HomeMy WebLinkAbout1219ORDINANCE NO. I2 % I
AN ORDINANCE providing for the improvement of South Pine
Street in the City of Port Angeles by the construction and laying
therein of a sanitary trunk sewer from the present terminus of the
trunk sewer thereon at the intersection of said street with the alley
between Twelfth and Thirteenth Streets in said City to a point ap-
proximately 20 feet Forth of the Southerly margin of Sixteenth Street,
and the improvement of Sixteenth Street in front of Block Four Hund-
red Forty -six (446) and the alleys running through Blocks 'Three Hund-
red Ninety (390), Three Hundred Ninety -one (391), Three Hundred
Ninety -two (392), Four Hundred Seventeen (417), Four Hundred Eighteen
(418), Four Hundred Nineteen (419), Four Hundred Twenty -four (424)
and Four Hundred Twenty -five (425) in said City by the construction
and laying therein of certain lateral sanitary sewers connecting with
said trunk sewer, creating Local Improvement District No. /52
and providing for the payment of the cost of such improvements by
special assessment upon the property benefited, and providing for the
issue of bonds for the payment of such cost, all in accord with Im-
provement Resolution No. /5,S of the City of Port Angeles and in
conformity with maps, plans and specifications prepared by the City
Engineer and approved by the City Commission.
as follows.
Section 1. That the public health, interest and convenience
of the City of Port Angeles requires, and it is hereby ordered, that
South Pine Street in the City of Port Angeles be improved by con-
structing and laying therein a sanitary trunk sewer from the present
terminus of the sanitary trunk sewer thereon at the intersection of
said street with the alley between Twelfth and Thirteenth Streets in
said City to a point approximately 20 feet North of the Southerly
margin of Sixteenth Street, which trunk sewer is to connect to the
existing trunk sewer at the present Southerly terminus thereof, and
the improvement of Sixteenth Street by the construction and laying
therein of a lateral sanitary sewer from a point at the Southern
terminus of said trunk sewer approximately 20 feet North of the
Southerly boundary of Sixteenth Street and running thence Westerly
along Sixteenth Street to a point North of Lot Ten (10) in Block Four
Hundred Forty -six (446) and connecting to said trunk sewer and
sufficient to properly drain and sewer said Block Four Hundred
Forty -six (446), and the improvement of the alley running through
Blocks Four Hundred Twenty -four (424) and Four Hundred Twenty -five
(425) by the laying and constructing therein of sanitary lateral
sewers from a point in said trunk sewer where the same intersects
the said alley and running Westerly therefrom through said alley
through Block Four Hundred Twenty -five (425) to a point on the
West boundary line of Lots Ten (10) and Eleven (11) in Block Four
Hundred Twenty -five (425) and Easterly from said point of beginning
through the alley running through Block Four Hundred Twenty -four
(424) to a point in said alley North of Lot Fifteen (15) in said
Block Four Hundred Twenty -four (424), connecting with said trunk
sewer and sufficient to properly drain and sewer Block Four Hund-
red Twenty -five (425) and Lots Seven (7), Eight (8), Nine (9), Ten
(10), Eleven (11), Twelve (12), Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14) and
Fifteen (15) of said Block Four Hundred Twenty -four (424), and the
improvement of the alley running through Blocks Four Hundred Seven-
teen (417), Four Hundred Eighteen (418) and Four Hundred Nineteen
(419), by the laying and constructing therein of a sanitary lateral
sewer commencing at a point in said trunk sewer where the same in-
tersects said alley and running Westerly from said point through the
alley running through Block Four Hundred Eighteen (418) and Block
Four Hundred Seventeen (417) to a point in said alley South of Lot
Three (3) in Block Four Hundred Seventeen (417) and Easterly from
said point of beginning through the alley through Block Four Hund-
red Nineteen (419) to a point in said alley North of Lot Thirteen
(13) in Block Four Hundred Nineteen (419), connecting to said trunk
sewer and sufficient to properly drain and sewer Lots One (1), Two
(2), Three (3), Nineteen (19) and Twenty (20) in Block Four Hundred
Seventeen (417), all of Block Four Hundred Eighteen (418) and Lots
Nine (9), Ten (10), Eleven (11), Twelve (12) and Thirteen (13) in
Block Four Hundred Nineteen (419), and the improvement of the alley
running through Blocks Three Hundred Ninety (390), Three Hundred
Ninety -one (391) and Three Hundred Ninety -two (392) by the laying
and constructing therein of a sanitary lateral sewer from a point
in said trunk sewer where the same intersects said alley and running
thence Westerly through the alley running through Blocks Three Hund-
red Ninety -one (391) and Three Hundred Ninety -two (392) to a point in
said alley South of Lot Seven (7) in Block Three Hundred Ninety -two
(392) and running Easterly from said point of beginning to a point
in said alley South of Lot Nine (9) in Block Three Hundred Ninety
(390), connecting to said trunk sewer and sufficient to properly
sewer and drain Lots Nine (9), Ten (10) and Eleven (11) in Block
Three Hundred Ninety (390), all of Block Three Hundred Ninety -one
(391) and Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Four (4), Five (5), Six
(6), Seven (7), Fifteen (15), Sixteen (16), Seventeen (17), Eighteen
(18), Nineteen (19) and Twenty (20) in Block Three Hundred Ninety -
two (392); all of said lots and blocks being in the Townsite of Port
Angeles, Clallam County, Washington, which trunk and lateral sewers
shall include all necessary manholes, flush tanks, catch basins,
wyes and other appurtenances necessary to complete the same, includ-
ing all labor and material, and all in accord with Improvement
Resolution No. /62 of the City of Port Angeles, and in accord
with maps, plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer
which maps, plans and specifications are hereby approved and adopted
by the City Commission.
Section 2. That the cost and expense of said improvement shall
be borne by and assessed against the property situated and included
within the boundaries of the district hereinafter created and des-
cribed, and the City of Port Angeles shall not be liable in any manner
for any part of the cost and expense of said improvement, except in
so far as said City is made liable by virtue of the statutes of the
State of Washington in such cases made and provided, particularly
the statute providing for a local improvement guarantee fund.
Section 3. That there is hereby created a local improvement
district to be called Local Improvement District No. /5 Z , which
includes all the territory which can be sewered or drained by said
trunk and lateral sewers, which territory is described and fixed as
follows, to wit: Lots Nine (9), Ten (10), and Eleven (11) in Block
Three Hundred Ninety (390); Lots One (1) to Twenty (20), inclusive,
in Block Three Hundred Ninety -one (391); Lots One (1), Two (2), Three
(3), Four (4), Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7), Fifteen (15), Sixteen
(16), Seventeen (17), Eighteen (18), Nineteen (19) and Twenty (20)
in Block Three Hundred Ninety -two (392); Lots One (1), Two (2),
Three (3), Nineteen (19) and Twenty (20) in Block Four Hundred Seven-
teen (417); Lots One (1) to Twenty (20), inclusive, in Block Four
Hundred Eighteen (418); Lots Nine (9), Ten (10), Eleven (11), Twelve
(12) and Thirteen (13) in Block Four Hundred Nineteen (419); Lots
Seven (7), Eight (8), Nine (9), Ten (10), Eleven (11), Twelve (12),
Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14) and Fifteen (15) in Block Four Hundred
Twenty -four (424); Lots One (1) to Twenty (20), "inclusive, in Block
Four Hundred Twenty -five (425); Lots One (1) to Ten (10), inclusive,
in Block Four Hundred Forty -six (446); all in the United States
Government Towrnsite of Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington.
That the Northerly and Southerly boundaries of
said district shall coincide with the Northerly and Southerly
boundaries of the most Northerly and Southerly lots and blocks above
described, and the Easterly and Westerly boundaries of said district
shall coincide with the Easterly and Westerly boundaries of the most
Easterly and westerly lots and blocks above described, and that the
above described property constitutes as near as may be all of the
territory which can be sewered and drained through such trunk and
lateral sewers.
Section 4. That the property between the termini of said
improvement and within the boundaries of said district shall be
especially assessed for the cost and expense of such improvement
in the manner provided by law. That the nature of the improvement
herein contemplated is such that the special benefits conferred on
the property are not fairly reflected by the use of the termini and
zone method of assessing the cost of special benefits as provided
in Section 13 of Chapter 98 of the Paws of 1911 as amended by Chapter
155 of the Laws of 1947 (Remingtonts devised Statutes, Section 9365,
1947 Supplement). Each lot, tract or parcel of land within said im-
provement district shall be assessed an equal portion of the cost and
expense of such improvement, the amount of which assessment shall be
ascertained by dividing the total amount of the estimated cost and
expense of such improvement by the total number of separate lots,
tracts or parcels of land included within such improvement district.
Section 5. Bonds bearing interest at the rate of not to exceed
five per cent (5M0) per annum, payable on or before twelve (12) years from
the date of their issue shall be issued in payment of the cost and ex-
pense of said improvement, which bonds may be redeemed by the collection
of special assessments to be levied and assessed against the property
within said district, payable in ten (10) equal installments under
the mode of "payment by bonds" as provided by law. Such bonds may
be delivered to the contractors constructing such improvement in re-
demption of warrants on the special fund of such local improvement
district hereby created on estimates of the City Engineer, or the
City may at its election sell such bonds and make such redemption in
cash or cash warrants.
Section 6. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect
' five (5) days after its passage, approval and lawful publication.
Passed first reading by the City Commission r},P...c � 2 6
Passed second reading by the City Commission } 2 R.
/ 7y9
• Passed third and. final reading and finally passed by the City
Commission �4 � /7 .
Approved and signed by the Mayor
-y �_ � _ ^ f
ATifF:ST :
City Clerk
y7 I9s-a.
ity Attorney
/ � City ngin
Published: ,id -rt. u d ,r,y 6f 19 50