HomeMy WebLinkAbout0976ORDINAL 2:0., q''7 L
ORDII:ALCE ?elating to and fixing charges and rates for the
use of water supplied by the City of Port Angeles; Providing for
the termination of service on notice and for non payment of water
- rent; Providing discounts for pro.:; t payment; Substituting said
rates and provisions for thoo' contained in Ordinance Up. 067; Re-
pealing the provisions of Ordinance No. 867 and making this D -
dinance an amendment ment tc Crdi.nace :To. 778; P' ovidi.n for and de-
claring an emergency; Placing this said ordinance in full force
and effect after lawful publication.
Section 1. That Section 14 of Ordinance 773, as the came e as
ori- irall; enacted, be and the same is hereby ariended to read as
'Section 14. Should it be desired to discontinue the use of
rater supplied to any premises, written notice must be filed rith the
superintendent on or before the 5th of the month, which notice shall
be on the printed forms provided by the Superintendent for that pur-
pose, and payment in full for all arrearages must first be mede.
The water will then be turned off and turned on again on application
upon payment of ?1.00; but no rer.!irsion of rates will be :cade for a
;period of less then tr'o rests, nor without the notice prescribed in
this section."
Seotion a. That. Section 39 of Ordinance 778, as the same was
originally enacted, be and the same is hereby amended to read as
"Section 39. The montly rete' for use of rater other than
measured by meter, shall be known as "Fixed. Rates', and shall be as
follows: (ote) T=.e expression 'Fixed Rates' as used in t..is
schedule means the lowest charge jade for any form of service. For
the 'Fixed Rates' the customer is entitled to yard faucets and to
one cold and one hot .'rater tap, in connection with one sink and
one lavatory, and shall be as follows:
A minimum rate of 01.75 shall be charged wherever there is a con-
nection with the City Service, and in addition thereto the follovain
rates shall be charged and imposed:
For each bath tub ?•'c
For each steam heating plant situated
on premises .65
For each cow, horse or mule stabled on
the premises .20
For each public urinal .55
For each extra lavatory or sink .15
For each stationary wash tub .15
The minimum monthly rates for fire service connections shall be
as follows:
For each two inch (2 in.) fire service
For each four inch (4 in.) fire service
The City Current Expense Fund shall pay for water service as
For each fire hydrant, per month 3.00
For each flush tank, for sewer flushing,
ter month 1.50
For all other purposes the charges Der month shall be the same
as those charged to private consumers.
The minimum monthly charge for water supplied through a meter
For - inch meter
For 3/4 inch meter
For 1 inch meter
For l; inch meter
For 2 inch meter
For 3 inch meter
For 4 inch meter
For 6 inch meter
The rates for water supplied through meters shall be as
follows for a month or fractional part thereof:
For the first 300 cubic feet or less 1.75
Next 2,000 cubic feet at, per 100 cubic feet .25
Next 12Q0 cubic feet at, per 100 cubic feet .20
Next 1,500 cubic feet at, per 100 cubic feet .13
Next 20,000 cubic feet at, Baer 100 cubic feet .10
Next 50,000 cubic feet at, per 100 cubic feet .08
Next 25,000 cubic feet at, per 100 cubic feet .07
Next 25,000 cubic feet at, per 100 cubic feet .05
All over 1 '45,000 cubic feet at, per 100 cubic feet .03
The Superintendent may, at his option, when deemed advisable
to the interests of the City, make such other special rates to
individual consumers as he may see fit, but only with the approval
of and confirmation by the City Commission."
Section 3. That Section 40 of Ordinance 778, as the same was
originally enacted, be and the same is hereby amended to read as
"Section 40. All fixed rates shall be payable in advance on
or before the fifteenth (15th) day of each month; all meter consumers
shall make a cash deposit with the City Treasurer, based upon the
estimate for the monthly consumption through said meter, but in no
case shall said deposit be less than $5.00, which deposit shall be
held by the City Treasurer until the severance of the contract, and
shall be repaid to the consumers after all claims against the
premises have been fully paid. All meter bills shall be payable
• on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of the month following the
reading of the said meter. A discount of five per cent (5A) shall
be allowed on payments made on or before the fifteenth (15th) day
of the month when due. In the event the bill shall not be paid
by the twentieth (20 /h) of the month, the water shall be shut off
by the superintendent and not be turned on again until such bill,
lgether ' itt the c._"crge of One (011.00) Dollar for turning on the
'ame has been paid.
,here premises are vacant and no water is used through a
meter in any month, a charge of fifty cents (0.50) per month shall
• be made; provided, that :;:.-ere two or more separate buildings are
supplied by the same meter, the minimum rate shall be one dollar
and seventy =five cents(01.75) per month for each building.
;,here meters are installed for a temporary supply only, a
minimum of two dollars (.',12.00) Bhall be charged.
All metered bills are figured to the nearest even 100 cubic
feet, except There the rate is twenty cents (0.20) per 100 cubic
feet, or more, when the rates rill oe figured to the nearest even
50 cubic feet."
Section 4. That except as ..erein amended, Ordinance :o. 778
of the City of Port Angeles ;shall be and remain in till respects in
full force and effect.
Section 5. That Ordinance : :o. 8E7 and all ordinances and
parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and said ordinances are
hereby repealed.
Section 6. This ordirance is declared to be urgent and
necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace,
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health e.nc safety of the Inhabitants z.:d 'people of said City
of Port Angeles, and shall take effect and be in force immediate-
ly upon and from End after its passae,approval and lcrful pub- --
Passed first readin6 by the 'ity Commission this
Paesed second readins, by the City Commission
, j !� �j � gassed ti}tird reading and adopted
ay t4. City ttmmission
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Approved as to for
City C1erc.
City Attorney.
J• }E I:ayora
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