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1 An Ordinance amending Ordinance 1o95 , adopted by the City
2 Commission January 3rd, 1930, and effective • from its lawful pub-
lication on January 7th 1930, regulating the granting of building
4 permits, providing for their submission to the City Commission before
5 being granted, and - reluiring the submission of plans end specii'icetions
6 and authorizing the City Cmrri ssi cn to deny a permit when, in the
7 opinion of the Commission such permit should not be granted.
The City Commission of the City of Port Angeles does ordain as
•There is hereby added to ordinance ho. 398, end Without in.. any
11 bother manner changing, amending or repealing anypart of said or.d-
innr'tce, except as herein provided, the following sections:
Section 49. No permit for bvil'dings under heid 0rdinence No.
14 39S :shall be issued until after the Bane bears the approval and en-
1S '?darsernent of the City Engineer 'and the _application 3'be:en submitted
16 .to the City Commission. and approved by thy: affirmative ative vote of a
17 :! r,rxjority of the City Commission, and any application for a building.
ii .
18 ctbor than a ein;le residence and /or garage 'on a lot, shall be ac-
19 qcompanied by detailed plans and specifications, in duplicate,. one
20 !!copy of which shall be securely attached to the application for nueh
21 ;permit end remain on file in the office of the City Engineer.
22 Section 50. All such applications for building permits shall.
23 icontain detailed infor:natlpn and the City- Commission may decline to
24 approve such. application and-grant a permit until additional infor-
mation is filed or furnished the commission in the event any member
26 of the Commission desires additional information.
27' Section 51. The City Commission shall heve full authority to re-
28 ject any application submitted to it and deny a permit whenever it
29 'shall appoar by F unanimous vote of the .Commission that the propated
30 !construction, alteration or repair disclosed in said a application, wi11
31 be injurious to the peace, health, safety or morals of the Ci•ty:Os
1 Port Angeles.
2 Section 52. It shall be a misdemeanor for eny person to commence
3 ,,the-contemplated construction, alteration, improvement or repair of
4 any property for which a permit shall be required, without having
5 secured such permit prior to the commencement of any work on any
6 such contemplated project, and upon conviction thereof, any such per
7 soh shell he punished by a fine not nxceeiing tlOO.00 or imprison -
8 rent in the City Jail, not exceeding thirty d: ye, or by both such
9 fine anal imprisonment.
10. This ordinance i declared to be urgent and necessary for the
11 immediate preservation of the public health, ee,:ce and safety of the
12 inlx..hitants of the City of Port Angeles, and shah, take effect and f
13 be in force immediately upon and from lnd after its passage, approvals
14 and lawful publication.
15 rimed first rea ^inn by the City Commission this /day of
16 OZtr, 1944.
17 P seed second reading by the City Commission this /4"(day of
18 ', 1944•
19 .rPtissed •third reeding and fine ly pfissed an'9 adopted by the City
204tOrniAeion, •111s g- day of ; 191,4.
214'1 Approve. and signed by the Mayor this S 4 day of , 1944.
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