HomeMy WebLinkAbout0983ORDINANCE NO. 113
I AN ORDINANCE Relating to rates and service charges for the use ■
of water supplied by the city; amending Sections 14 and 40 of Or-
dinance 778 as said sections are amended and modified by Ordinance
976; and providing for and declaring an emergency.
Section 1. That Section 14 of Ordinance 778 as amended by
Section 1 of Ordinance 976 be and the same is hereby amended to
read as follows:
"Section 14. Should it be desired to discontinue the use of
water supplied to any premises, written notice must be filed with
the Superintendent on or before the 5th of the month, which notice
shall be on the printed forms proviided by the Superintendent for
that purpose, and payment in full for all arrears must first be
made; the water will then be turned off and turned on again on
application without charge; provided, however, no remission in
rates shall be made for a period of less than two weeks, nor without
the notice prescribed in this section."
Section 2. That Section 40 of Ordinance 778 as amended by Sec-
tion 3 of Ordinance 976, be and the same is hereby amended to read
b as follows:
"Section 40. All fixed rates shall be payable in advance on or
before the fifteenth (15th) day of each month; all meter consumers
shall make a cash deposit with the City Treasurer, based upon the es-
timate for the monthly consumption through said meter, but in no case
shall said deposit be lees than $5.00, which deposit shall be held
by the City Treasurer until the severance of the contract, and shall
be repaid to the consumers after all claims against the premises have
been fully paid. All meter bills shall be payable on or before the
fifteenth (150) day of the month following the reading of the said
meter. A discount of five per cent (5%) shall be allowed on payments
ade on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of the month when due.
In t• he event the bill shall not be paid by the twentieth (20th) of
the month, the water shall be shut off by the superintendent and
• not be turned on again until such bill has been paid.
Where premises are vacant and no water is used through a meter
in any month, -a charge of fifty cents 3:50) per month shall be made,
provided, that where two or more separate buildings are supplied by
the,same meter; the minimum rate shall be one {dollar and seventy-
- five cents 01.75) per month fo'r each building.
Where meters, are. installed for a temporary supply only, a mini-
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mum of two dollars' ($2.00) . shall be charged...
All metered bills are figured to the nea▪ rest even 100 cubic feet,
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except where the rate is twenty cents ($.20)'per 100 cubic feet or
more, when the rates will be figured to the nearest even 50 cubic feet .4
Section 3. This ordinance'is declared to be urgent and neces-
sary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and
safety of the inhabitants and people of said City of Port Angeles,
and shall take effect and be in force immediately upon and from and
after its passage, approhal and lawful publication.
Passed first reading by the City Commission this If_ day of
January, 1933. Passed second reading by the City Commission this
day of January, 1933. Passed third reading and adopted
by the City Commission this /g-- day of January, 1933.
Approved and signed by the Mayor this day of January, 1933.
Attest: 27. 1V0m"'%
City Clerk.
Approved as to form:
City Attorney.
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