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AN ORDINANCE relating to regulating and requiring a per-
2 mit and payment of a fee for the construction and maintenance of
3 !a driveway across curbs and sidewalks in the City of Port Angeles,
i4 and prividing penalties for violations.
7 ' Section 1. DEFINITIONS: "Service Driveway" as used
8 :herein shall mean any driveway constructed in or Upon any street
9 sand /or sidewalk and intended for use by the public for access
10 to any place of business.
The term "private driveway" as used herein shall mean any
12 driveway constructed in or upon any street and /or sidewalk and in-
13 tended as a private driveway for the occupant of said property.
14 Section 2. There is on file in the Office of the City
15 Engineer of the City of Port Angeles approved standard driveway
16 ,specifications. It shall be unlawful to construct or permit the
17 .construction of any service driveway or private driveway or any
18 other driveway in the City of Port Angeles without complying with
19 said specifications in every detail and without first securing there -
20 for and paying for a permit as required by Section 4, and the City
21 .Clerk shall issue such permit when an application upon forms fur-
22 nished by the City Clerk has been properly signed and executed
23 and the same same has been approved by the Office of the City
Section 3. In the construction of any driveway the speci-
26.fications herein shall be followed:
27 Maximum single driveway with ramps for fifty (50) feet
28 of frontage shall not exceed twenty (20) feet.
29 The maximum single driveway without ramps for fifty (50)
30 feet frontage shall not exceed twenty -five (25) feet.
31 ; The maximum single driveway with ramps for one hundred
1 (100) feet of frontage shall not exceed thirty (30) feet.
2 The maximum single driveway without ramps for one hundred
3 (100) feet frontage shall not exceed thirty -five (35) feet.
4 Where two or more adjoining driveways are provided for
5 the same property a safety island of not less than twelve (12)
6 feet at the outer edge of the sidewalk shall be provided.
7 No driveway apron shall extend out into the street farther
8 than the face of the curb or into the gutter area.
No driveway shall exceed thirty --five (35) feet at the
10 outer edge or street edge of the sidewalk.
11 ' No curbing shall be cut within four (4) feet of the regular
12 crosswalk.
13 Where driveway might conflict with electric light poles or
14 street lights same shall be taken up with City Light Superintendent
15 for his approval before permit is issued.
16 Section 4. Each applicant shall pay to the City Treasurer
17 a fee based on the frontage lineal feet of lot or lots to be ser-
18 ved by such driveway and the rate thereof shall be ten cents (100)
19 per lineal foot for each service driveway and five cents (50)
20 per lineal foot for each private driveway.
21 Section 5. All driveways and curbs shall be constructed of
22 1 : 2 : 3 concrete not less than six (6) inches thick. Slope
23 from the gutter to back of sidewalk line shall be not more than
24"three- quarter (3/4) inch to one (1) foot and from gutter to top
25 of curb shall not be more than one and a half (14) inches to
one (1) foot.
26 27 Sectio n 6. The City Commission, upon application, ay
28 grant special permission to construct driveways deviating from
29 this ordinance and from the standard plan on file in the City
30 Engineer's Office.
31 Section 7. Any person violating any of the provisions of
1 this ordinance and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by
2 a fine not to exceed one hundred ($100.00) dollars or by impris-
3 onment in the city jail for a period not to exceed thirty (30)
4 days or by both such fine and imprisonment.
5 Section 8. That all ordinances in conflict herewith are
6 hereby repealed.
7 Section 9. That this ordinance shall take effect and be
8 in force thirty days after and from its final passage, approval
and lawful publication.
10 Passed first reading by the City Commission May 10, 1944
Passed second reading by the City Commission
.ay 10, 1944
Passed third reading and finally passed and adopted by the
13 City Commission, tav 17, 1944
14 r Approved and signed by the Mayor,
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City Clerk
Approved as to form:
24 '.
,ay 17, 1944