HomeMy WebLinkAbout0981ORDINANCE NO. 7f/
AN ORDINANCE, Prohibiting the sale or „Aft of liquor In pualix
places; orot.icitin{ the sale or <<•ift of liquor to minors; proLioit-
irg the drin.cirg of liquor in public places; defining as a nuisance
certain places operating in violation of the law and city ordinances
and providing for the closinE and abatement thereof; repealing or-
dinances No. 404, No. 550, and No. 610 and all other ordinances in
conflict herewith and declaring an emergency.
Section. 1. The phrase "intoxicating liquor," whenever used
in t..is act, shall be held and construed to include whiecey, brrnd;
Sin, rum, vine, ale, beer and any spiritioue, vinous, fermented or
malt liquor, end every other liquor or liquid containing intoxicating
oronerties , which is capable of beino used as n t every ce , whetter
medicated or not, and all liquide whether proprietary, patented or
not, t�: eh -Contain any alcohol, 4.Tni.ch are capable of be i. g used as
a bevera^.e.
Section 2.. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person or persons
to sell or give, away any intoxicating liquor to an person in any
store, hotel or rooming house, public dance hall, resort or restau-
rant, or other place within the City of Port Angeles which is :gener-
ally and usually open to the public tith or %_ithout admission; Pro-
vided, however, this section shall not apply to persona actin under
snd oy virtue of laws of the United States =ereirafter provided.
Co) It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or ,ive away
intoxicating liquor upon' any publa:c`ct"te t - -or alley withinsaid
city or upon or in any conveyance operated as a common carrier for
the transportation of the public v,ithin the limits of said city.
Section 3. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or
^i: *e intoxicating liquor to any person under the aze Of twenty -one years.
Section 4. It shell be unlawful for any person to drinn en.
intoxicating liquor in any store, nublic dance hall, resort or
rectaurant,or otner place within the City of Port Angeles which is'
generally and usually open to the public with or without admission,
or upon any public street or alley within said city or upon or in
any conveyance operated as a common carrier, or in any taxi cab,
for hire car or private car within the city.
Section 5. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to
maintain and operate any store, resort or place, public or private,
where any intoxicating liquor is sold or wept for sale, excepting
persons acting under and by virtue of laws of the United States as
hereinafter Provided.
Section 6. Any store, restaurant, hotel or rooming house,
amusement parlor, club or resort of any Kind, or private residence,
wherein liquor is void. or kept for sale in violation of this ordi-
nance and any store, restaurant, hotel or rooming house, amusement
parlor, club or resort of any kind or any private residence, rr.ich is
operat -ednor' conducted in -violation of -t4tds ordinance or any other
valid ordinance of the City of Port Angeles or of an,- state or feder-
al law shall be deemed a public nuisance and the owners end operatore
t..ereof shall be deemed to be operating and /or maintaining e public
nuisance -
Section 7. Any person or persons operating or :maintaining a.
public nuisance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Section S. Upon conviction of any person of operating or main -
t,ainins; any public nuisance herein defined, the same stall ,,e eub-
,;eot to abateent. Any fixtures, furniture and /or equioc.ent fount
upon. ._e premises mall be n_elc3 suu,3ecT fine i:::,r5Sed for
such violation of tais ordiance and for any expenses incurred in
tree aoates ent of ouch place.
Section 9. Nothing in this ordinance ss ll be construed to nro-
Lioit the transportation, nrescribirg, possession, diepensin; or
sale of intoxicating- liquor as the same may be autnoriced or ut`r: it,:A
by the Acts of Congress of the United States. �f
Section 10. Any person violatinc the provisions of this act
shall be r.uilty of a misdemeanor and shall be Punished by a fine
of not to exceed '10C or imprisonment in the City jail for a period ,
of not to exceed 30 days or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Section 11. That Ord,in.ance o. 404 of_ Lhe_. City of Port Anoles.,
approved on the list day of January, 1913, Ordinance 1:o. S:;0 of the
City of Port An of es , approved August /, ¶1.91 ', abd Crd i'eice Yo. SIC,
oferhelPity of Port An •eles , a oved Apri 15,-1919, and all other
ord inari"cea and as -qf ordi ;pia ' s i nflic t t: i$X. the rrovisions of
u ,
this ac, T re erei y ;epeale .. , 1" , 4,-
4. r
�T r
Section 12. ,;hip ordinance is deo ared to/be/urgent and
sary fo`r le im ediate preservation of Yee ,uo$ic peace, realth and
safety of the peo'le Of the 47AtIt of Pori Apr >eles .5nd shall take ef-
feet and be in i'orde `immediately 'frot: d gfter itt .passa.Ue approv f
and lawful -publication. -
Passed first reading oy the City Commission Decer -oer 14, 1932.
Passed second reading by the City Co:lission December 14, 1932.
Passed third readin_- and finally adopted and ye sled by the City Com-
mission o.- -c-, 'L 1 I q 3
Anproved and s i ;ne d by the Ea.yor . .?, t r y
City Clerk.
Are proved as to form:
City Attorney.
Published: ra."-s.,
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