HomeMy WebLinkAbout1129OPDINANCE NO. 1129
An ordinance relating to public health and &nnitation; rec-
ulating.the collection end dieposel cf garbage, refuse, trash, offal
and dead Animals; ;providing for the establishment, maintenance and-
operation o a eornpulsor_T system of garbage collection and disposal
5 in the City of Port Angeles; making delinquent charges for services
6 performed n lien upon property; providing penalties for the viola-
7 I Lion hereof; and repealing Ordinance No. 707, eased February 16th,
8 11922; Ordinance No. 826, passed June 22nd, 127; and Ordinance No.
9 1021, passed September 4t1 , 1935, and repealing all other ordinances
10 . f enci parts of ordinances in conflict herewith.
11 The City Commission of the City of Port Angeles do ordain
12 as follows
13 `Section 1. The maintenance of health and sanitation re-
14 quire and it is the intention hereof to make the collection, removal
15 land dieposal of garbage end refuse and dead animals within the City
'.of Port Angeles compulsory and universal.
17 ;fEFINITIONS --For the purposes of this ordinance, the following def-
18 ini.tions shall 'obtain (a) "Garbage" shell mean all solid and semi -
19 ;solid .kitchen refuse subject to decay or putrefaction, and all
20 aarket waste of animal and vegetable matter which was intended to be
21 used as food. (V) "Trash." and "Refuee" shall Mean all waste matter
22 not sKbvect to decay or putrefaction which for the purpose of this
23 lordinance shall include aohes. 1 c) - "Off,al'',s €zll mean waste animal
24 utter from butcher, s1.nughter or °packing°bcuves. (d) "Dead. Animals"
t ++ 25 ishnll mean. ell animals large' cr .ecsall, eti ch may die cr may be killed
26 for other than food purposes'. ('e) "Person" shall mean every person j
27 firm, partnership, associa,tion, institution apd' corporation. Thee:
28 term shall also Mean the occupant andror the owner of the premises,`
31 defined by the laws of the State of Washington. (g) The tern
,;for which service herein mentioned is rendered. (f) The terth -
ii ,
"Health Officer" shall mean the City or County Health Officer as dk:
1 "Apartments" shall mean any building in which more than one family
2 unit resi derv.
3 Section 2. For the purpose of carrying into effect the
11/11' J 4 erovilions of thie ordinance, there is hereby created and established
5 e de; ertment to be known e^ the City Sanitary Department.
6 Section 3. The Mayor of the City of ?art Argelea, with
7 the approval of the City Communion, is hereby empowered end autho-
8 rized to appoint a suitable nic tualified person es Superintendent
9 of the eaid City Sanitary Department, end such 3uoerintendent shall
10 have full ehnrge end control of all work provided for End contem-
11 plated by this ordin_nce. He shall also hove charge of all collections
12 .end enforcement of all cherge.3 for eervi ees rendered.
13 • Section 4. T1iore\ s hereby created and established e
14 s,ecial fund_ to be de3ignated n.d mown s° the 3cnitery Fund into
15 which all sums collected under this ordinance !lin11 be delosited
16 rkn-1 %eet a._1 frog ahi ch ' 11 exeen : -ea ore e administration, main -
17 ten- ace and operation of the City ..ani tery Dr eertment shall be paid.
awe 4 , . C't,p- /e ,L=, e.
18 Section 5. It shall be the duty cf every lersci in pos-
19 session, cterge or control of any dwelling *, flat, rooming h use,
20 `Ynartment house, trailer eae , hospital, _hotel, school, club, res-
21 teure.nt, boarding house or tatin er in possession, charge
22 or control of nn.y p::blie or private piece of business or mertufact-
23 urint; en tabu ehment where garbage, refuse, trash or offal is or may
24 be created or ,rncwru19ted vithin the city et all time from and
25 after the date thie ordinance tecomee effective, to keen or cause
26 to be kept portable cans of aeproved size, type and construction ns
27 hereleafterprovided; 'Jnd to donosit or ceueo to be deposited such
28 accumulation therein except n. hereinafter er• v1 ded.
29 It shall be cclreuleory to take garbage service .es above
30 provided, within the city limits of Port An€eees, except Hs herein
31 provided. Fvery residence within the City of Port Angeles re-
1 ceivin, water from the City 'dater Department, shell be charged for
2 garbage service :t the minir,.m rate herein. provided.
3 e.4464-per month,
4 ihteadelet of
� � • G � �11l1: t,LtiS'
E •
7 l tb 2. orrice ten. e
9 ni111 garbage deposited in container:, as herein provided,
10 must be wrapped in fHaar or other suitable material.
All con trainers for trash app ruhbi h dep:: si ted by nieces
12 of tasiness mue?t to of a type en" in such locution as meets with the
13 a?provul or the SuPerinterdeet of the City Sanitary Department.
14 Section 6.1 Th '6uperintendent of the City Seni tary Depnrt-
15 sent, with suer eseistanee of rernonnel en' e•1u1 ^c:en', ac shall be
16 furnished aim by the City of Port ANgelcs, &eel' collect, remove and
17 dispose of Deli earbage, refuee, trash and offal from hotels, rest -
18 eurente, bo cling houses, eatin; places, npertmont houseee, schools
19 and hoepitala, and in tffe bucine3s sections of the City, 413 may be
20 nedessary or as may be contracted for.
21 Section 7. All garhaee and offal met be placed or 1 :ept
22 by he occupant of the pre i'es in water tight garbage cans, eons -
23 tructed of metal or suitable 'lternete r terinl with two handholds
24 and covere of not over 25 gallon cepecity rer einglo residential
25 unit and not over 35 gallon cep city et hotels, aeartnents, res-
26 taurants end other business loc €tions.
27 Section 8. ';rest: .3 d refuse rust be depc• sited in suitable
28 solid containers n, t in excess of 25 gei1on capacity lei when lorded '
29 not weighing more than 50 pounds, exceet ce by special agreement
30 with th auperintendent of the City . :Anita ry Department; 'reviled
31 th-t brush en: shrubbery tri mlegs may be tied in bundles not over
six feet in length and not over twenty five pounds in 'eight. No
sod will be handled by the City Sanitary Department.
Section 4. All garbage c rigs shall to placed at locations
re luiring e cerryine distance of not over 15 feet from alleys when
i the alleys are passable by trucks, and ehere alleys are not passable
6 by trucks they shell be nlnced at Iocationc designated by the Super-
7 i ntendent of the City Sanitary Department requiring not more than
8 15 feet carryine distance from the driveway or entrance to such
9 property. The decision of he :.uperintendent of the City S•mitary
10 Department as to whether or not any given eliey ii passable by
11 trucks shall be bin°in,r and final.
Section 10. The care rses of dead animals shall be re-
13 moved and •lispoaed of by b:zr`al, Incineration or other proper method
14 within 24 hours after death. If the careers i buried, it shall be
15 sa pieced that every part thereof shall be covered by at least two
'16 feet of earth and e» s location net lens than one hun=red feet from
17 ny well, nprino or stream a.nwl in a place not eubject to overflow by
18 eurfece waters. In x117 cases of death from o nuns cebie disease,
19 the carcass, if dieposed of 1 „ti buru1., shell first be enveloped in
20 unelacked lime.
21 Section 11.Y It eha11 to unln -°'ful for any person to burn,
22 dump, collect, remove or in any other manner diseose of Eerbage and
23 offal upon. or over any or the etreoti, alleys, public maces or
1116 24 private ronnrty within. the City of Port nneelles otheewiee than an
25 herein provided.
26 Waste paper, boxer, re °use and trash, debris, brunh, ieeves,
27 grass, wood and cuttlnpe from trees, lewne, shrubs end gardens (but
28 exceeti.ng -japer, cardboard or wood containers in commercial iuenti-
29 ties), may be burned on private oroeerty tpcn :special permit from
30 the Chief of the Fire Department and lot otherwise.
It shell be unlawful for any person *.c bur• ,r, rir ,,r'i or
1 dump waste perer, , bee4e 7, 1eeves, trash, .elri s, nra88, leaves, woods
2 and cuttings from trees, lewne, shrub,' e%;. gardens upon the street,
3 alley cr public nl.,ee in the City of Port An;eles.
4 It eh ell be unlewful for any pereon to collect or remove
5 any of the items mentioned in the next preceding peragraph hereof
6 over any public street, alley or public wa;, in the City cf ?ort
7 Jelgoles exce t by 1ermiesion of the ajzer.rintendent of the City
8 S nittiry De- rtment.
9 Section 12. Pates for service at re,iidentia1 properties
10 shell be fifty cents 4 500) per month for e _ch single can and twenty -
11 five ce ^ts (25d) for eec. •.dditionai can, provided, thut the full
12 em,ount of Ouch charge shell be rebated to those ftimiiies or nereonn
13 certified by trio C unty Welfare Depertmeet to be inM sent and in need!,
14 thereof.
15 Section 13.x Peter fer service et all other :l,ces of res-
16 11euce snd business shall be ouch ae re eereed unon by the owners
17 or occupants, end the Superintendent of the City Sanitary Department.
18 In the event Jf e disagreement uno the amouht to be charged there -
19 for, the City Commission of the City of Port Aneeies .hall have the
20 right to fix the er.ount which s ";s11 be binding.
21 Section 14. All charges for the services to be rendered
22 herein shall be -v y bb.e to ten City Tre¢serer of the City of Port
23 Anee :o3 at the office of the Peter Lepert:cerrt; and if not paid on or
24 before ten aay 7 from d ete of till, ouch charnee sh°rli be delin ;uent.
25 Upon failure to pay eucli Cher ;e = end a )on del i n lusncy the amount
26 thereof shell become e lien eeinet the properte from w;:i ch the gar -
27 bage collection ,service shall have been rendered. Such lien ahell
28 be made 'effective by filing er notice thereof eeecifirinp the !tiereee,
29 the period covered by the charges ens ;lying o 1eeel eecrip` ion
30 of the :+remixes at which the service ..gas rendered. .such lien 3h0.1 4
31 .to filed with the name official eld wi ;hi n the time and eh:.11 be fore.
1 closed within the time and manner prescribed by law for riling and
2 foreclosing liens for labor and ray :tcri el. ,;uch lien shell be prior
3 to any and ell other liens and encumbrances filed 3utseluent to the
4 filing of such lien, but shall be subject to all general taxes and
5 local improvement Ft33essme'.nt3, wi ther levied trior or subseiuent
6 thereto.
7 Section 15. Th e City Commi ; 31or. i ',authorized tc from
8 time to time acluire such e1uipment and employ such oerconnel to
assist the Superintendent of the City sanitary Department e3 in
10 their judgment shall seem. necessary or advisable. All expenditures
11 th' rebore shall ha from the Sanitary Fund, jesi nntited in the 1944
12 budget as the garbage department.
13 Section 16.t. Any person violating any of the provisions
14 hereof shall be deemed :,uilty of t.n offense and upon conviction
15 tbereof s 11 be tun shed by e fine not exceeding, One Hundred Dollars, •
16 (x100.00), or ty imprisonment in the city jail for not more than
17 thirty days, or hit :o':.: fine Lad imprisonment.
Section 17. This ordinance e declared to be ur.'ent and
19 necessary for the it •ed.iste preservation of the public peace, health
20 and safety of the „es' dents and ^eople of said City of Port An eles,
21 and shall take effect and be in force immediately upon, from and
22 after its passage, approval nd lawful aublicetion.
23 Passed first reeding by tro City Co ^.miseion on the 30th
24 day o1,Auggnt, 1;42— Peed second reading r;; the City Commission
25 on t[xe- h .,d o f , 1911.. Passed t'7,.ird readin(' end finally
26 p,ed °end dod by the City Commission on the 7 d6;y of Sent-
27 enk er,. 1944. 4proved tared si ned by the 17.ayor on the ffit7 dny of
28 Septe -� r -, :V.
30 11/1/0
City Clerk
31 r ',ROT: . TO
C ty Attor