HomeMy WebLinkAbout0933ORDINANCE NO. 90
AN ORDINANCE, authorizing the City of Port Angeles to incur
indebtedness in the sum of $3400.00 for general municipal purposes
on the credit of the City of Port Angeles, and to issue its nego-
tiable warrants therefor and declaring an emergency.
WHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles under and pursuant to the
authority of Ordinance No. 906 of the City of Port Angeles did in
the year 1930 cause to be built a fire department building to pro-
perly house the City Fire Department for said city, and as a part
of said construction did extend the steam heat to the public libra-
ry building, said building being adjacent thereto, all being for
municipal purposes, and for the purpose of securing money for the
payment of said construction did contract an indebtedness and is-
", sue negotiable warrants under the authority of Ordinance No. 912 in
the sum of $32,000.00, and
WHEREAS, It appears that for the completion of the heating plant
in the public library and for the fire department building an addi-
tional sum of money, to wit the sum of $3400.00 is required to com-
plete the payment for the said construction, therefore,
Section 1. That it is necessary for the health, safety and
convenience of the people of Port Angeles to properly and adequately
complete the structures for the housing of the Fire Department, and
the installation of the steam heat in said public library and for
the said municipal purposes to incur such indebtedness as may be
necessary to complete said work and pay for same, all within the
limits of the lags of the State of Washington.
Section 2. That the estimated amount necessary to complete said
work and pay for the same, in addition to the indebtedness heretofore
provided in Ordinance No. 912 is the sum of $3400.00, and it is
necessary for the City of Port Angeles to borrow the sum of ;3400.00
upon the faith and credit of the city, and that said purpose is
and is hereby declared to be a strictly municipal purpose.
Section 3. That for the purpose of borrowing said money, the
Mayor and the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles are hereby
empowered, authorized and directed to execute negotiable warrants
of the caid_cityYin the amount &necessary_to complete the,said
work and pay for the same not to exceed the sum of $3400.00 in ad-
dition to the sums authorized in Ordinance No. 912. The sum so bor-
rowed and the indebtedness thus authorized shall be evidenced by the
negotiable warrants of the City properly marked and certified to
refer to the construction and indebtedness herein provided for.
Section 4. The said warrants shall be and hereby are declared
to be in addition to and a continuation of the negotiable warrants
previously issued for this same construction under the authority
of Ordinance No. 912, and shall bear interest at the rate and not
-to exceed- 4 *- per-cent- per annum, payable semi- annually. Such war-
rants shall mature serially and be a part of the same issue as author-
ized in Ordinance No. 912, and such maturity shall commence one year
from the date of issue and end in ten years after said date. The
principal and interest shall be met by ten annual tax levies and
payable at the office of the City Treasurer of the City of Port
Section. 5. That the sum of $1272.00 is-a portion of this
indebtedness required by the installation of said heat in the public
library and that the said public library through its Board of True-
_ _
tees, shall provide in its budget and include in its tax levy for the
payment of the warrants in said amount and in like manner as herein
Section 6. That said warrants may be issued to the contractors
performing the work, all warrants and the proceeds thereof devoted
to the purposes aforesaid.
Section 7. That by reason of the facts set forth and of the
facts set forth in Ordinance No. 906 and 912 of the City of Port
Angeles, previously reported, this ordinance is declared to be
urgent and necessary for the immediate preservation of the public
health, peace and safety of the City of Port Angeles and shall take
effect and bey in force immedia.tely_from, upon and after_its, ,passage,
approval and lawful publication.
Passed first reading by the City Commission, this 25th day of
March, 1931. Passed second reading by the City Commission, this
' 25th day of March, 1931. Passed third reading by the City Com-
mission this lst'day of April, 1931, and finally passed and ap-
proved this lst day of April, 1931.
Approved and signed by the Mayor this day of April, 1931.
y� / 1 �O��Gt 741
LL City Clerk.
Approved as to form:
City Attorney.