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• th“,... : fauthdrlidai ttt ri4if',2-',.■r ' . thif . fond :Impro AtAcsktimprgyeia '7 tsstH ,i,•-•psy: • mit- ...thep:imprOserotai iloUrder•virtduil• darlik41,firdineuiee-PS p •APPrilredithitl.,1.21;_ a* drailitande-Ordeadng-7iinit-li forth ei reirtedtAthrotito'llres. foOduri bed - port ionsivf • filnils."-St e-.City.' -of ; Part TBS. iniprordraeni, of !Mot Iron, .thefestrteris, ward* I i l L La....litreet a to rrt.us-reiras .' ircitf :tFiZe■gi:,Oi. olds...Or...timid .pOttititr1of.,Pil a . :Five " kier..Its width: ..bp,..iii ..li'.. striterlito.:lofcchicrefe' urban - pfltr oll;, both. Aides t•W sald"."pii of Irjntb-Strect amdr•NY palui IM PerelOrtfaii-hiliain-Stree rote. .pareitituitiiienry Li • ., : n ,rffeltli,Artcc .t.ahrglan 4.0.1dteardfailinsvictithmoWeopeeilesIno .a.iloptet/.3,thtt cgt Dii•IspetdN'ai 33212' hod:providing :fp ad; 7 creistlag-tmPildrlMen iiitinisfe .'"stil tern ep Iris' firrIgil Pa. YnallothOf idle troets-pralj-AA vr.tad -,-autt*i.,•-,t.toraiitek- t :In, mrilkdandek"*It tlAtiri-s ildiff •,bir'ellisi-soodsytt4,paymep roVerfled- t:ResidUfibiiklqq'123 =-6 ;thisy_citit,,..-ora._Port.,A•forto,r,-,----.• tt'EuE•!'crrir.-eitiitattssioWeitii‘iii ,cizsi.-.0F.PinR.T....r..ANGEtzsixo) •0111/A1.AS•TFOIOW,S2hk.,3 .,.-h, rSoeffrof:IThltipntiii,Spirsi;b1Vort. ite.419bet4ic tiir ililet CI ,of..-F•oh1•P',A1: luthorlA4PitifctAlrig4itesu ' „locah.liaprovenienthboadet tot-Althea Iniproretnent IllifrleftlitP.133th1il1 City-i/ffr•Fifrt-l-Progelese,preate/Fril ier 'Ordinance-No:4920: a ppro rad foi „deenfitCrr2:6•,,111/04;iisraindadbillili rdthancellNoSiSSIllapdrorolif'SLa ilfhltillfrtfili' Ardoidaneer.-2rp11t1hAb 1ahric■liffitha,State4. Of ,-,,WashIngth fll tantfhtherf a rdltittatetr=of Itlie'l,Ciltro Porfk.,-.AtiselOsiTi',"--. In t :.•.tliefaiturliVii 3,.29. 7 t.i2htta1l1w, ,t112 -„ ,tT1f1t,eA...,i•est h1r4q n-b-1in...rad,f.i.1N.Perih al C raT1ablq Oh •:fcMbefe cyfel (I lestitadnd:tidialftiutat‘41pterhottlitti."th • VttiattVligtliallrifirtAVI,gt•krYt 'IbrinAtittlestitts6olierlatielled19.1Aid ltiehtill4tbd-,,,,,dlisiledzan,,iliti..1.tle OrarthifitOileiliiundrefl,F4O1 u spdprleiteliM/afeillittrblio niitheridAflithi1(f);;Striddistuhallf b iiittlieigthriidnilinftlonifit.'715120PIdll Tilltei:shal7esioarltaiimberodiPon Petufliplif, "ont.f1.0tio.Vartyrifthrara iliff.,516-ich, 1116•!tiAldi3lion2Iidi2 , c to .... . wilithreirthou I tlfaiii,Yor.,enaltinter • philineif &ti'ot l r-a-elr-touckl,-_,Iwititlit •,..'1,11e.,1-couttqs• t dliallyffetildifedithr • li71.thyeithan ' fitfeldPit,";.ds,,AliCtfelfsli,fllerkiht ith ! AlahllfAffIri,ibli.hoesthapti'theaGl41,0 'Porn' gele-hgerektch,7612stff,d, bond 'trail cd,t7fItattfribolbautiktherl. ilia biota.: prInted.,,,CiferesiththeltfacsintIl bpdhs:41shaftireptthithufadajtaf'ab V larii;-,..19 Ifou'ilffille Eng 'z.kfi.t.Sla-tied °half: bf.t.stillidithodirhshidthrkifenftt I ilia" pmProvitaialitasitdithet tirdtaah iardifritiouch:flititfrorententfifafah ,Payinalit.,,offlilflatfitIdt,batitl,.ilnil , ,..ba',.lblittiadtthitaltird1ittildhbilatili,thal t ufrorld tif- hod Rttiattttepi'Im. dititth,tounitidliorainasnamed,pthts/ 4t 4 ,‘11k1PVT4.1105 PVIk"..ur P; Yee orL.‘faym eth,f.(nc, calm 441 ;Aithensa,thr. Slild ': improenfeutz•an•I ilttpnWthtlier,fandhfitaltoiclthflo RAS .r1figelopgaltaili.- • cvli5.,•114:1liftil itut,t tt,ttp,sop or Sopthfi s tlidill 1 ble,r-IddirIrtlie,eff that. frith 6 lib.lh.jittflAhiiiTilPhVilligihridlit Alarly1;11hP•prifif_e14ir2roVidl.rd f!'41?/14;141.491.1lialig1ITPliirl inl!`k.+01.F.Attliti I , - _ germitAur,,saucu . .,{•-fr•••••t: I il' thetrittinner ,,provltld .. ftp-theariptIreitAisymentaofh;loch.41111.. .praretnelth,bonds,,IPAWWfOt-PaPflar •-1.604 •itithicfrtaeoto..ardsred, by.'•Alt a deg,tat ibi • , I a a...par n... ;.4..411'.:*1-,.,i''' . 44:tysql*?,, hp i, 6,ltal•Uponstsvonn,t1, .p., hp -tiro t ttlipliairiptoll.theliState oftiVills it oh. kati•IK tl• el.: ditd Intinces .4 itf:} the thtyOf.,,:flort ',IA ottoler.or in.tpuo dasetrannabrlinil.1•••••yllyid,pnet-..022; 1 111 till giltaltigiliT1V17.ffiTtreerlr.ktie 11:4_. -ace . ed ',In tititeiti,,,und %tlro..tliiireedd 4110 aitag 3h4iIITIrrrOlj../AilaTil '' 'Au eta tly'a 0P4Ilti•le,CI thli.Treaffiwer71•Pd • •-br:thertheillittfdd ■ to ilia ,purchaher VI 1 purChatiersithpo Ithrecelp t , by her riklit./iittfktiftPs%tigT,4iti'01MiiY.fif ,thltbripapVelpt": hittl, acerficq,,, .10101.7 •ellt-'.•i'd2:4-• V... lif.x..i.th1',..,iP ft,,.•'.\ -'-'' 'T 48$eflon 'If pnfalilthtin chf,oefittstraorr IbmilltMerefliFgiVbaitrulifilpnif,e,rr. lt,i;tifilgetif..fttkIlft&lgittrna';;TftPitil, 'irht•PdtlieiPtAlattlitlhi:Isott4attd1ifial, or r- tithhiplilte • . i•olltedth.....,the r0ut4. itittiifirotybilp!cf:4111.. . ,...:1;,,e.;*.:.11,517.,.,,e,...1. Wseelieits'll. 'Li Tillie; sal& lioadithdially dated5.916 ,"6!•!1'• 'i?!":A‘4'11."4....., , 41!fitiigkl,-Itiaiii:1 airigniltillirtirdpiltvitefferh41.0.21tifft" ,pVishAr_ltriunA',.aaPit."Ps'44ierrIrgi' • inuPtiftor,flvt• -.days, hf te .1, . arr. .h417.,. "publichtlotand ,ithra.filtireelatlf, , there1fradIrected1301, calilie:Abli ': swop, Itlit1f422q "P-09,401.11P:;=1',..111,4:,,,t,.8.i . ithillned :11r,lt.01,?/`2,11F601,7,•tV714,141 tAtn,tmrAnt ctita."1,}1,'st.fliadliih.l'hatat-1 liattelati,Julittl19,,193P-i',..Filtalodtthirti . fretidlitt tifilltd.::.iiiirANIVpidtlgt,14.4,nlill 2119130' 22t251212 2A.s4l,'i-,., el'ailti4W4jiiitka ..l lief 'Aligner sat.11;19311Wrtt'VY '. 1,2, • ...f.."--ii.:41i2"1:111.irfd•i•.4,.': lir:o7T.tt..17'at.t.tonn11o,rml:11.;:•;?::;ar-Y'iYi.:!•,,,,tflii:tf:1' ipescri 0 t I ol.,, al/Prorrd . .• • .. - -. T. 'W.' . Owe rt, - . City'Engi n e or.. ... • Published August 12. 191114 . 2 67 . _ t , .,. - - -- -- , ----- - - 4 t - [ ' tt • q's91.14-2°-71'4/— 1 .--r--.-e--1-..;...._ •e-to /4s4,7k-r- --v.-a A- - -— At.< g2A-Asch -7.;p 02,-.e1 C----L2_2_ --: 1.....-44 i ..-/L. 1.-"-71-•-;12-47-7-1 ' ' (/_?2-&-a. ,A4- ti._:e ./... 6%.-/-1. 7 _ • • " 91 _ 26s ri nume.piragicarr -,Kr.sottyyzorr • mie,11T5-9aissormErC ' ! 'pH ITT. comacissION IDPim Ear F :PORT AEGELES: - FIRST: That It leithe intention ,.f the City Commission of the CltY of.tPort Angeles to order the lowing described - _Improvement* ong7:the following described trier- _ lows of streets In thw City, of Fort otosoloots to: wilt,- -.... _-•-■ ' ,.. -:-. •• - . t-grhe.. Improvement_ of SIttli :Street; from the-Westerly margin 'of =Friar- a =,Slreet to the breakof! peattOdy illelt- by ,the- constructIon'...er'cOn-' ete,tildewalks five- feat 10 width:, lath - sides. of : sabllportloiuslof 4 ISold .streets. exeeptle .front orukt. yesEcoND:=.4luit !lilt+ peiwona ..* o - I tand a 'In • Illock`=200I.: - ,..',14,- floor -, of --Abe' ,,, Fire, - Departinint • . • destre,,to,oblect; thereto Avg:here Y , :notified 40,am:wet' awl 'present `mica = objectiohs,atea7lifietIng lif:th'6talty, = Connissloiy: tdfbeil held = itt,,thCCItY PemmissioneraVreornr•un -ther.isecond ■ 1111114Ingf'4117 LInceln:', Street Ineltho clay_ of Se ten:bell:19S .•:- 0, *AUL:, 1 City.; of i ort.,Wigelerift tbejatli- . sksald'fifayi,,=WhIrit.,t ore 11-!Fine4'' laVlerebr,affixed,ifor., beaCiriebIlit. anattern.lrelating:= to .== th e :ilaill,Frn' posed.'hopeorernent• and -111cof -Rib rlectionli -thereto_ .- andi-docr,delet, 7 nIng'the :method ; ot naY'Ototlf saild - improvement:, ., ,----= .,..,,f' f-,f,‘•••=! . ,THIRD.....-.`Thabthe' City, Engineer iihallilsiubriiitZolia.Citr*EaltilniE-, isforieribCor.i.:pribri7 Wild rdate,, sill I lavcalo=aii,:eibibitta ',•--,...-,;:-.i•,,,---,-,1211 iintar.sncli,ilnforinati .is,,reituired,bY= Of FRIIRTE:';1I1/0:tabe%eoet""V'f.'• oenno,cof',,stieba.Impresoinent,..aliall ' beL.t.eejoeSood:i dosesSedlifgainfit , trio:: Pitrtiaas,n111:14liZe V4t,V17179g, gi b5Fae - - , .- VbrtEi* COnn1$061) and -isignbd:lil.lthe:2111lif Or, this; rIlh'', dny I P ,g,Coitf-V,,--:l--,,ugt:u41se.,r1i;92''07d •€ 4 r"'Dg. ..--11 t4. -. ; 044:;iik ,. 'l'Ili?i71l:;I34:ia iiegit;:1i;f6f, 1ei l .P't.APf; 7iiz,i,,sxen1 • rLx"4iz e 1,5.4 if Bills-L-4 4-----4,;71-4 ai„at 1.5) ,