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AN ORDINANCE Providing for the regulation of traffic upon
the public streets of the City of Port Angeles; providing for
traffic signs and signals; providing for the creation of stands
for taxi cabs, jitneys and "for hire" cars; providing for pen-
alties for the violation of the said ordinance and repealing
all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the same.
Section 1. Police to Direct Traffic.
It shall be the duty of the Police-Department of the City of
Port Angeles and said Department is hereby authorized to direct
all traffic in, over and upon he streets and public places of
said city. The 'direction of the traffic by the said Police De-
partment may be conducted by officers of the said Department in
person using manual signs and /or visible or audible signals and
oral instructions., or by automatic signalling devices, semaphores,
lights, printed signs and signals and oral instructions in conformi-
ty with the provisions of this ordinance.
Section N. Special officers.
(a) In the event of fire or other emergency or extraordinary
accident or occurrence, officers of the Fire Department may direct
traffic as conditions shall require, together with and in con-
junction with the officers of the Police Department.
(b)._S_,peciel,traffic officers, state or county traffic of-
ficers and state highway patrolmen may assist the Police Depart-
ment in the direction of traffic as conditions may require, sub-
ject to the general provisions of this ordinance.
Section 3. Traffic signs and signals.
For the improvement and regulation of traffic, the Police
Department of the City of Port Angeles shall have authority to
establish danger zones, safety zones, school zones and crossings
and other methods of traffic control and to use and make use of
stop signs, parking signs, traffic buttons, automatic semaphores
and traffic signals, electrically operated semaphores and traf-
fic signs, traffic lanes and instructions upon the street and all
other appropriate lines to indicate and provide for the movement,
regulation and, direction thereof.
Section 4. 'Removal of signs prohibited.
The removal, damaging or wilfull destruction or obliteration
of any such signs or signals installed under the authority of the
Police Department is hereby prohibited.
Section 5. Traffic to observe signs and'signa.ls.
It shall be unlawful to fail to comply with any of the in-
structions or directions displayed upon any official sign or
semaphore or automatic signals placed upon or within any public
street or public place open to traffic. It shall be unlawful to
fail to comply viith -or disregard 'any of the signals or instruc-
tions of any traffic officer of the city operating and directing
traffic upon.any of the streets thereof.
Section 6. Automatic light signals.
Whenever traffic at an intersection is controlled and directed .
by the use of signals exhibiting green and red lights or the words
"Go" and "Stop ", the following traffic rules shall be observed:
Green or "Go ": Vehicular and pedestrian traffic facing this
signal may proceed, except that vehicular traffic shall yield the
.ay to pedestrians and vehicles lawfully within the cross walk or
the intersection ad the time such signal was exhibited.
Red or "Stop ": No waiting traffic,.'either vehicular or pedes-
trian, facing this signal shall proceed until the green or "Go"
signal is displayed and moving traffic facing this signal shall
stop before entering the nearest cross walk at the intersection
and remain standing until the green or "Go" signal is displayed.
Section 7. Pedestrians have right of way.
At all intersections, drivers of vehicles shall yield the
right of way to pedestrians crossing or starting to cross the
roadway on a green or "Go" signal; vehicles which have entered
the intersection upon a green or "Go" signal but which are turning
either right or left at said intersection, shall yield the right
of way to pedestrians and vehicles lawfully proceeding across the
intersections in conformity to the green or "Go" signal.
Section 8. Fire Department and emergency traffic signals.
"there semaphores or traffic signals displaying red lights or
the word "Stop!i"are installed adjacent to Fire Department Stations
or Police Stations, such signals shall be observed by all vehicular
and pedestrian traffic. When the red or "Stop" signal is'shown at
such point, all vehicular traffic shall immediately proceed as near
as possible to-the right hand curb and stop parallel thereto. All
such traffic shall.- temain•stopped -so -long as the signal remains on
and then proceed only in case no Fire Department or emergency ap-
paratus is passing.
Section 9. Traffic to clear on fire alarm.
Whenever Fire signals are displayed or sounded or whenever
apparatus of the_ Fire Department is approaching, all traffic with-
in sight or hearing of the said signals or the approaching fire
apparatus, shall immediately proceed to the right hand curb and
stop, and remain stopped until the signals cease, proceeding then
only in the event that no fire apparatue is approaching. These
rules shall apply to all cases where the fire apparatus is pro-
ceeding to or returning from on on duty at a fire or alarm for fire.
Section 10. Traffic at fire.
The Police Department shall, where necessary, and at the re-
quest of the Chief of the Fire Department, take control of all
traffic adjacent to any fire and direct and route such traffic in
such a manner as will best serve the operation and work of the
Fire Department and the public safety, and all persons operating
vehicles or walking shall observe the requirements and instructions
of the Police Department or the Fire Department in such cases.
Section 11. Traffic shall observe instructions.
It shall be unlagful for any person to fail or disregard
or refuse to obey the instrudtions or directions of any officer of
the Police Depaitinent or traffic officer or officer of the Fire De-
partment directing and controlling traffic in such manner.
Section 12. Extraordinary traffic conditions.
In the event of explosion, flood or other extraordinary or
unusual occurrence, it shall be the duty of the Police Department
to take charge of and direct all traffic adjacent to the location
of such occurrence in such manner as will best serve the public
needs and public safety and the protection of life and property;
in such emergency he shall have the cooperation and assistance of
the Fire Department and such other special traffic officers and
police officers as .may ,be_.ava.ilable... _
Section 13. Traffic officers.
The Police Department may in all cases where it shall be
deemed necessary, place a traffic officer at a street inter-
section and on, along, or upon a public street or thoroughfare for
the purpose of controlling and directing the traffic thereon.
There such officer is regulating traffic, the instructions and
directions of the said officer relative to traffic and movement of
traffic, shall supercede any other rules or provisions during the
time that he is so directing and controlling traffic on said public
thoroughfare or intersection.
Section 14. Parades.
It shall be unlawful to parade on any street of the City of
Port Angeles without first notifying the Chief of Police and ob-
taining a permit so to do. Such notification shall be in writing
and state the purpose of the parade, the time and place of forma-
tion, proposed line of march, the approximate length or number of
participants and vehicles and the varies of the persons having
a s
charge or control of the same.
Section 15. Stands for taxi cabs and for hire cars.
The City Commission reserves to itself the right, by a reso-
lution, to create and define the limits of any stand upon the public
streets in the City of Port Angeles bo be used by taxi cabs, for
'ire cars, "jitney busses" and other vehicles usgd in carrping pas-
sengers for hire within the City of Port Angeles.
The City Commission shall have the right, also by resolution,
to abolish a stand for vehicles created under and pursuant to this
ordinance whenever, in its judgment, the public safety and con-
venience require that such action be taken; provided, however, that
no stand shall be abolished without written notice to the operators
occupying such stand, such notice to be served at least fifteen
days before any action by the City Commission relative to abolishing
the same.
Fo stand for taxi cabs or for hire cars shall be created,
defined or established tithout the written consent of the property
owner and lessee of abutting property.
Section 16. Permits for operation of taxi cabs.
All operators of taxi cabs and for hire cars shall secure per-
mits from the Chief of Police allowing such vehicles, while waiting
for employment, to stand at one of the stands designated, defined
and created by the City Commission; no permit shall be issued, how-
ever, unless and until the applicant has complied with all of the
laws of the State of Washington and ordinances of the City of Port
Angeles relating to andGloverning the operation of such vehicles.
All such permits shall contain the name and address of the person
to whom the same is rendered, the number and kind of vehicle and
the place designated as a stand for swill vehicle and there shall be
a separate permit for each vehicle.
Each permit shall continue in force for one year after its
issuance; provided, however, that such permit shall be amdaded to
conform to any action of the Commission in changing or abolishing the
stands herein referred to.
Section 17. City Commission may revoke permits.
Permits issued may be revoked by the City Commission upon
good cause shown after hearing before the Commission; the holder
of such permit shall be entitled to ten days notice of the in-
tention of the Commission to revoke this permit and of the time
fixed for- hearing thereon.
The term "good cause" shall mean proof of carelessness,
negligence or reckless driving, disregard of or failure to com-
ply with the terms of any of th'e ordinances of the City of Port
Angeles, conviction of crime involving moral turpitude or indecent
or improper conduct to passengers or others, or at the stand.
Section 18. Taxi cabs shall obey traffic officers.
Operators of taxi cabs and for hire cars of all kinds, when
soliciting business at any dock, depot or terminal of common
carrier, shall obey the reasonable instructions of any police
officer in charge of traffic and take-the places assigned to them
from time to tt&me by such officer.
Section 19. For hire cars to remain at stands.
It shall be unlawful for the owner, operator or driver of any
vehicle used in carrying passengers for hire to permit such ve-
hicle, while waiting for employment, to stand or park upon any
street in the City of Port Angeles except the portions as shall have
been designated and to such vehicle for its stand.
Section 20. Penalties.
Any person who shall violate any of the terms or provisions
of this ordinance or fail to comply with any such terms or provi-
sions or disregard any traffic sign or signal or the instructions
and directions of any officer in charge of traffic in any place
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be
punished by a fine not to exceed #100.00 or imprisoned in the
city jail for a term not to exceed thirty days.
Section 21. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict
herewith be and the same are hereby repealed.
Section 23. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect
from and after thirty days from its -oassage and lawful publication.
Passed first reading by the City Commission, /'/
Passed second reading by the City Commission 41 44. t bt
• essed third reading and fizlally passed and adopted by the City
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City Attorney.
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