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OPDIi ArCF NO. 1147
ORDIAANCE granting to LOU & 3ZAK, his successors and as-
suns, the richt, priveles^e and franchise to operate s bus line on the
streets of the City of Port hnreles, Courty of Claller?, Mate of eeshin'tc
?NGPLJ.S, as follows:
Ucction 1. That the City of Port Angeles, hereinIfter referred
to as the City, does hereby -rant to LOU KISZAK, his successors and as-
signs, designated as Grantee, the ri eht, nriveleae and franchise to
overate and maintain a general bus business within the City for the
transportation of passengers for hire on such routes over the streets,
alleys, avenues of said City ?s may be fauna convenient Rnd practical
for the inhabitants of said City. The slid Grantee shall file —ith the
City Commission, upon the adoption of tbis franchise, e map showing the
specif'_c routes and schedules over which said busses shall be ooereted,
and bet'ieer the hours of seven fifteen a.m. -:nd twelve a.m., drily, bus
service on said routes shall be not less then once eecn hour, except
on Sundays and holidevs, an the Grantee may operete seid bu se.s more
frequently, but shall provide such minimum service.
Section. 2. The said Grantee shall maintain a schedule on
not less than four separate ?n' distinct routes within the sail City of
Port Angeles, and may maintain end onerete a bus en such edditionel
routes as from time to time ar found to be convenient End Practice',
provided that not more then twelve separate tint; distinct routes shell
be maintained within se s Ci ty.
The lcadi my end unloe. i n:' of sei d busses
shah be done at such piece in the City as the said City Commission has
determined, or sno-.yi from to time by ordinance designate.
Section 3. After the filin of the map with the City Com-
mission showing the routes end schedules for each such route, no clInece
shall be made in euch schedules or routes without Ellin. ; an amended
schedule and man with the srid City Commission end obteinin, the en-
?novel of the Commission for sny su.rseluen.t changes therein.
Section 4. The said Urentee shall file with the City Com-
ision, en insurance policy Providing for public liability insurance
Of ''50,000.00, end Property damage insurance of .'25,000.00, and. the
Same shall at all times be Kent in full force and effect Burin^ the
continuance of this franchise, and upon the feilure of the Grantee to
maintain such insurance in full force and effect, the said City may
tancel this frerebise.
Section 5. The said'Grantee may operate such other and
ppecial services as the said City Commission may from time to time
authorize, any such operations shall be Permitted upon the filing
Within two weeks prior to the date thereof, an application with the
City reiuesting authorization for such services and nrovidime the
Said CiLy with a map or mars indicating the special service, the dates
the same is to be provided, and a schedule showing the operation of
said special bus services.
5ect4on_f. In consideration of the rights And Driveleges
hereby granted, the Grantee agrees to pay annually to the City, from and
after the effective date of this ordinance, to -wit, the date an)roved
Oy the election herein referred to and during; the Period that this
franchise is in effect, two per cent (2%) of the gross income, Der
annem, received from the operation of busses within the limits of the
City. Payment of said two per cent (2"') shall be made on or before
the 15th day of January of each and everle year for the calendar year
preceding, en' the rirst pevmpnt on the 15th 6av of January, 1947,
shall include the year of 1946 and that portion of 19/5 bet'°een the
date of the aenroval of this ordinance and the 31st day o{ Deceirher, 1145.
Section 7. The rights, priveleg.es and franchise hereby
rranted shall not be exclusive, and shell be in force for F] period
of twenty -one years from and after the date this ordinance becomes
effective, and the same shall become effective after it has been aD-
' roved by vote of the electors at the next general election.
Passed first readinP this 3rd 'lay of October, 1945.
Passed second reading this 3rd day of October, 19L5.
Passed thrd reading and finally passed and approved this
10th 7day of October,
1Q45.y -,
Approvedand signed by the Mayor this
loth day of October,
M /�� Y R.
k MI