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Ordinance No.111 4
An ordinance levying an admission tax on persons paying admissions, or who are
admitted free or at reduced rates to any place; fixing the amount and providing
for the collection thereof; and prescribing penalties.
4 Section 1. Definitions: For purposes of this ordinance, words and phrases
shall have the following meanings:.
"Admission Charge ", in addition to its usual and. ordinary meaning, shall
include a charge made for season tickets or subscriptions, a cover charge or, a
charge made for food and refreshments in any place where any free entertainment,
recreation or amusement is provided, a charge made for rental or use of equipment
or amusement, and where the rental of
or facilities for purposes of recreation.
8 the equipment or facilities is necessary
which a general admission is'charged, the
9 the admission charge; and a charge made f
the charge is determined according to the
10 !i
to the enjoyment of the privilege for
combined charge shall be considered as
or automobile parking where the amount of
number of passengers in an automobile.
"Treasurer" shall mean the City Treasurer.
"Place" includes, but is not restriced to, theatres, dance halls, amphi-
12 1 theatres, auditoriums, stadiums, athletic pavilions and pields, baseball and
athletic parks, circuses, side shows, swimming pools, outdoor amusement parks,
and such attractions as merry -go- rounds, ferris wheels, dodge 'ems, roller coaster
13 and observation towers.
"Person" means any individuals, receiver, assignee, firm, copartnership,
joint venture, corporation, company, joint stock company, association, society,
15 • or any group of individuals acting as a unit, whether mutual,.cooperative, fraternal,
non - profit or otherwise.}: i
16 ;
Section 2. (a) There is hereby levied and imposed upon every person (includi
17 children, without regard to age) who pays an admission charge to any place, includ
I a tax on persons who are admitted free of. charge or at reduced rates to any place
18 1 for which other persons pay a charge or a regular highter charge for the same or
similar privileges or accommodations, which said tax shall be in the amount of one
19 ' cent for each twenty cents or fraction thereof paid for the admission charge.
20 (b) Whenever the admission charge is ten cents or less, no tax shall be pay-
able, nor shall any tax be payable by any bona fide employee of the place or by an
21 federal, state or municipal officer or employee on official visits, or by any
newspaper reporter, or by any child under twelve years of age, who is admitted free.
(c) Whenever any person is admitted free or at reduced rates to any place at
23 a time when under circumstances where an admission charge is made to other persons`
for the same or similar accommodations, a tax shall be payable by the person so
24 admitted in an amount equal to the tax payable by such other persons for the same
or similar accommodations.
(d) Whenever the charge to women and children for admission to any place is
26 less than the charge made to men, or when su13h persons are regularly admitted free
the lesser charge is not deemed to be a reduced rate under this ordinance, and the
27 amount of the tax payable hereunder by such persons shall be determined by the
amount of the actual admission charge paid.
(e) Amounts paid for admission by season ticket or subscription shall be
29 exempt only if the amount which would be charged to the holder or subscriber for
a single admission is ten cents or less.
(f) Whenever tickets or cards of admission are sold elsewhere than at the
ticket or box office of the place, any price or charge made in excess of the
established price or charge therefor at such ticket or box office shall be taxable
in a sum equal to 10% of the amount of such excess, which tax shall be in addition
to the tax on the ticket or box office admission charge, shall be paid by the per-
son paying the admission charge, and shall be collected and remitted in the planner
provided in Section 5 hereof by the person selling such tickets.
(g) Any person having the permanent use of boxes or seats or a lease for the
4 use of any box or seat in any place for which an admission charge is made, in lieu)
of the tax imposed herein, shall pay a tax equivalent to 10% of the amount for which
5 a similar box or seat is sold for each performance or exhibition at which the box
6 or seat is used or reserved by or for the lessee or holder, the same to be co11etted
and remitted in the manner provided in Section 5 hereof by the owner or operator 1
of the place.
8 Section 3. Whenever an amount of more than ten cents is required to be paid
to gain admission to any building or enclosure in which a swimming pool or skating
9 rink is located or to the pool or rink itself, the amount paid, plus the amount,
if any, Laid for rental or use of equipment or facilities supplied to the person
paying for the admission and necessary to the enjoyment of the privilege for
10 which the admission is charged, shall be deemed the admission charge, and a tax is
hereby levied on such admission charge of one cent for each twenty cents or fractin
11 thereof, which shall be paid by the person paying the admission charge and which
12 shall be collected and remitted by the person to whom the same is paid in the
manner provided in Section 5 hereof.
13 Section 4. The price (exclusive of the tax to be paid by the person paying
for admission) at which every admission ticket or card is sold shall be conspicuoully
14 and indelibly printed or written on the face or back of that part of the ticket
which is to be taken up by the management of the place to which admission is oainec;
15 and it shall be unlawful for any person to sell an admission ticket or card on
which the name of the vendor or the price is not so printed, stamped, or written,
16 or to sell an admission ticket or card at a price in excess of the price printed, '•
stamped, or written thereon.
Section 5. Every person receiving any payment for admissions on which a tax
18 is levied under this ordinance shall collect the amount of the tax imposed from thei
person making the admission payment. The tax required to be collected under this
19 ordinance shall be deemed to be held in trust by the person required to collect
the same until paid to the Treasurer herein provided. Any person required to
20 collect the tax imposed under this ordinance who fails to collect the same, or,
hav ng collected the same, fails to remit the same to the Treasurer in the manner
21 prescribed by this ordinance, whether such failure be the result of his own act or
the result of acts or conditions beyond his controld, shall nevertheless be per -
22 sonally liable to the city for the amount of such tax, and shall, unless the remit
tance be made as herein required, be guilty of a violation of this ordinance.
23 The tax imposed hereunder shall be collected at the time the admission charge is
paid by the person seekin„ admission to anyIflace and shall be reported and
remitted by the person receivin the tax to the treasuer in bi- monthly installmentd
24 Y person � Y
and remittances therefor on or before the 15th tay of the month next succeeding thq
25 end of the bi- monthly period in which the tax is collected or received: Provided,
that the first return and remittance under this ordinance shall be made on or before
26 the 15th day of July, a943, and shall cover the period from and including Fay 1,
1943, to and including June 30, 1943. Payment or remittance of the tax collected
27 may be made by check, unless payment or remittance is otherwise required by +.he
Treasurer, but payment by check shall not relieve the person collecting the tax
28 from liability for payment and remittance of the tax to the Treasurer unless the
check is honored and is in the full and correct amount. The person receiving any
29 payment for admissions shall make out a return upon such forms and setting forth
such information as the Treasurer may require, showin. the amount of the tax upon
30 admissions for which he is liable for the preceding bi- monthly period, and shall
sign and transmit the same to the City Treasurer with a remittance for said amounti
Provided, that the Treasurer may`in his discretion require verified annual returns
from any person receiving admission payments setting forth such additional infor-
mation as he may deem necessary to determine correctly the amount of tax collected
1 and payable. Whenever any theatre, circus, show, exhibition, entertainment or
amusement makes an admission charge which is subject to the tax herein levied, and
2 the same is of a temporary or transitory nature, of which the Treasurer shall be
the jura•e, the Treasurer may require the report and remittance of the admission
3 tax immediately upon the collection of the same, at the conclusion of the perfor-
mance or exhibition, or at the conclusion of the series of performances or exhib-
4 itions or at such other times as the Treasurer shall determine; and failure to
comply with any requirement of the Treasurer as to report and remittance of the
5 tax as required shall be a violation of this ordinance. The books, records and
accounts of any person collecting a tax herein levied shall, as to admission chargeas
6 and tax collections, be at all reasonable tires subject to examination and audit 1
by the Treasurer.
Section 6. Any person conducting or operating any place for entrance to which
8 ' an admission charge is made shall, on a form prescribed by the Treasurer, make
application to and procure from the Treasurer a Certificate of Registration, the
9 fee for which shall be One Dollar ($1.00), which certificate shell continue valid
until the 31st "ay of December of the year in which the same is issued. Such
10 1 Certificate of Registration, or duplicate original copies thereof to be issued by
the Treasurer without additional char =e, shall be posted in a conspicuous place
11 in each ticket or box office where tickets or admission are sold.
12 Section 7. Whenever a Certificate of Registration is obtained for the pur-
pose of operating er conducting a temporary or transitory amusement, entertainment
13 or exhibition by persons who are not the owners, lessees or custodians of the
building, lots or place where the amusement is to be conducted, the tax imposed
14 by this ordinance shall be reported and remitted as provided in Section 5 hereof
by said owner, lessee or custodian, unless paid by the person conducting the place.i
15 The applicant for a Certificate of Registration for such purpose shall furnish
with the application therefor the name and address of the owner, lessee or custodia
16 of the prerises upon which amusement is to be conducted, and such owner, lessee
or custodian shall be notified by the Treasurer of the issuance of such certificate!
17 and the joint liability for collection and remittance of such tax.
18 Section 8. The Treasurer shall have power to adopt rules and regulations
not inconsistent with the terms of this ordinance for carrying out and enforcing
19 the payment, collection and remittance of the tax herein levied; and a copy of
said rules and regulations shall be on file and available for public examination
20 in the Treasurerts O£fide. Failure or refusal to comply with any such rules and
regulations shall be deemed a violation of this ordinance.
Section 9. The tax hereby levied and imposed shall be collected and paid on
and after l'ay 1, 1943.
23 Section 10. If any portion of this ordinance shall be adjudged invalid, such
invalidity shall not affect the portions which are not adjudged invalid.
Section 11. Each violation of or failure to comply with the provisions of
25 t•is ordinance shall constitute a separate offense and shall subject the offender
to a fine of not to exceed Three Hundred Dollars 0300.00) or to imprisonment
26 in the City Jail for not to exceed ninety (90) days, or to both such fine and
Section 12. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its
28 passage and approval and from and after its lawful publication and the City Clerk 1
is hereby directed to cause the same to be published.
Passed first reading by the City Commission April lc , , 1943.
Passed second reading by the City CormEission April /) , 1943.
Passed third reading and finally passed and adopted by the City Commission
April , 1943.
3 Approved and signed by the Mayor April R k , 1943.
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City Clerk
Published April , 1943.