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ORDINANCE id0. 1050
1 AN ORDINANCE relating to bicycles; regulating the purchase, sale and
2 use thereof; providing for the registration and the issuance and revocation of
3 ilicences; defining offenses and prescribing penalties,
Section 1: Definitions of ::ords and Phrases. The following words and
6 phrases when used in this ordinance shall, for the purpose of this ordinance,
7 have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section.
8 (a) Bicycles - The term "bicycle" shall mean and include a light vehicle
9 Iwith two tandem wheels, neither of v,hich shall be less than twenty(20) inches in
10 `diameter, with tires inflated, having a steerin• wheel and a saddle seat or seats
i i � P C
land propelled by the feet acting on_treadle.s connected with levers.
(b) Chief of Police - The words "Chief of Police" as used herein, shall be
jdermed to mean the Chief of Police of the City of Port Angeles or any member of
the police department of the City of Port. Angeles designated by the Chief of
15 !l Police to act in his place and stead in carrying out the provisions of this
16 i 0rdinance.
17 , (c) Rental Agency - Any person, firm, copartnership, association or
18 corporation engaged in the business of offering for rental and renting bicycles
19 Ifor use by the public.
20 1 Section 2. Registration of Bicycles,
21 I (a) From and after the final passage and publication of this Ordinance
22 it shall be unlawful for any person to operate or use a bicycle upon any
23 of the streets, alleys or public highways of the City without first obtaining
24 from the Chief of Police a license therefor.
• 25
(b) Procedure. The Chief of Police of the city is hereby authorized
26 land directed to issue upon written ap)lications, bicycle licenses which shall
27 jbe effective for one calendar year, and all such licenses shall be dated January
28 1st of the year of issue, which licenses when issued shall entitle the licensees
29 to operate such bicycles for which said licenses have been issued, upon all the
• 30 streets, alleys and public highways, and on sidewalks in sections of the City
31 specified by the Chief of Police.
(c) License Plates: The city :hall provide each yesr metallic license
2 elutes, together with registration cards, said metallic plates and registration
3 cards having numbers stamped thereon in numerical order, beginning vith Dumber 1,
4 4Cnd indicating the year for which the same are issued, and the name "Port Mngeles
ptamped thereon; the plate to be at least two inches wide and six inches long,
6 Lnd it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to attach one such metallic plate
7 to each bicycle, and to issue a corresponding registration card to each licensee
8 !upon the payment of the license fee herein provided for. Such metallic license
9 plate shall remain dttached during the existence of such license. The Chief of
10 ,olice shall also keep a record of the dote of issue of each license, to whom
11 issued, the number thereof, and the number of the bicycle frame.
12 1 (d) Re- registration: Bicycles registered under the pr ovisions hereof
13 ehall be re- repistered on Tunu ry 1st, 1940, and annually thereafter. The
14 Chief of Police shall affix a new license plate upon each bicycle at the time of
huch /repistration thereof.
16 ! (e) Inspection: The Chief of Police shall inspect each bicycle
E '
17 presented to him for registration, and he shall have the authority to refuse
to register any such bicycle found by him to be in unsafe mechanical condition.
19 1 (f) Frame Serial Numbers: It shall be unlawful for any person to
• 20 frillfully or maliciously remove, destroy, mutilate or :,lter the number of
21 Iliny bicycle frame licensed oursuLnt to this ordinance. It shall also be unlai-
22 u1 for any p erson to remove, destroy, mutilate or alter ny licnse plate, or
23 regiFtration card during the tine in which such license pl•to or re;7irtrati.n
24 Card i cerative. Provided, however, that nothing in this ordinance shall
25 prohibit the Chief of Police from stomping, in a ;istinguishing manner, numbers
26 bn the frames of bicycles on which no serial number can be found, cr on which sai
27 fiumber is illepirle or insufficient for identification purposes.
28 ' (g) Fees: The first annual license fee to be paid for each bicycle
29 fha11 be twenty -five cents, and each anrual r're7a1 thereof shall be tienty-
30 Five cents. &a l license fees shall be paid in advance; and pursuant to
31 pection 3 of
this Ordinance, such license may be transferred when the ownership of said bicycle
is transferred, and a fee of ten cents shell be paid for the registration of such
transfer. All license fees collected under this ordinance shall he paid to the
4 t Chief of Police of the City.
Section 3. Transfer of Licenses.
(a) Individuals: It shall be the duty of every person who sells or
7 transfers ownership of any bicycle to report such sale or transfer within ten
days thereafter by returning to the Chief of Police the registration curd issued
to such person as licensee thereof, together with the name and address of the
person to whore said bicycle was sold or transferred; and it shall be the duty
of the purchaser or transferee of such bicycle to apply for a transfer of registra -'
tion thereof within then days of said sale or transfer.
(b) Dealers: All persons engaged in the business of buying second -hands
bicycles are hereby required to make a weekly report to the Chief of Police
giving the name and address of the person from whom each bicycle is purchased,
16 the description of each bicycle purchased, the frame humber thereof, and the
17 number thereof, and the number of the metallic license place found thereon, if any:
18 .J1 persons eng..ged in the business of selling new and second -hand bicycles are I
19 I hereby required to make a weekly report to the Chief of Police, giving a list of
• i
20 � all sales made by such dealers, which list shall include the name and address of
21 1 each person to whom sold, the kind of bicycle sold, together with a description
22 and frame number thereof, and the number of the metallic license plate attached
23 thereto, if any. ..11 persons purchasing second -hand bicycles shall retain the
24 ' same in their possession for a period of ten days.
411 25 i (c) Dismantling: Within ten days after any bicycle registered hereunder
26 shall have been dismantled and taken out of operation, such information shall be
27 reported to the Chief of Police by the person in whose name the bicycle has been
28 registered.
29 { Section 4. Rental agencies.
30 (a) Supervision; It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to
31 1 make periodic inspections of bicycles offered for rental by all persons engaged
1 { in the business of renting bicycles to the public; and all persons so engaged in
the business of renting bicycles shall be responeil;le for the conditions of all
3 bicycles offered for rental bythem, and also shall be responsible for equipping
4 said bicycles with proper lights and other safety equipment as required elsewhere
5 in this Ordinance.
6 Section 5. Conditions of License.
7 (a) Lights: No bicycle shall be permitted on any street or highway of
8 1the city between thirty minutes after sunset and thirty minutes before sunrise
• 9 'without a clear white headlight visible under normal atmospheric conditions from
ithe front thereof for not less than 50C feet indicating the approach or presence
1of the bicycle, firmly attached to such bicycle and properly lighted, and without
12 Is red light or reflex mirror not less than 22 inches in diameter attached to the
13 ,rear thereof.
(b) Traffic Regulations: Every person riding or propelling a bicycle
15 (upon any street or highway in the city shall observe all traffic signs and signals
16 Hon
shall stop at all "stop" signs, and shall observe all other traffic rules and
17 regulations applicable thereto.
(c) Speed: No bicycle shall be ridden faster than is reasonable and
19 proper and every bicycle shall be operated with reasonabbe regard for the safety
• 20 of the operator and other persons upon the streets and highways of the City.
21 (d) Turns: Every person riding or propelling a bicycle upon any street
22 for highway of the City shall turn only at intersections, signalling for all turns,
23 hide at the right hand side of the ctreet or highway :fithir five feet of the curb
24 when possible, and shall pass to the right when meeting vehicles.
25 (et)) Extra Passengers: It shall be unlawful for any person operating a
26 bicycle upon any of the streets or highways of the city,to carry another person
27 jon the same bicycle, provided, however that this restriction shall not apoly to
28 '[tandem bicycles or other bicycles equipped for two or more riders.
(f) Riding Abreast: No person shall ri4e or propel a bicycle abreast
of any other person so riding or propelling a bicycle on cny of the streets of
the City of Port yeles.
• if
1 (g) Hitching on Vehicles. It shall be unlawful for any person while
2 tiding a bicycle on the streets or highways of the city to hitch or otherwise
3 1.attach himself onto another moving vehicle.
4 (h) Taking ::ithout Permission: No person shell take any bicycle for
5 `the purpose of riding or propelling the same upon the streets or highways of
6 1the city without the consent of the owner.
7 1 (i) Examination: The police chief may require a demonstration of riding
g `ability before issuing a license end may refuse a license or issue a restricted
9 .license to those whom he considers too inexpert to ride in traffic.
11 (a) Procedure: The Chief of Police is hereby authorized and empowered
12 to administer the provisions of this ordinance; and all police officers are
Section 6. Authority to Revoke or Suspend Licenses end Impound Bicycles.
13 Ihsreby charged with the duty of enforcing the provisions hereof. The Chief of
14 Police is hereby empowered to suspend or revoke any license issued under the
15 provisions of this ordinance for anyviolation thereof, or of any of the ordinances
16 of the city relating to street traffic insofar as be same are applicable; the
17 ,Chief of Police is also empowered to impcund any unregistered or improperly
18 (registered bicycle, The action of the Chief of Police as to any of the matters
19 referred to in this section shell be conclusive end final. No license shall
20 be issued to or for any person who has had a license revoked, until the expire
21 lation of one year from the date of revocation. The revocation or suspension
22 iof licenses or impounding of bicycles may be in addition to other penalties
23 provided hereunder.
24 I Section 7. Penalty.,
25 1 (a) Every person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions
26 4of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall
27 lfbe punishable by a fine of not more tha 0100.00, or by imprisonment in the
28 {City Jail for a period of not more than thirty (30) days, or by both such fine
29 and imprisonment.
Section 8. Repeal of Lonflicting trdinances.
(a) If any clause, sentence, paragraph or part of this ordinance shall
1 i for any reason be adjudged or deemed to be invalid by any court of competent
2 j jurisdiction, such judgment or decree shall not effect, impair or invalidate
3 the remainder of this ordinance, but shall be confined in its effect to the
4 cluse, sentence, paragraph or part thereof directly involved in the contro-
5 versy in which said judgment or decree shall have been rendered.
Section 9, Ordinance in Force
(a) That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days
8 after and from its final passage, approval and lawful publication.
9 Passsd first reading by the City Commission February 1E, 1939.
10 Passed second reading by the City Commission March 1, 1939,
11 Passed third reading and finally passed and adopted by the City Commission
12 March 1, 1939.
approved and signed by the Mayor, March 1, 1939.
15 `'"
16 Ei
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17 ,,ttest:
18 7-}'4
19 City Clerk
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• 25
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