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AN ORDINANCE Relating to traffic and regulating the use
of public streets and highways of the City of Port Angeles; pro-
viding for the installation, regulation and control of the use of
parking meters; requiring the deposit of coins for the use of
parking meters and parking meter zones; defining parking meter
zones; providing for the disposition of revenues derived from
parking meters; providing for the enforcement thereof; defining
offenses and providing penalties; and declaring an emergency.
Section 1. For the purpose of this ordinance
(a) The word "vehicle" shall mean every device capable
of being moved upon a public highway and in, upon or by which any
ILperson or property is, or may be, transported or drawn upon a nub-
lic highway, excepting devices moved by human or animal power or
Bused exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks;
(b) The word "person" shall mean every natural per-
son, firm, co- partnership, corporation, association or organization;
(d) The word "operator" shall mean every person who is
in actual physical control of a vehicle, as herein defined, upon a
public street or highway of.the City. of Port Angeles.
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Section 2. That the following described portion of the
following named streets in the City of Port Angeles are hereby es-
tablished as parking meter zones: Both sides of First Street from
Oak Street to Lincoln Street; both sides of Front Street from Oak
Street to Lincoln Street, and an additional eighty (80) feet of the
south side of Front Street, east of the intersection of Front and
Lincoln Street; both sides of Lincoln Street from Railroad Avenue
south to the intersection of the alley, between Second and Third
Street; both sides of Laurel Street from Railroad Avenue to the in-
tersection of First Street; bath sides of Oak Street from Front Street
to First Street.
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Section Type of Parking Meters, Installation and Control
The Chief of Police is hereby authorized and directed to install
or place parking meters in the Parking Meter Zones hereby created,
and in such other Parking Meter Zones as may be hereafter created
by ordinance of the City of Port Angeles. Such parking meters
shall be installed and placed only upon those streets, or portions
thereof, in said Parking Meter Zones, where parking is by ordinance
permitted, although restricted as to time. Such parking meters
shall be placed upon the curb alongside of, or next to, individual
parking places to be designated as hereinafter provided. Each
parking meter shall be placed or set in such manner as to show or
display by a signal that the parking meter space adjacent to such
meter is, or is not, legally in use. Each parking meter shall be
installed and so adjusted and set to display a signal showing legal
parking during a period of fifteen (15) minutes upon and after the
!deposit therein of a one -cent coin of the United States, and showing
legal parking during a period of sixty (60) minutes upon and after
the deposit therein of a five -cent coin of the United States. Each
said meter shall also be so set, adjusted and arranged, that upon
the expiration of said legal parking time it will indicate by a
,mechanical operation that the lawful parking period has expired.
Section 4. Parking meter spaces, Establishment and Use.
The Chief of Police shall place lines or marks on the curb or on the
street about or alongside of each parking meter to designate the
parking space for which said meter is to be used, and each vehicle
parked alongside of any parking meter shall park within the lines or
markings so established. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle
across any such line or mark or to park said vehicle in such way that
the same shall not be within the area so designated by such lines or
The hood of any vehicle parked in a parallel parking space
hall be alongside of or next to the parking meter, and the radiator
f any vehicle parked in any diagonal parking space shall be directed
t the parking meter. -2-
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Section 5. Use of Parking Meters. Between the hours of
9:00 o'clock a.m., and 6:00 o'clock p.m., on all days except Sundays,
New Year's Day, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Fourth of July,
'Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day, when any vehicle
shall be parked in any space alongside of or next -to which a park-
ing meter is located, in accordance with the provisions of this ordi-
nance, said vehicle shall, upon entering said space, immediately de-
posit in said meter a five -cent coin of the United States for the
maximum legal parking time of sixty minutes,or a one -cent coin of the
United States for a legal parking time of fifteen minutes, and put
the meter in operation.
If said vehicle shall remain parked in said parking space
beyond the legal parking time which shall be designated by a sign or
signal of said parking meter showing illegal parking, such vehicle
shall be considered as parked overtime, and the parking of a vehicle
overtime, or failure to put said meter in operation, shall be a vio-
lation of this ordinance and be punished as hereinafter set forth.
Section 6. Unlawful use of Parkin& Meter Zones.
(a) It shall be unlawful and a violation of the provisiond
of this ordinance for any person to deposit or cause to be deposited
a` parking meter-a coin'for'the purpose of increasing or extending
('the parking time of any vehicle beyond the legal maximum parking time
(which has been established for the parking space adjacent to which
said parking meter is placed.
(b) It shall be unlawful and a violation of the provisions
Of this ordinance for any person to permit a vehicle to remain or be
laced in any parking space adjacent to any parking meter while said
arking meter is displaying a signal indicating violation.
Section�7Prosecutions. It shall be the duty of the Chief
f Police to keep account of all violations of this ordinance, and to
(a) The number of each parking meter which indicates that
the vehicle occupying the parking space adjacent to such parking mete
is or has been parked in violation of any of the provisions of this
(b) The state - license number of such vehicle.
(c) Any other facts, a knowledge of which is necessary
to a thorough understanding of the circumstances attending such viola-
(d) To attach to such vehicle a notice that it has been
parked in violation of this ordinance and instruct the owner or
operator to report at the Police Station of the City of Port Angeles
in regard to such violation within twenty -four hours.
Section 8. Illegal use of, or Damage to, Parking Meters.
(a) It shall be unlawful to deposit or cause to be depo-
sited in any parking meter any slug, device or metallic substitute
for a coin of the United States.
.(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to deface, in-
jure, tamper with, open or wilfully break, destroy or impair the use -
fulness of any parking meter installed under the terms of this code.
ISection 9. Notice of the violation of the provisions of
this ordinance may be given in writing on a form provided by the
olice Department for violations of this ordinance, same to be placed
in a conspicuous place on the vehicle parked in violation of this
ordinance and requiring the operator thereof to appear within twenty
four hours at. the Police Station for booking and subsequent trial on
the charge placed against him.
Section 10. Revenue from Parking Meters. The coins required
o be deposited in parking meters as provided herein are hereby levied
end assessed as fees to provide for the proper regulation and control
•f traffic upon the public streets and to cover the cost of the
supervision, inspection, installation, operation, maintenance, con-
trol and use of the parking space and parking meter described herein,
and also the cost of supervision and regulating the parking of
(vehicles in the parking meter zones created hereby and to be here-
after created.
The City Treasurer, or his duly authorized agents, shall col-
lect, from time to time, all revenues from all parking meters in-
stalled pursuant to this ordinance, and place the same in a special
fund which is hereby designated as the "Parking Meter Fund ", from
which the money shall be expended as provided by Ordinance orTreso-
lution, and as required by law. The person collecting said revenue
from said meters shall first enter into a bond to the City of Port
Angeles, with good and sufficient surety, in the amount of $poo.00,
to guarantee the faithful performance of his duties and a faithful
accounting for all monies so received or collected by him.
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Section 11. Re_istered Owner Res.onsible for Ille:al Parkin:,
Every person in whose name a vehicle is registered (licensed) shall
be responsible for any parting or angle parking of said vehicle in
violation of this code. It shall be no defense to such charge that
said vehicle was illegally parked or angle parked by another, unless
it be shown that at such ti.e said vehicle was being used without the
consent of the registered (licensed) owner thereof.
• 14
Section 12. If any section, part of section, sentence, clause
or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be unconstitutional or
invalid, the remaining provisions hereof shall nevertheless remain
in full force and effect. %"e 0} ,/89"5,
Section 13. Any person, firm or / corporation who shal91 violate,
or permit or allow anyone to violate, Section 5 or Section 6, of this
Ordinance, shall, upon conviction, be fined not more than One Dollar
('1.00) for each such offense, and costs.
Section 14, Penalties. Except as otherwise provided in
this ordinance, any person who shall violate or fail to comply with
any of the provisions of this ordinance, or who shall counsel, aid
or abet any such violation or failure to comply, shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be
Punished by a fine in any sum not exceeding One hundred ('100.00)
Dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a term not exceed-
ing thirty (30) days, or both such fine and imprisonment.
Pection 15. This entire ordinance shall be deemed andcon-
strued to be an exercise of the police pcm!er of the City of :tort An-
geles in the State of Washington for the preservation and protection
of public safety, and all of its provisions shall be liberally con-
strued with a view to the effectuation of such Purpose.
Section 16. This ordinance is one to provide for the imme-
diate preservation of public peace, health and safety of the people
of the City of Port Angel es; an emergency is declared to exist, and
said ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the
date of its passage, approval and publication as provided for by
Passed first reading by the City Commission August 14,1946.
Passed second reading by the City Commission August 21,1946.
Passed third reading and finally passed and adopted by t'e
City Commission Au -ust 21, 1946.
Approved and signed by the Mayor, August 21, 1946.
1-z- , _ CITY ClaRX
Date of 21cmkti publication it , it4 0%,