HomeMy WebLinkAbout0965ORDINANCE NO.
AN ORDINANCE Providing for special repair work on the
Municipal 'dater System, the employment of labor therefor, the
manner of payment and rate of wage of same, and declaring an
WHEREAS, a condition exiets in the Municipal grater System
making, it expedient to provide for immediate repairs, and
WHEREAS, a considerable number of citizens of the City of Port
Angeles have been for some time unemployed and for the public good
it is desirable that so far as possible, employment should be pro-
vided, and that such employment should extend to as many citizens
requiring work as conditions will permit, and
WHEREAS, the City Commission has provided for the expenditure
of the sum of Ten thousand. ($10,000.00) Dollars for such special
repairs, and.
WHEREAS, these conditions affect the public peace, health and
safety and Crr eate an emergency, Now Therefore,
Section 1. That immediate repairs be made to the Municipal
Water Works System in accordance with plans and specifications set
forth and filed herewith by the Syperintendent of Utilities,, such
repairs to be made in the sum of Ten thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars.
ection S. That employment of extra help on the said repairs
be made under the supervision of the said Superintendent of Utili-
ties and that employment be extended so far as possible to citizens
of Port Angeles not at present employed.
Section 3. That the rate of wage for the said special repair
work and during its extent, be fixed at Three Dollars ($3.00) per
eight hour day.
Section 4. That wages for the said special repair work be
paid by warrants drawn on the Municipal Pater Works Repair Fund.
Section 5. The employment and wage provisions of this ordi-
nance are intended for an immediate relief measure, to provide
partial employment for men out of work at the present time and
nothing in this ordinance shall be construed as in any way affect-
ing the provisions of Ordinance No. 928 of the City of Port Angeles
knowin'•as the "Minimum Rage Ordinance.,-excepting as to the special
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rel'air,.work provided for herein.
Section 6.` The p iovisions of this ordinance are urgent and
ne essary f ,r.,te rt bl' c faeace > health and safety and to aid the
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uneapl+ yec ^ hile makin neces ryf nd urgent; repairs t.9 the.. city
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utility at thle" r enc a* emtzQency is hereby decle,xed to exist;
therefore,•thi� or ina..ce shall. b in full force -and effect from
and after -its pas s4! e , approval a.rd laivful/publ icat ion!
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Paseed first reading,, y to 0 "ity "Comm ,ssionG r U
Passed second reading ty the City Commission - /7 2-
Passed third reading and finally approved by the City Commission
Approved and signed by the Mayor this
City Clerk.
Approved as to form:
City Attorney.
A. Yid
2 Mayor.
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„Or- 410t