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Aid 0 DL.�fC;,t adopting and approving the City budget of snd
-: or the City of :'ort Areles for the fiscal year, 1947•, rand de--
clarinf an emergency,
i S JOLLO b:
erection 1. That the City budc,et of fnd for the City of 'ort Ln-
reles ror the fiscal year 1947, as prepared by the City Cleru of
city, and, as anended ane. determined by said City Co' i r .on,
meeting and haYin« full hearinr, thereon upon the 7th Aa.T of Pc +.peer,
1946, according to legal and regular notice of such meetir.g and heE -
ing, an in accords -nce wit'. la: , rune' each a-hd every itea t''ereof es
so finally amended, fixed and determined by said City Coini:,sion, he
F•nd the same is hereby adopted, apo7^oved and confirmed.
Section 2. That annro -)ria.tion be and is hereby jade fn( al1o•ee .
for each of the classes named and set forth in oection 4 of Chc. -)ter
150 of the 1923 Session La-s of the state of '..ashington in nccowc'ance
ith an set forth in said hudzet as so finally fixee and determined
as fo11o=.{s:
Salarie +s and arses 397,752.80
iaintenance and Operation J97,929.69
Capital Outlay 251,124.49
Interest and Debt 'Redemption +47,450.00
Total 1.094,252.98
Section 3, There is urgent necessity end emergency for the
nassar e end adoption and ta'fin7 effect of this ordinance for t_.e
irs ediate preservation of the rublic peace, health And safety, -hich
urg,ncy 'r! al.ergency is nov, hereby stated and declared. Th ^refors,
tris ordinance sbsl1 take effect and be in full force and. ef'ect frorl
and a, ter and immediately u'on its n: ;ssage, a-voravel and la'7T'ul rub-
' lication.
Passed first reading by the City Comieission October 9,
1946. Passed secod readinn by the City Cormiission October 9, 1 {946.
Dossed third readinf'; and adopted by the City Comr" scion October 16 ,
AD?Jroved and signed by the T.1?yor this 16th <cy of October,
/ ,
-Arr.-City Clerk
d as to .form:
ty Attorney
?ublished �i ) 7 • 1946•