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314 L itskikis". •tg -oriei4fl ..n i*ruse.retuilzgaigpipirri.ikrar -,FIftla.rfitml%1"; , • ta:atrulthInW' nor111,00Y.;:1°--1. 7,•-betuneur 1,1f_tkr`Otnt..., Poiket Streets': ••Menthenc, pilpf along ,sald--.211iytra,'"1fttreet roriditnsetwranntaft4 drainage .to fonfoof 'Mick* ate: -12114,11Vited, •ICIt9.1333f •--YOrt Angeles:, the sr.Ith all -::aPirortenuhattt. ‘.-011.131MOntVneCeseary, to-cam .LithomaftUd suitt -•-elbei- strecit.aur.triarsbo. necessars-Jtv•con-- ticetIon-- • therewith:- OreatIng..! Local In_prrement District • No; 147::: Pro- ding for the pay:Meat. op the • cost hereof, ‘b.-special,- astinOttlefit ;o( • e 'property: withlty the district:Ac.' eftraIng-- tn. lasr3- payment, by bo iid its cco rdp ice Improrementsi33-03mi0tlen 347„. or 'Cittr Port Angellog am) fans Tana • ?specIfIcialorts prepaietf • • ,ttrel.ftltplartglneer -0 nd; upprOved...., Ond.:ntlopteds the: ty;„•Peutints- rt. CrrOF ;THE'erftltdUKtigaYorr, 'fr Irk" JRDAJNtS PO :TiONSfP+3,- tP.00tIbii'l:•PT3tat;lehtlre-ILS:herOW,.. ?dared ••the, construction °Su •4ferrer3 %ratan ctIte,TeIty,C of "Parer ItatTR,IterTr7Itiitatata:PV;. t);V4 I, trunk FItth•-.andL.4,1-.'11 treets::, running:4 ntherIy. tt& I• SfrOetarat,- -It•-'4 Street: -;•thence;,eaut ..ttlyfitrItt.":;e1,3,,1/12alitt-"tnyE:g.i..traect• • • ,...trtn-ealite rtl:pcorts;hol70_13LL111;i2-Agelf : ;tiffieffieMArith--3111 -uppni-tenanees dila 42 ..eqq.lipttenti:Ineettitati:J=10'-' • AhA,Awne--J onLauch „ather.,,,y,qiidsii ot•tavi..beo, titeetisary,On,-' Connecting-3. ltnettintitTalf, ,of:rischl,,ataftrare- .tiletiti.'.to•Ore +panne!, Ityg-aCeorduneo,34 •• 0,1110,:iliel:phana*,Land,-,i,i*IfIcliAlim..-,1 hr011t0,4bY•:the ;Cit.W.En#Intr :an& andaddOtrid '!.1.1ortt1Pftirg: ConicirliTliinr.Vaillotitt4c-6741*.nde,” ' .fiWtitS..iir1761';Aiike;* ?,;•SEctibii cba;anil otZltIFE,sotttLltttpeo;eetrtent--t.'OTo.If,:,:tie:41 OS FM .0.04 :I-a gat n st-0431 Property espeClally,0iterittesl.tliere2-1-1 • bY;=iiiid:ArieffilleV,triiliin 'dart enT.Cor tiret3n1StrIet •s:heintnafter. cr6tited, and deserlbeClut•-,accord,', .1 Mice*, lave': and the: ICI IN gelesta'tlict. - tfahttirri eteentt s fac'tittheelty...fs, made; Ilattleeby,r1rtuetorithe. statutetomf the tate 7. o f ,Nfashinntott,4m, such. ,picratled -anti jticalarTr t1W-44:itiiter,p-fewiftlifg fbr . the;r0Local 4,4miliov-ement. -pu,ror,ha jrnrpOae. Upi.utturtin r 4, tehlnki'.to'the:,,erfent,,or, Sikh. •ftind .initt1ie:ntinner7prefridedThy',IliCwOfhe i Palunenkitc‘of t-'...3lecal,CaimProrement 1.9odtroff.',1-.--;'3,ThlifiAthere-,- Is ;Ifireby • honds su to,:pity, for. th :erlocaf • IninibdementEr,_;oidretr,Wth'e,tity„.. 'CretitedtiM4;3oCal'1.3inurtMemtint3,:dt8. i :trMt:Ato;.--be,.-coaltIVeDocti.1.›.1inprove., • triiitFillktr-Ifctego.:41.47:::::6C'tdeCitl, -6E47' ort:',..Knget.,,,,deActibdd-",-aso,Ibl, lowszTlowlt:=TAIItth'ez prorirlertY-,74.4 ' ,drntonce tArtelc!.,from1.1in tirghUli it (0/1-)4;;4-44 tateen,22 tIte•''',FleS.O.ripet42terth t; a e t-- , 31 ' es ,-,Alt.eidof t2, accoriting,r trilF,lava! • wiihh't-may'i•.bei sc.wCfesi....;..bk, -nitid. -1 laterar.,.'seseir,'LnIt,P.hereltr3t, -order cit. 1 beIng,:n11 ' Of :Block, 12434pTid •:.the • reitiuthK hair .ot :.:.13locki“.32-19:;: and 115:';':,"-'-,V,i,77.1k.','317%,47,..,•I'41:'Iji.: elSoctten• 42. indir ea 3 ter , .at't,. the.Aate,toff tiel-rn•niftr,,,Octit;:: noel ', annum - rp0„r0li1C;:ort2:23p2:befero.,,tieetvol l'OrtIlol;tlin.ltg.:17i:Ym:rit,"ti.i,tligel:oti:ter td:oxpedete =',Irblehelpinds:`'ipity: be; .redeemetti by Abe, , collectle4t :or,- spol chit ,":'esseitstoento':2'ileoWli: 'PlOti:-.2ittat-, nial0e3fIngalristtyti1e: -ptopelak*Ithlh.: 11.6,11lkio-rct.:43?4Yable,1 In, telvainnual Imitallmellits,:runde■'..:,qiep trifidn c",,...:0I Ptilagii143-1Tnaillii.!!i■itl;',-TIt'TaPertAl Itify,cp:ntraetti:■*-VIn'redeiticaltirtr..., of Taric•!,'r'llAktigttUlnr'.IlitattIVI't1";;(4.vq neetirtrITtnvi, ni■tiinaten,Lb '•ttie !RC' t3 • ogineOr.:for the Clt:.‘,-2ti eY,,2**rtt.42:-Ito binoTn.:fiClj' salkbiideIf n21 ,,,iFixiltr, ffeCtivil41:26.TIri4i-CV:C-IlltAtt4 ..: It*,:fqt.2teaVe“ A tiO1r4P11.rOvtiff 0.1.21°,frpnv irilfiatttif.r,IPP:!1,::Vt!.1.4M41.11Y,11 :, /',4•JI.Itillf,firit.li61,2Allim!T110:,:ilitiditO' Vonntlilaslitii3Octoliqr.i25:t19321i;Eakott ' , #ectilior "i.e.:calf* -by,•the:: City Comints,-.' Inn :. October 2.5: • IV:43.: - Proiimi , thii.d rCnOttur.4.• end •Stinull*1, itnimetl.:',:-3iiil• • titittp3ollithy the ;,City•;-cummisston ••• Noranitter-.29:•;13133:: -..-••• •••_ ., ••..,.::: .....S„. --rAnnforea ,,,"tinft, iiinnicti _,_- br -"the,- 112tavor• this • 59th • ,lay :' of:. Noreinher,i 1,1-.•.•,- , ,:t• t- ..-!..t'll: ii.:-t. • 33:117fn •t ' '•-'''t.'-` •. -. • •33IS•Or:' _ 0,2-42.&;11 .72off,Z, _ _ elbow-An-die_ 1-7t=L 770-7/ -9/1748,:e_ L 1 3 ET,Lect-72;4)4 Pril n 21. 771. — - nrcNted,i‘g. tt13331.ErI7IE11. DntPro1f9t: .7 rro-kl • ttJ "AVM:, - — -- 79-1,