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AN ORDINANCE Creating a City Planning Commission and designat-
ing the duties of the Commission; and Declaring an emergency;
";EREAS, the Federal Government, through its various depart -
ments, has recommended that municipal corporations create planning
commissions designed to cooperate with and reconcile the work of
the district, regional, state and federal planning commissions for
the purpose of municipal and civic improvements and betterment and
the efficient use of labor under the Civil .•orks Administration,
Section 1. That there is hereby created a City Planning
Commission for the City of Port Angeles to be composed of the
following members:
A. Seven citizens Df the City of Port Angeles not members
or employes of any City or County Departr.eht who shall serve
without compensation.
P. The Mayor, City Engineer and City Attorney.
Section 2. The seven members referred to in the Subdivision
A of Section 1 shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval
of the City Commission, and shall hold office for a term of three
years each; Provided, however, that the first appointments under
this ordinance shall be made on or before :..`arch 1, 1934, and be-
fore said time the Mayor shall appoint three members of saidcomLission
for a period of one year, two rec.bers for a period of tr.o years, and
two members for a period of three years. The terms of office of
the various members shall commence on srch 1st in the respective
years and after the first board is created, all appointments re--
lcci.:tg members whose terms have expired shall ce for the regular
term of three years. Appointees `fi11'ing an unexpired term shall
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serve for the remainder of the term which they are appointed to
Section 3. The members of the said City Planning Commission,
after appointment, shall hold the first meeting at the time and
place fixed by the Eayor of the said City and shall proceed to
organize under the direction of the Ilai,or by chasing a chairman,
4 secretary and by adopting such rules and designating such other
off icere Pn7cvrttri:'tteemen as may - be necer-eary.`
Section 4. The duties of the City. Planning Commission shall
3e in substance as follor.'s: To make a study of the needs and .:on-
ditions within the City of Port Angeles relative to parks, play
grounds, recreation areas, also a study of the sanitary and drain -
100.° a;e conditions in, about and adjacent to the said City. To con-
sider from time to time any possible improvements upon the parks
or recreation areas and also the industrial localities and the
• sanitary and drainage conditions thereto. In the study of the parks
and creation areas, the City Planning Commission is expected and re-
quired-to meet and cooperate with the Park Board of the City of
Port Angeles and all plans relatint, to parks and play grounds
shall be submitted with the approval of the Park Board.
Section 5. The City Planr.i.ng Commission shall also devote a
portion of its time to the planning and development of a compre-
hensive scheme for the improvement of the City of Port Angeles
:ith'relation to parks, play grounds, recreation areas and also
shall give due consideration to sanitary conditions, drainage
problems and the location of porter developments and transmission
lines with due regard and consideration for the health: and safety
of the residents and inhabitcnts ort' "e said City.
Section 6. The City Planning Commission shall be entitled to
the services of the City Engineer and the City Attorney to aid in
developing their plans. NO expense shall be incurred, however,
-;itthout the consent and approval of the City Commission.
•POP• ...
Section 7. The City Planning Commission shall from, time to
time submit plans and recommendations to the City Commission for
• approval and adoption and also comprehensive plans for different
area in the said City or for the Thole City, r.hich can be re-
.censito -d f,r the ;)pglica'ii.ar.- Sf efficient a -rk, and-wh-inh plans may
ne from ,time to ,'firne adopted in whole or in part by the City
ComAlfsio . -
Becton f 8. , The 'e id urgent neceesity , }nd emergency for the
rP _aue aid aaopfigo f th s fildktanci,fot t::c imneditte presery €-
r,.,. -ti3n ?nd benefit of t,1:A p:�ace&,.heaLth��andsafety., the inhabitants
iii f Port `An les• .
of 1,4e City ge , hich er ergency�.is
deciz 'ed, t2 refore this ordinance sha '1 to7-v ffec
R 4
• its paee.age , 4pproval and '.awful ipublica t ion .
2 first reading �.
`PasseJby the City Commission thin- February 14, 1934.
Pasaid • sebund reading by the City Commission February 14, 1934.
Passed third reading and finally passed and adopted by the City
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Commission February '; 1934.
Signed and approved by the Mayor this 1'd February ,1934.
eby Osated and
frond after
/ ' City Clerk.
Approved as to fora:
City ttorney.
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