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O'2DII :.27CE '�C. 1152
C '1.—CI 'CE relting to licsnsinr the business of diatributixe are!. exhibiting
for use :end play certain machino amusement Devices end :.utometic 71asic P.1 ..yin.
7achines and remanding Section 6 of Ordinance P'o. 1126, brine entitled, ".n
0rr'int.nce relating to, regulating and licensing the business of distributing and
exhibiting for use and ;,lay certain machine :.r se*nont Devices and -uto: atio
Eying (::chines; fixing license fees and prescribing penalties; and repealing
Ordinance Number 1047 and 1072.
Tip' CITY CCi, :.fssIOT OF TEE CITY OF rail G L 3 ICES C'i'J:.L^r AS FOLLC"S:
That Section 6 of Ordinance Number 1126 be amended to read as follows:
Section 6. ISSU.i E OF LIC2NSS3: The City Clerk shall issue Location
Licenses with the approval of the City Commission upon proper application made
therefore and upon the payment to the City of the fees required by this
Ordinance. The City Clerk shall issue Distributors Licenses as provided for
in this ordinance upon the payment of the required fees therefore. Application
for Distributors License shall be filed with the City Commission on forms
furnished by the City Clerk and shall be accompanied by a receipt of the City
Treasurer; showing payment of the fees, which, however, shall be refunded to the
applicant upon withdrawal of his application before the same is acted upon by
the City Commission, or upon rejection or refusal of the City Commiesion to grant
the License applied for. The application shall set forth the nape, buedeess
address and residence by street number of the applicant. If the City Commission
is satisfied the statements contained in the application are true, n:i ±}.'n +, the
applicant i3 a good moral character gel that the license is not desired for the
purpose of conducting tiny gLarblin,, or other dishonest, irnl r,wf'aJ. or
or pr .dice, it ray direct the is >uk.?3:,. s of the Distributors T ice ,ss . ,;t :1iL.1 `:'or;
othery'iae it sha11 reject and deny the ...k-tliction. In ad::ition to othor
penalties arovided by lay: the City Cce fission reserves the right to revo''.e or
to suspsnd for u. definite j,eriod, . y Distri'.rutora 'ic r.se is'uel 'Lrder
t?'o?ri.-'.ions of this :;rdlnane , t ,.ny }: , i1 +.:I1 t}7; !" ..r.. 1.roc :_ _
or i'alee re:,,rer:•,er.tation of fct, ar for th„ viol :.ti n of, or t.i1?.r':; *.c
it ..ny o° the 1 rov1 ;ionv of tbi, • ordi'!.,ne^ , by the person ..ol ,
't ' eaet three (3) i. b -for.. rLvol71D7 n
eau: to La 'r41e d or .dclivar` d to +t•,..7 h ll.er of thy' Iicenoi' ! t hl:: '_ ..et A=.Q'-':_
sacTese (s... n },.o,.n by +hr records to th . rffice of th City
:1.tatirt, the time and glace of he -rinz noncerninc th
7h:.:11 be entitled to be herd zld introduce
3eetion 2. This ardim.rce is : Tcessary for th'
revocation, thf:
testiron of ;t a6„c:
t r<!;; r: _t ion of
the public 1-,rne, hcvlth %.nd s fety, nd sh411 tr.ke cf't'ect from and ,ft!..r its
find passLce, :.-pprovrl 5-nd 1� 'fu1 publicL.tior..
%.sled 1st re din_ by the City Comr:isaion December 19, 1945.
PLasa•d 2n1 re2:;in^ by the "ity Cors:.isw ion Dece '± •r
r....:.gel 3rd vni fir .l rea.dir_� 'nd doted by the: Lit r Co.. •,pion December
"E, 1945.
. -per ;roved 3i:ned by the "mayor this 'end 3r y of 3 ,.ruL.ry 1946.
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amity Cleric
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R171 hed jaw 8e /iya.