HomeMy WebLinkAbout1016ORDINANCE NO. ' 0'/
AN ORDINANCE providing for care of graves at the Ocean
View Cemetery, Port Angeles, Washington, by the City of Port
Angeles, under annual contract;
WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles has conducted Ocean
View Cemetery, sold lots and plots of ground for use as graves
and`,f..t- is- e- 5'1Table that the said-city -should-make. suitable
arrangements for'care of graves thereon,
Section 1. The City of Port Angeles shall have
authority to make contracts with persois owning or having charge
of lots or plots in said cemetery for the care and maintenance
of such lots or plots; the contracts to provide for care and
maintenance from year to year on such charges as may be fixed:
Section 2. The charges and manner or payment for
such services shall be as ToiloWY:= WIT — zyah1 'it- rdvance.
a. Preparation and leveling; each lot, 3.50.
b. Care and maintenance; each lot, $5.00 per year.
c. In cases of family burial plot consisting of sev-
eral adjacent lots, belonging to one family, care
and maintenance after preparation and leveling
'shall be:
First Lot, 35.00 per year
Second Lot, 32.50 per year
Third Lot, :1,50 per year
Fourth Lot, 31.00 per year
-4A l.1 • over -four t each -, -- 1. A0..
Section 3. The care of lots for which the City
may make this contract shall include, maintaining lawn over the
lots in a satisfactory condition, proper and suitable trimming
and clipping of the lawns-.
Section 4. All work done and improvements made
shall be under the supervision of the supe~*I3Indent of cemeteries,
and to the satisfaction and approval of the City Park Board of
the City e4 Fort Angeles.
Section 5. The city shall cause to be prepared a
--- - rVandard form of contract to be executed in duplicate providing
for such maintenance to be paid for in advance on or before May
1st of each year; the contract shall be renewable on payment of
• the annual fee; the Mayor and City Clerk shall have the authority ,
and are hereby authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the
City. . r - --
All payments made and money received on account of said •
'goontract for maintenance, shall be'eoredited to the Cemetery Fund
h • e r T ,
of thb City ofE.Port Angeles.
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Section 6. The .contract may be terminated at the
f any annual period by the applicant, and the renewal of the con-
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tract for maintenance by any applicant, shall constitute accep-
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tancew and approval_of the service performed for all previous years.
• No damages of 'ply k'ind'shall be predicated on the contract for fail-
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ure to perform services.
Section-7Y-The city may by ordinance or amendment,
make such reasonable changes in the rate provided herein as condi-
tions may indicate; such rates When fixed shall apply to all con-
tracts and all re- newals thereof.
Section 8. This ordinance shall be in full force
and effect thirty (30) days after it passes approval and legal
Passed first reading by the City Commission, March 20, 1935
• Passed second reading by the City Commission, March 20, 1935
Passed third reading and adopted by the City Commission
March 27:1935.
Approved and signed by the Mayor this 27th da of March, 1935.
City d eft rk
Approved as to form:
City Attorney
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