HomeMy WebLinkAbout1014ORDINANCE Nu. /6/4/
An ordinance providing for the supervision and
control of property on Ediz Hook, held under lease
from the United States to the City of Port Angeles;
setting forth and defining acts of trespass and other
unlawful acts upon said property; providing penalties
therefore and declaring an emergency.
WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles, by lease
from the United States Government, dated the 17th
day of August, 1914, took poaseasion of the portion
of Ediz Hook belonging to the Government which lies
south - westerly from the Light House Reservation, which
tract is more fully described in said lease, and,
WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 483, the City ratified
the said lease, assumed control of the same and made
it a portion of the City, provided for streets, road-
ways and industrial sub - divisions of the same, and,
WHEREAS, it is necessary and important for the
preservation and maintainance of the highway along
Ediz Hook to protect the shores and other property
from trespass, injury, destruction and other unlaw-
ful acts, and necessary and important to regulate
and control the use of the property for protection
against epidemic and fire -and for the safety and
health of the inhabitants of the City of Port Angeles.
of Port Angeles does ordain as follows;
Section 1. By virtue of lease from the United
States, the City of Port Angeles has and declares con-
trol of all the property on Ediz Hook up to the point
marking and defining the property reserved as the
United States Light House,Reservation and now occup-
ied by the United States Light House, the United
States Hydroplane Base and other Federal units. The
City also declares and assumes control of all tide-
lands and up -lands upon the said portion of Ediz
Houk and the road heretofore built thereon, and the
houses, structures and all of the personal property
upon said portions of Ediz Hook, except the property
belonging to persons occupying portions thereof under
lawful authority from the City of Port Angeles. The
City has and hereby assumes control of all logs, drift -
wood, debris, and material which has been or shall be
placed or installed upon the said Ediz Hook, or which
has been or shall be washed or drifted over and ,upon
said property.
The said logs, sand, gravel, drift -wood and de-
bris, which now lie and which may hereafter occur up-
on the outer or northerly side of Ediz Hook, create
a bulkhead and afford protection to the highway there-
on, and said materials are essential to the maintain -
ance of the said highway and a protection to the'bulk-
heads constructed by the City of Port Angei.ea.
Section 2. it shall be unlawful for any person
to go upon said' Edit Hook for...the- •purpose of cutting,
displacing, or removing any logs, driftwood, debris,
and gravel or other materials or to cut up any of
the said material or remove the same from the property.
Section 3. It shall be unlawful to cut, remove
or in any way interfere with any portion of any em-
bankment, or bulkhead upon the said Ediz Hook, or in
any manner interfere with or damage any portion of the
highway or any fences, retaining walls, abutments or
other construction upon said property.
Section 4. It shall be unlawful to remove, dam-
age, or interfere with any landing, piling, dolphins,
gridiron, elevators, racks, docks or any other struct-
ure or equipment installed or erected by the City of
Port Angeles; or to damage, disturb or interfere with .
any sewer line, water- pipes, hydraulic or water line
appurtances or any electrical transmission lines,
wires, poles or equipment or any telephone line, pole
or equipment or any other construction installed upon
said property.
Section 5. It shall be unlawful for any person-
to erect any structure or set up any tent or shelter
upon any .portion' of Ediz -Hook under the' control'of the
City, or to haul or move any structure or materials
upon any of the said portions of Ediz Hook without the
consent of the City Commission.
Section 6. It shall be unlawful for any person
to reside or occupy any building, tent or shelter up-
on any portion of Ediz Hook which is under control of
the City without the consent of the City Commis sion.
Section 7. Any person who shall violate any of
the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be pun-
ished by a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars ($1U0.)
or by imprisonment in the City jail not to exceed 30
days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Section 8. This ordinance shall not be understood
to prevent any person from lawfully using the highway
running .over and across the said Ediz Hook, nor to pre-
vent any person from making a reasonable use of the real
estate which he may lawfully occupy under proper sub -
'"'s tease, permit, or other authority from the City of
Port Angeles, and to build, use and occupy such struct-
ures thereon as may be reasonably necessary and con-
venient for the pursuit of the industries for which
the particular tract was leased.
Section 9. The provisions and restrictions of
this ordinance shall apply to all of the portions of
Vdiz Hook which have been granted to the City of Port
t f S
Angeles by the said lease from'the United States to
�t��,, said City, dated August 17, 19.14, and any and all of
the restrictions, reserva,tiions" and "requirements con -
tained'insaid lease shall apply to the occupants of
the property and shall be'fenforced by the said City.
Section 10. This ordinance is urgent and nec-
eseary to the peace, health, and safety of the in-
habitants of the City of Port Angeles, which emer-
gency is hereby declared to exist, and this ordinance
Shall take effect and be in force immediately after
its passage, approval and lawful publication.
Passed first reading by the City Commission, Jan-
uary '1'3 , 193o. Passed second reading by the City
Commission, January Y3, 1935. Passed third reading
and finally adopted by the City Commission,
19 .O5.
Approved and. a igneci_ by the Mayor.
City Clerk
Approvea as to form:
City At orney
19:5 b .
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