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AN ORDINANCE relating to the use of the public streets of the City of Port
Angeles; providing for designation of special restrioted zones; providing for the
manner of parking; designating arterial streets; establishing regulations and re-
quirements for the safety and oontrol of traffio and the protection and safety of
the inhabitants in the City; providing penalties, and repealing certain ordinances
in conflict herewith;
SECTION 1, This ordinance is an exercise of the Police Power of the City
of Port Angeles for the safety and convenience of the inhabitants of said City and
shall be liberally construed for the purposes for which it is intended.
SECTION 2. The City Commission may from time to time by resolution,
(1) Establish danger zones and safety zones.
(2) Establish loading and unloading zones for freight and passengers.
(3) Establish restrioted and no- parking,zonea at hotels, public buildings,
railway and bus stations,'-theaters, sohools, churches, hospitals and
other similar plaoes.
(4) Establish taxi stands and bus stands; install stop and go signals,
bells, lights and other traffic controls where necessary.
(5) Restrict or prohibit traffic in one direotion upon certain streets.
(6) )dark lines for vehicle or pedestrian traffio, or for parking.
(7) Stark cross -walks and lanes at intersections or other points.
(8) Establish school crossings and provide for regulation and oontrol
by student patrol.
Use such disks, standards, buttons, signs, painted lines or other
means as shall be convenient to give notice of the existence of such
The Commission shall likewise fix and determine the hours during Waich such
zones shall be maintained for the purpose intended: All previously established and
existing zones and restricted areas are hereby maintained in full force and effect.
SECTION 3. The City Commission by and through the Department of Streets
and Public Improvements and the Police Department, than cause each of such zones
or areas to be marked as nearly as possible totindicate its purpose and the times
when its reserved purpose shall be in foroe. Such zones shall, when established
and marked, be used only in the canner designated and intended) and any other use
shall be unlawful.
S2C'TI(.::: £. any 'one established by or under authority of this ordinance
shall be in force at all times and all persons shall be required to observe the
sa.2e and conform to the prober instructions, signs, signals, narks or buttons set
up relatirra thereto.
SECTIG1' 5. It shall be unlawful for any person except by authority of
the Cit..; to ears or place any si-n, si:gna1, or device upon any street, sidewalk
or curb Which purports to be or resembles a traffic sigr or marking, or in any way
hides any official traffic sin or si;;nai which shall in any °ray rislesa or is
intended to misdirect traffic or parking; every such prohibited sin, mark or de-
vice is declared to be a public nuisance ant the chief of police is hereby em-
powered to cause the same to be removed without notice.
3 CTIG:: u. It shall be unlawful for air person to disobey the instruct-
ions given or indicated on any traffic Sign,- sis al or .nark 1-laced upon any street
or curb in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance or to disregard painted
parking darks, lines and signs unless especially otherwise directed by a police of-
A:":3 di') R '.72; TCT :D «Rr.�5
SECTION 7. The following areas are hereby declared to be danger zones and
restricted areas at all times:
a. 211 street intersections '7ithin the City limits •ihich intersections
shall include the area bounded by the property line projected.
b. The area adjacent to street intersections including the portion of
the street bounded by the rropert;; lire projected, and a line run-
ning across the street from a point measured ton (10) feet along the
curb from the property line 1.rojocted.
The above described area are declared to be restricted and darker zones in
every part of the city '"nether marked or rot. For the safety of the people of the
city and the convenience of traffic, slid zones sh- 11 be kept entirely free of all
,.arked and standing vehicles at all times.
S2CTIGI; S. It shall be unlawful for any person to park or stand any ve-
hicle in such a manner that _any portion thereof or any portion of the load thereon
shall occupy any part or ;roject into any _•.rt of the said restricted =na ,•er
one described in Section 7 of this ordinance.
SZ,CTIC,IZ 9. It shall be unlawful for any person to lark or stand any
vehicle in such a .manner that arry iortion thereof or any portion of the load there-
on shall occupy or project into the street area or zone included b•;t peen lines
drawn at ri t -an 1es from the curb to the center of the street at ctistar.ces a -
sured a1orj the carb, .s follows:
a. Ten feet fro7.1 street and alley intersections or from
•water hydrants.
b. Five feet from any i3. S. ' "ail box, aryl regularly est-
ablished private driveways.
e. Twenty -five feet from entrances to police or fire stations,
and from railway crossin e on Jtreets running .arallel
to said crossings.
a. ilithin three feet of the front or rear of any parallel
parked vehicle or iithin one foot of any angle parked vehicle.
S.CTIG1: 10. It shall be unlawful for any i•erson to lark or stand_ry
vehicle in the fo11owin2 l,laces:
-e.-- marry -side ivalk or i,. rking stril.
b. In any alley or on any bride, trestle, overl.%ss or
underpass, or the approaches thereto.
c. at any ;;lace '!)here traffic siL;ns or ;kax ers hive been
SECTIGI' 11. It shall be unlawful for any parson to stand or ,ark any
vehicle nn;rjhe.re upon any ,ublic thoroup•hfare in such a *canner that al..; lortton
of the a.id vehicle or any portion of the load thereon shall occupy or project
into the street for a uistnnce of . :aure th, r. fifteen (15) feet, fro the curb
a <<.sured at right angles thereto.
St_IGY 12. Provisions of all sections relntin;,r to 1 ,rrinC shall not
apply rohere traffic officer has zlirected the o1.erator of any vehicle to ta:ze a
certain ,position to aici in the :acvement of traffic.
3 CTIC.i, 13. Street and alley intersections shall cosy rise the area in-
cluded within the property line, projected. 311 restricted and non- par,.-in: ress
and Tones shall include the entire street area between lines drawn from the curb
at ri;ht an0.1es to the middle of the street at the 7- cirts :iescribea: or referred
to; distances shall be aeter.nined by Aeasuria.g frog; the ne_re -t ;art of the object
or area alone^ the curb to a point at the rek,aiired distance; thence at right an,les
to the middle of the street,
:3=C17 14. P r'cin^ on the various streets of tho city shall be desic--
nated as follo-as:
a. .i: ;LE P': ;Ir(.: .1n 1e i rlcins- shall be 'vi th the rirtht front 'rheei,
of tine car restinc, against the curb uad 'pith the cc ;r at an anvle
- or thirty (:0) degrees• from the curb.
u. -PAft.A -Lt :L.Il':G :` _ -3r inr' shall—be th the car parked or
placed parallel to the curb t.rd not to exceed one (1) foot therefrom.
c. Withir the city of Port _ln :eias all cars left on the streets shall
be either 'lr_�le -^ r' :erg or arz l le 1 parked as 'provided in this and.
other ordinances of the city of Port ..nzeles.
S9vmIcdd 15. Furl :ink on the TArious streets and lortior_s of streets in
the City of .vrt .;r..zeies shall be as follows:
(a) :.ia the folla•'inf streets and. Iortions of streets, all oars slall be :^nvle
par:ced as defined heroin:
�'oth sides of Front Jtreet from Lincoln to Cherry Streets.
I:or th side of First Street from Peabody to Valley Streets.
:South. side of First Street frog.^. Lincoln to ?alley Streets.
'pest side of Lincoln from k'rort to Third Street.
or r :rnl�fro.a Front to_ First Street.
'..rest side of Oak street from Front to First Streets.
(b; Ln all other streets and portions of streets in the cit,' cars shall be parked
parallel to the curb.
(c) ::here 13arkinz lines are _tainted uy,on the street either for 1;arailel or sn ie
1_arkinc , all cars shall be parked to conform to the par;tinc lines and not otheriise.
1u E
1;E:IT1l,I 13. Ln ti_e fello'Tins desi;neted )arts of streets 2,arki.70• cf ears
shall be subject to the following tie limits:
a. La First Street be.t peen Lincoln and La's :streets, on Front Street betieen
Lincoln and oak., on Laurel Jtreot bot'reen Railroad ..venue and First
.Street, on Lincoln Street bet rear. Fro t and Third Streets, the folio r-
inJ yr'-inr• limits shall he obr °=rved and laintained:
Between ei;-ht (6) a.::, and Six (6) T.L :., on .i1d portions of
streets the li :gait of time for parking shall not exceed two (2)
b. On Front bet Teen Lincoln. and (,,ak Streets, First bet peen Lincoln and Valley,
t,ak bet Teen Front first, Laurel bet-rem Railroad :venue and First streets,
Lincoln bet ■een Front :end Baird streets, the fo110 ;ink- 1srkinY limits shall
be ,maintained:
Between two (2) a..n. and six (6) a.m. no cars or vehicles of any
kind shall be parked or left standing.
.:a^i.:.7l' i s: l ii IL a ;'v3 ..ili'IC
=WIWI, 17. The folloeing parts of streets within the city of Port en-
gel es are hereb; declared and designated as arterial streets, to --pit :
e. First Street from easterly city limits to the westerly edge of
Velley street;
b. Front Street, from the easterly boundary of Race Street to the
:easterly boundary of Cherry Street;
c. Lincoln Str etJ.r_or.,Railroad.. venue to the Sat ther7,{b�,unu";r T
of the city;
d. ':arine Drive, otheryise known as Second Street, from Valley
Street 'westerly to B Street;
e. Eighth street from Race Street to E Street;
f. C Street from aeutherly boundary of city to Fifth .Street;
g. Fifth street from B street to :::Street;
h. ace Street from north boundary of Front Street to the South-
ern boundary of the city. y
S::CTetJ 15. :ceptin-• :,es,-hereinafter provided, all. .
• traffic, before entering any of the said streets, shall be required to co•.e to a
full stop; any ; erson driving; or propellinz. any vehicle into or across are/ of the
said streets iithout first comin; to a full stop shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
3EC2l.,li 19.. The following additional rules and re,auire:ient s shall be
applied to the street intersections hereinafter described:
a. At the intersection of Laurel and First Streets, all vehicles shall
be required to come to a full stop before entering the intersection
from any direction. -
b. At the intersection of Eighth and C Streets, vehicles approaching
from the Forth on C Street, or the West on Eighth Street, :hall be
required to co-se to a full stop before entering the intersection.
0. At the intersection of Fifth and C Streets, cars approaching Fifth
Street ou C Street shall be re lui red to come to a full stop before
entering the intersection.
d. At the intersection of Eighth and Race Streets, vehicles approaching
Race Jtreet on Eighth street shall be required to core to a full stop _
before entering the intersection.
e. At the intersection of Race and First Streets, vehicles approaching
First Street on Race shall be reeuired to come to a full stop before
entering the intersection.
f. At the intersection of Front and Lincoln Streets, vehicles approach-
ing the intersection from East or Earth shall be reeuired to come to
a full stop before entering; the intersection.
c. At the intersections of Feurthe f4tu and Race "t e .s, v M.i . s a
broaching the intersection on• Fourth. Street, siarlg ere ui CO Me
to••a full -.stop before entering the intersection.
SIXI IUN 20. At the intersection of First 'and Lincoln Streets, Lincoln
and Eighth streets, and at any other intersection -.here bells, stop lights or
'�""` •'�' installed,
other signals are or shall beAaiintained and o'rerated, the traffic shall conform
to the bells, lights or other traffic signals controlling at said point.
In the event that the lights or bells should for any reason not be operating,
traffic at such intersection shall co-n to a full stop before entering the said
intersection• from any -d it action. _
y Tra-f ic- shali-ob'e `the signals and instructibrJ'.s any 1.rcperly authorized
traffic officer regulating; traffic upon any street d any time, regardless of any
bells, lights or ordinary rules of traffic.
S:CTIOIT 21. Vehicles entering any street or alley frog any alley or
frori.any private way shall be re.juired to-come to a full stop before crossing the
sidevaLt and before entering the street or alley and shall enter the street or
alloy at a speed not to exceed five miles per hour.
S:;YxI01I 22. It shall be unlawful for any person operating any vehicle
to Ina:.e reverse turns or :ghat is commonly referred to as "U" Turns at the inter-
n sectiops of th.e- ;ollow ;ng streets; to -:nit,
first and Lincoln, (4th.) Fourth Lincoln; (8th) Eighth ! Lincoln.
First & Laurel, Front & Laurel.
!-•., Eighth °• Cherry,,illso at amy other street intersection or point .-there
any stop.and go lights and signals :save been or may hereafter be installed by the
City authorities or nhere any caution or safety signals have been or may hereafter
:.b'eso installed.
SECTIG1; 23. It shall be un1a fu1 to operate a motor vehicle ,dthin the
city of Port .ineles at speeds in excess of those hereinafter .;et forth under
eirokunstanees and..at the locations des. nated. _ —
a. fifteen (15) ,ices her hour when passing schools on school days
betleen ei at (0:00) a. n. end five (5:00) p.m.
b. fifteen (15) miles per hour .ihen 1.^s.sing a municipal or school
"play ground bet'aoen seven (7:00) a. 1. (0:00) =:.m., or
he traversing a , ;rade crossing of any railroad.
c. Fifteen (15) piles per boor across any street intersection in
Z664.7 the laity.
1. T:tenty -five (5; _:ilex per hoax on any street -tithin the limits
of the city.
e. fifteen (15) miles per hoar on 'karine give bet teen the .bridle at
the lagoon water -way and the oil tanks lying north of the Wash-
ington Pulp and Paper Company faotory buildings.
`t''''" f. Fifteen (15) miles per hour on Rnnis Street as improved and now
used between betweenCOrplinaStr904nd Water streets.
g. Fifteen (15) miles per hour in any alley in the city.
SECTION 24. Nothing in this ordinance shall be understood to repeal or
in any way modify the rules established in Ordinance Nos. 1005 and 960 of the City
of Port Angeles relating to movement of traffic, and concerning bells, lights or
other traffio signals, and provisions in the event of fire or other extr$ordinai►y
- ---- circumstances.
SECTION 25. Any person who shall disregard or ignore any of the traffic
signs, signals or markings or the direotions•indioated and provided by the disks
lines or•sone markings, or who shall disregard or fail to comply with the requests,
ins otions or directions of any traffic offios,shall be deemed guilty of amis-
demeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished -by a fine not to exceed
$100.00, or by imprisonment in the city jail for a term not-to`exoeed thirty (30)
days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
SECTION 26. Any person disregarding or failing to observe any of the
___provisions_of-this- °ordinance, or violating or. failing to comply with.the rules, re-
quirements and provisions hereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be
punished and fined not to exceed $100.00 or by imprisonment in the city jail for
a period not to exceed thirty days or by both such fine and imprisonment.
SECTION 27. Subdivision H of Section 5 and Section 62 and 65 in Ordi-
nance No. 665; Ordinanoe No. 688; Ordinance No. 719; Ordinance 751; Ordinance 779;
Ordinance 827, and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in oonfliot with
the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.
SECTION 28. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30)
days after its passage, approval and lawful publication.
- Passed first- reading by the City Comm ission,duly_24, 1935.
Passed second reading by the City Commission /4; , 1935.
Passed third reading and final ado ted by the c Commission ) `� , 1935.
g finally � Y
Approved and signed by the Mayor 1935.
City Clerk
Approved as to f m.:
U.441' . City Attorney
Published , 1935.
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