HomeMy WebLinkAbout0958ORDINANCE ..N0. 751
AN ORDINANCE Relating to the construction and reconstruction
of sidewalks; charging the cost thereof to the property abutting
thereon; providing for notice to owners; providing for the pay-
ment thereof by the assessment against the property abutting there-
on in accordance with Chap. 203, Session Laws of Washington, 1927,
and other laws of the State of ►. ashington.
Section 1. It shall be the duty of the City Engineer to
inspect and report on sidewalks and their condition and to super-
vise the repair and reconstruction of the same, and said City
Engineer is hereby charged with such duty.
Section 2. Whenever a portion or portions less than a block in
length of any street in Port Angeles shall not be improved by con -'
struction of a sidewalk or the said sidewalk shall have become un-
fit or unsafe for public travel and the sidewalks at each end of
said portion or portions shall be in good repair, the City Commission
may determine that th6 repair or reconstruction of said sidewalks
is necessary. In such event, the Commission shall, by resolution,
find that the improvement of said portion or portions of streets by
the construction of sidewalks is necessary for the public safety and
Section 3. Upon the adoption of the resolution provided and
referred to in this ordinance, the duty, burden and expense of
constructing and reconstructing said sidewalks shall devolve upon
the property directly abutting upon such described portion or portions
of streets, and shall be charged thereto and collected by assessment
against said property in accordancw with the provisions of Chap.
203, Session Laws of Washington, 1927, and other laws of the State
of Washington, and of this ordinance, ,Provided, However, that no
such abutting property shall be charged with costs of sidewalk
construction or reconstruction under this act in excess of fifty
per cent of the valuation of such abutting property, exclusive
of improvements thereon, accotding to the valuation last placed
upon it for purposes of general taxation.
Section 4. Whenever such resolution shall have been adopted
by the City Commission, it shall cause a written notice to be
served upon the owners of the property directly abutting upon par -
tions of streets to be so improved, which notice shall contain sub-
stantially the following provisions:
(a) Notice instructing the owner to construct or recon-
struct a sidewalk on the portions of streets abutting his proper-
ty in accordance with plans and specifications attached to said
(b) Specify a definite time within which the owner shall per-
form such work, which shall be reasonable and conform to the nature
of the construction and in no case be less than forty -five days
from the date -of- service of the notice.
(c) Notice that in case the owner fails to make said con-
struction and build said sidewalks as required, and within the
time fixed, the City, through and under the supervision of the City
Engineer, will proceed to make such construction and build said
sidewalks, and charge the expense thereof to the abutting property.
(d) Specify a definite date on or before which the Engineer
shall report to and file with the City Commission an assessment roll
showing the cost of the improvement of the lot or parcel of land .
directly abutting on such portions of streets so improved, and the
names of the owners, if known.
(e) Specify a definite date for the hearing upon said assess-
ment roll by the City Commission and state that at said time, or
the time or times to which said hearing may be adjourned, the City
Commission will consider the assessment roll and the assessments
contained therein, hear and consider any and all protests of property
owners against the proposed assessment, and finally revise, deter-
mine and adopt said assessment roll, assess the cost of the construction,
against the abutting property, and determine the time and mode of
payment of said assessments.
(f) The time allowed and dates fixed in said notice shall
provide sufficient time for the construction to be completed.
The date for hearing on the assessment roll referred to in para-
graph (e) shall be at least twenty days after the date of reporting
and filing the assessment 'roll with the City Commission referred
to in paragraph (d).
Section 5. The notices referred to in Sec. 4 shall be in
writing and signed by the City Clerk and the City Engineer. The
City Engineer shall prepare plans and specifications for the said
sidewalk construction which shall apply to each lot or tract to
be so improved and shall so endorse the same and attach a copy
thereof to each notice and serve the same therewith.
Service of the notice shall be made by and under the super-
vision of the_ CityEngineer in accordance with the provisions of
Sec. 2, Chap. 203, Session Laws of Washington, 1927. Proof of
service of such notice by affidavit of the person actually serving
the same and /or the certificate of the City Engineer as to mailing
and posting thereof shall be filed with the original copy of said
notice with the City Clerk.
Section 6. In the event the owner does not make said con-
struction and build said sidewalk in conformity with the said
notice and within the time fixed therein, the City, on report and
through the office of the City Engineer, shall proceed to perform
the work required. The City may, in its discretion and an recom-
mendation of the City Engineer, let a contract for the performance
of all or any part of the work in the same manner as other City
Contracts, and in such event bids and estimates shall be made sepa-
rately for the construction abutting each parcel or tract of land
in order to provide for the assessment of the exact cost of the
work as required by law. In the event that any portion of work is
not done by contract, the exact cost of all labor, materials and
other construction shall be made and kept by the City Engineer in
his records for the purpose of making the assessment.
Section 7. When the work shall have been completed by the
said City and, on or before the time fixed in the notice, the City
Engineer shall report and file with the City Commission an assess-
ment roll setting forth the descriptions of property abutting such
sidewalk improvement, the cost to be assessed against each lot or
parcel of land therein set forth and the name of the owner or
owners thereof. At the time fixed in said notice, the City Com-
mission shall consider the said assessment roll and hear and con-
sider the protests of all property owners and shall finally equalize
and confirm the roll, fix and assess the cost of the improvement
against the property abutting the same as provided by law, and de-
termine the time and mode of payment thereof by resolution, where-
upon the assessment shall become a lien against the said property.
The assessment roll shall thereupon be delivered to the City
Treasurer who shall proceed to collect the same in accordance with
the laws of the State of Washington providing for the collection of
special assessments and the provisions of this ordinance.
Section 8. In addition to the notice required in Section 4
of this ordinance, the City Engineer, at least fifteen days before
the date of hearing on the assessment roll, shall mail to the owner
of each tract or lot of property so assessed a notice stating the
amount assessed against each lot or tract for the said sidewalk
construction, and the time and place of the hearing thereon before
the City Commission. The certificate of the Engineer that the no-
tices were so mailed shall be conclusive proof thereof.
Section 9. There shall be two modes of payment of the assess-
ments for sidewalk construction under this ordinance and the law
authorizing the same, to wit: "Immediate Payment" and "Payment by
Installments ".
Section 10. Immediate Payment.
When the cost and expense of such work is to be paid by the
mode of "Immediate Payment ", the City Treasurer shall, on receipt
of the assessment roll, mail to the owners of the property, as
given by the said assessment roll, a notice requiring payment to
be made within thirty days from the date of mailing said. notice
without penalty, interest or costs, and that unless payment be
made within said time, the assessment will become delinquent, and
on delinquency, a penalty of five per cent. shall attach to and
become a part of all such assessments. Delinquent assessments
shall bear interest at the rate of 7 per cent. per annum until
paid. Such delinquent assessments, with penalty and interest, shall
be collected and the lien thereof be enforced in the manner provid-
ed by law and the ordinances of the City of Port Angeles for the col-
lection of special and local improvement assessments, including
Chap. XXII, Title LX, Remingtdn's Compiled Statutes of 1922, and
the laws supplementary and amendatory thereto.
Section 11. Payment by Installments.
When the cost and expense of the improvement shall be pay-
able by installments, the assessments shall be divided into as
many equal annual installments, not exceeding ten, as shall have
been determined by the City Commission. The City Treasurer, on
receipt of the assessment roll, shall mail notices to the owners of
the property permitting payment of the entire amount within thirty
days after the date of mailing said notice, without interest, pen-
alty or cost, and thereafter the said assessment shall be paid in
equal annual installments as provided. The first installment, with
interest, shall become due and payable during the thirty day period
succeeding the date one year after the first notice and call for pay-
ment, and annually thereafter, each succeeding installment shall in
like manner become due and payable. Interest on all unpaid portions
shall be charged at the rate of seven per cent. per annum and a pen-
alty of five per cent. levied on all delinquent installments. De-
linquent assessments shall bear interest at the rate of 7 per cent.
per annum until paid. Such delinquent assessments, with penalty and
interest, shall be collected and the lien thereof be enforced in
the manner provided by law and the ordinances of the City of Port
Angeles for the collection of special and local improvement assess-
ments, including Chap. XXII, Title LX, Remington's Compiled Statutes
of 1922, and the laws supplementary and amendatory thereto.
Section 12. Whenever on the first day of January of any year
two installments of any sidewalk assessment payable in installments
shall be delinquent, or the final installment or any assessment
made under the mode of "Immediate Payment" shall be delinquent one
year, the City of Port Angeles, through its Treasurer and City
Attorney, shall proceed to foreclose the same. The foreclosure shall
be made in all respects in accordance with the Laws of the State of
Washington and the ordinances of the City of Port Angeles relating
thereto, including the provisions of Chap. XXII, Title LX of Reming-
ton's 1922 Code, and amendments, including Chap. 275, Session Laws
of 1927. The foreclosure of such assessments shall be made a part
of and included in the proceedings for foreclosure of Local Im-
provement Assessments authorized by the laws of the State of V4ash-
in gton and the ordinances of the City of Port Angeles.
Section 13. Where the construction of said sidewalk is per-
formed by the City, the cost shall be paid by warrants drawn upon
the fund known as the General Local Improvement District Fund of
the City Treasurer and when payments of assessments by install-
ments are made thereon, the payments shall be returned to and
paid into the said General Local Improvement Fund, together with
interest and penalty paid thereon.
Section 14. The City Treasurer shall keep a record of the
amounts withdrawn from the said fund for the payment of the work
done and the cost and expense as charged to each separate tract
according to the assessment rolls and shall keep a record of the
amounts paid in by the owners of property and the unpaid portions
of said assessment rolls in the same manner as other unpaid
Section 14. A record of the names of owners of the various
tracts, lots or parcels of land shall be taken in ''accordance with
the latest records of the County Treasurer, together with such other
information as to such ownership as
gineer in preparing the notices and
case shall a mistake in the name of
may be secured by the City En-
the assessment roll; but in no
the owner of any tract be fatal
or affect the validity of the proceedings or the lien of the assess-
ment where the description of the property ,as correct. ,.
In all cases where notices are required to be mailed or posted
under the state law or this ordinance, the certifica a of the Treas-
'� ; - A ,. '
urer, Clerk, Engineer orfother officer cha ?ged with the said duty
shall be conclusive c proof that-At • it wae4 performed. . !� t
c / 40 4,el
Section 15. The powers and provisions_ granted to the City
i ,
under and pursuant to Chap. 203, Session Laws of °the,.State of Wash-
ington, 1927, are, by provisions of this ordinance, made effective.
Section 16.., This ordinance shall in no respect impair and
affect any of the existing powers of the City of Port Angeles with
reference to the construction and reconstruction of sidewalks or
the maintenance of streets or the making of local or other improve-
ments but it is to be exercised concurrent with and in extension
to all previous power and authority.
Section 17. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
alter its passage and approval from and after thirty days after
its lawful publication.
Passed first reading by the City Commission, e-6-tn/ A����
Passed second reading by the City Commission �f iu U - / / 7 /
Passed third reading hnd'finally passed and adopted by the City
Commission % /V2-4 /r,/ /
Approved and signed by the Mayor this 0C-UtT' /9(- /y/
City Clerk.
Approved as to form:
City Attorney.
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