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AN ORDINANCE Relating to and regulating the use and occupation
of and the conduct of persons in and upon the streets, parks and
other public places of the City of Port Angeles; Prohibiting dan-
gerous traffic on portions of certain streets Yroviding penalties
for the violation theredf.
Section 1. This ordinance is declared to be an exercise of
the police power of the State of Washington and of the City of
Port Angeles for the public safety, comfort and convenience, and
its provisions shall be liberally construed for the accomplish-
411 vent of that purpose.
Section 2. It shall be one of the duties of the Police De-
partmentof the City of Port Angeles and the Police Officers there-
of to keep the streets and sidewalks and public places of the City
of Port Angeles open for the free, convenient and unrestricted use
and passage of traffic and keep the sidewalks fully clear of loiter-
ers so that pedestrians may go back and forth conveniently without
No crowds shall be permitted to congregate at any point in
front of any property either on the sidewalks or streets in such
a manner as will inconvenience traffic.
Section 3. Except when witnessing a lawfully conducted parade,
entertainment or meeting, it shall be unlawful for any persons to
collect in crowds in the street or on the sidewalks, and it shall
be unlawful for any person to refuse to disperse when one of a
crowd so gathered, upon being requested so to do by any policy
officer of the City of Port Angeles. _
Any person, who shall be one of such a'dcrowd, who shall re-
fuse to separate therefrom or to remove himself at the request of
any police officer, shall be gtilty of a misdemeanor.
Section 4. Persons gathered on the street or sidewalk to
witness any parade, entertainment or meeting shall at all times
observe the request of police officers handling traffic in the
vicinity and any person refusing or wilfully disregarding the
request of such police or - traffic officer shall: be. guilty of a
Section 5. It shall be unlawful for any person to wilfully
attract the attention of persons by signs, acts or spoken words and
cause them to congregate on a street or sidewalk or any public
place, and any person performing such an act shall be guilty of
a misdemeanor.
Section 6. It shall be unlawful for any person to stand or
loiter on any street or sidewalk or public place in such a manner
as to obstruct traffic thereon.
-Section 7. It- shall' be-tmlawful - for- any person to loiter
in or be upon any public school gSound or grounds during school
hours to the annoyance of any teacher, official, employe or pupil
of any school.
Section S. Any person desiring to conduct a street meeting
on the streets, sidewalks or in any public place in the City of
Port Angels, shall make written application to the Chief of Police
for permission to hold such meeting.
The applioation shall be upon form provided ad shall set
forth the date desired, the approximate period of time which the
meeting will consume and its purpose and the names of the persons
who will conduct the same. The application shall be submitted to
the Department of Public Safety and if granted, the Mayor an
Chief of Police shall issue a permit designating the time and
place of such meeting. Such meeting shall be conducted in ac-
cordance with the terms of the permit. Any failure to conduct
such meeting in aacordance with the terms of the permit or failure
to comply with any of the provisions of this section by any person
shall constitute a misdemeanor.
Section 9. Any street meeting held under permit must be con-
ducted in an orderly manner and under the supervision of the City
Police. Any disorder at such meeting shall be sufficient cause
for a termination of the same and speakers and others conducting
the meeting shall, in the event of such disorder and upon request
of the City Police, terminate such meeting, and thereupon any per-
sons or crowds attending the same shall be required to disperse.
Failure of any person conducting the meeting to terminate
the same, or failure of any of the crowd attending the same to
disperse upon the request of a police officer, shall constitute
a misdemeanor.
Section 10. It shall be unlawful for any person to hold, con-
duct or participate in any street meeting oh the streets or side-
. walks or iti any park or other public place in the City of Port An-
geles without having secured written permission to hold or conduct
such meeting from the Mayor and the Chief of Police of the City of
Port Angeles, in accordance with the provisions of the ordinances
of the City of Port Angeles relative thereto.
Section 11. It shall be unlawful for any person to lay out
or expose any kind of poison, or leave exposed any poisoned food
or dtink for man, animal or fowl, or any fluid or substance what-
ever wherein or whereon there is or shall be deposited or mingled
any kind of poison or poisonous or deadly fluid or substance
whatsoever, in any public place, or to aid or abet any person in
so doing.
- Section 12. It shall be unlawful for any person to place,
or cause to be placed, any flower container or similar article,
on the outside sill or plate of any window, which is directly
above or projects over the line of any public place, without a
guard of wood or wire securely fastened across said iindow.
Section 13. It shall be unlawful for any person to place, set
up, keep or maintain any booth, stand, table, box, board, shelf,
vehicle or other object for the purpose of selling, giving away or
• distributing therefrom any article or thing, or exhibiting any animal,
bird, curiosity, device, or thing, or advertising anything whatsoever,
in any public place; provided, however, that nothing herein contained
shall be construed as in anywise affecting any public place or por-
tion thereof lawfully set apart as a public market or for carnival or
celebration purposes with the approval and under the supervision of
the City Commission.
Section 14. Italiall be unlawful for any person, owning or
occupying any property abutting upon or contiguous to any public
place, to allow or permit any earth, rock, stones, trees, logs,
stumps or other substances to cave, fall, crumble, slide, accumu-
• late or be otherwise deposited from any such premises, upon any
public place, or having been so deposited,, to be or remain thereom.
Section 15. It shall be unlawful for any person to leave un-
guarded any excavation within fout feet of any street or other public
place, or to fail to maintain the lateral support of any such public
Section 16. It shall be unlawful for any person to place, or
cause or suffer to be placed, by any person in his employ or under his
control, any merchandise or wares of any nature on any sidewalk in
front of or alongside of his place of business for the purpose of dis-
play or for any other purpose, except while in the actual course of
receipt or delivery, or to use any portion of any sidewalk for the
purpose of measuring, packing or weighing goods for sale.
Section 17. It shall be unlawful for any person to place or
permit any firewood, coal, chattels, or merchandise in any public place,
except while removing the same into or out of the premises adjoining
such public place, or to keep any bunker or box for the storage of wood,
coal, chattels, or merchandise, in any public place.
Section 18. It shall be unlawful for any person to play
ball or throw any ball to and fro.on any paved street, or throw
stones or other missiles in any public place.
Section 19. It shall be unlawful for any person to throw
or deposit,. in any public place, any broken glass, crockery,
nails or any substance whatever whereby the feet of horses or other
animals, or the tires of automobiles or other vehicles, may be
Section 20. It shall be unlawful for any person to throw or
flow or allow or permit to be thrown or to flow, upon any public
place, any water or other liquids which cause a noxious dffluvia
or any filthy water, or to permit any flow of water, except natural
streams, from premises under his control, on or over any public
Section 21. It shall'be_unlawful for any person to throw or
deposit, or cause to be thrown or deposited, on any public place,
any coal, hair, shreds, rags, manure, shells, ashes, garbage, paper
or other refuse matter, or any solids or liquids, animal or vege-
table matter, or any substance whatever.
Section 22. It shall be unlawful for any person to throw an
any sidewalk any vegetable or fruit, or other substance, liable to .
cause any person injury, or to throw upon or into any public place,
or in any gutter, any kitchen refuse, paper, sweepings or other
substance liable to close up or choke any gutter, or to permit any
accumulation of snow or ice upon any planked or paved sidewalk in
front of any premises owned or occupied by him.
Section 23. It shall be unlawful to cast, deposit, or sweep
any dirt, rubbish or litter of any kind from any building, alcove,
entrance thereto or sidewalk in front thereof into any street or
Section 24. It shall be unlawful to tie or picket any
animal so that the same may go upon any public place.
ing classes of traffic and types of vehicles are restricted and pro
hibited from using the following portions of streets in the City of
Port Angeles, to wit:
/a- Eight Street Bridges and Peabody Bridge.
No vehicle weighing more than 6000 pounds, with or without
load; no logging, lumber or timber trucks with trailers; no
vehicles w; more than eight feet wide or more than twelve feet
high shall be permitted to.go upon or across the bridges on Eight
Street over Tumwater and Valley Street Gulches, or the bridge on
Peabody Street over Peabody Gulch at any time.
(b) No vehicles weighing more thin 24000 pounds, with or
without load; no logging, lumber or timber trucks with trailers;
no vehicles with load more than eight feet wide or twelve feet
high or sixty feet long shall be operated over the following streets
or portions of streets, to wit:
Lincoln Street between Boulevard and Front Streets; First
Street between Peabody and Oak Streets; Front Street between
Lincoln and Oak Streets; Provided, however, that logging trucks
without load and with trailer close - coupled shall be allowed to
travel east on First Street at a speed not to exceed fifteen miles„--
per hour.
(c) Persons desiring to transport loads over the portions
streets mentioned in Subsection b of this section, which loads
weigh in excess of 24000 lbs. or are " more than eight feet wide
or twelve feet high or sixty feet iii length, including truck or
vehicle; and all persons desiring to transport houses, donkey en-
gines, gas shovels, cranes, concrete mixers and other loads of
unusual length, bulk or weight over any street in the City, shall
apply to the Department of Streets and Public Improvements for
permission to move such loads. The Street Department shall de-
termine if it is possible to move the load without damage to the
streets and shall thereupon, with the aid of the City Police
Department, designate a route into and through the City and
such moving shall be done under the supervision and with the
cooperation of the Street Department and Police Department.
SeCtioii 26: If any provisions of thdsordinance or its-appli-
cation to any persons or circumstances shall be held invalid, such
holdings shall not affect the remainder of the ordinance or its
application to other persons or circumstances.
Section "27. Any person guilty of a violation of any of the
provisions of this ordinance or of failure to observe any of the
provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanbr and
shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed One hundred Dollars
• and imprisonment in the City Jail for not more than thirty days,
or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Section 28. This ordinance shall be in full force and ef-
fect from and after thirty days after its lawful passage, ap-
proval and publication.
Passed first reading by the City Commission June 13, 1934.
Passed second reading by the City Commission ''June 13, 1934.
Passed third reading and finally passed and adopted by the City
Commission June 27, 1934.
Approved and signed by the Mayor Junk :27 , 1934.
Attest: . et
%, , '(.4.'--LV(4-,/41- ..
City Clerk,
Approved as to .f-a� m:
City Attorney.
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