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ORD M.,-.1:013 :Zo. 1151
KIT O2")IP':'1'CD setting; forth an emergency affecting the public health •:nd
.:.fety; rc21irin;; expenditures unforeseen; frovi:iing for the is2uance of
_crS- rcy . srr ants; nd declarir.^ an emergency ring the ordinance ir7ediately
T1?7 CITY CtJ.'.:. 3IC1: Cr T1t CITY OF ItaT OD-1J rCLLC73:
Section 1. On account of unexpected unforseen and addition..1 cost of
operation, The Fire Department, CiviliLn Defense Department and the Sanitary
']epurtrzent, T:Y;ich were not and could not hive been anticipated at the ti -3 of
preparing thl budget for the ",tote -.i3 Fund :.n3 the Sanitary Fund. The amounts
required are not sufficient and the amounts rc:uired in excess of the funds
available are as follows:
State ..id Fund ' 3,COC.00
Sanitary Fund 55 000.00
Section 2. That the; expenditur_ti ride in excess of the erount of the bud> t3
e ^e for the protection and safety of the inhabitants of the city;
Section 3. That by reF.:_aon of the facts stated, an emergency is h.areby
declared to exist .rich ..i1.1 rewire the issuance of e'er ^ency ,.:;.rraat:. to 1 rovile
for the said expenditures in accounts re,luired, the .payment of such ''arrant,; to b
considered in the preparation and adoytion of budgetE for the re.e,pect , ,rt-
Section 4. Th -t t<Ie. ror -.nd City Clerk are t.ereby authorized t
inn r n. lol iver s:nyr t;ncy -?'runts upon the 3t at". -id T'ui ' Sunit.i.ry "'i L for
to r iluired expenditures not t0 the sums rcntionvd in lection 1, `'e, -eof;
Ccctior- 5. Tr ~.t 'nee-use of '. f•:cts, thr: adoption of t::i.:
urgent .Tie -ecessc.^y for the public C'r, he•,lth and safety 04' the
of `hcs City, -hick ;r- sr^eacy is -.ecl -red to exist, nd this or.inanes J1,21 t_'...
L:f" ect zcd to in force from and after is ng; sa ^c, rov -..1 rd
first r2 ::1in, by the Cit Co >..^Iiasion ^ece--bar 19, 1245.
F_s,.;ed second r.cu'i :,; ' th,' City Co .: ission *ccc_,b_r 19, 1Y5.
F.�T °,pd t ird r siin <ni fi_t,ily rya_ d nc ,:3oi,tcd '7 *^ City Cry-Mi !ca
Dtcember 26, 1%5.
^J c r !=,ml f:izned by tx 1 ' ror, January ", 1446.
it:- C1er,
2Cz m. ;"
4: k th
+tor:. 15
l'u. bl;sf�ed xrdl h. &; /9y6.