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f r f�; ORDINANCE NO. q7 7 AN ORDINANCE Relating to the use of electric current of the City of Port Angeles and fixing charges and rates for the same; Providing a discount for the prompt pay.;ent of bills for electric current; Substituting the rights and provisions of this ordinance for those contained in Ordinance 913; Repealing Ordinance 913 and makinz this ordinance an amendment to Sections 17 and 2C of Ordinance 890;: Providing for and declaring an emergency; Placing this ordinance in full force and effect after its lawful publication. THT CITY COMMISSION OF TH . CITY OF PCT AN1EL" S DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLO`;S: Section 1. That Section 17 of Ordinance 890, as the same was oribinally enacted, be and the same is hereby amended to rear as follows, to wit: "Section 17. The monthly rate for electricity consumed shall ,c i:, accord: nee with the follorrin schedule: Hate 11o. 1. Light rate for dorliestic and commercial ase: First 100 K.7+.11. at 4rc per K.7.H. Next 100 t .;,.H. at 4c per K.i,.H. Next 150 K.7 .H. at 3c per X.;,.H. All over 350 at 2c per K.L.H. minimum charge of 80c for 18 a.; .H. or less. ate :;o. 2. Combination residential light, heat and cooking. First 200 K.W.H. at 3c per K.', .H. All over 2CC at 2c per K.; ;.H. Minimum charge of .`2.70 for 90 or less. Consumer is entitled to rate ro. 2 only when is a con- nected range load of 4000 watts or more, exclusive of lamp socket appliances. 11 Rate :'.o. 3. Commercial heating or cooking: Yirst 300 K.W.H. at 3c per K.".'.H. All over 30C K.W.H. at 2c per K.H. Minimum charge of x$1.80 for 60 K.:7.H. or less. The consumer is entitled to rate No. 3 only when there is a can9 r,ected load of 2500 watts or more, exclusive of lamp socket appliances?. Rate No. 4. Power rate: :Lost 300 K.v.'r.. at 3c per Z.W.H. Al? over 300 K.V.H. at 2c per K.V.H. Minimum charge of 90c per H.P. up to 15 H.P. All over 15 E.P. at 9c per E.P. Pate !'o. 5. Vater Heating: This schedule applies only to flat rate water heating service. The rate shall be 15.00 per month per K.F. connected. There seasonable service is desired the rate shall be 06.50 per K.W. connected per mreath. This service is limited to a connected load of 3 1E.1 V. per customer. This rate is limited to customers inside of City limits. Application of the rate may be limited. to installations in which the tank and heater, if external, are covered '.pith approved heat insulation. Rate .,o. 6. Temporary service: This type of service shall be cnarged for at the regular rate plus a labor charge for connecting and disconnecting. This amount to be estimated by the superintendent and paid for at the time of making application. Rate 2;o. 7. The rate for the City of Port Angeles street lighting shall be in such amount as wry be bud-eted by the City Commission. The Light Department to supply all lamps and other materials and lr ir.tnin the system. Rate No. 8. Sanding floors: Flat rate of 50c per room for soft wood. Flat rate of 75c per room for hard wood. Flat rate to aptly to floors having an area of 250 square feet or less. Rooms having an area greater than 250 square feet shall be charged for at the following rate: Soft wood 1/5 c per sq. foot. Hard wood 3/10 c pex sq. foot. In addition a connect and disconnect charge amounting to $1.00 shall be charged. All charges to be paid at time of making application. • • No. 9. The . Superintendent may, at his option, when deemed ad- visable to the interests of the City, make such other special rates to individual consumers as he may see fit, but only with the approval of and confirreation by the City Commission." Section 2. That Section20 of Ordinance 890 of the City of Port Anieles,a proved November 30, 1929, be and said section is here- by emended to read as follows: "Section 20. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to re- gularly read the meters of the consumers of electric current and to enter all said accounts and charges in his meter books. The meter books each month shall thereupon be turned over to the City Treasurer for entry in the proper ledgers of the City Treasurer and for collection. All charges against consumers of electric current shall be due and pay- able at the office of the City Treasurer, without notice to the con- sumer, on or before the 15th day of each month for the month preceding. A discount of five per cent (5'4.)) shall be allowed on all accounts and charges paid on or before the 15th of the month.due. Should an account not be paid before the 21st day of the month in which it becomes due, the City Treasurer shall notify the superintendent who shall immediately cut of electricity from the premises and it shall not again be turned on until all arrears are paid together With a fee of 11.00 for the turning on of the current." • • • a el 711 Section 3. T"c.t except as herein amended, Ordinance 890 of the City of Port Angeles shall be and remain in all respects in full force and effect. Section 4. That Ordinance 913 of the Oity of Port Angeles and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith o and said ordinance are :°hereby repealed. ecticn,a, This _ordi :ante is ueelared to be urgent and neces- ' ._ Vsarv` for the iiediatp preservation-01 the public peace, health and l• I f • . _+ . oaf,;tyPt! "th *h b't t sand p dple .©f steel City 4f Port Angeles, R - e mans e i t, . 0 s:a1l takeeffect4 d-tvii fore• iz1lc�dzatryrupo�- and from and 4eA l n ) it s'"oassa e , ap Ootigl• tn& laysfu pu1,11 aff'o . 4, 7 Passed first readin04-4—ie Cite Commistion. :. Passed second 4a ding b-y,th:( City Co r `ss,ion :' f B 1g lZ, Passed third readil5.> acid adocd by the Ci y Com�niscio r� 4 AN rcved and. signed by the Layor Attest: 1 % City Clerk. Approved as to form: City Attorney, Puolished: 2"1 • • 4bo" •'"••• •t 'ft " • r. • • r ■ :t •