HomeMy WebLinkAbout1137ORDINANCE NO. 1137
AN ORDINANCE fixing the salaries, compensation and wages of certain officers
and employees of the City of Port Angeles, Washington:
Section 1. On and after, and as of January 1, 1945, the salaries, com-
pensation and wages of the following named officers and employees of the City
of Port Angeles shall be and are now hereby fixed as follows:
Treasurer's Department:
Treasurer $ 240.00
Clerk's Department:
Clerk 240.00
Deputy Clerk 195.00
Engineer's Department:
Engineer 515.00
Attorney's Department:
Attorney 190.00
Police Court Department:
Police Judge 175.00
Police Department:
Chief of Police 265.00
Captain 230.00
1st Sergeant 225.00
2 Sergeants, each 220.00
6 Patrolmen, each 215.00
1 Patrolman 200.00
Identification Clerk 75.00
Fire Lepartment:
Chief of Fire Department 265.00
1st Assist. Chief 230.00
2nd Assist. Chief 225.00
Laster Mechanic & Supt. of Radio & Fire Alarm 225.00
2 Captains, each 220.00
1 Fireman 215.00
5 Firemen, each 210.00
State Aid Fund,
Health Department:
1 Sanitarian — 6 me. 77.50
1 Sanitarian — 6 mo. 80.00
1 Sanitarian 100.00
Library Department:
Librarian 200.00
Assistant Librarian 125.00
Children's Librarian 125.00
Janitor 75.00
Park Department:
Supt. of Parks 165.00
Caretaker of 6emetery 165.00
Caretaker cf Race Street Playfield 155.00
Light Department:
Supt. of Light Department 315.00
Foreman 270.00
6 Linemen, each 250.00
Serviceman 215.00
Groundman 190.00
Apprentice Groundiran 180.00
Meterman 195.00
Inspector 205.00
Radioman 205.00
2 Deputy Treasurer's, each 195.00
Accountant 205.00
Stenographer 140.00
Meter Reader 195.00
Assist. Meter Reader 165.00
Collector 165.00
Janitor 75.00
Water Department:
Foreman 255.00
Pipe Fatter & Assistant Foreman 220.00
Assist. Pipe Fitter 205.00
Pipe FitterHelper 200.00
4 Pipe Layers, each 190.00
Mechanic 205.00
2 Servicemen, each 190.00
Caretaker at dam 160.00
Draftsman 235.00
Bookkeeping Machine Operator 195.00
Asst. Bookkeeping Machine Operator 165.00
Sanitary Department:
Superintendent 250.00
Section 2. All of said salaries, compensations and wages shall be paid monthly.
Section 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict therewith
are hereby repealed.
Section 4. This ordinance is declared to be urgent and necessary for the
immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
and people of said City of Port Angeles, and shall take effect and be in force
immediately upon and from and after its passage, approval and lawful publication.
Passed first reading by the City Commission, January 3, 1945.
Passed second reading by the City Commission, January 3, 195:5.
Passtd third reading and finally ossed and adopted by the City Commission,
January 10; 1945.
Approved and signed by the Mayor, January 10, 1945.
City Clerk
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