HomeMy WebLinkAbout09521.� ...'� SmeneeCiiii 7tetnaaee f4mathda _o[ feat
INANC` '4r'�Al � aa1' lama shall be Ofatrllinted nearta
Vitt -the' eaooppaatttutt.Op 4 ya*sa�! a >Ike proper
rein pdrti0 t a-reeta sith)a,. the c
qj a oe tbe. -eo-..
,(eri Ishthe Ciir, of port An tiro-dlathepin accordance with,. the;
'S! trltt�C,eefeeri`.w f'f' infebea DrOSIdedl LF Urn. -l- the -.-„,
eplamAbefba ll atereac; a Sectioa� Builds. 1 earia- fo
qf - theyalley+ ;Pohlman., Aa(, at( nit r.<e of_ 1%- per.anDa
Seventh: street. sad ,theyepa!ap1te , 'Dayable,tin - Ier4b0f re 'twetee. (I)(,
e bf Ti'- Stree[ - thlitte0 -,c o h*r a 3rbat. (�e•'datgfpt lheltr-Iasue j.
on then- mreet- to 7 the-reenter ehMit b.:iw�3'rta:patsmatJC-DrOthCii'
of the; alley, betreeep' F1ftb -ILIA 2oe4gbdIehlletea of.salb nDrees
. Stratus- e.thence aL +Sleh bUtlds maY- be,redeam
it- said- all ey So �>✓.S.Street. 134mih4itleb of,epgelal- gra'
ro sots: to.D ro evtat
d n th - ropn- 0) ' vsaeed :
annual Ma ta1Imefltu,und e[•the Mod e :
Northerl>> n I.. Slraet . to:
Street; thedee. eaterIT -spa
rstreet• to as an nlld.Od street
alntately, flirt ibupdred-yfeet
erly from[ the .West mai-girt
t"-: Street and thence .Norther -.
bn + -atld ••' uwnamed:r'ftreet. to
rth. Street:.thenee`Westerly •bp.-
imately eight' hundred - jtel_to
ehoutfall qn- the.tltralta ,Or -3d e'
dn;Pnea; also - extending. f ott -Fifttt
Street Southerly- on, said ,un- named.
:Street :which.' In approzftnalely' Five
'hundred <teet.Wert -lrom the-West-
z-fr3T7nargln of .3F•Street, to:Slxt1i
tteeL :svhlch. trunks seWeo. III - 10,lie
eh btrheted =fpr Rh urUosa o1 •pi o -
eerase inn a,drainapp, foe
the property whleh•mry basesseeed•
'aa11. drained . and thus �• b neflttt�
:thereheyand. ascribed. here) ereat.4
feg:;)mt*o.lelhn 1tli4:.))odhtlaHeir-Act
.:ngal'npi eem ty. be atrict•acamp old
•I0F the _pro I0In lienefltled by. said
kihker 'ProvtdiOgRoc-tbe paymeph.
1 special teoat;8 ot.-Uf t :thereat hr.
special assessment of'the property;
,w it hi .1he-ttaid'rdl idt?1h, aecerd-
'i�ee with Sbw. Malta}' the p(tlda ab
_•Fayment Imprnds atl)tn necars11
awes with Iinprovereeht2Reeolutlen.
e1 -142 bf '.1118 Clt3anreI'ort 4n=
• delea and 'In£ateohlanee with"'tti e .11` _ ,
mdPS plans =and apoclflca.LOns Pre- A t01'31-',-"
(tinted b -7th CI '•E t -arid r aw
o[« ''''We Y,lwada' Sa Provtdad
b} Aw:, o,,,t ea:boddactpay lath
4.eereptIonof:srarrantatdra<Irt the'.
0101 fntloa of enabi -toc i. Impr:o%e-,
vial -tnadpf tha.10rebyoecra dI 0:.
esttinatm of tthe:Clty_Ef11hoer(or
thy ;saldr;Cltq. -a�l itacgloctloo. -UmY
ae11 •Bald_ bonds •and . makeinuch re-:
deutjat(on_1n mpphp: r -`
0.8eet sa�. • t✓ThIs-0ldinanoe $ha11
ip:tn:Yqull Soma. and auae -"t 101000 ad •
passage aed-pp erovaxleand- ale;ytui
puLllcatl0n daand the, City ••Clerk ts,,
he:eb E':directedvia : mate the salts
[V+}.rej a:DUhll hens; e_ L
.>-laeaea =tires rereing by the. City'
(Panned 05e - SreadInfer 1e°CIt :
Comity 0lon. S rL,.3. 1 .by .tiyameY;
thlyd'.r, reading' gap 0d 1lil ,.Peeled -•
reading ash >[City Passed•
"lend adopted by the City Ctlmmlai
al OA liwe ! �l3d -.. g t u
aye r this tad +el01 September: � thei
1331. -. t--- !th - of -
173 xf.10E.-I.DAViS.
alp y-: a ty. ng nee _a 110 1 r1L ir �p uS - Ctty- Cter._,
aplirbeingl 5iid.iadoPitingetthe said y: Indeed d '. t0Fform tK o •. v+ .•
;mans. pi anatandlepecitlexLLans-:• r ''G,Ylnmmer.(C1ty Attornel:
__.. -___- 1h. -.THE -CITY COBLI0ISSS10N ..OF rlotlou, n ipreved - ...r fix ?"-
-TIfE C11,1 OF PORT. ^`IN ELM '4 0)t `i)7.ty�, n$Iheer.
pOES O11.DAIN ASS,FOL1sOlF _Plealb t 1 ,19[1:
i#f6ectlonTFtt -� Ti 1tt..theie 1 - -- •b' - -- -
4 Ol'Uered the construetinn
sewer e w Itht'bppurteaanee
Ialong' :tfS"Yollovht -I-tae cri
tione•�of atreetsiln�the; C1
A08e1e1: �,to'=3v11: yr• Cgmmenoto
the4;lnterteb tbn"'Uf. ".the't
it,01eytl e' cell l.nied =;Seven[
and; thebcentee.linen, f>C
thencaNOnhsrlK»an."R etS
they Cetter•4Inn of...me alt
.tA'eo 0 i1Oolt!rah(if'SLttiist' t;
�tthhence }'ItFpeete y et0 oQha suds' 1100
loA St eotytt, ihtt1, q[teeth et]yy� t!
"..I'l ystre t 'to;/Rifth4Sti 014 tlit:ac.
.4iwterlys= anteVa l Stteett"ta a
iit�-named street apptaxlmatplyt11g0.
'hUlidredrrsrgio- Yekloryl -�Sro the
FSVkteomargiii tiff; l 214th ae a o.
1 on or;tortherly d¢ 8Ir )to- na cd1
ett etY to ..surd [ SlraetZ tbeilca-
3V (C Iv, apnroxima,61,,, eight huff
i:fir d feet /1to4the -putraltidnl,thol�_
)teptlIn ofrorn0 dt Sir to ut t
orply)on1sa) n o0rne)1 oeet: Soutk`
`crta p sahbun na ive,,l tterelifjch
,113 atSf olnlbihlq Iive tdrlphan rkIn.
\Neat from ftho IVeaY0r13t>c.matgtn
0[ 131 �y[feet •to Ststh street' nlLL
ei iha
City, 1(11'dr! 131“*. s.tam{
.r;enlor'0lttlth" bull nNee -s try t
drop ettn' 1 u s-h1r(V" nc 66''`ii.
to U9attitioq
lhpolea, Iflueb.a`tanksaet- hdthht hgains•
- [b t far tapilurtenannea 00essarF
14ahtRthetclty t1$ort AS1gelhq;
a> iltt,aclordal1C0- 1pltlt ;t,l,0. lltha
,;i(hd e01f16ntldna ppkepti?edt 3lii 1!i'
IQs Uttil elrfrill p17 d0liiro na1
1 Ut tdUtliepi; lhcaitbnli'aro'°lte Ui;
qq{{S�Sir¢� ¢(tanufaaot�ed•;hy the =sal
' � &S 0ct1oo -4 ijwl n alt j-es-
PeSCppCtf0 r-That}.thc Ctlat Hnd;ui;
abilibi trust -bore sAld antiksu00(nied.
e portyaaade+ytedC�dedt
rng'1 Salpp''tl0l p4 o, th ,'�tp ivat 1 And'
Inc. otrict II r,q the lib ,lp otolI. of
tlig''irlllltrlct aerelt�attnr- fe•ito0 hnd
i nd tthe. 1n `ac rdanCa ivit 1.11.[4 --
nnd the ordinances th tlrc (•In fits
Portk oot.b yIunde. the Bald thfl-
shall not b4 litble 41n t an) men-
tnsn far nnp! prtrt Tt the c �t ab 1
'- ../r,expense?01 4hitltlmpravement Se=
cept�rnlfar,tIlO 0d•C11st iii reel 0
;Sabin ,),h1tll lrttie. •of <thG aluttureel, ag
41lie Mth1de,.taWni1ii11k1bi qfpp - melt
- -,cal 0:1(104. ndlJ) raj lied. Inbludih - --'
t11p rove n, gstprnt ail fl) 7Fu ra Lo1ul
'Ilmnrotb'ment Oualalit3,�Fun1 !
�IGiellf3n 2.•' T1 m ti;r2 Is he 1
creat>idta -h :loFa13 IhfOrovdmont ,dll�.
tr[et t bCi CSillo R10 11np dve-1
fl, itkDlstrlot No.1:12i y1h eh:[In=r'. -
0.0..M111-1.11e' t0rritorj• wh cli pan
be @i)ergM-9,T f(77rain d-th null - 9V!'';
'i'kd'Il sever rhte feed[ I )l --tot
.e ltth,l attd flXoli tae' foil ns to'
,itt -d i + :� i % N
.VI of the nrterf ahtitilmi -
atryNtha Sddtl1aide or'.;Fdn4th, ;sir er;
ro t wa (ipo nt ltlte(thuitdrea .=fa
) of .two Ztr"itatl ,margltr$•o
Sireet�ao:`th ''Westeritt tnhrriih`
tti oI eoacb;' l)Ir';'1 tG e'"btr(.ht.'
Il ehlea of <PI[tfithsireet':'frogi
'.Street \to a:,polnti, ti vet, -Woof im
dit[be1 [teat t'ati( Nester[[
rllll'of4"It Street":(except3.ota
tn120.4 :Helm lve ;Dleck'112:4 aril
tc4- 0',; h elusive,;' Sloclr;'129)),
h rI, Wes' 7; Sixth .,rSir et, ;:from
' Streo - to ,;a1point •[ de,hendren"
klVest o[ th tVesterlli:- marrtliii --
!1,- '.Street Both 'sl lea•�of='Sgv=
th Street from ,,DD ;.Street to
Streo; tl a •NbrtH'd?si ¢ o
t Street nr hundred eeern ,, Si• t e
Ipttfite ,rg for.'4, at litthet1 _._-
koeIlt Lu10 1:01 oi: t0C, Street -
tkeed[ lwlte 1 hi= G tndusi Ilih'",.lC
C) pPE" Street : f or-Eighth-8 c.' S . *;
,pm ' to IC tree:: f t
ith(si4t; to Nt' Street: [011 m
"'yStreet.° - `;'.'O".:Street• = 1n ,, _.
t ot: Vrot1. ogee located in;Abe
Suwon - 4. - That y l•i
1111111; the That .:[lie Sold.. rty -
lti l 1n ' botwoen- the- sJn1h1 lb1p
t C,inipro ement- a d -,, dit- Millie i
lbw Ie. of the nt k.nl bank o' --
'$0! 1 e. of tl a block. t e is the mar -i
elhgi Ilgca of the streets lmptoyeS:=�
p eta .One. (1) to Ton' (10): ineittii ;1 --
Nlt)03l•.Bloclt 1'w (2)' f
1oti,Thlrty -five 26) Lots One (1)
to ;fen' (10). In lusivo lunch One
hundred and =for -three (143); Lots
Ono - (1). to Tan (10). Inelualvu. (j[I'
Shock. One hundred forty-two .1142)-
Lots One (1) to Ten (10). Inctualve•
111oe1<: One hundred and tw-eety -I
011:1.1 11241: nil of lock One hun-
dred and twenty -,CVen (127), nil in
the Tol nsite of fort .ingelo , - -ha11,
In! . • .ed lit itch amounts 114
would .vv I en, knouta ih,• :i e snhiu
. n..t nr ., 10111 iVI and annutt-