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Itog,IniattvE__60 t'llerit-W ' -..= navnt.Pc--4the-,,. tr.,. Ad • -* ' 7 rit , peal- oF iic1 ,-Jdnpav ,t • nut 1:- .Dlitrlet:j0,41:102 en ti,:ot,Sait -= 1 the :enatdrly, . a -nr,Pea.- t" afStrnet,;to Ilia_ Iirea)CgtlYett5 t ritly, i Fr:01.1.1„it,:tiaby,thAcgtrygi.41 :.on;bohatdet :ott" Alf - Itcd14901 'the.: .a14.str6- ts-'t'Odelt,ttalt: jtetteii rfatroV-tot- .-In'2111t4Inande 44_ .9;52. leting- and ' a:wettable tan'amoattlis Weiner ctianlitst :.‘_hd :53ferikti;knsi. adtactd',anet..,altr.C'ets .4-.1.40?1, k.A. other:",penDarid: 'as ..attaten., an ild-t.rolt; ^ornrltiC-ittie A adtreatIan oannelt.:.annestnents, -ffeatIlig;And.1 ntitelliastng• n.. stetatat"; Idodt._am, jettidentent itnitP-for . sit Id at-Ur:let atitrinrdering-t that ta&aajd :aaseade Om manta r paid.. Intd -knelt '7;atiental 4- H.E"-TCITYC-..:,-03daskissios.--t-oF. -emir- OF' 'POUT- tIt'irwt,`---: fritat-Xtlidt-diaidsbEnd:it _ ..ortuAttemv-Foti:ows:.,, .,4, !':icrl.irkiTc.i..-.4,,,,,„ToefiarLAtv-1. ...iliet:;$0dItnt.b;; Steak:: 1 rani' Uten.a. , . ,.-1 radtrgIn, di ,l'ealtdx::Str,dettet nil tIgdgaler o.,4.2■TiNir.Tr.i'gt% Hi-se--iiient.._, rzw.tivrawf,akigki...tb.soaa [ -th itOsatne Id lidr i.:1 te4 hi idven-taadfteantilEnieC_.‘",,,.. tlott.S.:-;tgitattenak:ttr: 1144443j'ari ghdi'"n t./IPtpil"g.44'41rt:Zdblitl berettikgreldedd.'ato ,apir,z,,,-sp boliati -qot,,...taAnrproyeht aulesmt.)3lit,:turs.ht-howicra m. - .thqtrme:4ixtti,ltr: rIV1*, r 4,1p4MInp , tI;er-e;fit=...-:agl pta."-nadittnite:eaglit.4,tttlttaaind: fi tea %nal • 1 I!'g:t1-.'•EettF40,1:113feirleVI et, a MtlV.14F.44-2?-tifit1-Wati 4.4.,011,:the-d.i-noliikt,..-unituy, 0gAirxia.2.-iooispo -Altren,gr,11,9w; tt...,,d .tiat,,,thet.darner:t, 7"flib111.41:4-,"Vtlat7thern ,:tis?.jiteebl _ trde,Titrtl..."t;dat;dhllegrpinetnt. .. it 456.1-iagriit1 r:,4:1=Ititti:17.1M44ittq i 4 rtl1.-7.fIgigltt"4t1.; 4 e.1a1 I di6Pliic-1116t td, to t44:id!kjttd44:6I ea1 . t4ablarirVli1 t fitialltlier.:,ttaId :de nen ; co decten:4,-,-,..:- ana",n tl t,o tetnmnze:tiaVirlyTth !- ..tlieetIonee4.,r} Sala .:.'stintedittleatic illteCeaCiaLank:StItner..tet ta I ' l,1rt. dayn_qtrant'i-thedata 1047: anbIleittlidit'ntnexiibtlen ;:tlitt, CIttt'reedstifer=t6 irdr.;.ttin .:Itta; 1011d littsr Tti'ti-,-: ttiAt;rttif* Peri.l.killiglit-14kItAINV,Wleii histaItipentn"OvIth '.. z, li,ttee,t'tk:4e-L'I't'e.', t cuc`.'lt,d a ttne,tatd,nrsinVtaeer &d4Vett teL!. Z`aitr !,"=l, „Vkii1atCi,-I 00, kineeficaiorthlie, i 7i-dgin.nt e. a ritw foleTanrvv i'Nrrorg=ian..,tat, L ,„„t_,Tho .4 , ittireliCalriVA i 10,:gre.tv,twzra--"nt' • pygnivaging4g311,5k-gig% ormittm,,-,iaullati,,..,:the.,cito ne.weintaer..of. PAM - City. , and ,ttee' WILY".-:-Crerk7,In't"Arvabr Wire-Et6,1,-,Ait • ellOIltnyanttilni!do Atubllenelli geretrgiLitt!ti=079-41!Witli*Zitt.1 neoret1;kneVatatied or tele .r.7tle,-,:tlny.,nt. 'Attsrttt,..71,931. • IP Attest: - ,1r., s tilate,kIne-11;GIty .atteri' o nA • ata Ift,r,d0,V-641.".4"Vit4 ritiElinniner.t:Clet .Attorno. ,llenertntlatt;dnproved:. ' ,,Cltr•Itnat Pithltiliedt:taittdlt:14741 S -6o7.1-4-A .V.&, f.31 2Ze-f-tyg a7-t trik2 (024;744 tt r r { 27,E T ILESOI.1t1r. HT THE CITY •..i-THE :CITT.. O That 1r-.fa- -'!the ' Inten 11on the City 'Ety. Commission n -o il... -CUT ot2,Port .tngeles to order. <ths:'fol.. O6 -.; described .: ,ltaproregient{7 ong the- followtit. detcribeS. P4r3 - tlona ofslreets In the City' of. Port,. nice! . tow1c::.: _ - i,=,c,. 'The lmprorementFot Second) Street -.-. -- om„ 1tetEsatarlr,.tnargln;ot,.Yea -i i.odY• to.rthe .Westerly, margin. of Inc Stfeet ',Di snoring full. width; resting. the'_readway . wlih-- gritrel And =oil and .the. construction t woodeti _curbs and :concrete - side - ' ' _ -- Walha on - both sides, of sate .por't Os .4 aalld .beets.. F1'te� ^•. SF.COhD.- That all persona who 1aelylrfo -oAieet thereto at., her0- auch 1'1'1 objections� ate- a. ameetlt g of •the�elty- Commisslon.AO :. be -held -1n' the • City,: Commissionert, itoom. on ,ptthhao : :�secand, floor, oft the Fire ;De -, 'lnii(1 lent' r-ofi 1 g. Dnl.incolti�Street' 3 t iort,rAnEttles b,, the E01I1., day i .4 ^Flap.tomber,.- 1751:: - at. 10 - h.:. ,of -isle- >Pgy.rltrhich.,tltne: aind. - Pla a - :ls', Itereby.; fixed -for„ hearing; on'!mnttera i'Rlating _tq the_' sail]? ProjIosad'.'l mpco%ement- janil-ealial of the.. objeCtlohuthereto., and rtor..de -1 .terminlnagth.....lhod' -. h:peyment obr.said.1I rormnent" •'-F.,•;,r e=�r'. t_.' '{CI(111D1+'_ !Iatythc- Clty;_Enghteer ;..Ball subm(t{1. ,:,the.-City ;.Connnis- ,11011 0±. et prltiruto • said- 'date;< -alt' data.ape xlatortaatlon' required by tan for be, Submlttett -" .., .I+OURTil :- That 't1,,- cost and; ea .pepse;:of aOch_(lmprorement „shall, ,lie; borno;.and`assesse.* _against the .ptapertyl llabla thefafor as fro... Added 1, late. ,x-.. Passed bq.':..'t he Clt,�toitCpmmt lion. Unit si ncd- Dy tbe”: 3yo - tide • '2nd, dayof September.,. _...