HomeMy WebLinkAbout1222ORDINANCE NO. /2.,
AN ORDINANCE vacating a certain alley and portions of cer-
tain streets and alleys in Blocks One (1) and Four (4) of Cain's
!Subdivision of Suburban Lot Twenty -one (21) of the United States
Government Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallam County, :Jashington.
WHEREAS, a petition has been filed with the City Commission
of the City of Port Angeles showing that a certain alley and cer-
tain portions of certain streets and alleys in Blocks One (1) and
Four (4) of Cain's Subdivision of Suburban Lot Twenty -one (21) of
the United States Government Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallam
.County, Washington lie wholly within and abut entirely upon prop-
erty either owned by the City of Port Angeles or used and occupied •
by said City for public park purposes, and that said streets and
alleys are not now opened to public travel or improved and will not
iin the foreseeable future be so improved and opened to public
`travel, and that it is in the public interest that such streets and
alleys be vacated and devoted to public park and playfield purposes,
and that there is no privately owned property abutting upon such
streets and alleys so sought to be vacated; and
WHEREAS, a resolution fixing time for a hearing on said
petition has been passed by the City Commission and notice of such
hearing has been given in the manner provided by law, and said hear-
ing has been held, and no objections or protests to such vacation
have been filed or received; now, therefore,
Section 1. That the following alley and portions of streets
and alleys in the City of Port Angeles be, and are hereby, vacated,
to wit:
That certain alley running in a -Northerly and
Southerly direction through the Southwest
6tuarter (Sq) of Block One (1) of Cain's, Sub-
division of Suburban Lot Twenty -one (21) of
the United States Government Townsite of Port
Angeles, Clallam County, idashinston, commenc-
ing at the South line of the alley running in
an Easterly and viesterly direction through the
middle of said Block One (1), and proceeding
thence in a Southerly direction to the North
line of East 'Third Street in said City of Port
Angeles, and abutted on the East by Lot Eighteen
(18) and on the est by Lots Fourteen (14), Fif-
teen (15), Sixteen (16) and Seventeen (17) in
said Block One (1); and that certain alley
running in a Northerly and Southerly direction
through the Southeast 'uarter (SE4) of said
Block One (1), commencing at the South line of
the alley running through the middle of said
Block One (1) in an Easterly and ,Aesterly di-
rection, and proceeding thence Southerly to the
North line of East Third Street in said City of
Port Angeles, and abutted on the .test by Lot
Twenty -two (22) and on the East by Lots Twent -
three (23), Twenty -four (24), Twenty -five (25)
and Twenty -six (26) in said Block One (1); and
that portion of East Third Street in the City
of Port Angeles lying between Blocks One (1)
and Four (4) of Cain's Subdivision of Suburban
Lot Twenty -one (21) of the United States Gov-
ernment Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallam County,
Washington, commencing at the East line of that
certain alley running in a Northerly and South-
erly direction through the West Half (a5f•2) of
Blocks One (1) and Four (4) of Cain's Subdivision
of Suburban Lot Twenty -one (21) of the United
States Government Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallam
County, Washington, and running thence in an
Easterly direction to the lest line of Race Street
in said City, and abutted on the North by Lots
Eighteen (18) , Nineteen (19) , 'T'wenty (20) , Twenty -
one (21), Twenty -two (22) and Twenty -three (23)
of said Block One (1) and on the'South by Lots
One (1), Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7), Eight (8)
and Nine (9) of said Block Four (4); and that
certain alley running in a Northerly and South-
erly direction through the East Half (E-!,-) of
Block Four (4) of Cain's Sub division of Sub-
urban Lot Twenty -one (21) of the United States
Government Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallam
County, Washington,, commencing at the South line
of East Third Street in said City, and running
thence in a Southerly direction to the North
line of East Fourth Street in said City, and
abutted on the East by Lots One (1), Two (2),
Three (3), Four (4), Twenty-three (23), Twenty -
four (24), Twenty -five (25) and Twenty-six (26)
and on the .,est by Lots Five (5) and Twenty -two
(22) in said Block Four (4); and a portion of
that certain alley running through the middle of
said Block Four (4) in an Easterly and +esterly
direction, particularly described as follows:
commencing on the "est line of hate Street in
the City of Port Angeles and running thence in
a "�esterly direction to a point on the Last line
of that certain alley running in a Northerly and
Southerly direction through the "est Ralf (:)
of said Block Four (4), and abutted on the North
by Lots Four (4), rive (5), Six (6), .even (7),
Light (8) and mine (9), and on the Jouth by Lots
Eighteen (18), Nineteen (19), Twenty (20), Twenty -
one (21) , Twenty-two (22) and Twenty -six (26) of
said Block Four (4).
Section 2. That the City of Port Angeles specifically re-
serves the right to enter upon the streets and alleys herein va-
'cated for the purpose of constructing, erecting or laying sewers,
water mains, utility poles or any and all other public utilities
which it may determine necessary or proper to lay, construct, erect
or place in, over or upon said alley and portions of streets and
alleys so vacated, together with the right of ingress and egress
for such purpose and for the purpose of maintaining, servicing or
reconstructing any such utilities, together with any easements that
may be necessary, proper or convenient for the purposes expressed
in this section.
Section 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect
thirty (30) days from and after its final passage, approval and
publication as provided by law.
Passed first reading by the City Commission February 4
Passed second reading by the City Commission February 6 ,
Passed third reading and finally passed and adopted February
%47 , 1950. �
Approved and signed by the Mayor February // —, 1950.
a- 4r
City Clerk
City Attorney
City Engineer
?ELIA sly ed . 17 its,