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r 324 ..s7.114,7r..'"":' • c'" s''' ' //1-tilibt.f,NO:ii06, ' __, •INANCE - ApprovineanA• uredmthnincigi=4;tnitt_x,ttb;ateaeousernio...up.:14:rotrallt[up_4eff .. • Me•ftill'hillne7rillt7alat'' ng,tetreisrprilierrt9,11f0r= • laid,b1 oc9rserliend,..1.be Os ici ?tory AiongeetioligMernitb. it. ' lenTer1171.1V•trice jollo!itint [- .41.,_ ibt....rort,AnireiceL..Inirytng ingr. Die amantetbernot MI& ler iirigrinnV? ttiRe%11; " o'ig; deans • the . collection , of-, ouch "us, %esements and : Creatinw•hnd •-estab-r iliehinir a'efgetia1:4ogiel ImproYetnent! . faint ,f or -paid. district. anci: ordering' -that .•the„voltid, ataccomerst be paid 414.9-'91K439PP4/144,I.941:::. •--. • '' ''' ei'llOrCITY.COMMISSIO1413147r-1319 In r'POLI.T_,_ ____[.=321,10MIX.it• rI.DES ORIYA/N: 'AB: FoULDW13?--,,.....•-••••. -I' -7,r gettion 1,-, ThittS• tio:, aetestrinegt ..? TeMia..,-lariR,T4:07,11olot einPthit' Z" f.:.;certam . pioperty. ',tow, v: I Ihocke -, 2er.,122; .129;and ,116 • bp ithis coiP,' I truc91011 tif.Sktlateral ‘selifeetdrain, ,.2 netitelpropeett1000etibnendtoia4 tocktrOnd-rtiVreetarg.:%nrkall •• Initletionth tIv.`-'ithich -. saint If• .inantrovehtentI • d let - ma', cKeated s!saidiingrotottneilt 'arditred,un. inyo Ordinance, No4,392o1•14*•••Zy. rangtrAnititi_eit....d cottoroilO9yoovr-_,otande..-b i.,to •-i,_tgrEe ""eZdj34.4rail‘..7-ftled*r i•K-Th -Aran ..• $garrAitt,et . ne eP13,projnirty2f-shoPtrl 111PonDdl , .11-tie[OCIftlaY*.decla'redolao IS ' M 1 I. t% ivaciliftIV.Orideilitsttti VIM tit,' . argerb•agnintst:thoMnmiit.tind,that". ti...t.[Miateltrnente, aonearingz against • he•ft..a.maiiii%•1411•13raDdr9lon- to .[-th;' evertil[,:elunierententethritetfinat7,. each/ c.ol;ICtratcpiand[9pityceli,o2,9•Ind;" site . • tainig."410rInaid [i.roll.-Aind-othitral ho-Abro*,-, I.ymd_..4,,,,tit3Sulta..e.,04. gaitgrangeach,-taidteriiiitseiractitor rdebirntalanditpnetring, onkitaid, D thg ' mottnt ',finally charge& hitt nerilithereihNly,dnonlrond I giblet, the:nlaine.---.4'irni•I•-..,-::•,•[ is Ateretty citatdd?. ol-r. established Nfor iiInggrinlirgli-V:17 ad, dpsignatinit dir.r.Lbealrlin men undrijnettict-thinoW14 ,,' DareAtant5tiITid cetrnt .cltiitbdlittoe:'.. D 114.4434.44.U*111A. 04:14tItt14.. Mull, pp :paid,' when Collected VSection,..-4.',.., gaid ,olosetainen .;111421:;492:Oittgit*Itti4dattleg`tif".•4i4nne444111rA Dation ••• ofrothanoticell on thou Ztfi71. jilir:10 ,:1);d3,;;;;;;11:1 ,elliefli10 13Y , law -tabor,' given Yiill'..iliVarAtiiilit In Illiaii.•7 1 .at-.11,e,rme,--orlso..47,..:Flu Onnum.•-•=4, *.'.;"4%[[•7.1.•••.,„ s.,..,..••3 , secttoi, L5.4.-._That,imm diately :PO totiritig'Onfector,thielord soi id • amiesson en V mot ttehidi --.[Waturtr4 O cdrOyerand,;delloeredi.to:•-tCitor ' eriCasurnr.i1410r2AnallecOniqi therear. iv.rho•X%hnii."-,OtherouponcIorticeetP,I,t?, Vollecr.4liecinemer%ocordingroto 1a.v..:, rtHectioit4,64,ta'his „ordinance,. [anti', be:4n ,Mull,..tforce otnd..I[olfent,othroifo, 1 CrehitiV,,bevaltertrolintneditgri i aporiitiefhor tonyillitn.F.J1Dy. 'Attorney, ' ,. 4.P,,Ii„.?zr„!-,,,„.„, rlti,ifferit, , L.F,,i,!,„figo.-ggfiglii-sktl.n '74 fgt 1 ntwiloaner-uottZdtid-,[titr,, dh, ' *Clerk. ninot.herebY, dir toi i , PlISSed l'irilt.^-ibnXilln .*-nt-:•,t cauothe: igiltietnneinIrD 4,1 ohm I eel ott Mity ■ 9. 42 4: .,,,,t,4 I'atieett --sieond t rettFlin ' 31Ity-Cohmjon May ,O• 19 . Passed third . reading: and 0 WA. Milltha T. qty,,-. Dototniesionixhiap42,. ' 4.,3a4..,....,-.7.," z,,,,, 14' z;i:,,' .. the . 21'sfitt PoPt7tIled 'MITI- 1 i;" -7.A4 by ,....,..P.F, , ii: . t-, - -,:- - -11. h. :DA:Viii:t: €, :c.V..7-,-1:.'..p.i mayor •••.. IA:tt,j.itttkica1A,purkwi;xfi14<-,s ,,....,..,cti..,.: :„ „..."....s.,,,,,,.. napozylroyed ,, :::.,,,lit'.1", 'City.,,,Eiptinee.i • -ttI‘,. . 9 l• rimgasy.E,m,,,.., lfl V ,pu h ., , , -'" 21„ 1 3 I ....• ,.• •[ notch: ,rove- "1-.,•[Dirr ed,41 OrDI ',lents • , CB ;-. of. t t -Dub- .,.. Cit[P. . • and Irilq4:1 nlitia1 ofgani triter: losI•1•• V Pod . • ' - . • . • • . - . . ' -Cri-722 c),X ip