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ORDINANCE NO. i (4-3 AN ORDINANCE Confirming the estimate of expenditures for the City of Port Angeles for the year 1936, and fixing tax levies for said year 1936 as heretofore made and levied by the City Commission meeting and sitting for that purpose on the 7th day of October, 1935, and declaring an emergency. -"� - THE CITY—COMMISSION-OF THE CITY-OF PORT ANGELES DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the estimate of expenditures for the levy of taxes made by the City Commission as a body foz3 that purpose on the 7th day of October, 1935, be and the same is hereby confirmed, and there is hereby fixed end levied for the City and its districts for the year 1936 upon all property, both real and personal, subject to And taxation for the several funds, shown herein, and upon each /every dollar of the assessed valuation thereof, as shown by the records of assessments in the office of the County Assessor in and for Clallam County, Washington; to -wit:- FUND MILLS AMOUNT Current Expense 12.48 $56,555.75 Library 1.32 5,981.86 ' Park .70 3,172.20 f Eighth Street Bridges . • • .50 2,265.85 P. A. Gen. Obligation Bonds and Interest . . . .50 2,265.85 P. A. Gen. Obligation Warrants and Interest . . 1.00 4,531.72 Guaranty L. I. D. Bonds . . .50 2,265.85 Totals . 17.00 $77,039.08 Section 2. That all said taxes are necessary levies and needed to raise sufficient revenue to maintain said City, its districts and several departments for the year 1936, commencing January 1, ,31 1936, and ending December 31, 1936, and said taxes are hereby lev- ied proportionately in said city and each said district respectively in accordance with their joint and several needs and liabilities as shown upon the assessment roll of said Clallam County, as finally ice... 11` r • fixed and equalized by the Board of Equalization of said County ---.and State and extended upon the assessment rolls of said County, 'showing the property within said City subject to taxation and mu- nicipal purposes as therein certified by the County Assessor of said County according to lam. Section 3. There is urgent necessity and emergency for the • passage and adoption and taking effect of this ordinance for the im- mediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, which urgency and emergency is now hereby stated and declared. Now, therefore, this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from end after and immediately upon its passage, approval and lawful publication. /;',,-,5 , ,, Passed first reading by the City Commission � A , 1935. -*' 7 /q,3..,. Passed second reading by the City Commission r,e- i , 1935. Passed third reading and adopted by the City Commission, (c)-1.-t- F,i Y 1 6 , 1935. 1, Approved and signed by the Mayor this /G day of , 1935. C4-0 J R. E. Davis Mayor - Attest: c �,�,V � � ©� � � F a -c.crl N.M. Hawkins City Clerk Approved as to form: • F. L. Plummer City Attorney • • M 1 •