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An Ordinance relating to the municipal light and power plant
and system of the City of Port Angeles, prescribing the rates, terms and
conditions for the sal', use and purchase of electric energy, defininL
offences, prescribing penalties, and repealing Ordinance No. 1075 and,
amending Sections 17 and 20 of Ordinance No. 890 and all other ordinance
or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, and declaring an emergency,
placing this Ordinance in full force and effect..after its lawful pub-
Section 1. That Section 17 of Ordinance No. 890, as the same
was originally enacted, be and the same is hereby amended to read as
follows, to -wit:
Section 17. The monthly rate for electricity consumed shall
jbe in accordance with the following schedules:
Schedule #1
Residential Lighting Service
This schedule covers general lighting of residences and similar
anon- commercial installations. Incidental power, single phase, may be
connected under this schedule.
3.5¢ per KWH for the first 20 KWH per month
3¢ T` " " next 80 KWH per month
2¢ " " . " " " 200 KWH per month
10 " " " all over 300 KWH' p e r -month
Minimum 20 KWH or less - 75¢ per month
Schedule #2
Residence Lighting, Heating and Cooking Service
This schedule covers residence light, heating and cooking when
the connected load exclusive of lamp socket appliances is.3,000 Watts
or greater and at least 90 per cent of load is non - commercial use.
Single phase incidental power may be connected under this schedule.
30 per KWH for the first 80 KWH per month
2d " " " n next 120 TT " n
10 " " " all over 200 " " "
Minimum #2.40 per month.
Schedule #3
Optional Residence All Electric Service
This schedule is available upon application to customers and
single family residences using electrical service exclusively for
their lighting, cooking and water heating requirements when such ser-
vices can be supplied by a single meter. Off -peak water heating shall
be insulated storage tanks of 40 gallon minimum capacity and must comply
with the limitations of Schedule #4.
For the first 400 KWH or less - A5.00 per month
For the next 600 KWH - .7¢ per KWH per month
For all over 1000 KWH - ,10 " " " "
Minimum $5.00 per month.
Schedule #4
The monthly rate for Water Heating Service shall be in accord-
ance with the following schedule:
This service shall be off -peak, single phase at a nominal
potential of 120/240 volts and is available for a maximum of 18 hours
use per day.
The City will furnish, connect to the customer's wiring and
retain ownership of a suitable time - switch to regulate the hours of use.
This service shall be metered on a circuit which shall include
all the heaters for one or more storage tanks but exclude all other
Service under this schedule may be limited to 6,000 watts
capacity at the City's option. The following are the maximum allowable
capacities for tank heaters:
30 gallon tank or smaller, 75 watts per gallon.
40 gallon tank, 62.5 watts per gallon.
Over 40 gallon tank, 60.0 watts per gallon.
Heating elements shall be non - inductive and installations in
excess of 1250 watts shall consist of two elements, each to be pro-
tected by a thermostat, the base thermostat shall be set to maintain
water not hotter than 170 degrees and the top thermostat to maintain
water not hotter than 150 degrees Farenheit. One element shall be
placed to heat the whole tank and the other to heat the upper part of
the tank. The capacity of the upper element shall not exceed twice
that of the lower element.
To provide adequate and economical hot water service for the
customer, the tank and heater if external, shall be covered with suffi-
cient heat insulation as approved by the City.
Each installation shall be provided with a pressure - relief valve
that will properly protect the tank and piping from excessive pressure.
All installations served through a water meter shall also be provided
with a check -valve that will prevent the hot water from entering the
cold water line. This check -valve is recommended in all installations
so that the tank will not drain in case the water supply should fail.
Other methods of heating the water shall not be directly con-
nected to the insulated storage tank.
Rate:- .7¢ per KWH
Minimum charge of 4.00 per month.
Schedule #4A
Monthly rat for electrical energy used for churches shall be
as follows: -
3.5¢ per KWH for the first 50 KWH per month
2.5V „ " " " next 40 " " ►,
2. ¢ is n " n " 100 " n �r
.70 " " all over 190 T° "
Minimum 75¢ per month.
Schedule #5
The monthly rate for Commercial Lighting Service - Small
Demand, shall be in accordance with the following schedule:
This service is single -phase at a nominal potential of 120/240
volts and is available for lighting and incidental small power for com-
mercial customers having a calculated connected lighting load of less
than 12,000 watts. Connected load to be determined by load check or
by demand meter.
3.55 per KWH for the first 100 KWH per month
34 rr " rr " next 200 " tr tr
2.0 tt " tr " " 400 tr
1.5¢' n " " " " 700 rt n tt
tr n " all over 1400 " rr "
Minimum .800 for the first 20 KWH per month.
Schedule #6
The monthly rate for Commercial Lighting 12,000 watts or
greater shall be according to the following schedule. Connected load
is to be determined by load check or demand meter. Empty light socket
shall be figured at 100 watts. Single -phase motors of 5 hp and less
may be connected under this schedule.
3.50 per KWH for the first 100 KWH per month
3.0 " " " rr next 200 " "
ft " IT " 1500 rt "
1. " " " all over 1800 " " r'
Minimum $3.50 per month.
Schedule #7
The monthly rate for General Power Service shall be in ac-
cordance with the following schedule:
This service covers single -phase power at a nominal potential
120/240 volts for 5 HP and less, and three -phase power where available
at a nominal potential of 240/480 volts.
Less than 1 HP connected load to be taken under the lighting
schedule. Fractional HP loads less than one -half HP to be taken as
next lower whole number and one -half HP and above to be considered as
the next higher whole number. Connected lighting load of 10% or less
of the connected motor load allowed under this schedule when a separate
service and meter is not required. Heating load under Schedule 8 may
be combined with this schedule to arrive at total load when taken througt
the same service and meter.
'Connected First 250 Next 50 KWH per Next 80 KWH per
Load KWH connected HP Connected HP
1 -24 HP 30 2¢ 1.5¢
25 -99 HP 30 1.8¢ 1.4¢
100 -249 HP 30 1.7¢ 1.3¢
250 -750 HP 30 1.60 1.2¢
Minimum charge per month of 90¢ per HP for 15 HP or less
HP above 15 HP Discount 10%
and 9¢ per
Schedule #8
The monthly rate for General Commercial Heating shall be in
accordance with the following schedule:
This service is available for commercial heating and cooking
and covers singleEphase service at a nominal potential of 129 -240 volts,
and three -phase service where available at a nominal potential of
240/480 volts.
Less than 1 KW connected load to be taken under Lighting
Sechedule, Frantional loads of less than 500 watts taken as next
lower KW and 500 watts and above taken as next higher KW. Connected
lighting load of 10% or less of the connected heating load allowed
sander this schedule where a separate service and meter is not required.
Power under Schedule #7 may be combined with this schedule
to arrive at total load when taken through the same service and meter.
1 -24 KW
25 -99 KW
100 -249 KW
250 -750 KW
First 250 Next 50 KWH per Next 80 KWH per Excess
KWH connected KWH connected KWH KWH
30 2.0¢ 1.5¢ 1.0¢
30 1.8¢ 1.4¢ 1 :0¢
3¢ 1.70 1.3¢ 0.9¢
30 1.2¢ 0.8¢
Discount 10%
Schedule #9
Primary Industrial Power
This schedule applies to Industrial Power Service at primary
Distribution Voltage, upon execution of a standard contract for not
less than five years. Unregulated lighting at the Plant may be taken
at Primary Voltage under this schedule.
150,000 0 .009¢
100,000 0 .006¢
over 0 .005¢
Minimum - $1.50 per KWH per month of maximum demand, not less than 90¢
per HP connected.
The following power factor clause will apply to all Consumers
having a demand of 100 horsepower or more unless the operation of a
.smaller load causes unsatisfactory conditions on the City's System.
If the average power factor at which electric energy is de-
livered to the consumer during the billing period is 85 percent or more,
no adjustment will be made in the registered kilowatt demand. If such
average power factor is less than .85, then the registered kilowatt
demand shall be adjusted by multiplying by .85 and dividing the result
by the average power factor. This adjustment may be waived in whole
or in part to the extent that the Superintendent determines that a
power factor of less than .$5 would in any particular case be advan-
tageous to the City.
Unless specifically otherwise agreed, the City shall not be
obligated to deliver electric energy to the consumer at any time at
a power factor below .75.
The formula for determining average power factor is as
Kilowatt hours
average power factor
V (kilowatt hours) 2 f (reactive kilovo t
ampere hours)
Schedule #10
The rate for the City of Port Angeles St. Lighting shall be
2¢ per KWH. The Light Department to supply all lamps and other
material to maintain the system.
Other municipal building lighting and power shall be
charged at Schedule #3.
Schedule #11
Where no construction work is necessary, service will be
furnished under regular schedules, plus an estimated amount as the
cost of connection and disconnection.
Section 2. Schedule #12
The Superintendent may at his option, when deemed advisable
to the interests of the City, make such other special rates to indi-
vidual customers as he may see fit, but only with the approval of and
confirmation by the City Commission.
Apartments that are individually metered will each be con-
sidered as a residence. If one person pays for all of the individual
bills the monthly minimum will be waived and individual meter deposits
will not be required. Apartment buildings with matter meters will be
classed as "COMMERCIAL."
The lighting will be included with heat when determining the
connected load for apartment buildings using electric heating and
cooking under master meter which is classed as "COMMERCIAL HEATING."
Section 3. That Section 20 of Ordinance 890 of the City
of Port Angeles, approved November 30, 1929, be and the same is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Section 20. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to
regularly read the meters of the consumers of electric current and to
enter all said accounts and charges in his meter books. The meter books
each month shall thereupon be turned over to the City Treasurer for
entry in the proper ledgers of the City Treasurer and for collection.
All charges against consumers of electric current shall be due and
payable at the office of the City Treasurer, without notice to the
consumer, on the first day of each month for the month preceding.
Should an account not be paid before the 21st day of the month in which
.it becomes due, the City Treasurer shall notify the Superintendent who
shall immediately cut off electricity from the premises and it shall
not again be turned on until all arrears are paid together with a fee
of 1k1.00 for the turning on of the current.
It shall be unlawful for any person other than the Superin-
tendent or a duly authorized employee of the City to connect any house,
premises, wire, or other equipment with the City Electric System, until
the provisions of Ord. 1004 has been complied with.
All meters and other facilities furnished by the City shall
be and remain the City's property and the right to remove, replace
or repair the same is expressly reserved.
All meters read by the Superintendent shall be carried as
separate accounts and billed as separate accounts by the City, and
the readings of separate meters shall not be added together except
that under certain circumstances where the facts and conditions in
the opinion of the Superintendent justify adding together the readings
of meters on premises under the same ownership or control, a service
charge of 75¢ per month shall be added for each meter more than one
master meter.-
Section 4. That except as herein amended, Ordinance No.
S90 of the City of Port Angeles shall be and remain in all respects,
in full force and effect.
Section 5. That Ordinance No. 1075, and all other Ordinances
or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby
Section 6. This Ordinance is declared to be urgent and
necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health
and safety of the inhabitants and people of the City of Port Angeles,
and shall take effect and be in force immediately upon and from the
time and after its passage and approval by the City Commission and
lawful publication.
Passed first reading by City Commission this J7\day of July,
Passed second reading by City Commission this es- day of
duly, 1945.
fPPassed third reading and finally adopted by City Commission
this J$ "�� day of July, 1945.