tatileggore:caolk-,sivarrituta.1,;,' 1 '`t3SentiotTatai,drdittnceshalt tatto.reffectgand,oltortn: foreetrotn, andUncter4jteoplotaanCandlutpproyot; #1lrotitncl.44.t01,coe:scisidaya; afteeNCK,',14WfitlIVpublita-ttoiLl's,r,";;'• .--, ; "Okpassetr 7-first', rea din etnr..the'City, Cornmisaloin,,Maroh;:111921.-:Plioned sodondr;reading,iby • the.,,CIty I Com', 2Ulonion611taran,;; 11,,,1931.v. ParaetV thil1/41,,re1dline,;bylho■City, Comm la-,. ,,:',.: aintk`anc.finall3r; ,-„paaaod and adoptott, &13Dra od;',Ntitidelemoct-',15i,,,,,lbe• alaro1:Altit•184h:;;Pay-of *arch:: i,tr:-'4,4•;.-.;1•;:,':Ff,f*:.braytir:V?r,,.. ' :,-. -., .'*Iagal-.7AWsp:.,::.:•,:z.,. ,..,,iipr..;,ia4,,..„,,or,ra:40:,:t;.:,,,, Franttlt.Pluinriter.reliri'Atioiney. puierltiticin'.,..,,aPprtived: , EIr;;`Tfil•-',; W.- 'Owe n,.,.CItelingibe or... Zub.lishodyhtanob.;',19.0.404, • ; :-H;';'",,,,,•:#• ''''',`;'''''''411 ... ; •'''tt, 4I,,t - -- ' • .46;74(:_. . ;it,t,e) 3 -C s•;;;A:::,• 9f1--- „4 7 i z4., -e-zevs 22 1 31 _ _y3/ _ 4— arn a 4- ativ-A.ktergerithsour.”rtoipxo: --frEsera 9:1ii-31' z-a•k± • .-: r..1_ That: it is":".4..elsiie)ition City, Coninileiloir. fit '0,1 d_de.,..e,nroibelead .!.lor.iespro.rdeerti,T,it.kfrolar ;Yellowing,: described-I. .k.' -.'streela,...In Abet-City, of Por d'e Mei: te.' .1te:,..--,..,'' '1. S''''. ■-,....r. -1..krrnaliniprovemeati.oenslit 1 fltreeeffemer4Iie"...weeteelir ' • - liel.,..Strett:1--- rig - y • • .. • etc:, rue • of. , ednerefe., -side Paena`firei-feet le' widtki.-gn ... • of the f eitld- portion. ref t., according_ to plane. : and Ificattohatte- be prep.F ay ff.D;D:: Mute .tile■icriiii: and . ., -Epalneert k . ,-,.. .. r of :' the - above-, described reufenifinty:altall be -borne- :re, t tee'property. nofitted by',111e)-sal • .. laredte ,. oh .. r be.; 'tire:4. re • ante. . which rziropertyits „"&-...., . ltnafe.--vic i -a.""et.,-ccintingitowf-to, -:;t1e.i3,..pltib4113-6rtiotuo,:itt 7.. ...1. ;above' deseripedziereo gthe ..12tide="0-f I, • '-."'"V. n41/47_.:-W.vith"afista'u 4f„.tlie enIngtrexi-an - Otir, of ; g?"ggl-4=igi V7.4''' 7114ageil-PeasseY- kr inli gti:Lwreg 'tilkE‘littdr..3a...ittte. IR:pfkfirtsoell'e.i,usesikinti.11-P=it.ndr ,t-iti.,fregoelliablen, .,, Jitue a - te.;of ..tbeiAtexistro,f Ls- 4aiWgzidt.:00:rtie..iitatrikra.tio-k*, lk7:7,274TEtF- '' -' - • ifilpu.ipdretY:flidiaerantend futppiefisuaKfuradY IN, - '"IiV4.tpue..k,7tiiiirdveinelit '1-1... ettie.putypfyir4fteral -drill; orderlid.... eTfitairrXtt. . • ',...Tnrit..a114.ersiinss:01 .. fictr..fotnta4ard41mii '' ' . .attigfir.gte',4:- ekett3a.Ciii■itititsloitin-Alie trifsglop,Ott".:01iiii1g«.91,41.11-47 04,■7"the!r,70.1reo...e.k4r dIng.' on_iklaiteelOtreet.-7: hi ieltr...ITI i3:7;!;V:t.r e,'?Ii 14, • Puctii,•■•.,191.104-cbtt-ipc!rsiolit'ot: '7,1, Liedttoryiiearinp,a11,- elittIng-4..te;saidPropoied aiturt;;',.andyd..11No.biikt1onif. tfortileterminInettbe,m ene4fer,:theiisatner., trittii.;Vreatiiiii"4•piCY;Mti bereiiyidIr.eated.. and.-!iilatr .,..Alitut.t ,', ter: ther.i'Citrtein mt • kg lirloak.to,thelliie(day-cOr iii131., it.f..etifiteineutkoMrtheleeti ' 1,:f.i Oki, exRenseNof-.the,above ifsgliblrePi-overnent,l';irral..-.a.,ii ,u-414441P/OITTIVIM =t4eJe-pikeity-,- viltjite.thel..,'- prep "gomo:effnf:",dlifilbt:'4",ind.,-Af-js othe,tlikrir'4ree'iI.;-!-;ta.tes_ • R gpiling..ggreterfivitlii afigra3c4a1.474.filarifltn • P9k tg?...tif,t.t%gii1V.#ii&-lef p,reoldef:flentl'kujid■..iither. itief,,IvilldbeOfuigeialli, dfp-A_Iierebire7aridi,:tliek res tit Ain olytnttle.f,adatfrin di.expen. Pluill irn`provementto '. tie born le ablierld t,V;r1iicr: OrL'oaree120E '. lan tbirerfr.:-.Zigisl!,...fr;‘,,,.-...., g rtiV•Xi-if:Citil-koterat d ....7,9„1c,...:.:auelI.e...1,i,E3Itliiyt,36:irli,.Ma...v..,, .7,,,i,isi:7,3,,,,t;11; .. ,,. 'Cler,Clerlc...k.--,. tAfl:p.i.o.'ftotf-forma..1-,Y.,i, .•;,...., "i • ;.I pprpred ....• fattir irouRcrtac.ItyY-Atio -.,Nr-.0114"151tk.'''tn-ii-Inet-, le1 ..aer • a aq,..6tb- in r1 n ofi teal alki.I both saldt • 714' ,fundi Alt* tere- far ,tlie- Elute dine-- P.re.,1 Port -"rF Lank .eve: "sald, [Abe pro, tliat &L.. 7.-sund ay- eve; ii:reti snag, fCIttl 99.014 02 f . ■ ... -- ' -- - i ti,', r.,,,, — I . . - , • • . . - tic4 - . -. -.,,-- i_iii.:,, ..,... . • ,. ,...1.441 ;am atat4;, ilml iere thoal age tate 1 ifIllir tated 1, rti-ffl 14.1ne I by ,Osesil, tate- fa.ed; l'itltd: ra.1111, 41.11 -Oil ,ron-,77, ittedf :',1414 felon'. tti, ilf.'3.1. -t i .,,, •:,...12'6■, . '4' • - . , . .. - , . -, . • ., . • • .-. " . - -.- 2 . • . . - • - - kr . . . • • . . • ........ge...„...pt, .4- ... .5".,.t ---./. . . . N...)1 /,•1r_, P-74- --e ' - ,i-t_ ..- ...--.,....1 ,.. r --5 .411--.ti-x.--,.0-r--a-,.-e'.0 ' e..c.,.if / .11. .." --t-d A.- ,,•-bi........e.. 01. • , / .a.,,....,__," ... 7 Tc..,,,-,...2„,./._ ■ , i ir • . , -- 6"—±(_ /47r,t,74_ /v, 1 • 24o 220 131:. t` ie -the intent:ton. t t Y :•�•ji.W.. 1 is n otthA City Y ' es:. . ordaT i•ge�Cr1 il3Drovem ents ySa,following • described Dor-' of- atreeia,6oliSths- City: of •: bheics.. to -wig ' 1 PTIAtmont of - ast Sey; oin -;they mils, •' S dy, stre4t"tb- 'tL°"�� 'llodyc: 71:414.44°C - GtylCI.:bY . -�4 tde alits' . oeYi� -lron ;yfote;:, : • ! 1V to be. pre=. fi }w�,.k eitv,E' e? r 01 � heat- .s -DerrOnit;,•'ri��ha: t a0 re to. +Ob)ect n �e. . t ri_tto. are- ter}bl jiL .DGHT. Wn present4nfh ( tone at a meeting- oL. the;CitY liW :MI.1m be ging:•flt, :the- :glcyd•.' —.- 4t tLp. lr Devarrtmea Build' ln -mm-4. 0eoln;-Street,in.31ie lCltY. or:EOrt .9n6eles:On;t11a•}utA : dSYLQ t priI.198E at 10_ :im:ci •sai daY +. , wine to: time .anti, Dlaco-_is= "hereby: ! fired„LoS 1ibAring- on .matters ire=: , ng:c t0 the •..eeaaii'dd DralleAd} lm-: ' rased fac.� itnd'allr fhe: obiea pon-% • eretoj ani]. Soil 1 termining the" meEhed .wt NayY4Ont.4 ofi, sat0l im -' rOV¢aJCnL ' ..:4,-;?:- 4. N I:i ': .THIRD T]iat7.�Lhe CitT ,EUs pare,4hn11..11bratOS the atiF t.a 0,: -missioq,{•,p:gr or 1DrioC Act...: sajd date, alt, ditt and'- uformation:,re4nired� by laar -'to lie_'subutlitett- tt-' p 01111.T 0U�l.'haq> the coseS.and ez Tense; -ort such;e intimovemgeant sh ill: i 1o,,,Iv' r niu0s, :lf; 4,04 barq¢ ',uld ,woeehss$eaefot' =,_as toile. I property -Alab)e _, ;ffi11 }'iit 1tealuilon, amen3s', d iiyiDercede Che Trevlons ,redo. ,, nilss ��n J1BG.pa6aed bY-e... Com missUn."-nn xnBhICh alas pmvion yry- ,x.981, vglitch ea)d : ?pteviqu resolu0oa l groyyYwtesclndcd iz'pasIgn ]iyl- ttiip'FCOntmlt5sfom 8nd ?signed Ch aYOr :fibs the t}oLLafarch DAI=LS + F{ -' '''l' i fAtfSy6t^ N kz , S l' -'4 ,r .J oeS "i'LCv I GrK. e 4 3 - r1 min e 2 - -- rn � r-2.C;'f- ' 3 _ it .TENEN iitai ' tat' T1 Od� -O $ THE ,C1r Y I O kOtST Ttititalt ia- =