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yyppndp Sor }
1. tr %C-Fef tII 7ptp' rM 1"'
Istr�i'k =tea_; aiSeePd2 =.
tjd��d' VroFppttesd3+J nary `1
is'n�4ndrd 4y ,._Te r
approved .and adnpayned Fe12
Leal said • Otor Ordinance .ce -or
entitled to'otdiaance ardor-
._ lag 4-esacg'nliMf Jouip foriAlm„ ta�.gt3vUp6
rfelld log 'dt bett•'portloaatb[,
.._ streets; alit'. alleYe In the City .
t,;itngelet So, qit, Thee im�pprove -I
._. q •
Va., all theme portiona,av,.'P.loe;
ee from: the Notthevi rth.rIn'
dipEighthtStreet" td -thdd • NortharlY,
._ itiarstp• o�'FQOrtOenth street -.the'
tilen3Oremeat If F Iti''S[regyi qmt
the Spta -.thy mabeln 'o[ th
lltrer * thb_ reef .a.0 m 1 o % tbei
ypprteeaie hares[. ^^� als!� r
IafOtt-8meInt a,'!. eat L!ot'tltire pUC
- anal:. Ninth: eeta o 1h evoptb,
nu= 'CxO0IRh y,Cres [routerq
are..krbri•Tum;Cneek uliCk gta
U reak`ot Tumtrhter Gulch 1
,4otterr tmIal betbl'ar no,-1•
1 »atetio Jldewa%k�r�',<�'oL�aU
etruetlon End ropoeed Imastt
°mot n gprro ded- fa{+ u but
atrdetion- y.o[-3eoncrete ;'aid
:thereon five. feet-. inhvtdth -.0
shlbss'bf thebatd 'portluns?
•streets. and" creatlug Loch
pprotemenL DlatrJct ho 135{
1 LJtt - of 1kt rtl 1b6e1ee. and`
an6 'for Oho paymentro.S;. th
nd %expense fheb. t-ropertee
aeeameut upon thaipro ertl^
the rauld dt trlct tng;t
and bL^ the mbde oft 11ayme
bond[!itteit S?It 4e tti0fl 1tt wi
tpe'"Cl yyoLtgaita. Angeles.
aetordaftee 3v3th: mans. p1a
apecificatlona Pt pa`redVb3 ll
- Engigcer a110approyedrand
d'-byl -the Cit *L'Cemtillsato
IaiTHJYC1Tr: commisS1ON -O
CTr`"t')I• PORT.': LNDet.ES
URD \Izt ,tPOL1.tTh 1iu ,
scale i 'ThbL sshe ;3Tny
ager rq-the.jtaee 0-
ngelta'bl inCiheyare'no
by muthori ed ;salt direstgtt
Miii: 1Qch1;-'�fi0oem0.meat:,hob
ioggl -•� Inlprevement� '?lath;
,lsebf the ttib_rdt00lOrt-
grea }ea un7e_0eUa inatleMi.
-aRRpRr�'a Ueda lH,iu•try It as;
atilt, tide ted ee`a . 927: P
at ted _February hot 1
'h pi-dance ;:dt1;- trtthi thq,"11hw §'-
t ttO'. et ,LVae cIt .stir,°
'8tii'enclo at DIM,: f df=Yo
lee._In. •the :sum o[ 38923,
Ceti ddn, 3 ; eht 'onager
e tma o );ye - Mtfrony.on,
tg be .p1 be11 Sear,4late
✓ itus „stet shall _beat i,te
✓ ita- lrati f seven} perncen
parr term Pnlest annual
Id.-,b rm'r. hall [tee IMP:SA'
del oml tI shall he . utry
43.200. );palt riot t Twot 3s
t Otteqr -Ono •a1ench .t0h l
In the On mina `ptrema
b d,ttheY tthtatd ilieV ke ma
a1 seed l.lshsal isid dcpbh ;nu
gnd£eetchelxl:the taidt 0n.
n d'egch btt..'tLtth said ban
of `:stn nelein eretCtittY e
ens t u thho ntiiihd tidy
ehal�!fbt- a cite d l at thew -'
lttea;be bag 1l e4,-City-"Cl ih e
nest' l rt1t 11 l bt l e
jlll((y'tr gel Oho e b o that.
J<.[tAytgelev t ' each ot,apld
peatI that the. AhUe;o
hit)1etap,ib.g.0 [herons the .0
P C tI s - nature of tltealiaY
Feaetk•,,,I', Ileu'of been- morel -ate
ore. 1 tot aid nt: ah hai alit.: edi
lirdettl 8u l-it eovoman tdinanhe(__
erdet11I auc11 I11 bl*oment>ali a•the
a ¢ ;C w1i a said lions shat
5ggde a nth iYt said the- shall
vld and etate.tnhht dj ao tuia ,
Rnllraum eonkk.a named -and b1e
tbkebtt thdreon w,sltne be ,playable _.__
Ql1 (OUL of the spacial lust cr!•.
at for thee .payment ot:tha lis -[
p Q .expen 9. tit !alai[ improvement - - -. --
that nq other fu id of %tha CICY
ort ,Ang alas bhall,y:Over ale -�"�- - _
x� a • ,;:there [dr,` %eseept4ao' tar ast -- -- - -”— 'Z
t- rr3id'"bomis or soy t // % �.O t
1 t mtiY4= bi sold = R,.. /
Bled warrants Issued_''ln: -,.�. s •
/ -[ . 6e 1pTptYtyemenC? to-
tog �d t0alt b- rchase 4p
yl.at not eat. troatht - P r,
cashit Sol^Jau tWnease I1I
��vaqllue and r scented Inter estU�. ytad
lfliedh theac�p PYra n5. ottl'thdAso
sad s$ of i.Eld p rev eme
_;y Sect olr& -- bonds ;all
be dated r the ath .,y -_td{ July,, 1331
Seetlo.i .1 Z °raimnanee :shat.
be lorfn1l.foroe•and effect aftertlta
passage .. and "-'-approval and' fiopi.r-
and after_ five -:days; after Its. ISr -'
ful publication;- and the City 'Clerk;
la hereby .. direeted' to cauaa. the.
same to he so published_ - 3 "1',l
-. Passed, first reading:bY ibe- City
Cammlaalott -Job ist. -'1P3L PBaaed
.aeeoad reating by the City Cunt-- - -
m1t)sWa, yJltlt let 1911 kP,aoeedrl
'thirC reading and .finally* Passed
and adopted- by the Clay Commle-
slop Jul? 15 1931 !
_fit 1. -bl h th .. ___._. �._ __... _.. _ .. .... . . .. .. ...
the; A
At'''. ayor Julys -13.,"719-31.:;
65 ity la I1nUlc byrvirtue of thol
stetptea of [lie..- Stpte* t tiVnbhing=
Yotly'nnd particufhrly the•.atetutee,-
Pk4Yldtu ${ eute�; the Clty : t ov t
7� lest- elmate,iel local lmprov -
E 'e Vi buggrnn ufltO nd for t i ;put-
fopL;pRsucltt'fynd and la..he man'-
cSpl'4gided LUY 10.w 1bon•s ymaht
8 lace; Imnrvietnet[t ?lions Issued
"fo fm Ltjcal Imprgvemettts t
lef^eeLIon [. -saint Gity "kf '�`la
,Ilse onyx ^1That td 11n exe n_
ate.- ar+rlaeuanca asst the tcxecu -.
ilea[ --:'oC +said tUanda $hnithe.. as pre-
YlabI by tho'aaw1 of;ihe 0flCe0 Of
whi1ty n and the ^Ord hmttceet ot`.
11130,.3%1C on: preset ha 1114
Id Gaaoa awl. anti provided aqd,
id!.Ilonus.'w teals law.folly d- ,
tedyyb,aotd leaded shall lie' 1 laced lo,
e;.5eiistndy_'„6($tyer Cll10 tI. at atim ,
d tyt h r dellygred to., tl a purl
set- bra puhtChaesra upon receipt
Ttdr aI. . thoaamountt_contracted
0I.' ,far tlfe'aalnet, sat leas' meanly; union "ylld aceraedI
CQiyati� •ggYw;p'ayemaa...a.�ti'Y!
• AZItet