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1 Being an ordinance relating to civil service in the City of Port Angeles,
2 creating a board of civil service com-lissioners, providing a civil service system
3 4 based upon examination, investigation as to merit, efficiency and fitness for
4 1 appointment, employment and promotion of all officers and men in the police depart -4,
5 ment and fire department, regulating the transfer, reinstatement, suspension and
6 discharge of said officers and policemen and firemen; and adopting all of the
7 provisions of Chapter 13 of the Laws of 1937, Chapter 31 of the Laws of 1935, and
8 Chapter 59 of the Laws of 1937, of the State of Vlashington.
10 ` follows:
11 {
SECTION 1. There is hereby created in the City of Port Angeles, Plashing -
12 ton, a civil service commission which shall be composed of three persons who
13 shall be appointed by the City Commission and who shall serve without compensation,,
14 and not more than two members of said commission shall be adherents of the same
15 political party. No p rson shall be appointed to said commission who is not a
16 citizen of the United States and who has not resided in the City of Port Angeles
17 at least three years immediately preceding his appointment.
18 SECTION 2. The term of office of such commissioners shall be for six
19 years, except that the first three members of such commission shall be appointed
20 [ for different terms as follows: One to serve for a period of two years, one to
21 serve for a period of four years, and one to serve for r, period of six years.
22 } SECTION 3. That the powers and duties of such commission and the manner
23 I of exercising said powers and performing the said duties shall be as set forth in
24 Chapter 13 of the Laws of 1937, Chapter 31 of the Lars of 1935 and Chapter 59 of
25 the Laws of 1937, of the State of Washington.
26 j SECTION 4. That the classified civil service provided for in this ord-
27 inance shall include all full paid employees of the police and fire departments
28 of the City of Port Angeles, and all persons holding a position in the police and
29 1 fire departments, including the chiefs thereof and who have served in such position
30 I for a period of at least six (6) months last past continuously, are hereby declar-
31 ed eligible for permanent appointment under civil service to the offices, places,
I positions or employments which they now hold, respectively, without examination or
2 ;; other act on their part, and not on probation; and every such person is hereby
3 automatically adopted and inducted permanently into civil service, into such
41/1 4 office, place, position or employment which he now holds as completely and eff-
5 ectually to all intents and purposes as if such person has been permanently app-
ointed under civil service after examination and investigation.
SECTION 5. The tenure of everyone holding an office, place, position
8 or employment under the provisions of this ordinance shall be only during good
9 behavior, and any suh person may be removed or discharged, suspended without pay,
10 demoted, or reduced in rank, or deprived of vacation privileges or other special
• 30
privileges for any of the following reasons:
(a) Incompetency, inefficiency or inattention to or dereliction of duty;
(b) Dishonest, intemperance, immoral conduct, insubordination, discourteous
treatment of the public or a fellow employee, or any other act of omission or1
commission tending to injure the public service; or any other willful failure
on the part of the employee to properly conduct himself; or any willful vio-
lation of the provisions of the law as set out in Chapter 13 of the Laws of
1937, Chapter 31 of the Laws of 1935 and Chapter 59 of the Laws of 1937, of
the State of Washington, or the rules and regulations promulgated by the
civil service commission;
(c) Mental or physical unfitness for the position which the employee jtolds;
(d) Dishonesl,disgraceful, immoral or prejudicial conduct;
(e) Drunkenness or use of intoxicating liquors, narcotics, or any other
habit - forming drug, liquid or preparation to such extent that the use thereof
interfere with the efficiency or mental or physical fitness of the employee,
or which precludes the employee from properly performing the function and
duties of any position under civil service;
(f) Conviction of a felony, or a misdemeanor, involving moral turpitude;
(g) Any other act or failure to act which in the judgment of the civil ser-
vice commission is sufficient to be an unsuitable and unfit person to be em-
ployed in the public service;
SECTION 6. That the civil service herein provided for shall be based
2 upon examination, investigation as to merit, efficiency and fitness for app-
3 ointment, employment and promotion of all officers and men in the police and
4 I fire departments in the manner and form as set out in the provisions of Chapter
5 13 of the Laws of 1937, Chapter 31 of the Laws of 1935 and Chapter 59 of the Laws
6 r of 1937, of the State of Washington.
7 SECTION 7. The City Commission shall fix the salaries and compensation
8 of all employees of the police and fire departments, and no salaries or compensa-
• 9 tions shall be audited or paid until the pay roll has been certified by the civil'
10 service commission as Provided by law.
SECTICP: 8. The civil service commission shall adopt rules and regulat-
12 ions which will provide in detail the manner in which examinations may be held, and
13 appointments, promotions, transfers, reinstatements, demotions, suspensions and
14 discharges shall be made, and any other matters connected with the general sub -
' jest of personnel administration. Such rules and regulations may be changed from
16 time to time. The rules and regulations and any amendments thereof shall be
17 printed, mimeographed or multigraphed for free public distribution.
18 The rules and regulations adopted by the civil service commission shall
19 provide for a credit of ten per cent in favor of all applicants for appointment
20 under civil service who in time of war, or in any expedition of the armed forces
21 of the United States have served in and been honorably discharged from the armed
22 i forces of the United States, including the Army, Navy and Marine Corps and the
23 American Red Cross. These credits apply to entrance examinations only.
24 { SECTION 9. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of the civil
25 service act there shall be appropriated from the general fund not to exceed four
26 tenths of one percent of the total payroll of those included uhder the jurisdic-
27 tion and scope of the act.
28 SECTION 10. That all of the provisions of Chapter 13 of the Laws of 1937 ;,
Chapter 31 of the Laws of 1935 and Chapter 59 of the Laws of 1937, of the State
• 30 of Washington, known as the Civil Service Acts, are by reference hereby rdopted
31 and made a part of this ordinance.
1 i SECTION 11. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force
2 thirty days after and from its final passage, approval and lawful publication.
3 Passed first reading by the City Commission, September 1, 1937.
• 4 i Passed second reading by the City Commission, September 1, 1937.
5 Passed third reading and finally passed and approved by the City Comm-
6 fission, September 8, 1937.
7 .E)
8 I . r R. E. DAVIS
9 _ 3 a Mayor
• ATT&iT 27 A
10 1 N ° M.
City Attorney
15 September , 1937.
• 20