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ORDINANCE NO. 1112 AN ORDINANCE relating to taxicabs and buses requiring the registration of drivers and operators, providing for the filing 1 of published rates or tariffs, providing penalties for the viola - 2 tion thereof, and declaring an emergency. 3 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT 4 ANGELES: 5 Section 1. (a) The terra "taxicab" whenever used it this 6 ordinance shell be held and construed to mean every motor vehicle 7 having a seating cepaaity of five passengers or leas to per menu- s . 9 10 facturer's rating, used for the transportation of passengers for hire and not operated over o fixed and defined route. (b) The term "buses" whenever used in this or- 11 dinence shall be held end construed to mean every motor vehicle 12 13 14 for hire end operated over a fixed end defined route. 15 having; a seating capacity of more than five peseengere as per manufacturer's rntine, used for the transportation of passengers 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate and drive a texice:b or bus in the City of Port Angelen without first having rude application to the Polioe Department of said city for an annual driver's license. That said application shall be Made on such fore and giving such information as may be determined by the Chief of Police of the City of Port Angeles. Section 3. Upon the filing of said application the appli- cant shall pray a fee of X1.00 to the City Treasurer, and upon suf- ficient and proper invoatigetion by the Chief of Police of the Cit r of Port Angeles and provided the applicant is qualified both as to ability and :ora3. character to operate a taxicab or bun within said city, an annual driver's license shell be issued to him. A temporary permit my bo issued to any pereo:z to operate a taxicab pending the investigation. That said temporary per -it ahll expire and be of no further force and effect thirty days from the issuance thereof. • • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1$ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 -2- Section k. All such annual driver's licensers shall expire on the 30th day of :une of each year, and en application for renewal must be executed and filed with the Police Department ten days prior to the expiration of any eucb driver's license. Section 5. No person shall be issued en annual driver's license vho has been convicted of a felony or who is addicted to the uee of intoxicating liquor or drugs or who has been con- victed within one year from the date of said application of the violation of any law or ordinance relating to the sale or purchase of intoxicating liquor, or of operating as car wile under the influence of or affected by the use of intoxicating liquor or any narcotic drug, or relating to public morality and decency or relating to the use,aalcs, or possession of narcotic drugs. Section 6.. Any tarporary or annual driver's license shall be subject to immediate cancellation upon conviction of the 'solder thereof of any felony or gross niedemennor or any offense involv- ing intoxioetinr, liluor or narcotics or any offense relaatinc to public morality end decency, upon the filinr in the office of the Chief of Police of a certified copy of the judgment of convic- tion. Section 7. The owner of ell taxicabs operating within the City of Port Angeles shall file with the Chief of Police of said city within ten days from the dote of the taking effect of thie ordinance a schedule of fares charged for the transportation of passengers for hire, originating within the City of Port nngeles even thou„ h the destination of said passenger right he beyond the city= limits. Section 8. It shall be unlawful for any driver or operator of a taxicab to charge any Kreater or lees fare than the fixed schedule filed by the owner of said taxicab with the Chief of Police as above provid ^d. -3- Section 9. Any person violating or failing to comply with 1 any of the provisions of this ordinance shall he deemed guilty 2 of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished 3 by fine in any sum not exceeding 0200.00 or by imprisonment in 4 the city jail not exceeding thirty days, or by both ouch fine 5 and imprisonment, and in the diacretion of the judge the driver' e 6 license may be cancelled. 7 Section 10. "rher ©es t'ere is in the interest of public peace 8 and safety a demand for the im- saints passeCe of this ordinance, 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 an emergency is hereby declared to exist and the urgency for the immediate teking affect of this ordinance is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall take effect and be In force from and after its passage, approval and publication. Passed first reading by City Commission, '.:arch .1 , 1943. Passed second reading by City Corrrission, Merch '% , 1943. Passed third rending; by City Commission, aiei 7 , 1943. 17 +.. r ^* y 18 T y� ., G 19 20 Attest: - n ,j 21 0I4 • City Clerk 22 23 0 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ayor