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ORDINANCE NO. /410 L}- ) ti
' AN ORDINANCE Creating the office of Electrical Inspector;
Providing for the licensing of persons performing certain classes
of electrical construction; Regulating the installation, ar-
rangement, alteration, repair, use and operation of electrical
wires, connections, fixtures and other electrical appliances in
the buildings and structures in the City of Port Angeles, and
providing for the inspection of same; Providing a penalty for
the violation of this ordinance; and repealing Ordinances 819 and
834, andall other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict
(a) There is hereby created the office of Electrical
Inspector; the Superintendent of Utilities or Superintendent of
Electricity, as the case may be, shall be Ex- Officio Electrical
Inspector. He shall appoint such assistants as may be required,
with the approval of the City Commission.
(b) The inspector shall hold membership in the Aseo-
ciatioh of Electrical Inspectors in which he may be entitled to
membership and shall serve on any Electrical Committees of this
Association to which he may be appointed. The Inspector shall
also maintain a file of listed inspected electrical appliance
cards issued by or for Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc.
(c) It shall be unlawful for the Electrical In-
spector or any of his assistants to engage in the business of
the installation and the maintenance of electric wiring, electric
devices and electric material either directly or indirectly, and
he shall have no financial interest in any concern engaged in
such business in the City of Port Angeles, Washington, at any
time while holding the office of electrical inspector.
(a) Any person engaging in the installation, alter-
ation, or repair of electrical wiring, equipment, apparatus or
fixtures in or about buildings in the City of Port Angeles shall
have a general Electrical Contractor's license for each place
of business conducted by him. This does not apply to any per-
son who regularly maintains a competent electrical man doing
maintenance and construction work for and on the property of
such employer.
(b) No person shall be employed by a licensed
electrician or by any other person upon work of installing elec-
trical wiring and apparatus as regulated by this ordinance until
he has first registered his name with the electrical inspector
and satisfied the electrical inspector that he is competent to
install electrical apparatus and equipment in accordance with
the provisions of this ordinance.
(c) The licensed fee for general electrical contract-
ors shall be the sum of $ per year, payable in
advance. The license year for such licenses shall commence on
July let of each year and expire at midnight on June 30th fol-
(d) A general electrical contractor, before receiving
a license, shall be required to give a surety bond running to
the City of Port Angeles in the penal sum of One thousand Dol-
lars (81000.00) conditioned for due observance and faithful per-
formance of and compliance with all ordinances of the City of
Port Angeles which are now or may become effective and relating
to his business.
Said electrical inspector shall have the right during
reasonable hours to enter any building in the discharge of hie
official duties, or for the purpose of making any inspection
or test of the installation of electric wiring, electric devices
and /or electric material contained therein, and shall have the
authority to cause the turning off of all electrical currents
and cut or disconnect in caeee of emergency any wire where such
electrical currents are dangerous to life or property or may in-
terfere with the work of the fire department.
Section 4. PERMITS.)
(a) No alterations or additions shall be made in the
existing wiring of any building, nor shall any building be wired
4110 for the placing of any electric lights, motors, heating devices,
or any apparatus requiring the uee of electrical current, nor
shall any alterations be made in the wiring of any building after
inspection, without first notifying the electrical inspector and
securing a permit therefor, except minor repair work, such as
repairing flush and snap switches, replacing fuses, changing lamp
sockets and receptacles, taping bare joints and repairing drop
cords. Applications for such permit, describin§ such work, shall
be made by the person, firm or corporation installing same and
permit when issued shall be to such applicant. This section does
not apply to the wiring of equipment in electric power houses and .
substations of the power companies, telephone ani telegraph com-
panies operating under a franchise in the City of Port Angeles,
nor to the maintenance and repairs on the premises of a person,
firm or corporation regularly employing journeymen electricians
for that purpose.
(b) Permit fees shall be as follows:
;Wiring system consisting of only 1 circuit $.75
N r n n 2, 3 or 4 circuits 1.00
Each additional circuit in excess of 4 circuits . .10•
All range, water heater and other current consuming appliance
(exceeding 1320 watts) circuits when installed with original
installation shall be treated for the purpose of determining
the fee each as one circuit. The above fees will be charged
for wiring in new buildings or additions to buildings. There
will be no charge for permit for the refiring of any old or
finished building.
(c) Permits shall be issued only to a person or
persons licensed by the City of Port Angeles to engage in a
general Electrical Contracting businees, with the exception that
a permit may be issued to an owner for electrical work in or about
his own building provided that all the work thereunder shall be
performed by the owner or by an immediate member of his family and .
provided, further, that the person who is to perform the work
shall appear -. in person before -,the_electrical_inspector, and
satisfy him that such person performing the work has sufficient
knowledge of the matter to properly perform such work.
Section 5. APPROVED MATERIALS. > . .
No electrical materials, devices or appliances
shall be used or installed in the City of Port Angeles, Waeh-
ingtoo, unless they are in conformity with the provisions.of
this Ordinance, the statutes of the State of Washington, and
rules and regulations issued by the Department of Labor &
Industries, under
authority of the State statutes, and unless they are in conformity
with approved methods of construction for safety to life and pro-
perty. Conformity of electrical materials, devices and appliances
with the standards of Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., as approved
by the American Standards Association., and other standards ap-
proved by the American Standards Association, shall be prima facie
evidence that such electrical materials, devices and appliances
comply with the requirements of this Ordinance. The maker's name,
trademark or other identification symbol shall be placed on all
electrical material, devices and appliances used or installed
under this Ordinance.
(a) Upon the completion of the wiring of any building,
it shall be the duty of the person, firm or corporation installing
the same to notify the electrical inspector, who shall inspect the
installatioh within 48 lgours of the time such notice is given; and
if it is found to be fully in compliance with this ordinance, and
does not constitute a hazard to life and property, he shall iesue
t0 such person, firm or corporation for delivery to the owner, a
certificate of inspection authorizing connection to the electrical
service and the turning on of the current. All wires which are to
be bidden from view shall be inspected before concealment and any
person, firm or corporation installing such wires shall notify the
electrical inspector, giving him 24 hours in which to make the reu
quired inspection before such wires are concealed.
(b) No electric work of wiring for which a. permit is
issued or required shall be put to use or connected to servie4
wires or any source of electrical energy until inspected and
accepted by the electrical inspector.
(c) All plumbing and other pipe and tube work must be
in place on work to be concealed before the electrical wiring is
to be inspected, and no such wiring shall be considered complete
until such piping is in place.
(d) All alterations to electrical installations re-
quired by the inspector dhall be made promptly and without un- •
necessary delay and should more than one trip be necessary for
inspection due to faulty wiring a charge of 411.00 per inspection
trip shall be made, and no further permit shall be issued to this
contractor until all charges are paid.
The electrical inspector may make periodically a thorough
reinspection of the installation in buildings of all electric wiring,
electric devices and electric material now installed or that may
hereafter be installed, within „the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
and when the installation of any such wiring, devices and /or
material is found to be in a dangerous.or unsafe condition the •
person, firm or corporation owning, using or operating the same
shall be notified and shall make the necessary repairs or changes
required to pace such wiring, devices and material in a safe con-
dition and have such work completed within fifteen days, or any
longer period specified by the electrical inspector in said notice.
The eleotrical inspector is hereby empowered to disconnect or
order the discontinuance of electrical service to such wiring,
devices and/or, material so found to be defectively installed until
the installation► of such wiring, de/ices and material has been made
safe as directed by the electrical inspector.
(a) No certificate of inspection shall be issued un-
less the electric light, power and heating installations are in
strict conformity with the provisions of this ordinance, the
statutes of the State of Washington, the rules and regulations
issued by the Department of Labor & Industries under the authority
of the State statutes, and unless they are in conformity with the
approved methods of construction for safety to life and property.
The regulations as laid down in the National Electrical Code as
approved by the American Standards Association, and in the Nation-
al Electrical Safety Code, as approved by the American Standards
Association, and other installation and safety regulations approved
by the American Standards Association shall be prima facie evidence
of such approved methods.
(b) In all public buildings and in all buildinge with-
in the First Building Zone of the City of Port Angeles, as the same
is defined and limited by ordinance No. 998 and as the same shall be
defined by any amendments or extensions thereon, the wiring method
employed shallbe only rigid metal conduit or electrical metal''
tubing, Provided, that this eha.11 not prohibit the use of surface
metal raceways and armored cable for extensions in office, show
windows and similar localities.
1. Public buildings for the purpose of this ordinance
,:lshall be deemed to be any building or portion of
building used for theatre, lecture, lodge, union,
school, church, hospital, hotel, public dance, or
any building a portion of which is used for any
public gathering and /or places and portions of
buildings where the public is invited to gather and
(c) Overhead service entrance conductors shall enter
buildings in rigid conduit, electrical metallic tubing or service
entrance cable approved for the purpose.
(d) The connections for the meter shall be so located
that the meter will be readily accessible at all times.
(e) For all motors other than portable located in in-
dustrial or manufacturing establishments, such as mills, warehouses,
foundries., factories and machine shops, the wiring method employed
shall be only rigid conduit or electrical metallic tubing. When
located in mercantile and similar establishments, such as grocery
stores and butcher shops, armored cable may be used provided that
it is not exposed to mechanical injury.
(f) Metal shell sockets shall not be located within
eight feet of metal, concrete or other permanently damp floors or
stairways, nor accessible from the floor and also within five feet
from conducting surfaces, such as metal piping, plumbing,, fixtures,
damp walls, or similar conducting surfaces. Where chain -pull
sockets are used they shall be of the insulated pull chain type
and the chain insulator Shall be located immediately below the
bottom edge of the socket.
(g) All kitchens, bathrooms, toilet rooms, laundry rooms
and similar locations containing plumbing fixtures shall have se-
parate wall switches for lightitg fixtures and said switch shall not
be within reach of any plumbing fixtures unless provided with metal
switch box which is effectively and permanently grounded.
The electrical inspector shall keep complete records
of all permits issued and inspections made and other official work
performed under the provisions of this ordinance. He shall be pro-
vided with the necessary clerical help to carry out the provisions
of this section.
Section 10. REVIEW) ,-
When the electrical-inspector condemns all or part of
any electrical installation, the owner may within five days after
receiving written notice from the electrical inspector, file a
petition in writing for the review of said action of the elec-
trical inspector with the Board of Review consisting of the Fire
Chief, Building Inspector and a licensed master electrician, doing
business in the City of Port Angeles, chosen by the first two mem-
bers of the Board, upon receipt of which the said Board of Review
shall at once proceed to determine whether said electrical in-
stallations comply with this ordinance, and within three days
shall make a decision in accordance.with' its findings.
Section 11. LIABILITY.
This ordinance shall not be construed to relieve from
or lessen the responsibility or liability of any party owning,
operating, controlling or installing any electric wiring, electric
devices and /or electric material for damages to person or property
caused by any defect therein nor shall the City be held as assuming
any such liability by reason of the inspection authorized herein,
or certificate of inspection issued as herein provided.
Section 12. PENALTY...)
(a) Any person, firm or corporation who shall fail to
comply with any of the provisions hereof, shall be deemed guilty
of a misdemeanor, and shall upon conviction thereof, be punished
by a fine not exceeding One hundred 0100.00) Dollars or imprieon-
ment in the City jail, not exceeding thirty days, or by both such
fine and imprisonment.
(b) Furthermore, the General Electrical Contractor's
license of any person, firm or corporation who refuses or neglects
to comply with the provisions of this ordinance within a reasonable
time after having received written notice of any violation discovered
by the inspector, may be cancel]e d by the City Commission after an
opportunity to appear in person or by counsel and be heard. A new
license shall not be issued until all violations therefore committed
shall have been corrected and all penalties incurre have been paid.
Ordinances No. 819 and 834 and all other ordinances or
parts of ordinances conflicting with this ordinance,
7,y rP1
areihereby repealed.
j Section 14. EFFECTIVE DATE) /je
.40 This ordinance shall be in full force and effedt from
and after thirty days after its passage, approval and lawful pub-
Passed first reading by the City Commission June 20, 1934.
Passed second reading by the City Commission June 27, 1934.
Passed third reading apd finally adopted ana passed by the City
Commission` June 27, 1934.
Approved and signed by the Mayor June__27, 1934.
J ", » 41<1‘146Z.-
City Clerk.
Approved as to form:
City Attorney.
tPubliehed: �-
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