HomeMy WebLinkAbout0964ORDINANCE NO.
AN ORDINANCE Providing for the creation and maintenance of a
separate fund of the City of Port Angeles to be designated as the
Municipal Waterworks Repair Fund, and declaring an emergency.
WHEREAS, conditions have occurred in the Municipal Vater-
wor.ks.system which could not have been foreseen, which make neces-
sary certain repairs normally occurring later in the year, and
this condition affects the public peace, health and safety, there-
Section 1. That there be and is hereby created in the City
of Port Angeles and in the Fepartment of the Treasury of said City
a fund to be known and designated as the Municipal oaterworks Re-
pair Fund.
Section R. That =the said Fund shall be used and expended for
the.making of special repairs to the Municipal Water system neces
sary at this time in the sum and to the extent of Ten thousand
010,000.00 Dollars.
Section 3. That warrants drawn on said fund shall be desig-
nated to be an obligation of and payable out of the said fund only,
and the City Clerk is hereby authorized to draw warrants im due
course and in said manner against said fund to the extent of the
amounts above stated. The said warrants shall bear interest
after registry and until paid at the rate of four per cent per
Section 4. From the revenues of the Municipal Water Works
System and from the Water Works Fund, the City Treasurer is hereby
authorized and instructed to set aside and pay into the fund here-
by created sums sufficient to retire the warrants drawn thereon,
with accrued interest; Provided, however, that this shall be done
only after due provision is made for the payment of the bonds of
the Municipal Water Works Fund as provided and pledged in
Ordinance No. 758 of the City of Port Angeles and elso after the
regular maintenance and operating costs have been paid. This
fund and the provision for payment into same shall be in all
respects junior and inferior to the Municipal Water Works Bond
Fund and also regular maintenance and operating costs and pay-
ments shall be made into the same only when funds from revenues
are available after payments on said bonds and for maintenance
and operating costs have been paid or, provided for.
ction 5 - This ordinance is immediately necessary for the
preser ail n of the public peece,•health and safety and there is
the�rebre urgent necessity that the same become 'effective) which
urgency and eme igency ig hereby declred to exist; therefore this
ordinance stall' be 4n 'full force and!ef'feot from'and after its
final iassage,'approval and lawful publication.
411 Passed first reading by the City Commies'ion
Passed second- reading by -the City Commission
Passed third reading and finally adopftdd by tine City Commission
84,“4fA,ti /r PA/
Approved and signed by the Mayor
Aped as to f
City Attorney.w�'"
Published: 6,9lrn 14,4,./1/41--
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