HomeMy WebLinkAbout1123ORDINANCE NO. 1123
AN ORDINANCE creating a City Planning Council, design-
1 ating the duties of the Council, declaring an emergency and
2 repealing ordinances in conflict therewith.
5 Section 1. That there is hereby created a City Planning
6 Council of the City of Port Angeles td be composed of seven
7 members to be appointed by the Mayor and Confirmed by the City
Commission. 1 -
Section 2. As used herein the following words shall
10 !! be construed to mean:
11 0 (a). "Council" means the City Planning Council of the
12 City of Port Angeles.
13 (b). "State Council" means the State Planning Council
14 of the State of Wasbington.
15 Section 3. No member of the Council shall be ex officio
16 a member thereof, but any public official may be appointed a
17 member of the Council. The term of office of each person
18 , appointed a member of said Council at the first appointment
19 shall be designated in the appointment, and after the first
20 term as hereinafter provided each member shall serve for six
21 years. One member shall- be appointed for e term of one year,
22 ■ one for a term of two years, one for a term of three years,
23:4 one for a term of four years, one for a term of five years,
24 and two for a term of six years. Thereafter the terms of each
25 member shall be for six years and shall commence on the 1st
26 day of March of each year.
} 1 `
Section 4. Vacancies occurring otherwise than through
the expiration of a term shall be filled for the unexpired
29' term. Members may be removed after public hearing by the
30 appointing official, with the approval of the City Commission
for inefficiency, neglect of duty or malfeasance in office.
Written charges shall be filed against any member before such
1 hearing, and he shall have two weeks notice of the date of the
2 hearing.
3 Section 5. The members of the Planning Council. shall
4 ' be selected, without respect to political affiliation and they
5 shall serve .without coMpeisation.
6 Section 6. The Planning Council shall elect its own
7 ' Chairman from among its members aznd create and fill such other
offices as it may determine that its needs require. The said
Council shall hold at least one regular-meeting in each month
10 not less than nine months in each year. It shall adopt
11 rules for the transaction of the business and shall keep written.
12 record of its meetings, resolutions, transactions, findings
13 and determinations, which record shall be a public record.
14 Section 7. The expenditures of the Planning Council
15 shall be within the amount appropriated by the City Commission,
16 and the Planning Council is authorized to employ such employees
17 and expert consultants as they deem necessary for its work.
18j. Section 8. The Planning Council is authorized and em-
19 powered to act as research and fact - finding agency of the City
20 of Port Angeles. To that end it may make such surveys, analysis,
21 ,:
researches and reports as are generally authorized or requested
22 , by the City Commission or by the State Council. The Planning
23,i Council is further empowered and authorized upon such requests:
24 1. To make inquires, investigations and surveys concern-
25 '' ing the resources of the County.
26' 2. To assemble and analyze the data thus obtained and
27, to formulate plans for the conservation of resources and the
28 systematic utilization and development thereof.
29. 3.'1 To make recommendations from time to time as to the
30 best methods of such conservation, utilization and development.
31 4. To cooperate with other Planning Councils, with
other public agency of any municipality, state or the United
1 , States in any planning program.
2 5. To make surveys and recommendations, for the adopt-
3 ion by the City Commission, of coordinated plans for the physical
4 development of the city.
5 Section 9. Upon the receipt of a recommendation or the
Planning Council the City Commission may, in the interest Of
health, safety, morals, and general welfare by ordinance of
8 the city, regulate and restrict the location and use or build-
ings, structures and land for residence, trade, industry, and
other purposes, the height, number of stories, size, construction
7. 1,
9 Ii
11 ,1 and design of .buildings and other structures, the size of yards,
12 courts, spaces on the lot or tract,. the density of population,
13 the set back of buildings along eta :bets, parks or public water
141 frontage and the subdivision and development of land.
15 I Section 10. The City Comnti.SSin may; on the recommendation
16 of the Council, provide for .the appointment of a Board of Adjust -
17 ment to make exceptio ?spa's may be considered advi'Sab1e `•or nec-
18 essary.
19 Section 11. The Gity Commission, on the recommendation
20` of the Council, may by ordinance divide the city into districts
21 of such size, shape and area or may establish such official maps
221 or development plans for the whole or any portion of.said city
'23 as they may coneider best and within such distria s may regulate
24 and restrict the erection, construction, reconstruction, alter -
25 ation, repair or use of buildings, structures or lands, all such
261 regulations shall be prepared as Dart of a comp4ehensive plan
27 .designed for the benefit of said city as provided by law.
28; Section 12. The Council may recommend to. the Commission
29 ' the plan prepared as a' whole or may recommend parts or any
30 >, amendment, extension or addition thereto. Before such recommend-
ations are made to the City the Council shall hold public hear -
- 4
ing thereon, giving notice of the time and place by one publi-
cation in a newspaper of general circulation in said city. A
copy of the ordinance of the city of Port Angeles adopting or
3 embodying any plan or part thereof or any amendment thereto,
4 properly certified, shall be filed with the County Auditor.
5 Any ordinance referred to herein may be amended or changed by
6 subsequent ordinances.
7 Section 13. Ordinance No. 995 and any other ordinance
8 !1 in conflict herewith'is hereby repealed.
9 ti Passed first reading by City Con ission, Feb. 9 ,1944.
k' 10 Passed second reading by City Commission, Feb:.., 9 1944
Passed third reading by City Commission, Feb.. 16 1944
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