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277 - Joodo 'LE CflON .. ... , , ,..5 AV gLgriirOMNII4427e ZiOrlitiV0.- *Pipe 2- -”-_,A. - i,-... ,, - -,•,....-‘4, Alm A ize.of,Portilogeleirtilois- _raxa ,.trliAlt-NC'e p",,10., "...„.907„,_--V. rasearnihdeAhlarbrovided, '-olol,:*11_4' ..-.:Pr, n11.,iltpormpg,..th.e; ,popd.a.-wpip..7 op,,Id.wany ecze.pad lipp.pa,.....u.lolo,of focal Improve- =lid •-irened 'shell', be% Placed- blithe mem. bonds -, for Local Improvement "„ y•,'Yreseurer.an4 trt2 • ic.No. 138,. to • bay, them coma by • her - dellveretLito-:,the, purchaser, „ drarPente- of 4. 'be ImproXe Mentir or purchaser-hi' upon•rocelpr 'by. bee oraild +ttistriet - Ms, ordered and pro-. of -MO :amount ■cootraCted - to be 'Vidal, -for!, In -Ordinance NO. S26; iip, -paid for_ the mine. not--.1emv. than proved ‘April 22. -1931. in ilUed! “An their:par .value- and- accrued I nter€ " ordinance I: ordering " and - providing ext-:..---,...-....--- -.:. .;.- - . A..-- *, for • the.Improppmen t of 'East Fourth- r, 1.k-etron,4.,..:-Saldr-boilda---:oe- -Air% Street,- tram --VDMI-Irestear, margin- porUons --thereof :May"- hti sold, r "of.. rrancla.-.Street • to ' the - break -or :exchanged ,,?or •-xiarrantis , homed- ha theyPeahody", Creek % G ulch ,-_-liy.,- the payment-ler_the--Improvement i-for .conatruction ■ , -of. . on.c. rete.-slbmvalke .which t' hseomlde'. raheGaltorbe p ylreeiglfuaesdafnodfle-'feat-wh0I both - aides-MAmrbet tr n• ,peetons,of"--the Sald,streeta all 3 rash ar:hot•Ima Ul 1M4Secerdance -*tiro ; Amended •Tn3 nad.,accrued- Interest:, sod, the. ord.- n Resolution • N m -.13S or 'reeds 'therefor '. eltell• be rimmed ..fo.. -6,Dit1i•of Port ;Angelerg -ereetIrm. ,theSpaymentr of (!the, chit. __ laniprOvement,DIstrletA6.- 133 PenSextofralki.-JIMIForenlaillair"'"ft thIefIRYTPort. .An 101,004*, ,-, ',1,Section.,.:. .14'That--.:sald qui 4""h8:40-Wg. e opygoarpl A.. --. October- 1.931C -a, 7,...5, cr4,4--, .,. •prevIOIng".,- for the r, paiment'!ole •ohallbe,%-daterl - `mOntOrmloon - thtifitropettr:•witk O., ,•_... Section, 16,-L,,Thla■IPPRnan-ae„:"Iihalb i the'aahl ydiStrictorpayahlet LITT-the beiln z•full:t.forclic"andi_effear,:aftoe inpdet7of.ar yanent-i-btr-BOMbe!thil -Rs passage .and,:arkovatatudaidrom Irt-", Amor -s ssivIth 'eahl-Imprrive-, had. after ,fliroda s after- its- lase, ■ 'Meet AM tIonANO.---,41S,..7-Mnd ;Abe; ful,publicationetsrod. he"City Clerk: 'p&p1a and 'sliecIfIcatiomt pa- Lsathereby-,a4lireetidrtto.,Vcaue*I-Ihn hared -.by- the'.efty i" EtiOnee.r.,: and .enme bee,z0r,pubtfeliedr.el,„ aPPrneet:PAntrijidoptetrby.ithe-7CIty. .XPitheetlt-fleaCtraitdM - :;,th " pcx ' • - giTIVQR4POR▪ T,s ANGELES -DOES ORDAINASO:FoLTArtvs-•,•=irt' - -; e-Ctlaii,',1;.4-'41pie,thMiiior: And. city • th •ofel'ort. "An= 'ygollet;:bOiatol-abey.741W-Olw brie, brfaulkorleed :hub 'dirocted-Ifo'lmtta lo0atilmpro3Ienienelsande•for"L000l. .ImproVenilent".--DLetrice",ANo.:038-,of the rDity:,'eLyortnge.leo.-grer‘ted• AlOdWOrdinance",,-Np4,,.psa4-aporgr4. on,1,4prIl?..22.4.1931*-111a-ccorilance I;Nlinshington tioneoi:loc. 'Al4ne--(1f.%,?r!,..,0'44.4X.%0°X14."0•"" - . theliCIty:1"of,Portlarigele341 • pet": shn,14400rorie,-"alth‘l_t. afialtrbearYintereat,41itk.the,rate -Of" anZ-47).-Iyeartrtfrohytthettlate".4(!ahll• neaeritiee'.(eent.:437%)7i,iIer --almaht anig2laligserillfilrd7-rfitfig.31gt mhrillt-Gfesteeilea.PisArtheltietiomina, itIhniof4prze:litindreikf;100:00,1)01-' plersAefielt;..f.rekeetibont1 : the, , 4omtnaftenK.O645.29:napthei- IrifollSr.bw,eadlioinoeiodP4conseoo,, 11o0l9.-n(iomi; O).t ujarti lond troltr,of Titttitiitedttieretii..:Intoieat'zZoutionit .(Or-,,Olir.Oltitiiestf-OoyiabOt•-dOdlofiel, Aldlt.,,boodl.. god ,the."-takupona beValCileIi, 04,i' the • Mato., audat .tesEarktiyfthe'XiDE.ClerIcAwh-o".eloill, the tseatkoO;thei Andeleak:tia-,;-carli •RroVided,,,Allat.thetheatipotis /may- haya?!Printed': therethtrilim;facsluille ote,floLielk-natereAlt,The_Wiloon-and, rleektflri:11letWOV:Ifelnk:nfo, eigned tertehtizof.tsahlPhorohr+ehalle..refeel to Igg▪ VgVAO• TIVAtti'411ggfi:. ,t'aiitg0-r151V4111!IPtft7:gictie,11- b4C■ =Angeles /Shall ,;:a-Vbr,lhe'. -Mier tomlexcen mM t:SaMefasailio.:CRY4h1. liablif,hYVVIlIthe4ohfitigtegrott,Atni7.1 • teahla°_,piniinrrIZeirttenAttiftefng.- ,-ro"-rnoersentrorn'PliPley fand',Anti ghiepniantiorpirbaldrligirt4114 • 'ttaat',41iez;;form-o. amt itotilltrlytlikliegetafUteerAlrevidhof itLat.4.1teelfjefeVotyrAngoleerrez puymont 2ae54 17,-cd I/ - .44;i 'beMa*S1.1.. r.J111.9L negatop,?(*teberSk13.11.- mmomh readhlejay- thrt. CItY=It thlrd:,resdlngt." hird.-efihallY -hooted amtlekdoptailMbyaGlty-•:,Commbil-"- 4163/:-.October4414.---. ,Approved --landl-'-signeal -Morori October. ti,.--1$317,-• " • • R. V13.. fr ty - ,APoroted •ao. to:form. rmank,f,thapluntmer:'CRieltrY. iroscription — Pub 3 Lei / fz -e 441-14""uxt -,774 g74.- 0-4.04z.t., /4 / ? •